function [L,P,f,Lc,A] = spod(X,varargin) %SPOD Spectral proper orthogonal decomposition % [L,P,F] = SPOD(X) returns the spectral proper orthogonal decomposition % of the data matrix X whose first dimension is time. X can have any % number of additional spatial dimensions or variable indices. The % columns of L contain the modal energy spectra. P contains the SPOD % modes whose spatial dimensions are identical to those of X. The first % index of P is the frequency and the last one the mode number ranked in % descending order by modal energy. F is the frequency vector. If DT is % not specified, a unit frequency sampling is assumed. For real-valued % data, adjusted one-sided eigenvalue spectra are returned. Although % SPOD(X) automatically chooses default spectral estimation parameters, % the user is encouraged to manually specify problem-dependent parameters % on a case-to-case basis. % % [L,P,F] = SPOD(X,WINDOW) uses a temporal window. If WINDOW is a vector, % X is divided into segments of the same length as WINDOW. Each segment % is then weighted (pointwise multiplied) by WINDOW. If WINDOW is a % scalar, a Hamming window of length WINDOW is used. If WINDOW is omitted % or set as empty, a Hamming window is used. Multitaper-Welch estimates % are computed with the syntax SPOD(X,[NFFT BW],...), where WINDOW is an % array of two scalars. NFFT is the window length and BW the % time-halfbandwidth product. See [4] for details. By default, a number % of FLOOR(2*BW)-1 discrete prolate spheroidal sequences (DPSS) is used % as tapers. Custom tapers can be specified in a column matrix of tapers % as WINDOW. % % [L,P,F] = SPOD(X,WINDOW,WEIGHT) uses a spatial inner product weight in % which the SPOD modes are optimally ranked and orthogonal at each % frequency. WEIGHT must have the same spatial dimensions as X. % % [L,P,F] = SPOD(X,WINDOW,WEIGHT,NOVERLAP) increases the number of % segments by overlapping consecutive blocks by NOVERLAP snapshots. % NOVERLAP defaults to 50% of the length of WINDOW if not specified. % % [L,P,F] = SPOD(X,WINDOW,WEIGHT,NOVERLAP,DT) uses the time step DT % between consecutive snapshots to determine a physical frequency F. % % [L,P,F] = SPOD(XFUN,...,OPTS) accepts a function handle XFUN that % provides the i-th snapshot as x(i) = XFUN(i). Like the data matrix X, % x(i) can have any dimension. It is recommended to specify the total % number of snaphots in OPTS.nt (see below). If not specified, OPTS.nt % defaults to 10000. OPTS.isreal should be specified if a two-sided % spectrum is desired even though the data is real-valued, or if the data % is initially real-valued, but complex-valued for later snaphots. % % [L,P,F] = SPOD(X,WINDOW,WEIGHT,NOVERLAP,DT,OPTS) specifies options: % OPTS.savefft: save FFT blocks to avoid storing all data in memory [{false} | true] % OPTS.deletefft: delete FFT blocks after calculation is completed [{true} | false] % OPTS.savedir: directory where FFT blocks and results are saved [ string | {'results'}] % OPTS.savefreqs: save results for specified frequencies only [ vector | {all} ] % OPTS.loadfft: load previously saved FFT blocks instead of recalculating [{false} | true] % OPTS.mean: provide a mean that is subtracted from each snapshot [ array of size X | 'blockwise' | {temporal mean of X; 0 if XFUN} ] % OPTS.nsave: number of most energtic modes to be saved [ integer | {all} ] % OPTS.isreal: complex-valuedity of X or represented by XFUN [{determined from X or first snapshot if XFUN is used} | logical ] % OPTS.nt: number of snapshots [ integer | {determined from X; defaults to 10000 if XFUN is used}] % OPTS.conflvl: confidence interval level [ scalar between 0 and 1 | {0.95} ] % OPTS.normvar: normalize each block by pointwise variance [{false} | true] % % [L,PFUN,F] = SPOD(...,OPTS) returns a function PFUN instead of the SPOD % data matrix P if OPTS.savefft is true. The function returns the j-th % most energetic SPOD mode at the i-th frequency as p = PFUN(i,j) by % reading the modes from the saved files. Saving the data on the hard % drive avoids memory problems when P is large. The modal energy spectra % are returned in L, and saved in a separate file 'spod_energy.mat'. % % [L,P,F,Lc] = SPOD(...) returns the confidence interval Lc of L. By % default, the lower and upper 95% confidence levels of the j-th most % energetic SPOD mode at the i-th frequency are returned in Lc(i,j,1) and % Lc(i,j,2), respectively. The OPTS.conflvl*100% confidence interval is % returned if OPTS.conflvl is set. For example, by setting OPTS.conflvl = % 0.99 we obtain the 99% confidence interval. A chi-squared distribution % is used, i.e. we assume a standard normal distribution of the SPOD % eigenvalues. % % [L,P,F,Lc,A] = SPOD(...) returns the block-wise expansion coefficients % in A. INVSPOD(P,A,WINDOW,NOVLP) uses A to reconstruct the original data % from the SPOD. % % References: % [1] Towne, A. and Schmidt, O. T. and Colonius, T., Spectral proper % orthogonal decomposition and its relationship to dynamic mode % decomposition and resolvent analysis, J. of Fluid Mech. 847, 821–867, 2018 % [2] Schmidt, O. T. and Towne, A. and Rigas, G. and Colonius, T. and % Bres, G. A., Spectral analysis of jet turbulence, J. of Fluid Mech. 855, 953–982, 2018 % [3] Lumley, J. L., Stochastic tools in turbulence, Academic Press, % 1970 % [4] Schmidt, O. T., Spectral proper orthogonal decomposition using % multitaper estimates, Theoretical and Computational Fluid % Dynamics, 2022, 1-14, DOI 10.1007/s00162-022-00626-x, % % % O. T. Schmidt (, A. Towne, T. Colonius % Last revision: 5-Sep-2022 (OTS) if nargin==6 opts = varargin{5}; if ~isfield(opts,'savefft') opts.savefft = false; end else opts.savefft = false; end % get problem dimensions if isa(X, 'function_handle') xfun = true; if isfield(opts,'nt') nt = opts.nt; else warning(['Please specify number of snapshots in "opts.nt".' ... ' Trying to use default value of 10000 snapshots.']) nt = 10000; end sizex = size(X(1)); nx = prod(sizex); dim = [nt sizex]; else xfun = false; dim = size(X); nt = dim(1); nx = prod(dim(2:end)); end % Determine whether data is real-valued or complex-valued to decide on one- % or two-sided spectrum. If "opts.isreal" is not set, determine from data. % If data is provided through a function handle XFUN and opts.isreal is not % specified, deternime complex-valuedity from first snapshot. if isfield(opts,'isreal') isrealx = opts.isreal; elseif ~xfun isrealx = isreal(X); else x1 = X(1); isrealx = isreal(x1); clear x1; end % get default spectral estimation parameters and options [window,weight,nOvlp,dt,nDFT,nBlks,nTapers] = spod_parser(nt,nx,isrealx,varargin{:}); nSamples = nBlks*nTapers; % determine correction for FFT window gain winWeight = 1./mean(abs(window)); % row vector for multitaper % Use data mean if not provided through "opts.mean". blk_mean = false; if isfield(opts,'mean') if strcmp('blockwise',opts.mean) blk_mean = true; end end if blk_mean mean_name = 'blockwise mean'; elseif isfield(opts,'mean') x_mean = opts.mean(:); mean_name = 'user specified'; else switch xfun case true x_mean = 0; warning('No mean subtracted. Consider providing long-time mean through "opts.mean" for better accuracy at low frequencies.'); mean_name = '0'; case false x_mean = mean(X,1); x_mean = x_mean(:); mean_name = 'data mean'; end end disp(['Mean : ' mean_name]); % obtain frequency axis f = (0:nDFT-1)/dt/nDFT; if isrealx f = (0:ceil(nDFT/2))/nDFT/dt; else if mod(nDFT,2)==0 f(nDFT/2+1:end) = f(nDFT/2+1:end)-1/dt; else f((nDFT+1)/2+1:end) = f((nDFT+1)/2+1:end)-1/dt; end end nFreq = length(f); % set default for confidence interval if nargout>=4 confint = true; if ~isfield(opts,'conflvl') opts.conflvl = 0.95; end xi2_upper = 2*gammaincinv(1-opts.conflvl,nBlks); xi2_lower = 2*gammaincinv( opts.conflvl,nBlks); Lc = zeros(nFreq,nBlks,2); else confint = false; Lc = []; end % set defaults for options for saving FFT data blocks if ~isfield(opts,'savefreqs'), opts.savefreqs = 1:nFreq; end if opts.savefft if ~isfield(opts,'savedir'), opts.savedir = pwd; end saveDir = fullfile(opts.savedir,['nfft' num2str(nDFT) '_novlp' num2str(nOvlp) '_nblks' num2str(nSamples)]); if ~exist(saveDir,'dir'), mkdir(saveDir); end if ~isfield(opts,'nsave'), opts.nsave = nSamples; end if ~isfield(opts,'deletefft'), opts.deletefft = true; end omitFreqIdx = 1:nFreq; omitFreqIdx(opts.savefreqs) = []; end if ~isfield(opts,'loadfft'), opts.loadfft = false; end if ~isfield(opts,'normvar'), opts.normvar = false; end % loop over number of blocks and generate Fourier realizations disp(' ') disp('Calculating temporal DFT') disp('------------------------------------') if ~opts.savefft Q_hat = zeros(nFreq,nx,nSamples); end Q_blk = zeros(nDFT,nx); for iBlk = 1:nBlks % check if all FFT files are pre-saved all_exist = 0; if opts.loadfft for iFreq = opts.savefreqs if ~isempty(dir(fullfile(saveDir,['fft_block' num2str([iBlk iFreq],'%.4i_freq%.4i.mat')]))) all_exist = all_exist + 1; end end end if opts.loadfft && all_exist==length(opts.savefreqs) disp(['loading FFT of block ' num2str(iBlk) '/' num2str(nBlks) ' from file']) else % get time index for present block offset = min((iBlk-1)*(nDFT-nOvlp)+nDFT,nt)-nDFT; timeIdx = (1:nDFT) + offset; % build present block if blk_mean, x_mean = 0; end if xfun for ti = timeIdx x = X(ti); Q_blk(ti-offset,:) = x(:) - x_mean; end else Q_blk = bsxfun(@minus,X(timeIdx,:),x_mean.'); end % if block mean is to be subtracted, do it now that all data is % collected if blk_mean Q_blk = bsxfun(@minus,Q_blk,mean(Q_blk,1)); end % normalize by pointwise variance if opts.normvar Q_var = sum(bsxfun(@minus,Q_blk,mean(Q_blk,1)).