]> ###2024.12.14 - Changed: Relocate GitHub repository to unraid - Added: Display TailScale WebUI if present - Changed: Rearrange coding - Added: In case of fatal PHP error add Cancel button instead of forcing the browser tab to close - Changed: Don't display all communication during Something Went Wrong error ###2024.12.05 - Fixed: cURL encoding fallback issue on certain versions of the OS ###2024.11.29 - Fixed: Attempting to visit the support forum (or project) where there was only the single option (ie: Card said "Support Forum" instead of "Support" with a dropdown would fail - Added: Ability to "whitelist" 3rd party external links ###2024.11.27 - Fixed: Code unnecessary with Unraid 7.x was being executed ###2024.11.21 - Fixed: Not all paths referencing default appdata path would be adjusted to match user's configuration ###2024.11.20 - Fixed: Branch selection ###2024.11.16 - Added: In the event a plugin after installation didn't clear the "pending" flag, offer the user to clear it when attempting another installation - Added: Preserve previous log file for debugging purposes - Added: Automatically adjust any template that has a host path pointing to the default appdata path that is not mapped to /config to the current appdata path - Fixed: After installation from a search result, upon returning back to Apps, the search results displayed would be random apps ###2024.11.09 - Fixed: PHP8 warnings under certain circumstances - Fixed: Popup blocked warning wouldn't disappear - Fixed: Unable to pin a docker container from within Previous Apps ###2024.11.08 - Security Update ###2024.11.05 - Added: Most popular plugins section on home page - Added: Warning when clicking a link (eg: Project) that is outside of Limetech's control ###2024.10.27 - Fixed: Under certain circumstances, Action Centre could be enabled with no apps to display - Added: Infrastructure changes for future releases ###2024.09.07 - Added: Infrastructure changes for future releases - Removed: Concept of backup server for application feed - Fixed: Selecting any option from a support drop down would scroll to top when opening a new browser tab - Fixed: Various PHP8 adjustments - Fixed: Logout detection from a different browser tab wasn't being recognized in Unraid 6.12/7.0 ###2024.07.06 - Fixed: Display aberrations on cards when application name is very long - Fixed: Various PHP8 warnings - Added: Infrastructure changes for auto filling templates in certain circumstances ###2024.06.08 - Fixed: Various PHP8 warnings ###2024.05.03 - Fixed: curl encoding option of "" no longer works on backup application feed. Switch to "deflate" as a fallback in case of failure on all downloads ###2024.04.28 - Fixed: Any corrupted xml files in /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user would crash action centre or Installed / Previous Apps - Fixed: If template maintainer listed a "branch" tag twice, fatal errors would happen with PHP error settings set to display ###2024.04.06 - Fixed: Edge case of installing an application where a duplicate template was present and the other template was deprecated could result in CA thinking the deprecated template was installed - Fixed: CSS fixes for Branch selection on 6.13+ - Changed: Support 6.13 proxies. (Fallback to CA's existing proxy support) ###2024.03.17 - Fixed: PHP8 errors - Fixed: Placement of download log button in settings incorrect in 6.13+ - Fixed: Apps installed using a different tag than what author specified would appear within Installed Apps with incorrect Action items ###2024.03.10 - Fixed: DockerHub searches wouldn't use CA's proxy if set - Fixed: CSS issues on sidebar - Changed: Always use atomic writes ###2024.03.02 - Fixed: PHP errors (and CSS) when running Azure / Gray themes - Fixed: Certain code related to appfeed wasn't running and other code was running twice - Fixed: PHP errors in Statistics ###2024.02.10b - Handle privately hosted repositories ###2024.02.10 - Fixed: PHP8 Warning ###2024.02.07 - Fixed: Unraid Connect (new URL) appearing twice within Apps - Changed: Don't display "Read More" on descriptions from dockerHub searches - Fixed: Cookies with wrong path being set - Fixed: Javascript error on Multi Application Updates (if plugins involved) - Changed: Color of card flag if dockerHub search displays an application a template exists for - Added: Provisions for a local application feed - Changed: Always have debug logs enabled - Fixed: Miscellaneous PHP8 warnings - Fixed (On supported OS versions): Multi docker installations weren't automatically starting the containers ###2024.01.21 - Fixed: Templates referencing br0 instead of eth0 (and vice-versa) would tend to show a network type of none when installing. Automatically adjust templates referencing br0 to instead say eth0 if br0 is not defined - Fixed: Action Centre wouldn't get enabled unless updates were available to an app (IE: A deprecated container by itself installed wouldn't trigger AC unless an update to something else was also available) - Fixed: Official containers with updates available wouldn't show within Action Centre - Added: Popup error if browser fails to communicate with back end running on your server - Added: Support CA being able to override the DONE button on docker installs / updates if circumstances warrant (on supported OS versions) - Fixed: Miscellaneous PHP8 errors - Fixed: Official apps referencing 'library/repository' instead of simply 'repository' would always appear within Previous Apps when installed - Changed: Minor optimizations in coding ###2024.01.01 - Fixed: Inconsistency in popup window for multiple upgrades vs single upgrade via Action Centre - Fixed: Statistics, Moderation list etc wasn't having CSS applied - Fixed: Multiple upgrades via Action Centre involving containers and plugins wouldn't install upgrade for containers without manually reloading the Apps Tab - Fixed: Pinning / Unpinning a language would revert the text for Pin/Unpin to English instead of staying in the applicable language - Changed: Roughly 60% lower memory usage ###2023.11.28 - Fixed: Don't allow donation links for Official containers ###2023.11.25 - Changed: Minimum requirements for Community Applications now 6.12.0 - Added: On feed download failure check date and time of server. If obviously wrong, display message stating to check date and time as this will preclude being able to successfully download the application feed - Fixed: Various PHP8 warnings - Added: Ability to directly search from within a moderator comment - Fixed: Moderator comments (only CA Comments) wouldn't appear within popup if installing the application directly from the card - Fixed: Action Centre wouldn't appear if only deprecated / blacklisted apps were present (would only appear if updates were available to an app) - Changed: Include link to support thread on failed to download feed - Fixed: Orphan containers were being created if selecting multiple application to update within Action Centre - Removed: Check for updates button within Installed Applications - Pointless since CA automatically checks if no update check has been performed within the last hour - Fixed: Don't enable "Select All" button if there are no checkboxes present within Action Centre on the cards - Changed: Ability to override CA's minimum memory requirements - Changed: Various CSS - Changed: Don't reload CA between container and plugin updates when doing multiple simultaneous updates - Added: Support for 6.13 unlimited width display setting - Added: Display a banner if the next revision of CA is incompatible with your OS version, suggesting to upgrade your OS version ###2023.09.30 - Changed: run update_cron at array_start (fixes issue with OS 6.12.4) - Changed: Don't use CA's awesomplete library when running OS 6.13.x+ - Fixed: Maintainer would appear wrong on certain plugins (eg: Dynamix branded) ###2023.08.27 - Fixed: Compliance with gui search on settings page ###2023.07.03 - Added: When requirements not met on a plugin, list the requirements instead of forcing user to go back to sidebar to see what they are - Added: Support URL to either image (badge) or website for license in addtion to text - Fixed: Search term present in search bar (but not searched) would cause strange results when clicking SHOW MORE from home page ###2023.05.21 - Fixed: Wrong message appearing on the incompatible section in sidebar - Removed: Spotlight Flag in sidebar - Added: Better highlighting on card when hovering - Fixed: Display aberrations on sidebar on 6.12+ when using Azure or Gray themes - Changed: All flag text is now forced uppercase for consistency - Fixed: Safari was not resizing flag text correctly ###2023.05.07 - Added: Ability for authors to override Icon entry based upon theme - PHP8 fixes - Fixed: After a dockerHub conversion, CA wouldn't return to the proper state of displayed apps - Fixed: A spotlighted app that had a description that needed a readmore couldn't easily be expanded to read the entire description on the sidebar - Added: Support for magic mouse gesture or mouse wheel left/right to change pages - Added: Link to Registry on the support dropdown from the card - Regression Error: Action Centre would never show up ###2023.04.26b - 6.9.2 Compatibility ###2023.04.26a - Regression Error: Handle situation where no changes to display settings have ever taken place ###2023.04.26 - Fixed: Various Safari issues - Fixed: Prevent main area scrolling if sidebar open - Fixed: Attempting to install / update a plugin with an invalid .plg would leave pending state always active - Fixed: MaxPerPage shouldn't appear on home page - Fixed: 404 on application icon on sidebar wouldn't display the default question mark - Changed: If Unlimited Width plugin not installed, limit number of non-displayed cards to a more reasonable value - Fixed: Under certain circumstances, switching over to backup application feed wouldn't happen - Changed: Spotlight icons - Added: Popup if attempting to install a plugin while one is already in progress - Added: Allow zoom on sidebar application icon - Added: Show Installed flag on sidebar - Fixed: Under certain circumstances the BACK button on sidebar could disappear - Changed: Switch backup application feed to faster server - Added: Ability to display Featured Apps ###2023.03.11 - PHP 8 Upgrades ###2023.03.03 - PHP8 Upgrades ###2023.02.25 - PHP8 Upgrades ###2023.02.17 - Dismissable AC banner warning ###2023.02.16 - PHP8 Upgrades - Added: Treat developer profile pics as a screenshot (click and zoom) - Added: ~20% less memory usage if developer mode isn't set in Settings - Added: Popup if memory installed does not meet CA's (and the OS's) published minimum ###2023.01.28 - Fixed: Don't allow dockerHub searches if the initial CYA disclaimer was dismissed - Fixed: Exceeded PHP memory limit when displaying template errors in Statistics - Fixed: Run on sentences displayed when displaying multiple note on the sidebar - Fixed: Privileged warning could appear twice in the sidebar - Fixed: Many / most applications would fail to display the correct last updated time in the sidebar - Fixed: Setting a favourite repository wouldn't display the hearts until a refresh of the page - Updated: Copyright - Code Cleanup - Updated: PHP8 compliance - Maybe fixed: On occasion Home would be highlighted under certain circumstances ###2022.12.29 - Fixed: Private App Category was not displaying - Fixed: First load of Apps after a application feed download would result in system thinking no docker apps installed ###2022.12.28 - Fixed: PHP8 compliance - Changed: Debugging banner enabled now will auto-hide - Fixed: v1 only templates were getting an extra invalid entry - Added: Better error handling for I/O errors - Added: Increase memory limit to 256M - Fixed: Prevent possible inifinit loop happening on a background task - Fixed: Under certain circumstances possible for CA to think a feed update was downloaded even though it wasn't - Fixed: Unraid version in debugging logs could be incorrect - Fixed: Feed would redownload every time entering in the apps tab - Changed: Always display Maintainer and Repo Name on a plugin's sidebar - Fixed: Don't process click events on menu items if onclick attribute present - Fixed: On occasion the first click to open a side bar could wind up with an empty sidebar - Fixed: Install comments popup could have a display aberration in the text under certain circumstances - Changed: More memory usage optimizations ###2022.12.03 - Fixed: Initial PHP8 compliance - Fixed: Don't process menu click events if onclick present - Code cleanup - Fixed: Infinite loop on sidebar possible in extremely unlikely set of circumstances - Changed: Don't redisplay Action Centre enabled banner after installing if it was already enabled - Fixed: Display aberration on "Requires" popup when installing from the card if a number was preceded by a space - Fixed: Display aberration on Repository cards - Fixed: On occasion, side bar would be empty or not populated correctly - Fixed: Action Centre would always get enabled if Docker Folder fork was installed - Changed: Significantly less memory usage ###2022.11.11 - Fixed: Loading sidebar on Papermerge twice would exhaust memory - Fixed: Uncategorized applications would not appear within "Other" category ###2022.10.16 - Fixed: Check for updates (via Installed Apps) also checked for OS updates - Enhanced: Update plugin support URLs (if necessary) whenever application feed downloaded - Fixed: Display issues on 6.11.x when installing a