{ "_comment": "DO NOT EDIT: FILE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY BY PTERODACTYL PANEL - PTERODACTYL.IO", "meta": { "version": "PTDL_v2", "update_url": null }, "exported_at": "2023-09-12T11:04:11+02:00", "name": "Meilisearch", "author": "josdekurk@gmail.com", "description": "A lightning-fast search engine that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow.", "features": null, "docker_images": { "ghcr.io\/parkervcp\/yolks:debian": "ghcr.io\/parkervcp\/yolks:debian" }, "file_denylist": [], "startup": ".\/meilisearch --http-addr \"{{SERVER_PORT}}\" --max-indexing-memory=\"{{SERVER_MEMORY}}mb\" $([ \"$NO_ANALYTICS\" -eq 1 ] && echo \"--no-analytics\")", "config": { "files": "{}", "startup": "{\r\n \"done\": \"Actix runtime found; starting in Actix runtime\"\r\n}", "logs": "{}", "stop": "^^C" }, "scripts": { "installation": { "script": "#!\/bin\/bash\r\n\r\n## get release info and download links\r\nLATEST_JSON=$(curl --silent \"https:\/\/api.github.com\/repos\/meilisearch\/meilisearch\/releases\/latest\")\r\nRELEASES=$(curl --silent \"https:\/\/api.github.com\/repos\/meilisearch\/meilisearch\/releases\")\r\nMATCH=$([[ \"$(uname -m)\" == \"x86_64\" ]] && echo \"linux-amd64\" || echo \"linux-aarch64\")\r\n\r\nif [ -z \"${VERSION}\" ] || [ \"${VERSION}\" == \"latest\" ]; then\r\n DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo ${LATEST_JSON} | jq .assets | jq -r .[].browser_download_url | grep -i ${MATCH})\r\nelse\r\n VERSION_CHECK=$(echo ${RELEASES} | jq -r --arg VERSION \"${VERSION}\" '.[] | select(.tag_name==$VERSION) | .tag_name')\r\n if [ \"${VERSION}\" == \"${VERSION_CHECK}\" ]; then\r\n DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo ${RELEASES} | jq -r --arg VERSION \"${VERSION}\" '.[] | select(.tag_name==$VERSION) | .assets[].browser_download_url' | grep -i ${MATCH})\r\n else\r\n echo -e \"defaulting to latest release\"\r\n DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo ${LATEST_JSON} | jq .assets | jq -r .[].browser_download_url)\r\n fi\r\nfi\r\n\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\n\r\n## Config file\r\nFILE=\/mnt\/server\/config.toml\r\nif [ -f \"$FILE\" ]; then\r\n echo \"Config file exits\"\r\nelse \r\n echo \"Config does not exist. Making one\"\r\n curl -sSL -o config.toml https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/meilisearch\/meilisearch\/latest\/config.toml\r\nfi\r\n\r\ncurl -sSL -o meilisearch ${DOWNLOAD_URL}\r\nchmod +x meilisearch\r\n\r\n# Make the needed directory's \r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/dumps\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/data.ms\r\n\r\n## install end\r\necho \"-----------------------------------------\"\r\necho \"Installation completed...\"\r\necho \"-----------------------------------------\"", "container": "ghcr.io\/parkervcp\/installers:debian", "entrypoint": "bash" } }, "variables": [ { "name": "Master key", "description": "In production, a Master key of at least 16 bytes is mandatory\r\nSets the instance's master key, automatically protecting all routes except GET \/health. This means you will need a valid API key to access all other endpoints.", "env_variable": "MEILI_MASTER_KEY", "default_value": "", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, "rules": "nullable|string|max:64", "field_type": "text" }, { "name": "Environment", "description": "Configures the instance's environment. Value must be either production or development.", "env_variable": "MEILI_ENV", "default_value": "development", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, "rules": "required|string|in:development,production", "field_type": "text" }, { "name": "Disable analytics", "description": "Deactivates Meilisearch's built-in telemetry when provided.", "env_variable": "NO_ANALYTICS", "default_value": "0", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, "rules": "required|boolean", "field_type": "text" }, { "name": "Dumps dir", "description": "Sets the directory where Meilisearch will create dump files.", "env_variable": "MEILI_DUMP_DIR", "default_value": "\/home\/container\/dumps", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": false, "rules": "required|string|max:64", "field_type": "text" }, { "name": "DB PATH", "description": "Designates the location where database files will be created and retrieved.", "env_variable": "MEILI_DB_PATH", "default_value": "\/home\/container\/data.ms", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": false, "rules": "required|string|max:64", "field_type": "text" }, { "name": "Log level", "description": "Defines how much detail should be present in Meilisearch's logs.", "env_variable": "MEILI_LOG_LEVEL", "default_value": "INFO", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, "rules": "required|string|in:INFO,WARN,ERROR,TRACE", "field_type": "text" }, { "name": "Config Path", "description": "Designates the location of the configuration file to load at launch.", "env_variable": "MEILI_CONFIG_FILE_PATH", "default_value": "\/home\/container\/config.toml", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": false, "rules": "required|string", "field_type": "text" }, { "name": "Max threads", "description": "Sets the maximum number of threads Meilisearch can use during indexing", "env_variable": "MEILI_MAX_INDEXING_THREADS", "default_value": "2", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": false, "rules": "required|integer", "field_type": "text" } ] }