^2,1)/(nDFT-1); % address division-by-0 problem with NaNs Q_var(Q_var<4*eps) = 1; Q_blk = bsxfun(@rdivide,Q_blk,Q_var); end for iTaper = 1:nTapers iSample = iBlk+((iTaper-1)*nBlks); if nTapers>1 taperString = [', taper ' num2str(iTaper) '/' num2str(nTapers)]; else taperString = []; end disp(['block ' num2str(iBlk) '/' num2str(nBlks) taperString ' (snapshots ' ... num2str(timeIdx(1)) ':' num2str(timeIdx(end)) ')']) % window and Fourier transform block Q_blk_win = bsxfun(@times,Q_blk,window(:,iTaper)); Q_blk_hat = winWeight(iTaper)/nDFT*fft(Q_blk_win); Q_blk_hat = Q_blk_hat(1:nFreq,:); if ~opts.savefft % keep FFT blocks in memory Q_hat(:,:,iSample) = Q_blk_hat; else for iFreq = opts.savefreqs file = fullfile(saveDir,['fft_block' num2str([iSample iFreq],'%.4i_freq%.4i')]); Q_blk_hat_fi = single(Q_blk_hat(iFreq,:)); save(file,'Q_blk_hat_fi','-v7.3'); end end end end end % loop over all frequencies and calculate SPOD L = zeros(nFreq,nSamples); A = zeros(nFreq,nSamples,nSamples); disp(' ') if nTapers>1 disp('Calculating Multitaper SPOD') else disp('Calculating SPOD') end disp('------------------------------------') % unbiased estimator of CSD if blk_mean nIndep = nSamples-1; else nIndep = nSamples; end if ~opts.savefft % keep everything in memory (default) P = zeros(nFreq,nx,nSamples); for iFreq = 1:nFreq disp(['frequency ' num2str(iFreq) '/' num2str(nFreq) ' (f=' num2str(f(iFreq),'%.3g') ')']) Q_hat_f = squeeze(Q_hat(iFreq,:,:)); M = Q_hat_f'*bsxfun(@times,Q_hat_f,weight)/nIndep; [Theta,Lambda] = eig(M); Lambda = diag(Lambda); [Lambda,idx] = sort(Lambda,'descend'); Theta = Theta(:,idx); Psi = Q_hat_f*Theta*diag(1./sqrt(Lambda)/sqrt(nIndep)); P(iFreq,:,:) = Psi; A(iFreq,:,:) = diag(sqrt(nBlks)*sqrt(Lambda))*Theta'; L(iFreq,:) = abs(Lambda); % adjust mode energies for one-sided spectrum if isrealx if iFreq~=1&&iFreq~=nFreq L(iFreq,:) = 2*L(iFreq,:); end end if confint Lc(iFreq,:,1) = L(iFreq,:)*2*nIndep/xi2_lower; Lc(iFreq,:,2) = L(iFreq,:)*2*nIndep/xi2_upper; end end P = reshape(P,[nFreq dim(2:end) nSamples]); else % save FFT blocks on hard drive (for large data) for iFreq = opts.savefreqs disp(['frequency ' num2str(iFreq) '/' num2str(nFreq) ' (f=' num2str(f(iFreq),'%.3g') ')']) % load FFT data from previously saved file Q_hat_f = zeros(nx,nSamples); for iBlk = 1:nSamples file = fullfile(saveDir,['fft_block' num2str([iBlk iFreq],'%.4i_freq%.4i')]); load(file,'Q_blk_hat_fi'); Q_hat_f(:,iBlk) = Q_blk_hat_fi; end M = Q_hat_f'*bsxfun(@times,Q_hat_f,weight)/nIndep; [Theta,Lambda] = eig(M); Lambda = diag(Lambda); [Lambda,idx] = sort(Lambda,'descend'); Theta = Theta(:,idx); Psi = Q_hat_f*Theta*diag(1./sqrt(Lambda)/sqrt(nIndep)); A(iFreq,:,:) = diag(sqrt(nIndep)*sqrt(Lambda))*Theta'; if opts.nsave>0 Psi = single(reshape(Psi(:,1:opts.nsave),[dim(2:end) opts.nsave])); file = fullfile(saveDir,['spod_f' num2str(iFreq,'%.4i')]); save(file,'Psi','-v7.3'); else Psi = []; end L(iFreq,:) = abs(Lambda); % adjust mode energies for one-sided spectrum if isrealx if iFreq~=1&&iFreq~=nFreq L(iFreq,:) = 2*L(iFreq,:); end end if confint Lc(iFreq,:,1) = L(iFreq,:)*2*nIndep/xi2_lower; Lc(iFreq,:,2) = L(iFreq,:)*2*nIndep/xi2_upper; end end % return anonymous function that loads SPOD modes from files instead of % actual solution P = @(iFreq,iMode) getmode(iFreq,iMode,saveDir); file = fullfile(saveDir,'spod_energy'); save(file,'L','Lc','f','A','-v7.3'); % clean up if opts.deletefft for iFreq = opts.savefreqs for iBlk = 1:nSamples file = fullfile(saveDir,['fft_block' num2str([iBlk iFreq],'%.4i_freq%.4i.mat')]); delete(file); end end end disp(' ') disp(['Results saved in folder ' saveDir]) end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [P] = getmode(iFreq,iMode,saveDir) %GETMODE Anonymous function that loads SPOD modes from files file = matfile(fullfile(saveDir,['spod_f' num2str(iFreq,'%.4i')])); dim = size(file.Psi); for di = 1:length(dim)-1 idx{di} = 1:dim(di); end idx{di+1} = iMode; P = file.Psi(idx{:}); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [window,weight,nOvlp,dt,nDFT,nBlks,nTapers] = spod_parser(nt,nx,isrealx,varargin) %SPOD_PARSER Parser for SPOD parameters % read input arguments from cell array window = []; weight = []; nOvlp = []; dt = []; nvarargin = length(varargin); if nvarargin >= 1 window = varargin{1}; if nvarargin >= 2 weight = varargin{2}; if nvarargin >= 3 nOvlp = varargin{3}; if nvarargin >= 4 dt = varargin{4}; end end end end if size(window,2)>size(window,1) % ensure column matrix format window = permute(window,[2 1]); end % check arguments and determine default spectral estimation parameters % window size and type if isempty(window) nDFT = 2^floor(log2(nt/10)); window = hammwin(nDFT); window_name = 'Hamming'; elseif length(window)==1 nDFT = window; window = hammwin(window); window_name = 'Hamming'; elseif length(window)==2 nDFT = window(1); bw = window(2); nTapers = floor(2*bw)-1; window = slepsec(nDFT,bw,nTapers); window_name = 'DPSS'; elseif length(window) == 2^nextpow2(length(window)) nDFT = length(window); window_name = 'user specified'; else nDFT = length(window); window_name = 'user specified'; end nTapers = size(window,2); weight = weight(:); % block overlap if isempty(nOvlp) nOvlp = floor(nDFT/2); elseif nOvlp > nDFT-1 error('Overlap too large.') end % time step between consecutive snapshots if isempty(dt) dt = 1; end % inner product weight if isempty(weight) weight = ones(nx,1); weight_name = 'uniform'; elseif numel(weight) ~= nx error('Weights must have the same spatial dimensions as data.'); else weight_name = 'user specified'; end % number of blocks nBlks = floor((nt-nOvlp)/(nDFT-nOvlp)); % test feasibility if nDFT < 4 || nBlks*nTapers < 3 error('Spectral estimation parameters not meaningful.'); end % display parameter summary disp(' ') if nTapers>1 disp('Multitaper SPOD parameters') else disp('SPOD parameters') end disp('------------------------------------') if isrealx disp('Spectrum type : one-sided (real-valued signal)') else disp('Spectrum type : two-sided (complex-valued signal)') end disp(['No. of snaphots per block : ' num2str(nDFT)]) disp(['Block overlap : ' num2str(nOvlp)]) disp(['No. of blocks : ' num2str(nBlks)]) disp(['Windowing fct. (time) : ' window_name]) disp(['Weighting fct. (space) : ' weight_name]) if nTapers>1 disp(['No. of tapers : ' num2str(nTapers)]) end if exist('bw','var') disp(['Time-halfbandwidth product: ' num2str(bw)]) end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [window] = hammwin(N) %HAMMWIN Standard Hamming window of lentgh N window = 0.54-0.46*cos(2*pi*(0:N-1)/(N-1))'; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [window] = slepsec(nDFT,bw,nTapers) %SLEPSEC Discrete prolate spheroidal sequences of length nDFT and %time-halfbandwidth product bw df = bw/nDFT; j = 1:nDFT-1; r1 = [df*2*pi, sin(2*pi*df*j)./j]; S = toeplitz(r1); [U,L] = eig(S); [~,idx] = sort(diag(L),'descend'); U = U(:,idx); window = U(:,1:nTapers); end