deprecated or incompatible plugin - Fixed: Installing deprecated or incompatible application wouldn't enable the Action Centre - Added: Relative popularity for plugins (top 45 plugins) - Fixed: Multiple line stock comments wouldn't properly translate - Added: Language installs / updates now honor the Pending state - Changed: Only prepopulate pending plugin installations if there is more than 1 plugin pending (partial OS mitigation) - Added: Setting to disable sidebar automatically opening on a hover (defaults to enabled) ###2022.09.30 - Possible fix for a javascript error in certain unlikely situations ###2022.09.26 - Performance improvement: Only scan for new private templates when going Home - Fixed: Flash drive offline would crash CA ###2022.09.10 - Tweaked: Various modifications to download timeouts to improve user experience on marginal internet connections - Fixed: Don't present edit as an option in the actions dropdown if the xml doesn't actually exist - Improved: Revamp debugging information on downloads - Changed: Statistics now downloaded asyncronously after an appfeed update instead of first time sidebar opened (Performance improvement) - Fixed: CSS changes when running 6.11.0-rc1+ - Fixed: Action Centre was not being enabled after installing an incompatible application (if settings allowed incompatible installations) - Fixed: Action Centre was not being enabled if installing an application deemed to be incompatible via moderation - Fixed: Under certain circumstances, an application wouldn't install from the card (only from the sidebar) if extensive use of Requires tag was present - Changed: Refined text on Requirements not met messaging - Added: Direct CA search links within the reason on Apps of the Month - Fixed: Workaround for docker tab still showing updates available after updating all apps within Installed Apps ###2022.07.26 - Added: Support for Unraid 6.11 - Fixed: Action Centre would appear if Favourite Repository was clicked - Fixed: Drivers couldn't be updated from within Action Centre - Fixed: Going to a plugin's settings from within CA would crash CA when hitting DONE on the plugin's settings - Fixed: Direct CA search links displayed were not displayed correctly when installing from a card that where a further requirements popup would appear - Fixed: Deprecated plugins (Previous Apps Section) couldn't be installed from sidebar ###2022.06.18 - Fixed: XSS vulnerability on search strings - Fixed: Less cookie use - Changed: Show Install on card, even if requirements are not met to lessen confusion (show a popup that requirements are not met after clicking) - Added: Show banner when background tasks looking for actionable items in action centre are running - Fixed: Application cards wouldn't reflect a plugin update being available unless the application feed knew about it - Fixed: Fatal flash drive error popup wouldn't appear under any circumstance - Fixed: On occasion Action Centre would never appear even if it should have - Added: Add check for updates and ability to update all from Installed Apps - Fixed: Background check for updates were not checking for language updates - Fixed: Clicking on the icon for certain plugins would open, close, and then reopen the sidebar - Added: Check for additional requirements not being met if updating a plugin - Fixed: Some text never had the ability to be translated - Fixed: A previously installed app couldn't be reinstalled from the card if it had multiple line comments included - Fixed: Any embedded videos within a profile wouldn't display the proper display video link - Added: Hovering over the app's icon or info button for 4 seconds will automatically open the sidebar - Added: Handle a specific error that may be made by language translators - Changed: Updated flag now takes precedence over Installed - Fixed: Disallow an inadvertent search against blacklisted / deprecated / incompatible applications - Changed: Automatically scroll to bottom of popup on installs / updates - Fixed: Display aberration on the page numberubg - Enhanced: Simpler and faster background processing for Action Centre ###2022.05.15 - Fixed: Action centre would appear even if nothing was present if templates outside of CA's control were installed ###2022.05.08 - Added: Action Centre - Fixed: Blacklisted Apps wouldn't appear within Installed Apps - Fixed: Allow non-CA apps to appear within Installed / Previous Apps - Added: Infrastructure to still know if an app is blacklisted even if its no longer within the appfeed - Fixed: 6.10.0-RC series - Headers already sent error when updating a container within CA - Fixed: Updated flag wouldn't always disappear from sidebar after updating - Removed: Extraneous warning icon for deprecated / blacklisted on the cards - Fixed: Improper IconURL was being added to dockerHub conversions - Fixed: Extra sessions were being created by a background process - Changed: Uninstalling no longer automatically goes to Installed Apps after completion - Fixed: Prevent a background process from being spawned multiple times if it takes longer than 60 minutes to complete - Fixed: Selected apps in Previous Apps would get cleared when page switching, deleting a template via actions etc - Fixed: Sidebar wouldn't allow a deprecated app (in previous apps) to be reinstalled - Changed: Installed flag takes precedence of deprecated / blacklisted flags ###2022.04.17 - Fixed: Don't allow renamed containers to be pinned - Fixed: If pinned apps comes up with No Matching Content Found (due to all pinned apps being incompatible etc) then disable the button - Fixed: Don't allow blacklisted apps to be pinned - Enhanced: Better handling of cURL download failures - Added: When installing multiple containers via Previous Apps, automatically download the icons - Speeds up the first access to Docker / Dashboard tabs - Fixed: Blacklisted apps wouldn't appear within Installed Apps, preventing their uninstallation via CA - Added: Handle in memory corruption of downloaded files - Redownload them if this is detected - Added: Delete unused volumes when uninstalling a container - Enhanced: If autostart selections are already made in docker tab, then do not override the settings to have everything set to autostart when doing a multiple install from Previous Apps - Added: Better WCAG 1.x compliance ###2022.04.03 - Fixed: Extraneous debugging spamming browser console log - Improved: Security / Privacy updates on cookies - Changed: Slight wording changes on app flags - Fixed: Regression error - plugins couldn't install from the sidebar - Changed: Easier identification if there is a video attached to the app - Fixed: Removing a previous app would wind up highlighting Installed Apps - Added: If only a single app is present in a search, automatically open up the sidebar - Fixed: If multiple browser tabs were open simultaneously to CA and the Max Per Page was changed on one of them, the Max Per Page dropdown on the other wouldn't update accordingly ###2022.03.22 - Fixed: Compatibility with browsers having Chinese set as their language (not the OS set as Chinese) - Added: Better banner warnings on why docker applications may not be available to install - Fixed: Update Available would erroneously appear if Unraid was unable to check for updates to a docker app ###2022.03.17a - Fixed: Display aberration on dockerHub installs when running Unraid 6.9.x ###2022.03.17 - Added: Option to determine automatically any paths, ports, variables used by a dockerHub search install - Fixed: A dockerHub search install could overwrite an existing user template if the same name was used - Fixed: PHP error if no change to Settings - Display Settings had ever been made - Fixed: White on white text would appear on 6.10-rc3 during a container update ###2022.03.13 - Maintenance Release - Fixed: Cancelling a plugin installation from the card if there was a warning popup would disable the search box - Fixed: On occasion the warning popup could have corrupted text - Fixed: Installed Version was appearing on sidebar if plugin wasn't installed - Added: Show current plugin version of non-installed plugins - Fixed: Max per page was appearing on Credits and Stats pages - Fixed: Very old CA installations could display -1 as max per page - Fixed: Very old CA installations could crash on the home page - Added: Flag on the app cards if an update is available for them - Fixed: On the card it was possible for Actions to still display Install Update if the app was updated within the previous 2 hours and the update was already installed ###2022.03.06 - Added: Checkmark indicating currently selected Max Per Page on dropdown - Added: Identify apps in a dockerHub search that currently exist within Apps as a template (must install via templates) - Fixed: DockerHub search phrase 'no description present' couldn't be translated - Added: Direct searching for specific docker repository in templates - Added: Minor tweaking to search engine - Fixed: Roughly 50% of the world was seeing the incorrect month on Spotlight Apps - Fixed: If (for whatever reason) the home screen was unable to display any apps within a section, the page navigation buttons would appear - Fixed: Certain plugins with additional requirements couldn't be reinstalled by themselves from Previous Apps - Added: Ability for CA to check a plugin's requirements and not allow any attempted install if not met - Fixed: Couldn't pin a language or an official (library) dockerHub app - Changed: UI consistency on the pin / unpin within the sidebar ###2022.02.26 - Changed: Support ultra-wide displays up to 5120 pixels on home screen if Unlimited Width plugin installed - Added: Support displaying of License in sidebar - Fixed: Handle the situation where if some other application inadvertently deleted CA's data files, don't return PHP errors - Added: If when installing an app and there is already an app installed and a naming collision would result (eg: NZBGet already installed and you're attempting to install nzbget) rename the second app accordingly - Added: Detect if your browser is automatically translating the Apps tab and display a warning banner (Very mixed results in having the browser perform an automatic translation from no affect at all to many buttons will not work - YMMV) - Removed: Redundant file - Fixed: Under extremely rare circumstances a task could be spawned which would never complete - Changed: Speed up the gathering of Last Updated information when going to the sidebar - Changed: How certain errors are handled in the Statistics section to make maintenance easier - Changed: Minor skin tweaks - Changed: Populate autocomplete lists in background - Added: Link the CA requires internet access error to a forum post - Added: Ability to select the number of search results per page on the fly ###2022.02.06 - Added: Date updated for docker containers - Changed: Graphs going forward will now only populate to 7 months - Fixed: Not all dates present in the sidebar would get translated - Added: Ability in additional requirements to have a link for CA to perform a search - Added: Support for additional moderation options - Fixed: Install Multiple containers progress window was displaying white text on a white background (RC3 and possibly RC1/2) ###2022.01.28 - Maintenance release - Added: Support direct search results from the URL ###2022.01.22 - Fixed: After browsing and switching to page 2 then doing a search that only had a single page of results and installing No Apps Found would appear when returning to CA - Fixed: Don't re open/close the category when going from a subcategory back to the parent - Cleanup: Remove some unnecessary code - Fixed: Installing from a card wouldn't display both a CAComment and Additional Requirements if both were present - Appfeed: Security enhancements ###2022.01.15 - Fixed: Race conditions on setting the proper sort order after navigating from Home, Show More to anywhere else - Fixed: Don't allow CA to update itself from the card or sidebar (only allow from banner) as crashes would result - Fixed: Certain templates wouldn't display correctly on the cards - Fixed: Regression error would appear if the flash drive wasn't present - Fixed: If an app had additional requirements and a comment, only the comment would appear when installing from the card - Fixed: Prevent deletion of an installed app if no template exists on the flash drive (errors would result) - Fixed: A link to a profile was appearing on private apps - Fixed: If all pinned apps were no longer available within CA, errors would appear when going to Pinned Apps ###2022.01.07 - Fixed: Crashes with certain network configurations ###2022.01.02 - Fixed: If a spotlighted app was incompatible with a user's system it would still display in spotlight section - Added: Display warning to change host ports when installing a new app that has port conflicts with an already running container or service - Fixed: Comments etc weren't displaying when installing an app from the card that had branches - Added: Show installed / upgrade versions for plugin on sidebar - Removed: Extraneous file only used for compatibility with less than 6.9.0 - Fixed: Apps with video's would not autoplay on chrome - Fixed: Memory leak from debugging being enabled - Possible Fix: Rare race condition - Changed: Simpler skinning - Fixed: Entire card is clickable for displaying the sidebar ###2021.12.18 - Prep work for next release - Added: Ability to cancel installation from card if there's a warning popup - Fixed: Plugins wouldn't display popup if there was a warning when installing from card - Added: Clearly show if an installed app is blacklisted / deprecated - Fixed: The very first template in the application feed wouldn't display correctly if it was installed - Fixed: Emergency notifications weren't working - Fixed: Even if settings didn't allow incompatible or deprecated installs, CA was allowing them via statistics and the sidebar - Fixed: Misc CSS fixes - Fixed: Removing coding for displaying cards without any description - Added: Under the hood debugging system far simpler ###2021.12.05 - Changed: Number of cards displayed back to 24 - Added: Explicit support for Discord links per app in templates - Added: If there's a comment on an app within CA, then display the comment whenever installing the app from the card - Fixed: Minor CSS errors - Fixed: When multiple instances of an app were installed, uninstalling one of them from the card could result in the other instance being uninstalled instead - Added: Automatically adjust templates to match user's system if the template referenced a share and the share already existed but differed in case - Fixed: After returning from an install the main area could be scrolled separately from the sidebar - Fixed: On a template using Branches you couldn't click the text description on the default branch - Fixed: On a search for a previously installed app you may not have been able to reinstall it from previous apps directly from the card - Fixed: Prevent a search from happening if a search is already in progress ###2021.11.13 - Added: Support for screenshots, videos and more - Fixed: Certain plugins couldn't be uninstalled from the sidebar - Fixed: Plugins with only a single action after installing (Uninstall) would show the action in red - Added: Show template errors on the sidebar - Fixed: Main body would allow scrolling when the sidebar was open - Fixed: Possible error message if cookies are not enabled - Fixed: Author listed on sidebar would be wrong if the container was hosted on lscr.io - Fixed: Certain search terms (eg: Unraid) would return strange results - Refined: More intelligent duplicated template detection on statistics screen - CSS Tweaks ###2021.11.05 - Fixed: The link in moderator comments (on info screen) would go to the wrong URL on occasion ###2021.11.04 - Added: dockerHub searching - Changed: App cards showing descriptions is now the default setting - Fixed: Private Apps were not displaying - Added: More debugging information - Added: Cards with descriptions now include the Actions / Install button - Added: Flags on cards if favourite repository, pinned, additional comments etc - Fixed: Under certain circumstances after an application feed update, CA would think that no apps were installed - Added: Allow reinstalls from a search / browse, not just from previous apps - Fixed: Race condition when returning to CA from a docker install - Fixed: Checkbox on previous app wouldn't disappear if you installed the app separately - Enhanced: Better caching - Fixed: Under certain rare circumstances, and app could appear as being installed if it wasn't - Enhanced: Under supported OS versions, CA will ask the OS to not attempt a download of the app's icon if it doesn't exist - Added: Hover text to the various flags on the cards - Fixed: Download statistic wasn't appearing on the sidebar - Fixed: Don't allow CA to be uninstalled from within CA - Fixed: Descriptions on repository cards would display an error when clicking on them ###2021.10.24 - Windows 11 temporary compatibility fix - Fixed: Repository descriptions weren't showing up on cards if descriptions were allowed in Settings ###2021.10.21 - Changed / Fixed: Rendering speed at startup, page transitions etc - Fixee: Uninstalling from a category woulen't highlight Installed Apps after finish. - Fixed: Uninstalling from either the docker or plugin subsection of installed apps would highlight Installed Apps after uninstall - Various CSS tweaks ###2021.10.19 - Changed: Drop limit of displayed apps on home page from 25 to 7 / 10 depending upon settings - Added: Ability to display descriptions by default on the cards. (Go to CA's Settings page) - Changed: Easier access to debugging information in certain cases ###2021.10.17a - Fixed: Certain apps would have the Installed flag showing when in Installed Apps - Fixed: Pinned Apps were not honoring the sort order when initially going into that section - Fixed: Going from Home / SHOW MORE to Installed / Previously Installed the sort order would be incorrect ###2021.10.17 - Complete overhaul of GUI - Fixed: Disable categories after performing a dockerHub search - Removed: Compatibility with OS versions prior to 6.9.0 - Fixed: Attempting to sort a repository display would return errors if only a single repository was present - Added: When installing a second instance, automatically change the app name - Changed: Priority of support options is now Project, Discord, Support Forum - Removed: Help text (unnecessary with replacement GUI) - Fixed: Setting a favourite repository would change all of CA's settings back to defaults - Added: Support ReadMe files on templates - Fixed: Multiple instances of apps installed using the same tag would only appear once within installed apps - Removed: dockerHub searches (See release post) - Fixed: All steamcmd apps would show as being installed if any of them were. - Changed: Dim background on any sweet alerts (eg: choose branch) - Fixed: Display aberrations if app's name didn't fit within designated area - Fixed: Entering a search term (but not searching for it) followed by selecting a category would return errors - Added: Languages show up within Installed Apps (plugins subsection) - Added: Identification of apps which are currently installed - Fixed: Second instance would show up within Previous Apps (and give installed options) if original instance was installed, then second instance was not installed and both used the same tag - Added: Fatal error if docker image / folder is either completely full or mounted read-only - Fixed: Hover area / click area of left menus extended into blank area to the right - Fixed: Deleting the entire private repository storage location (/boot/config/plugins/community.applications/private) would result in the private applications still appearing until the next appfeed update - Fixed: Various issues related to installing 2nd instances - Rediscovered: A profound appreciation of the phrase 'Nothing takes 5 minutes' ###2021.08.31 - Security updates - Fixed: Always reload CA if installing language updates - Fixed: Official containers would always show an update available - Added: Basic diagnostics information to 'something really went wrong' message ###2021.08.16 - Unraid 6.10.0-rc2 compatibility - Fixed: If a plugin failed to install, the update icon would appear - More skin improvements - Added: Allow outside click to close popup even if below the lowest displayed card - Added: Reinstall default now prompts to select a branch if app supports it - Changed: Installed / Previous Apps will now show the description the user sets instead of the default one ###2021.08.08a - Fixed: Branches not installing - Fixed: Search results didn't include descriptions ###2021.08.08 - Added: Updates to plugins / docker apps directly from popup - Added: Remove HTML from any private apps' descriptions (security) - Changed: Don't artificially cut off dockerHub descriptions at 240 characters. Follow the same logic as every other app in CA - Fixed: Hitting Select All on Previous Apps screen followed by a manual install of a previous app followed by Install All would return an error when installing everything else - Relocate Clear Search link to somewhere more logical - Changed: Only show Drivers watermark if the app is a plugin - Improved: Prep work for a possible new skinning engine - Changed: Improvements to the popup Descriptions to make them more inline with how they would look when installing - Changed: If a repository only has incompatible / deprecated apps, don't display it within Repositories unless CA settings would allow it (Would result in No Matching Apps Found) ###2021.07.24 - Fixed: Official containers were showing in Previous apps when installed, not within installed apps - Fixed: Apps installed as a branch would show twice within Installed Apps - Fixed: When installing from Previous Apps, the startup category would be get highlighted when returning to CA - Enhanced: Faster handling of installed apps section - Fixed: Disable docker sub-menu on installed / previous apps if docker service isn't enabled - Changed: Minimim OS compatibility now Unraid 6.6.2 - Added: Ability to directly install updates to docker / plugin apps within CA instead of redirecting to Docker / Plugins tab - Changed: Fix reference made to Switch Language icon (Compatibility with a future version of Unraid [maybe]) - Changed: Don't display xxx's Repository on tiles. Only display xxx - Security Change: Don't allow HTML within changelogs - Added: Support Markdown within changelogs - Added: Support Changelogs from Private Apps - Added: Support for additional requirements xml tag - Fixed: Apps that were set to never get the template updated in dockerMan would never display a changelog if one was present - Added: Optional check for updates to apps outside of scheduled Dynamix checking ###2021.06.21 - Maintenance Update - Fixed: Repository that contained a duplicated dockerHub repository (even if it was removed from CA) wouldn't appear in the correct order when sorting repositories by Date Added - Fixed: When clicking on the description of an app, only allow clicking on the text, not the complete area allowed for the text - Changed: Remove autofocus on search bar when entering Apps tab (Some mobile devices would automatically bring up the virtual keyboard whenever entering the Apps tab) - Fixed / Changed: Complete revamp of how the readmore is generated on the app's tile - Fixed: Adjust color of hyperlinks on black / grey themes - Fixed: Various CSS tweaks, and all hyperlinks should now properly follow the CSS rules for color changes on hover etc. ###2021.06.04 - Added: Confirmation dialog (6.10) if leaving CA Settings without applying changes - Skin optimizations (13% less data transferred to browser, faster, smaller code base) - Fixed: In event of an appfeed failure, completely disable searches, browsing etc. - Fixed: Regression error: Original overviews weren't being sent to dockerMan for installation - Unraid 6.10 compatibility changes - Fixed: After installing one app via a search, and then another app via a search when returning back to CA the search for / search box would contain incorrect values - Added: Support Markdown formatting in app overviews - Added: Dynamically cutoff the descriptions in the cards based upon what fits rather than a set character count - Fixed: Descriptions on blacklisted cards wouldn't appear ###2021.05.16 - Fixed: Regression error when searching it allowed clicking on categories which weren't present on the search - Added more debugging information - Fixed: Docker apps with branding wouldn't show as installed during searches, or browsing (only via Installed Apps) - Removed: Support for BaseOS within templates (no one used it, and dockerHub hasn't supported returning this information for ~2 years) - Fixed: Uninstalling (or removing) from Previous Apps / Installed Apps and being on the docker/plugin sub category would return you back to the Main Category ###2021.05.05 - Fixed: CSS on Favourite Repo - Maintenance improvements - Fixed: CSS Change language watermark to solve issue on Firefox when browser zoomed in - Added: Remove descriptions on docker Config elements when running a supported Unraid OS version - Misc code cleanup - Added: Author of container to autocomplete entries if author is not the same as repository - Added: Docker and Plugin submenus to both installed and previous apps sections ###2021.03.28 - Add in further debugging info if required - Added: Prioritize certain Extra Search Terms - Fixed: Certain auto complete entries (eg: NUT) wouldn't return any search results - Fixed: Regression error - Clicking on a plugin's settings icon would open a new tab - Readded: Install updates for plugins ###2021.03.12 - Added: Support plugins-error as part of previous apps - Added: Support spaces in extra search terms ###2021.03.10 - Permission Fix - Changed: Re-institute connection timeout on all downloads (30 seconds) - Added: Ability to selectively mark a single plugin version as being incompatible ###2021.03.02 - Emergency update: Unable to install de_DE / fr_FR languages if unraid.net is installed ###2021.02.27 - Changed: CSS color fixes, updates etc - Misc: Code re-organization - Changed / Fixed: Complete overhaul of sorting system - Added: Sorting options on repositories (Name, number of apps, average trend, date added) - Deprecated: Donation links within templates in lieu of links with profiles - Fixed: Some apps within installed / previous apps sections couldn't be pinned - Fixed: Display default icon on popups if error occurs when loading the image - Added: Different watermark on apps tagged as drivers - Changed: Hide the multi-install buttons if no previous apps present - Changed: Don't show private within stats if no private apps present - Changed: Always keep preferred repositories (ones with profiles) at the top whenever resorting the repository display - Fixed: Stop the spinner from "wiggling" the display when using