version: "3.5" # IMPORTANT - YOU MUST CHECK the following parameters: MONGO_IP and HPC_IP (2 occurrences for the latter) # It is also highly recommended to set your own MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME and MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD! Do this BEFORE first startup otherwise credentials will not by in sync between webapp and db containers! # You may use the following (Linux) command to start metaXplor by dynamically setting the docker0 IP address: # export docker0=$(ip a list docker0 | grep "inet " | sed 's/^ *//g' | awk -F'[ |/]' '{print $2}') && docker-compose up -d && sleep 2 && xdg-open http://$docker0:8090/metaXplor &> /dev/null services: metaxplor-webapp: depends_on: - metaxplor-db # Disable this if you don't use the metaxplor-db container image: guilhemsempere/metaxplor-webapp:1.1-RELEASE environment: MONGO_IP: ${docker0} # If using a real MongoDB server or a container deployed elsewhere, set its IP. Otherwise (i.e., if metaxplor-db container is enabled in this file) either (i) set to ${docker0} if an such env var contains the docker0 network IP, or (ii) manually set your host machine IP MONGO_PORT: 27027 # Must match metaxplor-db container external port. If using a real MongoDB server or a container deployed elsewhere, set its port instead. HPC_IP: ${docker0} # If using a real HPC or a container deployed elsewhere, set its IP. Otherwise (i.e., if metaxplor-hpc container is enabled in this file) either (i) set to ${docker0} if an such env var contains the docker0 network IP, or (ii) manually set your host machine IP HPC_PORT: 8091 # Must match metaxplor-hpc container external port. If using a real HPC or a container deployed elsewhere, set its port instead. NCBI_API_KEY: # Optional but recommended: set here an E-utilities key for more efficient webservice-based grabbing of accession / taxonomy info (see ADMINISTRATOR_EMAIL: # Optional but recommended: set here the e-mail address of your metaXplor instance's administrator (to allow requesting account and database creation for example) MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME: yourMongoRootUser # You may amend this as long as it remains consistent with the one in metaxplor-db MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: yourMongoRootPassword # You may amend this as long as it remains consistent with the one in metaxplor-db # You may configure up to 5 external online output tools. The property value must consist in semi-colon-separated values. The first one is the label to display for this tool, # the second one is the tool URL (in which any * character will be replaced at run time with the export file URL). You may use the Galaxy configuration below as an example. #ONLINE_OUTPUT_TOOL_1: My Galaxy server name;http(s):////tool_runner?tool_id=&URL=* #ONLINE_OUTPUT_TOOL_2: #ONLINE_OUTPUT_TOOL_3: #ONLINE_OUTPUT_TOOL_4: #ONLINE_OUTPUT_TOOL_5: ports: - 8090:8080 # You may amend the external port only (left hand side). By default, webapp URL will be http://${docker0}:9080/metaXplor hostname: metaxplor-webapp restart: always volumes: - type: volume source: webapp-config target: /usr/local/tomcat/webapp-config - type: volume source: metaXplor_data target: /opt/metaXplor_data - type: volume source: refpkg target: /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/metaXplor/refpkg metaxplor-db: image: mongo:4.2.24 ports: - 27027:27017 # You may amend the external port only (left hand side), which must match the above MONGO_PORT environment: MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME: yourMongoRootUser # You may amend this as long as it remains consistent with the one in metaxplor-webapp MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: yourMongoRootPassword # You may amend this as long as it remains consistent with the one in metaxplor-webapp restart: always command: --profile 0 --slowms 60000 --storageEngine wiredTiger --wiredTigerCollectionBlockCompressor=zlib --directoryperdb --quiet # add --bind_ip_all if you want the database to be accessible from outside the Docker network volumes: - type: volume source: mongo target: /data/db metaxplor-hpc: image: guilhemsempere/metaxplor-hpc:1.1-RELEASE environment: HPC_IP: ${docker0} # Must match metaxplor-webapp parameter with the same name HPC_PORT: 8091 # Must match metaxplor-webapp parameter with the same name and the external port below ports: - 8091:8080 # You may amend the external port only (left hand side), which must match the above HPC_PORT - 6444-6446:6444-6446 hostname: metaxplor-hpc restart: always volumes: - type: volume source: gs7k1 target: /gs7k1/projects/metaXplor - type: volume source: opal-jobs target: /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/opal-jobs volumes: # If you disable some containers, also disable their volumes here mongo: gs7k1: opal-jobs: webapp-config: metaXplor_data: refpkg: