T = { ['EN'] = { ['A'] = { 'You used a spirit. Remainder: %s', 'You used all spirits.', 'You used the maximum number of spirits per round.', 'The shaman used the maximum number of spirits per round.' }, ['H'] = { ['Ta'] = { 'How to play', 'SiD\'s', 'Commands', 'Credits', 'Updates' }, ['Te'] = { 'To play you will only need to use de the arrows.
You can spawn arrows in every place in map. This arrows will spawn grounds to complete the map.
If you use normal mode You can spawn two grounds, if you use hard and divine mode you can spawn one ground and if you use divine, you have only 10 arrows.
Normal arrow: Grounds
Invisible arrow: Skills
You can use two spirits, if you use more or if you spawn shaman objects, you will die!
You can buy other grounds like grass, sand, ice, etc and buy skills like resize, box and extra spirits in the shop. To buy, you need get SiD\'s.', 'You will get SiD\'s when you save the mices.
In normal mode 1 saved mice = 1 SiD
In hard mode 1 saved mice = 2 SiD\'s
In divine mode 1 saved mice = 3 SiD\'s', '!s open the shop
!p open your profile
!p [Name] open the profile of other person
!h or !help open the help text', 'Squalleze: remake the minigame.
Mrorko: gave the idea to remake the minigame.

Note: this is a remake of Deux minigame developed by: Holypoop and Holz', '1.0 Minigame finished' }, ['Ti'] = { 'How to play', 'How to get SiD\'s', 'Commands', 'Credits', 'Updates' } }, ['P'] = 'Saves:
 » Normal : %s
 » Hard: %s
 » Divine: %s

 » Played: %s
 » Completed: %s', ['S'] = { ['G'] = {'Wood', 'Ice', 'Trampoline', 'Lava', 'Chocolate', 'Earth', 'Grass', 'Sand', 'Cloud', 'Water', 'Stone', 'Snow', 'Rectangle', 'Circle', 'Invisible', 'Web'}, ['S'] = {'Spirit', 'Resize', 'Box', 'Portal'}, ['T'] = { '
 » %s : Free', '
 » %s : Buy %s', '
 » %s : Equip', '
 » %s : Equiped', '
 » %s : Equiped - Edit', '
 » %s : Unequip', 'You get a spirit. Now you have %s spirits!', 'Enter with ground color:
Example : #FADE55', 'Ground color altered to %s', 'Alert: This code is invalid!' }, ['Ta'] = { 'Grounds', 'Skills' }, ['Te'] = { 'SiD\'s: %s
%s', 'SiD\'s: %s
%s' }, ['Ti'] = { 'Grounds', 'Skills' } } } } S = { G = { {0, 0, 0, {0.3, 0.2}}, {1, 175, 0, {0, 0.2}}, {2, 0, 4, {0, 1.2}}, {3, 0, 4, {0, 20}}, {4, 1000, 0, {20, 0.2}}, {5, 100, 0, {0.3, 0.2}}, {6, 150, 0, {0.3, 0.2}}, {7, 75, 0, {0.1, 0.2}}, {8, 0, 4, {0.3, 0.2}}, {9, 0, 4, {0.3, 0.2}}, {10, 250, 0, {0.3, 0}}, {11, 0, 4, {0.05, 0.1}}, {12, 550, 0, {0.3, 0.2}}, {13, 0, 4, {0.3, 0.2}}, {14, 0, 4, {0.3, 0.2}}, {15, 0, 4, {0.3, 0.2}} }, S = { {1, 100, 0}, {2, 375, 0}, {3, 350, 0}, {4, 0, 4} } } M = {'@4685402', '@4664013', '@4659007', '@4590114', '@4590098', '@4590090', '@4590082', '@4434919', '@4082213', '@2969962', '@2873573', '@2462332', '@2454924', '@2449267', '@1870464', '@2396838', '@4007168', '@1124454', '@452653', '@2113338', '@2199656', '@3820670', '@159709', '@3147428', '@3051156', '@172357', '@3617459', '@413242', '@2932610', '@317521', '@155582', '@460646', '@156966', '@200017', '@489046', '@584430', '@1193841', '@187059', '@169710', '@458677', '@188821', '@308787', '@474113', '@3049560', '@1233889', '@1233889', '@249255', '@436128', '@382841', '@219032', '@1641473', '@497021', '@364544', '@504567', '@504166', '@2703778', '@2406202', '@355562', '@166138', '@426398', '@442098', '@776051', '@923878', '@1937184', '@437313', '@416324', '@528954', '@392150', '@421185', '@484159', '@470160', '@398828', '@273581', '@182878', '@4652489', '@4679376', '@4666553', '@5594828', '@5594833', '@5596658', '@5597191', '@4474208', '@5642192', '@5642237', '@5642338', '@4861317'} Pi = {} UtilUI = {} Version, Inf, Pn, Ui = 1.81, 99999 ^ 9, 1, {} Ps = {['Squalleze'] = {5, Inf}, ['Mrorko'] = {5, Inf}, ['Ninguem'] = {5, Inf}} Pc = {0x18243A, 0x18243A, 0x2F7FCC, 0xBABD2F, 0xEB1D51} local Ap, Nm, Gp, Pt = 0, M[math.random(#M)], {}, {0, 0, 0} --## Events ##-- --### C eventChatCommand = function(P, C) local Pp, Lp = Pi[P], tfm.get.room.playerList[P] local A = {} for V in string.gmatch(C, '[^%s]+') do table.insert(A, V) end local C = string.lower(A[1]) if Pp.Uo[1] == C then _Ru(Pp.Uo[2], Pp.Uo[3], P) elseif not Pp.Uo[1] then if not A[2] then if C == 'p' then _Au(1, 1, C, P, string.format(_Tt()['P'], Pp.Ps[2][1], Pp.Ps[2][2], Pp.Ps[2][3], Pp.Ps[1][1], Pp.Ps[1][2]), P, 290, 100, 220, 200, true) elseif C == 's' then _Au(1, 2, C, _Tt()['S']['Ti'], {string.format(_Tt()['S']['Te'][1], Pp.SiDs, _Si(P, 1)), string.format(_Tt()['S']['Te'][2], Pp.SiDs, _Si(P, 2))}, P, 250, 75, 300, 250, true, _Tt()['S']['Ta']) elseif C == 'h' or C == 'help' then _Au(1, 2, C, _Tt()['H']['Ti'], _Tt()['H']['Te'], P, 250, 75, 300, 250, true, _Tt()['H']['Ta']) end elseif A[2] then if C == 'p' and _Pe(A[2]) then local F = _Nd(A[2]) _Au(1, 1, C, P, string.format(_Tt()['P'], Pi[F].Ps[2][1], Pi[F].Ps[2][2], Pi[F].Ps[2][3], Pi[F].Ps[1][1], Pi[F].Ps[1][2]), P, 290, 100, 220, 200, true) end end end if A[2] then if C == 'np' and _Ec(P, 3, '>=') and _Mu(A[2]) then pcall(tfm.exec.newGame, A[2]) elseif C == 'npp' and _Ec(P, 3, '>=') and _Mu(A[2]) then Nm = A[2] elseif C == 'adm' and _Ec(P, 5, '>=') and _Pe(A[2]) and _Ec(A[2], 5, '<') then Pi[_Nd(A[2])].Pl = 4 elseif C == 'mc' and _Ec(P, 5, '>=') and _Pe(A[2]) and _Ec(A[2], 5, '<') then Pi[_Nd(A[2])].Pl = 3 elseif C == 'dev' and _Ec(P, 5, '>=') and _Pe(A[2]) and _Ec(A[2], 5, '<') then Pi[_Nd(A[2])].Pl = 2 elseif C == 'tran' and _Ec(P, 5, '>=') and _Pe(A[2]) and _Ec(A[2], 5, '<') then Pi[_Nd(A[2])].Pl = 1 elseif C == 'ply' and _Ec(P, 5, '>=') and _Pe(A[2]) and _Ec(A[2], 5, '<') then Pi[_Nd(A[2])].Pl = 0 end if A[3] then if C == 'sids' and tonumber(A[3]) and _Ec(P, 5, '>=') and _Pe(A[2]) then local P = _Nd(A[2]) print(P) Pi[P].SiDs = Pi[P].SiDs + tonumber(A[3]) end end else if C == 'np' and _Ec(P, 3, '>=') then pcall(tfm.exec.newGame, Nm) end end end --### K eventKeyboard = function(P, K, D, X, Y) if K == string.byte('I') then eventChatCommand(P, 's') elseif K == string.byte('P') then eventChatCommand(P, 'p') elseif K == string.byte('H') then eventChatCommand(P, 'h') elseif K == 17 then Pi[P].Ct = D if Pt[4] and Pt[3] ~= 2 then if D and Pi[P].S[4] then Pt[2] = tfm.exec.addImage('H3Yj13D.png', '#' .. Pt[1], - 60.5, - 60.5, P) elseif not D then tfm.exec.removeImage(Pt[2]) end end end end --### L eventLoop = function(C, R) if R < 1 then _Im(R) end --_Im(Ap) end --### M eventMouse = function(P, X, Y) local Ci = _Is(X, Y) if Pi[P].Ct and tfm.get.room.playerList[P].isShaman and Pi[P].S[4] then if Ci < 1 then if Pt[3] < 1 then Pt = {tfm.exec.addShamanObject(26, X, Y, 0, 0, 0, false), tfm.exec.addImage('H3Yj13D.png', '#' .. Pt[1], - 60.5, - 60.5, P), 1, {X, Y}} elseif Pt[3] < 2 then if (Pt[4][1] - X) ^ 2 + (Pt[4][2] - Y) ^ 2 <= (120 ^ 2) then tfm.exec.addShamanObject(27, X, Y, 0, 0, 0, false) tfm.exec.removeImage(Pt[2]) Pt[3] = 2 end end end end end --### N eventNewGame = function() Ap, Gp, Pt = 0, {}, {0, 0, 0} _Sm() _Xc(tfm.get.room.xmlMapInfo.xml) for i, i_ in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do Ap = Ap + 1 if Pi[i].Pl > 0 then tfm.exec.setNameColor(i, Pc[Pi[i].Pl]) end if i_.isShaman then Pi[i].Gm, Pi[i].Ps[1][1], Pi[i].Hs[2], Pi[i].Ms = i_.inHardMode + 1, Pi[i].Ps[1][1] + 1, 0, Pi[i].S end end end eventNewPlayer = function(P) local Ps_ = Ps[P] or {0, 0} if not Pi[P] then Pi[P] = { Ct = false, G = {[0] = true}, Gc = 3294800, Gi = Pn, Gm = 0, Hs = {2, 0}, Pl = Ps_[1], Pn = Pn, Ps = { {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0} }, S = {}, Ms = {}, SiDs = Ps_[2], Uo = {nil, 0, 0} } Pn = Pn + 1 end for K, K_ in pairs({string.byte('I'), string.byte('P'), string.byte('H'), 17}) do tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(P, K_, true, true) end tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(P, 17, false, true) system.bindMouse(P, true) end --### P eventPlayerDied = function(P) Ap = Ap - 1 local Sm = 0 for P, P_ in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if P_.isShaman and not P_.isDead then Sm = Sm + 1 end end if Sm < 1 then tfm.exec.setGameTime(5) end _Im(Ap) end eventPlayerWon = function(P) Ap = Ap - 1 if not tfm.get.room.playerList[P].isShaman then for i, i_ in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do if i_.isShaman then for j = 1, Pi[i].Gm do Pi[i].Ps[2][j] = Pi[i].Ps[2][j] + 1 end Pi[i].SiDs = Pi[i].SiDs + Pi[i].Gm end end else Pi[P].Ps[1][2] = Pi[P].Ps[1][2] + 1 end _Im(Ap) end eventPopupAnswer = function(I, P, A) if I == 1 then if A:len() == 7 and A:sub(1, 1) == '#' and tonumber('0x' .. A:sub(2)) then Pi[P].Gc = tonumber('0x' .. A:sub(2)) or Pi[P].Gc tfm.exec.chatMessage(string.format(_Tt()['S']['T'][9], A, A), P) else tfm.exec.chatMessage(_Tt()['S']['T'][10], P) end end end --### S eventSummoningEnd = function(P, T, X, Y, A, Xs, Ys, O) if T == 0 then local G = _Gp(P, O.ghost) local Ci = _Is(X, Y) if Pi[P].Gm < 2 then Pi[P].Gi = - Pi[P].Gi end if Ci < 2 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(Pi[P].Gi, X, Y, {type = G[1][1], width = G['W'], height = G['H'], angle = A, friction = G[1][4][1], restitution = G[1][4][2], color = Pi[P].Gc}) elseif Ci == 2 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(Pi[P].Gi, X, Y, {type = G[1][1], width = G['W'] * .25, height = G['H'] * .25, angle = A, friction = G[1][4][1], restitution = G[1][4][2], color = Pi[P].Gc}) end elseif T == 24 then Pi[P].Hs[2] = Pi[P].Hs[2] + 1 if Pi[P].Hs[2] < Pi[P].Hs[1] then tfm.exec.chatMessage(string.format(_Tt()['A'][1], Pi[P].Hs[1] - Pi[P].Hs[2]), P); elseif Pi[P].Hs[2] == Pi[P].Hs[1] then tfm.exec.chatMessage(string.format(_Tt()['A'][2]), P); else tfm.exec.killPlayer(P); tfm.exec.chatMessage(_Tt()['A'][3], P); tfm.exec.chatMessage(_Tt()['A'][4]); end else tfm.exec.killPlayer(P) tfm.exec.removeObject(O.id) end end --### T eventTextAreaCallback = function(I, P, C) local A = {} for V in string.gmatch(C, '[^%s]+') do table.insert(A, V) end local C = A[1] if C == 'Close' then _Ru(tonumber(A[2]), tonumber(A[3]), P) elseif C == P then local I = tonumber(A[2]) _Uu(1, 2, Ui[P].title, Ui[P].text, P, I, Ui[P].tabs) elseif C == 'Buy' then local I = tonumber(A[3]) if A[2] == 'G' then for i, i_ in pairs(S.G) do if S.G[i][1] == I then if Pi[P].G[I] == nil and Pi[P].Pl >= S.G[i][3] then if Pi[P].SiDs >= S.G[i][2] then Pi[P].SiDs = Pi[P].SiDs - S.G[i][2] for j, j_ in pairs(Pi[P].G) do Pi[P].G[j] = false end Pi[P].G[I] = true _Uu(1, 2, _Tt()['S']['Ti'], {string.format(_Tt()['S']['Te'][1], Pi[P].SiDs, _Si(P, 1)), string.format(_Tt()['S']['Te'][2], Pi[P].SiDs, _Si(P, 2))}, P, 1, _Tt()['S']['Ta']) end end break end end elseif A[2] == 'S' then if S.S[I] and Pi[P].S[I] == nil and Pi[P].Pl >= S.S[I][3] then if I == 1 then if Pi[P].SiDs >= ((Pi[P].Hs[1] + 1) * S.S[I][1]) then Pi[P].Hs[1] = Pi[P].Hs[1] + 1 tfm.exec.chatMessage(string.format(_Tt()['S']['T'][7], Pi[P].Hs[1]), P); end else if Pi[P].SiDs >= S.S[I][2] then Pi[P].SiDs = Pi[P].SiDs - S.S[I][2] for i, i_ in pairs(Pi[P].S) do Pi[P].S[i] = false end Pi[P].S[I] = true end end _Uu(1, 2, _Tt()['S']['Ti'], {string.format(_Tt()['S']['Te'][1], Pi[P].SiDs, _Si(P, 1)), string.format(_Tt()['S']['Te'][2], Pi[P].SiDs, _Si(P, 2))}, P, 2, _Tt()['S']['Ta']) end end elseif C == 'Equip' then local T, I = tonumber(A[2]), tonumber(A[3]) if T == 1 then for i, i_ in pairs(Pi[P].G) do Pi[P].G[i] = false end Pi[P].G[I] = true elseif T == 2 then for i, i_ in pairs(Pi[P].S) do Pi[P].S[i] = false end Pi[P].S[I] = true end _Uu(1, 2, _Tt()['S']['Ti'], {string.format(_Tt()['S']['Te'][1], Pi[P].SiDs, _Si(P, 1)), string.format(_Tt()['S']['Te'][2], Pi[P].SiDs, _Si(P, 2))}, P, T, _Tt()['S']['Ta']) elseif C == 'Unequip' then local S = tonumber(A[2]) Pi[P].S[S] = false _Uu(1, 2, _Tt()['S']['Ti'], {string.format(_Tt()['S']['Te'][1], Pi[P].SiDs, _Si(P, 1)), string.format(_Tt()['S']['Te'][2], Pi[P].SiDs, _Si(P, 2))}, P, 2, _Tt()['S']['Ta']) elseif C == 'Edit' then ui.addPopup(1, 2, _Tt()['S']['T'][8], P, 300, 150, 200, true) end end --## Script Functions ##-- --### A _Au = function(I, Ty, N, Ti, T, P, X, Y, W, H, F, Ta) local At = ui.addTextArea if Ty == 1 then At(I, '
' .. T, P, X, Y + 7, W, H - 7, 0x324650, 0x27373F, 1, F) At(I + 1, '', P, X, Y, W, 12, 0x27373F, 0x27373F, 1, F) At(I + 2, '' .. Ti .. '', P, X, Y - 4, W, nil, 0x324650, 0x27373F, 0, F) At(I + 3, '', P, W + X - 9, Y + 3, 7, 7, 0x009D9D, 0x009D9D, 1, F) At(I + 4, '×', P, W + X - 14, Y - 5, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0, F) Pi[P].Uo = {N, I, 4} elseif Ty == 2 then Ui[P] = {} for i = 1, #Ta do At(I + i, string.format('  %s', P, i, Ta[i]), P, X + W, Y + 10 + (i - 1) * 30, nil, nil, 0x324650, 0x27373F, 1, F) end At(I + #Ta + 1, '
' .. T[1], P, X, Y + 7, W, H - 7, 0x324650, 0x27373F, 1, F) At(I + #Ta + 2, '', P, X, Y, W, 12, 0x27373F, 0x27373F, 1, F) At(I + #Ta + 3, '' .. Ti[1] .. '', P, X, Y - 4, W, nil, 0x324650, 0x27373F, 0, F) At(I + #Ta + 4, '', P, W + X - 9, Y + 3, 7, 7, 0x009D9D, 0x009D9D, 1, F) At(I + #Ta + 5, '×', P, W + X - 14, Y - 5, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0, F) Ui[P].id, Ui[P].title, Ui[P].text, Ui[P].tabs, Pi[P].Uo = I, Ti, T, Ta, {N, I, #Ta + 5} end end --### E _Ec = function(Vo, Vt, F) if not tonumber(Vo) then Vo = Pi[_Nd(Vo)].Pl end local C = {['='] = Vo == Vt, ['~'] = Vo ~= Vt, ['>'] = Vo > Vt, ['<'] = Vo < Vt, ['>='] = Vo >= Vt, ['<='] = Vo <= Vt} return C[F] end --### G _Gp = function(P, G) local A = {['H'] = 10, ['W'] = 100} for i, i_ in pairs(Pi[P].G) do if i_ then for j, j_ in pairs(S.G) do if j_[1] == i then A[1] = j_ break end end break end end if G then if Pi[P].S[2] then A['W'] = A['W'] * 1.5 elseif Pi[P].S[3] then A['W'], A['H'] = A['W'] * .3, A['H'] * 3 end end return A end --### I _Im = function(A) if A < 1 then tfm.exec.newGame(Nm) end end _Is = function(X, Y) local C, Is, Hc = nil, false, 0 for i, i_ in pairs(Gp) do if i_.T ~= '13' then local Pr = {} for j in string.gmatch(i_.P, '[^,]+') do table.insert(Pr, tonumber(j)) end local An = (Pr[5] / 180) * math.pi local Di, Si = i_.L / 2, i_.H / 2 local P1, P2 = math.cos(An) * Di, math.sin(An) * Di local Ps = {X = {i_.X + P1, i_.X - P1}, Y = {i_.Y + P2, i_.Y - P2}} local An = ((Pr[5] + 90) / 180) * math.pi local P1, P2 = math.cos(An) * Si, math.sin(An) * Si local Px, Py = {Ps.X[1] + P1, Ps.X[1] - P1, Ps.X[2] - P1, Ps.X[2] + P1}, {Ps.Y[1] + P2, Ps.Y[1] - P2, Ps.Y[2] - P2, Ps.Y[2] + P2} local j = 4 local Ip = false for i = 1, 4 do if (Py[i] < Y and Py[j] >= Y) or (Py[j] < Y and Py[i] >= Y) then if Px[i] + (Y - Py[i]) / (Py[j] - Py[i]) * (Px[j] - Px[i]) < X then Ip = not Ip end end j = i end if Ip then C, Is = i_.o, Ip break end elseif i_.T == '13' then if (i_.X - X) ^ 2 + (i_.Y - Y) ^ 2 <= (i_.L ^ 2) then Is, C = true, i_.o break end end end if Is then if C == '222222' then Hc = 3 elseif C == '999999' then Hc = 2 else Hc = 1 end end return Hc end --### M _Mu = function(M) if M:sub(1, 1) == '@' then if tonumber(M:sub(2)) then return true end end end --### N _Nd = function(A) local S = 1 if string.sub(A, 1, 1) == '+' then S = 2 end local B = A:sub(1, S):upper() .. A:sub(S + 1):lower() return B end --### P _Pe = function(P) if Pi[_Nd(P)] then return true end end --### R _Ru = function(I, T, P) for i = I, I + T do ui.removeTextArea(i, P) end Ui[P] = {} Pi[P].Uo = {nil, 0, 0} end --### S _Si = function(P, C) local T = '' if C == 1 then table.sort(S.G, function (k1, k2) return k1[2] < k2[2] end) table.foreachi(S.G, function (k, v) local i, n = v[1], _Tt()['S']['G'][v[1] + 1] if Pi[P].Pl >= v[3] then if Pi[P].G[i] == false then T = T .. string.format(_Tt()['S']['T'][3], n, 1, i) elseif Pi[P].G[i] and i ~= 12 and i ~= 13 then T = T .. string.format(_Tt()['S']['T'][4], n) elseif Pi[P].G[i] and (i == 12 or i == 13) then T = T .. string.format(_Tt()['S']['T'][5], n) elseif Pi[P].G[i] == nil and v[2] > 0 then T = T .. string.format(_Tt()['S']['T'][2], n, 'G', i, v[2]) elseif Pi[P].G[i] == nil and v[2] < 1 then T = T .. string.format(_Tt()['S']['T'][1], n, 'G', i) end end end ) elseif C == 2 then table.sort(S.S, function (k1, k2) return k1[1] < k2[1] end) table.foreachi(S.S, function (k, v) local i, n = v[1], _Tt()['S']['S'][v[1]] if Pi[P].Pl >= v[3] then if Pi[P].S[i] == false then T = T .. string.format(_Tt()['S']['T'][3], n, 2, i) elseif Pi[P].S[i] then T = T .. string.format(_Tt()['S']['T'][6], n, i) elseif Pi[P].S[i] == nil and v[2] > 0 and v[1] ~= 1 then T = T .. string.format(_Tt()['S']['T'][2], n, 'S', i, v[2]) elseif Pi[P].S[i] == nil and v[2] < 1 and v[1] ~= 1 then T = T .. string.format(_Tt()['S']['T'][1], n, 'S', i) elseif v[1] == 1 then T = T .. string.format(_Tt()['S']['T'][2], n, 'S', i, ((Pi[P].Hs[1] + 1) * v[2])) end end end ) end return T end _Sm = function() repeat Nm = M[math.random(#M)] until Nm ~= tfm.get.room.currentMap end --### T _Tt = function() local A = tfm.get.room.community return T[A] or T['EN'] end --### U _Uu = function(I, Ty, Ti, T, P, S, Ta) local Ut = ui.updateTextArea if Ty == 1 then Ut(I, '
' .. T, P) Ut(I + 1, '', P) Ut(I + 2, '' .. Ti .. '', P) Ut(I + 3, '', P) Ut(I + 4, '×', P) Pi[P].Uo = {Pi[P].Uo[1], I, 4} elseif Ty == 2 then for i = 1, #Ta do Ut(I + i, string.format('  %s', P, i, Ta[i]), P) end Ut(I + #Ta + 1, '
' .. T[S], P) Ut(I + #Ta + 2, '', P) Ut(I + #Ta + 3, '' .. Ti[S] .. '', P) Ut(I + #Ta + 4, '', P) Ut(I + #Ta + 5, '×', P) Ui[P].id, Ui[P].title, Ui[P].text, Ui[P].tabs, Pi[P].Uo = I, Ti, T, Ta, {Pi[P].Uo[1], I, #Ta + 5} end end --### X _Xc = function(X) local Fs = string.find(X, '') + 2 local Fe = string.find(X, '') - 1 local Gs = Fs _Cp = function(G) local P = {} for i, i_ in string.gmatch(G, '(%w+)="(.-)"') do P[i] = i_ end return P end while Gs < Fe do if X:sub(Gs, Gs) == '<' then local Ge = string.find(X, '/>', Gs) + 1 B = _Cp(string.sub(X, Gs, Ge + 1)) table.insert(Gp, 1, B) end Gs = Gs + 1 end end --## Start! ##-- tfm.exec.disableAllShamanSkills(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) debug.disableTimerLog(false) for i, i_ in pairs({'p', 's', 'np', 'npp', 'adm', 'mc', 'dev', 'npp', 'ply', 'sids', 'h', 'help'}) do system.disableChatCommandDisplay(i_, true) end for i in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do eventNewPlayer(i) end _Im(Ap)