an ultrawide monitor and the Unlimited Width plugin installed - Added: Apps within the selected favourite repository are always highlighted when browsing / searching apps - Fixed: Inadvertently clicking on an app's action icons to close the popup would wind up performing the action instead of only closing the popup - Changed: Don't count an author's deprecated / incompatible apps within the repository popup unless CA's settings allows deprecated / incompatible to be displayed - Fixed: Docker apps with hypens in their names couldn't be uninstalled - Fixed: Languages couldn't be installed or updated from the popup ###2021.02.19 - Fixed: Certain apps previously pinned would not appear within pinned apps - Patched: Sort order in Installed / Previous Apps section - Fixed: Deleting a private app from within pinned apps would return an error ###2021.02.15 - Switch to a floating popup for app / repository information - Remove Excess Files - Update Awesomeplete library - Fixed: Refine 'branding' on apps (autocomplete) - Added: Highlight search results on repository name - Fixed: Allow manually deleting search term and pressing enter to clear search results - Fixed: Statistics popup for apps would display a minor error at times - Added: Support 'extra' search terms for applications if defined by the author - Added: Ability to search for a complete dockerHub repository (ie: author/container) - Changed: Pinned menu enabled / disabled according to if apps are pinned or not - Changed: App popups changed to reflect current Unraid theme selected - Fixed: Flickering on Favourite Repo menu - Changed: Don't show Show More Results from dockerHub if searching apps from a repository ###2021.01.01 - Fixed: Private Apps were being flagged as being part of a favourite repository if no favourite was selected - Fixed: Don't allow dockerHub to be flagged as favourite repository - Changed: Displaying repositories will only present what's present in the category / filter being browsed instead of all repositories - Added: Keep category / filter highlighted when displaying repositories to allow easy return to apps display - Fixed: Displaying apps from certain repositories (eg: Emby repository) would display some apps not present in the repository - Fixed: 'PiHole Template' (and possibly others) was not displaying within the auto complete entries due to branding rules - Changed: Speedup previous apps section displaying. - Fixed (via appfeed): Certain apps would never appear within Previous Apps - Changed: Simpler display of navigation menu ###2020.12.19 - Fixed: Branding wasn't being properly removed ###2020.12.14 - Add readmore link to tiles - Fixed: Statistics / Incompatible was showing wrong apps - Added: Repository popups - Added: Favourite repository shows up first in any search result - Added: Filters on searches - Fixed: Plex appearing twice within autocomplete - Changed: Donate buttons only appear on installed apps - Changed: Refine autocomplete entries - Fixed: Clicking on a category already selected would re-search the category ###2020.09.19 - Added option to save debugging information ###2020.09.12 - Fixed regression error regarding get_categories - Test removing connection timeout on all downloads ###2020.08.22 - Suppress error if categories not downloading - Do not allow docker not enabled banner to be dismissed ###2020.08.16 - Enhanced: Sort Categories according to translation, not English (Not 100% perfect (ie: fr_FR), but will get enhanced on future versions of Unraid. Non Roman character sets (Arabic / Chinese will not sort properly) - Enhanced: Language's popup now completely translated according to the language ###2020.08.09 - Fixed: Searches using UTF character sets (or via autocomplete) would return indeterminate results - Fixed: Templates with config entries pre-populatated with 0 would not be honoured - Minor CSS changes - Fixed: Installation line on popups might be corrupted under certain circumstances when in a language other than English - Fixed: Reinstall (Default) wouldn't work from the card (Only worked from the popup) - Changed: More consistent formatting on the help text - Enhanced: All icons / links change colour when hovering - Changed: Simplified disclaimer for languages - NOTE: Application feed has been updated to reflect some changes above. This update is recommended ###2020.07.13 - Changed: Don't show installed apps within Random Section - Changed: Revisions on scripts to be more dynamix compliant on Multi-Language - Added: Select All Apps On Page while in Previous Apps section ###2020.07.08 - Fixed: CSS changes on multi-language disclaimers appearing off-screen / cut-off ###2020.06.26 - Fixed: Watermark issue on en_US language when template authoring mode is not enabled - Fixed: Various icon inconsistencies in previous apps after reinstalling a single app - Fixed: Edge case when using the OS switch-to English icon within the Apps tab - Fixed / Changed: Various multi-language tweaks - Updated Credits - Changed: Detect if another tab logged out of the UI and act accordingly ###2020.06.13 - Various minor fixes - Fixed: Identically named apps from within same repository AND same author, but different tags would install the wrong app. ###2020.06.08 - Add ability to delete multiple templates from Previous Apps Section ###2020.05.27 - Multi-language updates / fixes ###2020.05.25 - Multi-language updates / fixes ###2020.05.16 - Fixed: Identically named applications within same repository but with different authors would get mixed up - Language Pack Misc Updates / Fixes - Changed: Don't Display ***Updating Content*** prior to accepting disclaimer - Changed: Remove option to not delete the image when uninstalling an app - Fixed: Plugin popup would display wrong watermark under certain conditions ###2020.05.12 - Added: Localize values when hovering on the graphs - Fixed: Donation links on cards disappeared - Added: Language Pack Support - Fixed: Error displaying during a fresh CA install - Changed: Better displaying of a beta application - Fixed: Errors would appear in statistics screen if (unlikely) no template errors were made - Fixed: Unreadable links when hovering over an app's warning symbol (if present) - Fixed: Hitting Done from a plugin's settings page wouldn't return to CA - Fixed: If backup server was active, after installing a docker application, the backup active banner would not reappear ###2020.04.19 - Fixed: Display aberration after installing a single app from Previous Apps - Added: If an app directly references a disk or cache pool in the template, adjust template accordingly if the user does not have the disk / cache pool installed - Fixed: If installing an app from a search immediately after starting CA, the start up category would remain highlighted when returning back to CA after the install ###2020.04.03 - Added: Multilanguage support - Changed: Adjusted CSS for unRaid 6.9-beta2+ - Fixed: Under certain circumstances, autocomplete on searches wouldn't populate - Fixed: Prevent browser console error if notifications are not enabled - Added: Support internet proxies ###2020.03.18 - Lower notification from alert to warning - Switch from opt-out to opt-in for notifications. ***Highly advised to opt-in*** ###2020.03.14 - Fixed: A sanitized overview when being displayed when installing a docker application - Fixed: Minor CSS fixes for unRaid 6.9+ - Added: Background scanning for must see notifications ###2020.03.07 - CSS Fixes for 6.8.3 and Gray / Azure themes ###2020.02.22 - Fixed: If a browser tab was opened to CA and another tab rebooted the server, a blank error would appear on the original tab - Fixed: If installing an app from a search result that only had one hit, 'no matching apps' would appear following installation - Fixed: Popups on Safari and Edge wouldn't have the watermark displayed as a watermark - Fixed: Apps that were tagged differently than the default would appear in the Installed Apps list twice - Changed: More clearly identify Beta apps within the popup - Changed: Highlight hits on the app's name during searches - Fixed: Official docker containers would never be able to load the webUI from within CA - Changed: Recommended appears first during any search results (hits on name first, then 2nd section with hits on description etc) - Added: All users must acknowledge that CA also contains plugins within the apps - Changed: Watermarks when running the next release of unRaid ###2020.02.13 - Fixed: Reinstall default from searches ###2020.02.11 - Silence PHP error that should be impossible to appear in the first place - Minor CSS changes for next release of OS ###2020.02.06 - Fixed: Incompatible apps wouldn't appear on a startup screen even if CA's settings was set to allow incompatible apps - Fixed: If an app was pinned that later became incompatible, the pinned apps screen would still show it even if CA's settings disallowed incompatible apps (default) - Further security enhancements ###2020.02.05 Security Update All users are highly encouraged to upgrade to this version ###2020.02.01 NOTE: This is the last version of CA that I will verify compatibility with 6.4.x thru 6.6.x - Changed: Help text refinements - Added: Clearly identify via a watermark whether the application is a plugin or docker container - Fixed: If a fatal error happens within CA, close the spinner to avoid locking up the browser tab - Changed: If a plugin version cannot be determined display Unknown instead of nothing - Fixed: Prevent an incompatible app from having a thumbs-up - Changed: Relocate uninstall and multiple install checkboxes to bottom icon area - Fixed: Spinner was dimming the display ###2020.01.28 - Fixed Regression Error: When uninstalling a docker application, the wrong app (or no app) could get uninstalled - Fixed: When using dynamix buttons plugin from the apps tab the popup confirmation would be corrupted - Fixed: When displaying a plugin popup, always display the plugin's current version instead of the version the appfeed thinks is the current version ###2020.01.19 - Refinements to PluginAPI ###2020.01.18 - PluginAPI: Add in further functions for plugin developers - Changed: Deleting a template from previous apps will no longer deselect anything else already selected - Added: Recommended apps - Changed: Re-enable cookies not enabled warnings when running 6.8+ - Changed: Rename Top Performing to To New Installs - Changed: Adjust criteria on trending apps - Changed: Don't display minimim OS required for an app if it's less than CA's own minimum requirements ###2020.01.11a - Changed: Install multiple plugins in same order as during a boot with the exception of UD / UD+ ###2020.01.11 - Changed: On multiple previous apps installs, reverse sort the plugins (The UD+ fix) - Fixed: Reinstall default wouldn't appear on app cards contrary to settings ###2020.01.09 - Added links to Application Policies - Changed: Adjust criteria for top performing / trending - Added: Line of best fit to charts in pop ups ###2020.01.04 - Fixed regression error: autocomplete not populating ###2020.01.03 - Better displaying of fatal errors within CA ###2020.01.02 - Suppress error being logged under certain circumstances ###2019.12.31a - Fixed: If startup disclaimer not accepted, do not allow dockerHub installs ###2019.12.31 - Fixed: On occasion strange characters would appear in autocomplete entries - Added: Support 3rd Party Themes ###2019.12.21 - Fixed regression error: Popup error if couldn't download feed - Fixed: Minor calculation errors on statistics - Changed: Allow dashes in search terms - OCD change regarding confirmation text when installing multiple previous apps ###2019.12.05 - Fixed regression error: Sorting not functional - Always show App's graphs - Plugin Support URL that appears in the install window now a link ###2019.11.28 - Prep work for future updates - Fixed: Installations from a startup page followed by visiting installed / previous / pinned, sort orders would be wrong - Fixed: Menu wasn't being properly highlighted again after installations - Fixed: In unlikely circumstance of a fatal error in CA, the browser tab could get locked up. ###2019.11.15 - Fixed: After installing an app from the startup screen, the sort order would change - Changed: Vastly simpler skinning - Enhanced: 50% less memory usage required - Fixed: If no access to internet, statistics screen would display errors - Changed: Generate XML files for applications on demand ###2019.11.03 - Fixed: unRaid log button wouldn't work within CA - Remove mobile enhancements until unRaid supports mobile devices ###2019.09.22 - Misc optimizations, etc - Fixed: When running on backup server, banner warning would appear / disappear - Enhanced: Update support threads on installed plugins if author changed URL - Changed: Fully support latest appfeed version ###2019.09.09 - Fixed: Plugin API wouldn't display updates available on unRaid 6.7.x ###2019.09.02 - Readd PluginAPI removed during 09.01's emergency fixes ###2019.09.01 - Compatibility fix for future versions of unRaid ###2019.08.31a - Don't display any menu item in the case of an application feed download error ###2019.08.31 - Prevent a particular error display under an extremely unlikely set of circumstances ###2019.08.27 - Some cleanup of code - Rename cookies to not potentially interfere with other plugins / unRaid itself - Fixed: After installing an app from a search result, the results might change their sort order (bug introduced 8/17) ###2019.08.23 - Fixed: Under certain circumstances, installing a plugin with a duplicated name (Nut, Rclone, etc) would display the incorrect installed version in Installed / Previous Apps ###2019.08.17 - Prioritize search results for matches on app name first ###2019.08.11 - Compatibility fix for future versions of unRaid ###2019.08.05 - Added: Further functions to plugin API ###2019.08.04 - Added: Alert if browser configuration disallowed a dockerHub conversion to take place (ground work for next CA rev) - Added: Show current version of plugin on it's popup - Changed: Popups now always show minimum version of a plugin - Banner warnings now are live and added / removed with every navigation within CA if circumstances change (docker enabled / disabled, cookies enabled / disabled etc) - Added: Prep work for next rev of PluginAPI - Fixed: Regression error where installing an app from within a category would not highlight the category again after installation - Removed: Support for a USB stored backup appfeed - Added: Banner warning if CA running on backup server ###2019.07.11 - Fixed: Spinner wouldn't disappear when pinning / unpinning app ###2019.07.07 - Fixed: Very rapid clicks between sections / categories could result in the wrong apps being displayed - Fixed: Edge case of maintainer / author having multiple identically named apps would not properly distinguish between the two - Changed: Always display repository tags within pop up ###2019.06.29 - Changed: Better logging from Update API - Added: Current sort selected on the title bar - Changed: Modifications to requirements for a Top Performing App ###2019.06.11 - Fixed: Applications with branches were not getting the description on the template the authors intended ###2019.06.09b - Changed: Don't display a blank screen if last private app was deleted - Removed: Easter Egg - Changed: When changing sort order, go back to page 1 - Changed: Minor CSS Changes - Simplify Sort Options - Remove Sort By Downloads Ascending - Remove Sort By Trends Ascending (Does anyone ever look for the least popular apps?) - Add in Sort By Date Added to CA - Removed some extraneous code ###2019.06.09a - Fixed: Don't allow dockerHub searches if docker is not enabled ###2019.06.09 - Added: Private Apps (if present) will have their own category displayed - Changed: Scroll to top when changing categories - Changed: Remove JQuery Mobile. Switch to smaller library for mobile enhancements - Changed: CA's Cookie warning & docker not enabled warning will now display in top banner - Changed: Don't blank display when showing spinner - Fixed: Simplify code when showing spinner to prevent race conditions - Fixed: After going to a plugin's settings page, return to Apps tab when hitting Done - Fixed: Beta warning displays when hovering for consistentcy with rest of UI - Fixed: Ability to pin apps with same repository, but different templates (CSGO, CSSource) - Added: If user customizes unRaid's themes and changes the name, then CA will use it's Black theme as a default fall-back - Added: Optional ability for plugin authors to prioritize the plugin's update available banner over unRaid's OS update available ###2019.05.24 - Fixed: Docker search API changed - Changed: Populate Autocomplete categories from category list - Fixed: Under certain circumstances, autocomplete list wouldn't populate - Changed: Uninstall plugins via popup instead of modal - Changed: Client/Server communication infrastructure for future expansion - Fixed: Under certain circumstances, internal data structure could get corrupted - Remove unused code, simplifications, etc - Add sound to easter egg - Changed: All client requests to server will display a spinner if operation takes 100+ ms ###2019.05.12 - Fixed: Prevent a blank icon from showing on Grey / Azure themes - Added: Dates to graphs on popups - Changed: Dynamically generate categories from appfeed - Changed: Minimum qualification for Top Performing is now 100,000 downloads - Changed: Updated Apps will no longer display any new apps - Various simplifications in code ###2019.04.28a - Added Game Servers as a category ###2019.04.28 - Support appfeed v2019.04.28 - Fixed: After installing app from a search, a category would incorrectly selected when going back to Apps Tab - Code Cleanup, and simplifications - Fixed: Don't include blacklisted apps in startup displays ###2019.04.20 - Added: Support appfeed caching of HTTPS icons - Renamed: Trending Apps -> Top Performing Apps - Added: Trending Apps ( highest delta improvement ) - Various improvements and changes across the board ###2019.04.06 - Fixed: Regression Error - Plugins were not getting support thread populated in Plugins Tab - Fixed: Plugin update API would not work if plugins had never been checked for updates ###2019.04.01 - Fixed: Incompatible applications would appear in New Apps - Changed: Display entire Repository name in autocomplete drop down ###2019.03.30 - Remove animations (firefox fix) - Fixed: dockerHub searches - Fixed: flick on page navigation butons when switching pages ###2019.03.27 - Fixed: Clear search bar when going to Stats, changelog, etc - Fixed: Apps with branches would only install from the popup - Fixed: Renamed applications wouldn't appear in alphabetical order on previous apps - Added: API for plugin authors to use for display of plugin update notifications - Added: Graphs on app popups for Trends, Downloads per month, total downloads - Removed: Ability to search dockerHub by simply clicking on the name of an application - Added: Display the rank of an application based on its trend - Misc code cleanup, faster internal searches, etc - Fixed: Autocomplete box wouldn't close on some types of searches - Added: Clicking on the app's icon will bring up it's info popup - Fixed: Some bugs with handling of http only icons when https is accessing the server and CA's settings are set to not display http - Fixed: More consistent scrolling of displays - Added: Animate all page transitions - Fixed: Selecting a special category within stats would leave Stats menu selected - Updated credits to include 3rd party libraries used - Added: Link to dockerHub page for all apps on the popup - Fixed: Certain applications would have moderator comments listed twice on the warning icon - Fixed: Popup would crash if displaying a plugin and another browser tab had updated the displays - Changed: Always show installed applications within available application lists - Fixed: Obscenely long search terms would corrupt the display - Changed: Move search bar to the title bar - Fixed: Sort icons wouldn't disappear when going to a docker search - Changed: Multiple warning banners from CA will now all display within same banner - Updated: Awesomplete library - Fixed: "Flicker" when displaying spinner - Changed: Do not display CA itself in the list of updated applications - Added: Display if a plugin has an update available on its popup ###2019.02.21 - Fixed: Under certain circumstances displays could get corrupted - Changed: "Reinstall Default" for docker apps optional (enable in settings) - Added: When swiping on mobile device to change page, scroll display - Changed: Remove "dimming" when spinner displays ###2019.02.18a - Fixed: Search box wasn't being cleared when going back to a startup category ###2019.02.18 - Changed: When running 6.7 begin to utilize new navigation icons - Changed: Upgrade available is now a banner - Changed: Docker not available is now a banner - Enhanced: Better cookie's not enabled warnings - Changed: Not agreeing to the startup disclaimer will now allow you to browse applications, but not install any - Changed: CSS "Dutchification" - Fixed: Suppress PHP errors if a installed / previously installed template is corrupted - Changed: Application cards grow / shrink in size to fit browser window (and are always centered) - Fixed: Search results message would stay on when going back to a New/Updated/Random/Trending display - Fixed: CSS fixes for white theme - Fixed: Better method of installing plugin via popup - Added: Show spinner on popup if it takes a bit to gather the information - Added: Any click outside the popup will now close it - Fixed: "Wiggle" when closing popup ###2019.02.16a - Fixed: Don't try and display changelog if the entry exists but is blank ###2019.02.16 - Fixed: Don't display categories on pop up if no categories are present - Changed: Identify a private (dockerHub Conversion) app on main displays - Changed: Scroll back to top of screen when changing categories, etc - Added: Always get the changelog for a plugin via the .plg file - OCD Change: When hitting settings on the CA template, go to settings instead of reloading the page - Revert back to using tabs instead of spaces (I tried it, and I hate spaces) - Fixed: Author would be wrong when displaying a plugin - Changed: Don't highlight search results on popup - Changed: Display 24 results (12 on mobile) instead of 25/10 ###2019.02.08 - Complete overhaul of UI ###2019.01.24 - Added ability to mark an app as being incompatible without having FCP trigger an error to prevent installation on incompatible unRaid versions (The system stats upgrade) ###2019.01.20 - Adjust Help Text - Wording changes and Hover text on startup screens - Fixed: Inconsistencies in hover time settings - Coding optimizations ###2019.01.17 - CSS fixes for differing Icon styles ###2019.01.06 - Utilize unRaid's built-in spinner (not that I like it, but by request :( ) - Reintegrate ability to display the raw appfeed (and backup) - Add in hover text to navigation icons - Remove the annoying "Shake" of pop-ups - Tone down the orange highlights - Support new styles for application icons (re: unRaid 6.7) - Various minor CSS changes ###2018.12.31 - Added: Ability to disable mobile UI enhancements - Removed: Log entries when converting dockerHub files - Fixed: Regression error. Private repositories weren't getting added to lists - Changed: Don't display BaseOS if it is unknown - OCD: App popup link was present if initial warning was declined - Adjust CSS for unRaid 6.7.0 - Adjust Icon on Azure / Grey themes unRaid 6.7.0 ###2018.12.22 - Add in automatic switching to backup server if primary offline ###2018.12.09 - Add in ability to utilize a pre-downloaded application feed for emergencies - Startup screens now always show an app if its installed - Fixed: Plugins on a startup screen wouldn't show if an update was available - Fixed: Somehow the icon in the plugins tab keeps getting reverted to a low res version - Fixed: Startup screen remembers random / new / trending even if you close browser tab ###2018.12.01 - Fixed: After installing an app, autocomplete on searches wouldn't work without reloading. ###2018.11.23 - Remove startup options from settings. Now handled on main screen - Add in Trending Apps - Add in sort by Trending - Minor little fixes that no one noticed ###2018.11.17 - Maintenance release - Fixed: Prevent a plugin not present in appfeed from getting a support thread added - Fixed: Under certain circumstances, searches wouldn't be in alphabetical order even if set to be - Revamp for easier maintenance the CSS - Remove manual. CA's easy enough to use isn't it? ###2018.11.10 - Minor display changes - Fixed: When installing an app identically named to another, both would appear as installed - Fixed: Edge case of Previous / Private App not being in appfeed and having formatting present in its description messing up CA's displays - Added: Only display Newest added as startup screen in addition to Newest/Updated and Random - Fixed: When installing an app from startup page, after installation the order of the apps would change - Fixed: Regression Error - CA thought it downloaded an update to the appfeed, but it never actually did ###2018.11.03 - Fix regression error. Under certain cirumstances, the wrong repository would be listed in a template - Significantly speed up what happens when browser re-sizes - Revert back to CA's spinner. Just cannot stand 6.6's spinner ###2018.10.28a - Fix compatibility with unRaid pre 6.6 ###2018.10.28 - Support for Dynamix' Font-Size setting - Fix regression error on what happens if browser window is resized - Update credits - Relocate search for easier CSS maintenance - Fixed: Under certain circumstances, Swiping on mobile device to change page would display no results - Fixed: Prevent plugins from getting categorized twice ###2018.10.25 - Fixed Regression: Plugin was saving install file to incorrectly formatted filename negating a change in 2018.10.21 ###2018.10.21 - Remove Legacy mode (pointless as a backup with new appfeed) - Remove most post-processing of templates (appfeed now does this automatically) - Lower bandwidth requirements - Changed: Now passthrough full description to dockerMan - Minor template changes when displaying deprecated / blacklisted apps - Changed: Blacklisted apps when displayed include ones blacklisted due to template errors - Changed: When running on unRaid 6.6.3+, do not modify a system file when doing multiple previous docker installations - Changed: Pick up CA update available from appfeed - Changed: Don't display download counts if less than 100 - Remove Developer Mode (related to Legacy Mode removal) - Fixed: Prevent edge case of CA installing the same version of a plugin already installed ###2018.10.08 - Maintenance update - Handle slight difference in how 6.6.1 handles templates - Fixed: Regression error on searching for authors from popups - Distinguish between new apps and updated apps on startup screen - Fixed: Stats out to lunch on fixed errors if CPUSet was present in template ###2018.10.02 REQUIRED UPDATE - Change appfeed URL ###2018.09.28 - Compatibility Fix for unRaid 6.6.2 ###2018.09.22 - Changed: Startup displays now follow settings for including already installed apps - Added: Able to start / stop installed docker apps from within Installed Apps section - Fixed: If installing a previous app by itself, then don't display checkbox to delete the template after installation finished - Changed: Some minor 6.6 code compatibility updates - Misc coding optimizations - Added: Automatically remove a docker template if it's not a valid repository (ie: it must all be in lowercase) - Fixed: Random app of day should not display date updated - Added: Always display https images. (Selectable in options: Abilty to downgrade to http (default) or don't display at all) ###2018.09.01 - Adjust CSS if unRaid is 6.6+ - Many code optimizations - Remove ability to switch number of results displayed (Computers / Tablets will now display 25 results. Cellphones will display 10 results) - Fixed: Under certain circumstances, a blank category could appear in the popup display - Autocomplete searches now include Categories in the list - Remove any CPU pinning from a template present in the application feed - unRaid 6.6+: Automatically blacklist applications if they violate the new security precautions present in docker on unRaid 6.6+ - Remove Wide theme - Much, much more ###2018.07.22 - Fixed: PHP errors if no docker containers installed ###2018.07.20 - Changed: Clicking an autocomplete suggestion will now immediately search - Changed: Startup Screen (random / new apps) will now display up to the Max Per Page drop down - Changed: Random startup apps will no longer display an installed application ###2018.07.08 - Fixed: If an app didn't specify an icon, it wouldn't show up as being installed on all screens - Fixed: Author would come up incorrect if application wasn't hosted on dockerHub - Chenged: Default skin now Narrow - Added: Selectable startup screen of either New Apps or Random Apps - Changed: New App category will now always display all new apps up to 10 years old - Enhanced: Tighten up some rules on when to automatically remove an app from lists due to template errors ###2018.06.24 - Workaround: Bug in unRaid that under certain circumstances would show previously installed apps as being installed - Remove hovering over navigation icons opening up the menu - Fixed: Stats were wrong if a deprecated app was added via dockerHub searches - Fixed: Searching from within a subcategory would leave the subcategory active - Fixed: When installing a container from dockerHub, display aberrations might occur under certain circumstances when re-entering apps tab - Fixed: When clicking a searchable link improper search would happen if the link was highlighted from a previous search - Misc code and memory optimizations - Fixed: Under certain circumstances, previous apps wouldn't display a plugin if the plugin's URL was subject to redirection - Added: Adjust .plg files after installation and add support attribute ###2018.06.16 - CSS adjustments - Better warnings if cookies not enabled if feature will not work - Autocompletion on searches ###2018.06.03 - After installing a container, Apps tab when reloading will go back to where it left off - Round off download counts in pop ups - Misc optimizations - CSS fixes - Search categories directly from the app's display - Remove All option from maximum displayed per page ###2018.05.23 - Fix compatibility with 6.5.2 (uninstalled applications would still appear to be installed) ###2018.05.20 - Major template display redesign - Removed: Table Mode - Added: Narrow or Wide skin (selectable from settings) - Changed: DockerHub searches now utilize the skin settings - Added: Mobile Devices can now swipe left / right to change pages when search results are more than a single page - Removed: Ability to display all search results at once. Limited now to 100 per page - Removed: Search Bar focus options. Didn't quite work in practice. - Deprecated DonateImg tag in templates. Always use a stock Donate image - Reverted: If display width is less than 1080 pixels, keep templates centered on 1080px ###2018.05.05 - Fixed: When switching to Legacy Mode from Previous Apps, the install buttons would remain on screen - Added: Selectable if search box is always in focus or not - Fixed: Search box is disabled when not appropriate to search - Remove some excess code for unused skin items - Fixed: If favourite repository is enabled, don't display header if no items exist in favourite repository - Misc: Skin adjustments - Misc: Coding optimizations - Fixed: Don't pluralize Random Apps Of Day if viewing width only allows one app to display - Fixed: If browser width less than dynamix minimum display width, don't center applications - Fixed: Regression error (size of icons) on dockerhub searches - Added: Code to detect if running on mobile device and adjust accordingly ###2018.04.22 - Drop compatibility with unRaid 6.3.x / 6.2 / 6.1. Minimum OS required now 6.4.0 - Remove all compatibility code - Less annoying highlights on search results - Fixed reference to URL for alternative app icon image - Removed Icon display mode - Always have the apps displayed centered, regardless of browser width or number of results - Revamp of 'Searching' info popups - Removed link to announcement thread for repositories - Added ability to display changelogs on plugins when an update is available ###2018.04.08 - Fixed: Regression error where if a duplicated plugin was installed (eg: libvirt hotplug), both plugins would display instead of only the proper one ###2018.04.02 - Revamp of how legacy mode downloads - Fix stats display when bouncing back and forth between legacy mode and appfeed mode - Suppress PHP errors when appfeed download fails and you display the stats - Lower download timeouts from 60 seconds to 45 - Don't allow CA to operate unless you've accepted the disclaimer - Ability to display a Public Service Announcement if the appfeed fails to download ###2018.03.30 - Support environment variables in dockerhub conversions ###2018.03.14 - Security Fix: Prevent a malicious template from arbitrarily executing commands ###2018.03.02 - Fixed: PHP warnings (hidden) being issued in unRaid 6.5.0+ - Fixed: Apps with special characters in name would not install ###2018.02.19 - Changed: Don't display previously installed docker apps if docker service isn't running - Fixed: Only display incompatible plugins in previous apps section if CA Settings allow display of incompatible apps - Fixed: Regression error if docker isn't running (error messages would have appeared) - Many Code optimizations - Fixed: Minor stats count inconsistencies - Fixed: Pinning an app that also had a duplicated (but blacklisted) template wouldn't work - Fixed: Previously possible for CA to believe it had downloaded an updated application feed, but due to 3rd party caching the feed may have been an older version ###2018.02.16 - Code Clean Up - Fixed: Official Containers would not appear in installed apps section - Fixed: Prevent Previously Installed But Now Blacklisted Apps from throwing out Total # found in Previous Apps - Minor changes to links at top right to improve usability ###2018.01.28 - Minor fixes / skin enhancements - More accurate dockerHub conversions for majority of containers - Coding improvements / refinements - Support for new moderation methods ###2018.01.20a - Make get more results from dockerHub more obvious that its a link - Fixed: Install / Edit icons from app popups didn't return to apps tab when done - Remove some development only code - Remove compatibility code for unRaid < 6.3.3 (Now separately downloaded if required) - Remove all png icons and switch to font-awesome exclusively (download size now 52k vs 144k) - Fixed: New / Updated displaying apps created in 1969 ###2018.01.01 - Fixed: under certain circumstances, a template could be mistakenly deprecated ###2017.12.31 - Compatibility release for unRaid 6.4RC19+ - Icon mode skin fix ###2017.12.20 - Suppress error if moderation changes an applications's repository - For new/updated apps, if no Date entry in template, use DateInstalled if available - Under certain circumstances, app of the day would not display enough apps to fill screen ###2017.12.09c - Fix unRaid 6.3.5 compatibility ###2017.12.09a - Changed: Moderation entries regarding compatibility of applications take effect immediately without waiting for an appfeed update ###2017.12.09 - Numerous optimizations, remove unused code, etc - Change how Beta applications are identified / displayed - Prevent crash if no applications are eligible for random app of the day - Prevent edge case of errors being displayed if docker.img is mounted but docker service is not running ###2017.11.24a - Display aberrations when going from Previous Apps To Private Apps - Utilize display engine to display blacklisted, deprecated, etc from the stats popup ###2017.11.24 - Coding improvements - Minor CSS changes - Fixed: dockerHub conversions will not trigger a template error within statistics - Reorganization of files to completely separate other CA plugins from CA proper - Changed: Request non-cached version of application feed from appfeed server (Solves edge case of entering Apps tab right after an update has been performed to the appfeed and server delivers a cached version of the feed) - Changed: From stats popup, clicking private apps will display all private apps within CA to facilitate easy removal / installation / etc - Changed: Prevent edge case of having multiple tabs open to CA while deleting / removing apps from Previously Installed / Private sections and under certain circumstances random apps of the day appear - Removed: Debugging lines / extra files long since not needed - Changed: Private apps no longer require a description to be managed - Fixed: Prevent CA itself from ever being one of the random apps of the day ###2017.11.18 - Fix CSS on search box when running unRaid 6.4 with White / Black themes - If plugin already installed and no changelog in appfeed, display changelog from installed plg ###2017.11.12 - Fix missing icons in help text ###2017.10.27a - Rename certain image files to prevent user from having to clear browser cache to get some icons to display correctly ###2017.10.27 - Fixed: If author created template on unRaid 6.4, Network mode wouldn't populate correctly - Changed: Don't automatically install extra applications on new installation - Enhanced: Ability to blacklist a particular template, not just a particular application - Removed: CA Modules. All CA family of plugins now treated equally to other plugins - Fixed: Under certain circumstances, stats displays could be wrong - Added: Ability to delete any private docker application from available apps - Enhanced: Many CSS improvements and coding improvements - Changed: Access to CA's settings is now done via the Apps tab instead of Settings tab ###2017.10.19 - Enhanced: Don't display back to top if dynamix already does - Fixed: Remove some excess files when no longer needed - Fixed: Don't display get more results from dockerHub when searching if docker is not enabled - Under the hood enhancements to the moderation system - Coding improvements ###2017.10.07 - Prevent user changing sections before display is rendered ###2017.10.04 - Enhanced: Vastly better searching when using multiple search terms ###2017.10.01 - Fixed: Display abberration when switching from Previous Apps to Pinned Apps / ca Modules ###2017.09.22 - Fixed: Correctly handle duplicate named plugins within Installed / Previously Installed sections - Changed: Relocate data files from docker.img to RAM to handle some edge-cases - Changed: Don't show applications within New / Updated section if date modified is in the future - Code cleanup, and minor changes to Stats section ###2017.09.13 - Changed: Clicking Repository from popup will now search for applications contained within the repository - Added: App info popup now has link to go directly to docker hub page for application - Fixed: Prevent possibility of duplicate app appearing in app of the day. - Enhanced: Previously, app of the day would return errors if unRaid CSS and window width support horizontal resolution greater than 5700 pixels. - Fixed: If multiple browser tabs opened to apps tab, detect if app database is out of sync between windows and update tab accordingly. - Changed: Allow moderation to whitelist an application without appfeed update ###2017.09.04 - Remove arbitrary limitation of 1920 pixels across for CA (introduced via 6.4-rc8q) Instead utilize whatever limits unRaid's CSS dictates ###2017.09.03 - Limit display width to 1920 pixels in accordance with 6.4RC8Q - Only display legacy mode option for developers or in case of appfeed download errors - Changed: In case of appfeed download failure, only display errors for CA developers - Under certain circumstances app of the day could display blacklisted or incompatible applications - Minor CSS styling changes ###2017.08.24 - Improvements to dockerHub conversions ###2017.08.23 - Fixed: Ability to reselect branches if reinstalling using default values ###2017.08.18 - Better searching for applications ###2017.07.31 - Update URL for application feed ###2017.07.24 - Better enforcement of fatal errors in application templates - Code cleanup - Fixed: Edge case of being able to search dockerhub if docker is not enabled - Fixed: Edge case of app of the day no longer valid app after an update ###2017.07.20 - Multiple Installation of Previous Apps - Fixed: Clicking outside of the install button would attempt to install - Fixed: Selected Apps would not stay selected following a view or page change - Added: Ability to select apps from different pages and have them all install ###2017.07.16 - Enhanced: Search box has focus when page loaded (Just start typing instead of clicking within) - Enhanced: After installing / editing a docker application, pressing DONE will return to the Apps page (previously blank template would appear) - Added: Ability to install multiple applications (docker / plugin) simultaneously from the Previous Apps section without confirming the already filled out template. - Changed: Default for Displayed results per page from 10 to 25 - Removed: Option to open install / edit pages in a new tab ###2017.07.08 - Minor changes to appfeed statistics displays ###2017.07.02 - Don't revert to legacy mode automatically if appfeed fails (probably due to DNS failure. Previously could take an hour to time out in this circumstance. New method will time out in 2-3 minutes) - Fixed: Under certain circumstances with docker service disabled, app pop ups could display errors ###2017.07.01a - Fix regression error when updating CA from within CA would not reload the page after installation finished ###2017.07.01 - Added in sort by date when in New Apps section - Fixed Categories not resetting after a search performed ###2017.06.25 - Remove sort by date and do not display except on plugins (rarely do docker maintainers update it which makes for a lot of confusion) - Fixed: Under certain circumstances, app info popups in previous apps would display the incorrect information - Add a comment if an app is deprecated - Fixed: Prevent apps not in appfeed from displaying a pop up - Remove some excess code and files - Fix CSS on statistics displays ###2017.06.18 - Expanded details on statistics - Removed resource monitor (see thread for details) ###2017.06.10 - Adjustable Disappear time on app popups ###2017.06.05 - Fixed: Regression error in Resource Monitor if no applications running ###2017.05.30 - Fixed: Display Aberration in Table Mode under certain conditions - Enhanced: View Mode and Results per Page saved between instances - Enhanced: Increased compatibility with older browsers - Added: Statistics Display for appfeed - Code cleanup ###2017.05.21 - Enhanced: Update plugins now refreshes page instead of reloading - Enhanced: Install plugins now refreshes page instead of reloading - Enhanced: Increase search speed on installed apps - Added: Paging when utilizing favourite repositories - Code cleanup ###2017.05.19 - Fixed: Display anomalies introduced by unRaid 6.3.4 - Fixed: Minor issues with category / subcategory buttons ###2017.05.16 - Fixed: Under certain circumstances the popup would disappear immediately when moving the mouse - Added: More fixes for common template author's mistakes - Minor skin changes in Icon Details mode ###2017.05.08 - Enhanced: Speed up generation of displays - Enhanced: Properly handle edge cases of multiple browser tabs open and stale CA sessions displaying popups - Added / Restored: Ability to install / edit from Icon mode without hitting popup. ###2017.05.07 - Fixed: Regression error on apppop up for previous apps ###2017.05.04 - Add Install / Edit / WebUI icons to icon details mode ###2017.04.30 - Added: Ability to jump directly to an author / maintainer's profile (to help with selecting whether to install or not) ###2017.04.29a - Added: Adjustable setting for "hover time" before a popup appears ###2017.04.29 - Fix Compatibility with Internet Explorer and Opera - Fix Button incorrectly displaying on an installed application utilizing Branches - Fix Changelog not displaying for CA when update is available ###2017.04.24a - Don't display webUI link if docker app is not running ###2017.04.24 - Remove legacy UI - Revamp GUI - All installs / edits / etc handled via hovering over (or clicking on the icon for the app) - Fixed: Minor issues with paging ###2017.04.09### - Introduce new UI to remove less commonly used buttons from screen. ###2017.04.04### - Fix 6.2.x compatibility ###2017.04.02### - Implement new features made available by 6.3.3+ (Still fully compatible with older versions of unRaid) - Hovering over app's icon opens up the full description - Hovering over changes icon opens up the change log - Use tooltipster exclusively (tooltips will open after 1.5 seconds, and automaticaly close after 15 seconds) ###2017.03.22### - Misc Display Fixes ###2017.03.21### - Maintenance update: Prevent Deprecated apps from appearing on available apps lists ###2017.03.19a### - Ability to switch max per page on the fly - Unify docker search navigation with appstore navigation ###2017.03.19### - Misc improvements to paging ###2017.03.18### - Added limit results to "x" per page ###2017.02.25### - Update links within plugin screens ###2017.02.12### - Maintenance update. Add more fixes for template errors from authors ###2017.01.29### - Added: Automatic Blacklisting if a template poses a security risk ###2017.01.24### - Security fix on full description popups - Fixed: Show stats on full description popups if app name has been changed ###2016.12.31### - Fix permission issues resulting from a migration of development machines ###2016.12.30### - Suppress invalid cron job email ###2016.12.05### - Fixed: Stopping array would hang until any calculations of appdata size was completed if CA Backup was not installed ###2016.12.03### - Fix pop up descriptions in Previous Apps - Don't process blacklisted apps ###2016.11.13### - Fixed: CA Modules displaying incompatible add-ons ###2016.11.11### - Allow separate installs / removal of included modules ###2016.11.05### - Infrastructure changes to ultimately allow separate module installation / deinstallation ###2016.10.30### - Fixed: Dynamix Bleeding Edge 2016.10.29c compatibility ###2016.10.26### - Allow appdata backup source to be any folder on system - Updated routines to handle potential incompatibility with PHP and unRaid's generated comments ###2016.10.12### - Handle edge case template creation by dockerMan ###2016.09.28### - Force redirection of additional backup scripts output console ###2016.09.25a### - Speed up appfeed download ###2016.09.25### - Added: Selectable delay in days before autoupdating a plugin - Added: Backup of old .plg files prior to backup to support edge-case rollbacks if needed - Updated: Manual ###2016.09.23### - NOTE: All auto update settings will be reset back to defaults with this update. IE: Only CA and FCP will autoupdate - Fixed: CA under certain circumstances would show as not autoupdating in settings when in fact it would - Fixed: Under very specific circumstances, some plugins set to not autoupdate could in fact auto update - Fixed: PhAzE plugins would not show up as installed if they were ###2016.09.21### - Extra security tests on auto updates - Implement autoupdate kill switch ###2016.09.17### - Compatibility fix for dynamix.bleeding.edge.plg ###2016.09.15### - Fixed minor compatibilty issues with 6.2 Final - Changed: Only log maximum 10 rsync errors in backup module - Fixed: disallow faster rsync option if days to keep backup sets is disabled (or set to 0) - Fixed: backup to flashdrive setting (entry could have been possibly corrupted under 2016.09.03) - Added: Script to delete old dated backups in addition to ALL backups and error backups only - Changed: Update Apps now called Legacy Mode. Selecting again goes back to appFeed mode - Removed: Private Repositories via a GitHub repo. - Added: Selectable notifications on autoupdates of plugins - Added: XML Branch support while in Legacy Mode - Fixed: Display aberrations while in legacy mode if some repositories didn't download - Added: Legacy mode will now display any XML's which failed to parse ###2016.09.07### - Fixed VM XML's not backing up under certain circumstances - Do not delete XML backups if source is no longer available - Added Dynamic adjustment of templates based upon user input ###2016.09.06### - Fixed Backup/Restore settings module not working - Added Selectable display for Random App Of Day ###2016.09.04### - Under certain cirumstances, app of the day could crash CA - Download compressed version of appfeed ###2016.09.03### - Added in VM XML backups - Major rewrite of display engine (faster, far smaller) - Fix app of day to not possibly display moderated apps if app feed happened to change during the day - Fix various buttons not properly getting disabled when forcing update under certain circumstances - Fixed search on author where apps would always display as being installed - Far too many coding changes to list ###2016.08.13### - Maintenance Update - Added Apps of the day - Fixed display abnormalities in Table Mode under certain conditions / templates - Fixed displayed borders on popups - Updated manual - Removed extraneous code - Fixed base image display when in legacy mode ###2016.08.07### - Added in ability to flag / pin apps for later viewing ###2016.08.03### - Fixed: Restore appdata when using user shares as a destination ###2016.07.31### - Support user shares as source and destination for appdata backup on 6.2-rc3+ ###2016.07.23### - Major revamp to backup/restore appdata module (see thread for details) ###2016.07.16### - Better logging for CA Backup ###2016.07.08### - Bug fix on dockerHub searches vs recommended applications ###2016.07.04### - Fixed cleanup appdata if an installed app doesn't have any volume mappings ###2016.07.01### - Support Separate Destinations for Flash Drive Backup ###2016.06.29### - Backup Disk Assignments and super.dat (renamed) as part of USB backup ###2016.06.26### - Backup options not displaying the set value for save log to flash - Fix improper displaying of source and destination on popup (restore) - Suppress errors displayed when selecting a UD mount for backup purposes - Added in backup of flash drive (sans super.dat) to docker appdata prior to backing up to array ###2016.06.25k### - Add directions for backups for UD mounted shares ###2016.06.13### - Fix typos - Prevent appdata cleanup from deleting parent folders (due to severely misconfigured previous template) - Add support and project links back to table mode (not sure how / when they got removed) ###2016.06.12### - Miscellaneous enhancements and fixes ###2016.06.11### - Added: New module to delete orphaned appdata folders - Better appdata determination if running unRaid 6.2+ ###2016.06.05### - Fixed: Prevent invalid Support and Project URLs from displaying ###2016.06.02### - Add in option to speed up backups when using dated backups with automatic deletions ###2016.05.30### - Add in automatic deletion of old dated backup sets ###2016.05.12### - Add in dated backup of appdata ###2016.05.08### - Fixed some bugs with AutoUpdate displays ###2016.05.05### - Enhanced: Backup - better logging into syslog - Added: Configurable logging options - Fixed: Suppress errors if plugins don't have a readme ###2016.05.01### - Added Configurable notifications on apppdata backup - Added Exluded folders to appdata backup - Updated: CA manual - Added rsync errors now logged - Lowered memory footprint of program ###2016.04.30### - Better warnings on overwrites - Added ability to set backup destinations to a subfolder - Enhanced script selection / share selection - Added ability to skip docker.img file on backups - Fix autoupdate of applications would not always only display installed plugins ###2016.04.28### - Added: Support for manual / scheduled backups of appData ###2016.04.17### - Added: Ability to Auto Update Selected Plugins ###2016.04.16### - Fix: PHP exception when only a single Config entry is present - Fix: Date application updated when in Legacy mode ###2016.04.10### - Enhanced: Further security improvements - Enhanced: cAdvisor template is now 6.2 compliant - Fix: Suppress error if no docker applications running when in resource monitor - Added: Ability to install updates for docker applications - Enhanced: Better determination of appFeed failure - Added: Confirmation on Update Applications button - Updated: Manual, Credits ###2016.04.01### - Fix: Under certain circumstances, data structures could get corrupted - Enhanced: Further security enhancements ###2016.03.31### - Security Fix: Prevent arbitrary execution of code from malicious templates - Fix: Sanitize all Overview out of specification - Fix: Resource monitor not recognizing cAdvisor installed if name changed - Fix: Renamed apps will not display usage stats in popup - Added: option to show change log for CA when updating itself - Changed: default Host port for cAdvisor to 9243 (something oddball that probably won't conflict with anything else) - Added: if cAdvisor installed, but not running, abilty to start it within CA - Updated: Manual ###2016.03.28### - Coding optimizations - Fixed: Don't display a support link if no support link available - Fixed: Add web-page link if repository authors have a web page - Added: Ability to install updates for plugins - Fixed: Resource Monitor not displaying icons for customized appFeed apps - Fixed: Determination of appdata is now case-insensitive when looking for /config - Fixed: dockerHub conversions now follow settings for new tab or same tab - Changed: Default value for new tab or same tab is now same tab ###2016.03.26### - Fixed: Customized apps (based upon a default one in appfeed) were being tagged as incompatible - Enhanced: Friendly reminder if CA is out of date ###2016.03.24### - Fixed: Installing previous apps on unRaid 6.2 - Enhanced: Now fully generates v6.2 compliant xml files for dockerMan ###2016.03.20### - Fixed: readmore on searches (regression error) - Fixed: private repositories (dockerHub searches) were being saved into wrong folder (regression error) - Enhanced: Update Applications (or reversion to legacy mode) will not fail if a single repository fails to download - Enhanced: Now include cAdvisor XML template so as to not rely upon smdion's repository - Enhanced: Popup descriptions now include links to go to cAdvisor's page for running docker applications - Enhanced: Templates passed through to dockerMan are now Moderated to allow CA to fix any errors, typos, etc in the author's template - Enhanced: Major overhaul of the XML template generation - Enhanced: Continuing code cleanup ###2016.03.13### - Properly regress to legacy mode in case of improperly formed appFeed - Overhaul of the javascript ###2016.03.12### - Remove option to relocate Users menu (and relocate Apps Tab) Use webUI's display settings instead - Remove option to set appdata share. CA now always prompts to delete appdata if it sees a /config container path - Resource Monitor supports appdata's stored anywhere on your system (and within multiple folders) - Fixed: Minor display aberration introduced by unRaid 6.2 beta 18 - Fixed: If a calculation of appdata size was in progress you could not stop the array ###2016.03.10### - Further enhanced Resource Monitor ###2016.03.06### - Fixed: Private Repositories now updated every session - Added: Resource Monitor for Docker Applications ###2016.03.04### - Added: Running docker applications will now dynamically display CPU and memory utilization statistics - Various other fixes / enhancements ###2016.02.20### - Fixed: Under certain circumstances, the domain URL listed in a plugin might not be what the author actually specified (eg: raw.github.com vs raw.githubusercontent.com) causing some plugins to not display in the previously installed section ###2016.02.19### - Hot fix for special characters contained within templates ###2016.02.18### - Added: Support Licence (and its mispelling of License) in templates - Fixed: Under certain circumstances, Reinstall button could show up instead of Install ###2016.02.14### - Code Cleanup - Don't display dockerHub stars if not starred - Hide search dockerHub if in previous / installed apps - Fix error in settings if temp directory didn't exist ###2016.02.10### - Suppress stars.sh error message ###2016.02.08### - Fixed: Issue with going from dockerHub searches to installed / previously installed - Fixed: Disallow dockerHub searches if docker not enabled - Fixed: Disallow adding a previously installed docker app if docker not enabled - Removed: Legacy Code - Removed: dockerHub guess at Icons (api broken) - Fixed: Suppress an error message due to a bad template - Fixed: Remove some extra temp files once not needed anymore ###2016.02.06### - Fixed: display abnormality with Firefox - Enhanced: More intelligent determination of d/l counts - Enhanced: Rearrange display icons - Enhanced: Table Mode - Added: Ability to display installed apps within available lists ###2016.02.04### - Fix issue with duplicate plugin names ###2016.02.03### - Suppress docker error messages if docker not running - Full information on an app now displays total downloads - Add sort by downloads ###2016.02.01### - Going forward, unRaid version 6.1+ compatible only - Fixed: Applications with 2 identical names could disappear from the lists - Added: Uninstall any application within CA - Added: Optional deleting of an application's appdata - see manual for details - Added: Favourite Repositories - Fixed: Moderator Comments Now only download once per session - Removed: Local server caching of icons (made no sense to me) ###2016.01.30### - Added: Separate Installed Apps from categories - Added: Separate Installed Apps from previously installed - Added: Incorporate Plugins to installed / previously installed - Updated: Manual ###2016.01.28### - Added: Ability to manage previously installed docker apps (my* templates) ###2016.01.24### - Fix: Under certain circumstances, blank templates would appear ###2016.01.16### - Fix: Under certain circumstances, updated moderator comments were not being downloaded - Fix: Under certain circumstances, errors would appear on the popup descriptions ###2016.01.13### - Fix: Suppress extraneous message on local console during installation ###2016.01.10b### - Change: Appfeed now only downloaded if it has changed ###2016.01.10### - Add: Option to not redownload appfeed if reloading apps within a certain time period - Fix: Alternate icon wasn't displaying properly if template's icon was unavailable - Updated: Help / Manual ###2016.01.02### - Fix: Prevent malformed templates from displaying - Fix: All private containers were being tagged as being incompatible - Change AppStore to Apps ###2015.12.18### - Add support for enforcement of application OS requirements (see help thread) ###2015.12.12a### - Selectable add/edit/settings windows in new tab or not ###2015.12.12### - Fix: Minor Icon Issues - Fix: Plugin changelogs now same format as within a .plg file - Fix: Not all plugins would properly go to the settings page - Fix: Plugins not sorting by Author name - Update: Help / Manual ###2015.12.08### - Minor Bug Fixes - Settings Button for already install plugins will take you to the plugin settings ###2015.12.06a### - Disable Update Applications button if an update is in progress NOTE: There is normally zero reason to hit this button anyways - Fix: Allow user selectable positioning of the AppStore. (Either on the main menu, within settings, or on main menu and move Users to settings) ###2015.12.06### THIS IS A REQUIRED UPDATE - Relocate plugin from docker tab to its own tab (AppStore) - Now able to display and install available plugins - Docker no longer required to be enabled to browse applications ###2015.12.05### - Fixed: System wouldn't let you add any application if a private repository was present ###2015.10.10### - Suppress commands executed with /bin/sh appearing on local monitor ###2015.09.29### - Fixed memory leak with application feed ###2015.09.20### - Add in super categories for beta and private (selectable from settings) - More tweaks to docker conversion engine - Sanitize the input on searches relocate temporary files to ram - various other fixes and tweaks ###2015.09.15### - Remove code for unimplemented features - Disallow installing dockerHub result if a recommended application uses the same repository - Fix: *.xml not found was appearing on local terminal if no private repositories were found ###2015.09.12### - Complete rewrite of dockerHub conversion code, adding more exceptions - Fix: Clearing search terms no longer displays all containers - Added in support for moderator comments on a container - Added in ability to blacklist specific containers ###2015.09.01### - Implement change required due to dockerHub changing website again (used in dockerHub search mode) - Add suggested searches for dockerHub - Numerous under the hood improvements ###2015.08.24### - Handle new restrictions introduced in RC6 ###2015.08.23### - Suppress some spurious status messages on unRaid's attached monitor - Expanded manual - Display dockerHub star ratings for ALL templates ###2015.08.20### - Better search results for icons on dockerHub - Search for other containers from author (template mode) - Resolved issue with spaces in search parameters - Internal reorganization ###2015.08.15### - Added in BaseOS display when not in appFeed mode - Added in Full GUI for searching and converting non-unRaid containers. (See support thread for details) - Miscellaneous fixes ###2015.08.12### - Hot Fix for 6.1RC-3 ###2015.08.09### - Hot fix for templates with duplicate tags - Pop up free in appfeed mode ###2015.08.02### - Handle blank descriptions, categories, overviews in appFeed mode - Fix not able to show changelog on application names containing spaces - Integrate searching (and converting) from dockerHub ###2015.07.26a### - Hot fix for 6.1 RC-2 ###2015.07.25c### - Fixed Internet Explorer crashing - Added Icon Details view mode ###2015.07.23### - Unified UI between icon and table mode - Switch between icon and table mode on the fly - Faster sorting in icon mode - Add sort by date updated ###Note: you must allow your browser to display popups from your server when in appFeed mode### ###2015.07.20### - Code unified between tables and icons - Added pop up descriptions to table mode, hover descriptions to icon mode - Fix intermittent bug where a blank template could appear ###2015.07.19### - 6.1rc-1 Broke Community Applications - Fixed ###2015.07.18### - Coding Improvements - Revamp Icon Mode Descriptions - Add support for Project Home Page links ###2015.07.16### - Significantly reduce memory footprint - Allow private repositories to be used in conjunction with application feed - Force Update in application feed mode will temporarily revert to template mode - Failure to download application feed will revert system to template mode ###2015.07.15### - Added option to automatically update the application list when entering Docker tab - Added in support for Kode's real-time application feed update - Remove background table lines in icon mode - Removed option to automatically fill out template paths ###2015.07.08### - Clicking the repository will now open the announcement thread in a new tab ###2015.07.04### - Added in option to display small icons in icon mode - Optionally overwrite ALL host paths when in experimental overwrite host path mode ###2015.07.02### - Fixed display abberation in table mode when searching for application with change log ###2015.07.01### - Added an experimental option to automatically fill in host paths. See support thread for details. ###2015.06.21### - Table Mode: Repository was not displaying (introduced in 2015.06.14) (my bad - never noticed) ###2015.06.18### - Changed to a more intuitive Apply / Done buttons in settings ###2016.06.17### - Fixed table header sometimes displaying in Icon Mode - Made settings default values consistent between modules - Added help text for Icon Mode - Icon mode now default ###2015.06.15### - Expanded descriptions in Icon mode - Fixed applications in beta repositories not being flagged correctly ###2015.06.14a### - Fixed cursor over information icon and application icon (Icon mode) - Fixed applications not displaying description if a space was in the name (Icon mode) ###2015.06.14### - Added Icon view mode (more mobile friendly!) ###2015.06.11### - Coding optimizations - Add help text ###2015.06.08### - Added support for new / updated containers - Expanded settings section ###2015.06.06### - Added a settings section ###2015.06.03a### - Optional local caching of application icons ###2015.06.03### - Initial display is now blank (faster) - Going from subcategory to all categories no longer displays all categories ###2015.06.02### - Added support for Changes tag - Added non-intrusive reminder to update applications after 14 days ###2015.05.31### - Renamed DNS Servers to be DNS Client / Servers ###2015.05.30### - Miscellaneous download fixes ###2015.05.28### - Initial Release /dev/null 2>&1"; @file_put_contents("/boot/config/plugins/community.applications/notification_scan.cron","\n# CRON for CA background scanning of applications\n$cron\n\n"); exec("/usr/local/sbin/update_cron"); ?> ]]> # Remove old 'source' files rm -f $(ls /boot/config/plugins/&name;/&name;*.txz 2>/dev/null | grep -v '&version;') if [[ -d /boot/config/plugins/repo.update ]]; then rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/repo.update; fi if [[ -d /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/repo.update ]]; then rm -rf /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/repo.update; fi if [[ -n $(ls /boot/config/plugins/repo.update*.plg 2>/dev/null) ]]; then rm /boot/config/plugins/repo.update*.plg; fi if [[ -e /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles/templates.json ]]; then rm /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles/templates.json; fi /usr/local/sbin/update_cron https://raw.githubusercontent.com/&github;/master/archive/&name;-&version;-x86_64-1.txz &md5; echo "Creating Directories" rm -rf /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles mkdir -p /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles mkdir -p /boot/config/plugins/community.applications rm -rf /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/CA.page echo "" # Adjust icon depending on unRaid version echo "Adjusting icon for Unraid version" if [[ -e /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/styles/font-cases.ttf ]]; then sed -i 's/f0db/e942/g' /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/Apps.page; fi if [[ ! -e /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/styles/font-cases.ttf ]]; then sed -i 's/e942/f0db/g' /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/Apps.page; fi echo "" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo " &name; has been installed." echo " Copyright 2015-2024, Andrew Zawadzki" echo " Version: &version;" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo "" removepkg &name;-&version;-x86_64-1 rm -rf &plugdir; rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/&name; rm -rf /var/lib/docker/unraid/templates-community /usr/local/sbin/update_cron