]> ###2024.03.29 - Fixed: PHP8 warnings ###2023.09.30 - Run update_cron at array start ###2023.07.16 - Fixed: Setting foregroundOnly=false would act like setting it to be true ###2023.03.29 - Switch to standard Dynamix classes for theming ###2023.03.04 - PHP8 Upgrades ###2023.02.27 - Fix logging ###2023.02.26 - Just call me Mr Faux Pas ###2023.02.25 - PHP8 Upgrades ###2023.02.16 - PHP8 Compliance ###2022.08.01 - Use ACE editor (thanks dcflachs) - Update link for cron (thanks Magic-Mayo) ###2021.11.28 - Fix abort scripts (Thanks @Noim) ###2021.03.10 - Permission Fix ###2020.12.11 - Revert removing non-ascii characters ###2020.10.23 - Fix regression error: Run in background not working ###2020.10.21 - Compatibility Fixes ###2020.08.22 - Set HOME directory when executing scripts. Thanks @l4t3b0 ###2020.05.30 - Fix Name / Description containing HTML when editing ###2020.05.11 - Fix display aberration caused by debugging info ###2020.04.25 - Various minor display changes ###2020.03.19 - Disallow outside click closing popup script running ###2020.02.27 - All startup scripts now run in the background ###2019.08.17 - Remove all non-ASCII characters from editing window prior to saving (everything over 0x7F) ###2019.06.16 - Larger script editing window - Remove some unused code ###2019.05.05 - Implement CA update check API - Fixed: Touch on name wouldn't bring up edit menu ###2019.01.13 - Update Icons ###2018.10.19 - Fix broken pipe ###2018.10.08 - Remove debugging code ###2018.04.02 - Fix regression error on inline variables and custom scheduled scripts ###2018.03.31 - Support inline variable to disallow execution of scheduled script if a parity check / rebuild is in progress ###2018.02.16 - Some UI changes (more intuitive) - Fix CornTab link ###2017.11.18 - Fix changed URL for corntab ###2017.09.13 - Handle special characters when adding a new script ###2017.06.02 - Suppress script not found error on custom cron schedules if user manually deletes the script ###2017.05.18 - Fixed: Popup not closing when editing name ###2017.04.15 - Fixed: After cancelled edit, a new edit would bring up original contents - Fixed: + signs being converted to spaces when saving a script ###2017.04.06a - Better handling of duplicate folder names when adding scripts ###2017.04.05 - Support editing of scripts if running unRaid 6.3.3+ ###2017.04.04 - Fix regression on argument passing - Integrate tooltipster (6.3.3+) ###2017.03.15 - Add schedule for bootup only ###2017.03.14 - Fix regression error on variable parsing ###2017.03.13 - Fixed: inline variable parsing ###2017.03.05 - Fixed: unable to download / displays logs from first script - Added: ability for a background script to delete logs at start of execution ###2017.02.18 - Somehow the sample scripts have been left off of the installation ###2017.02.04 - Improve killing of background scripts ###2017.01.28b - Expand built-in help system ###2017.01.28a - Add in support for default arguments being passed to background scripts ###2017.01.28 - Add in support for upfront entry of arguments to scripts ###2017.01.22 - Remove extraneous debugging display from GUI ###2017.01.21a - Add in support fo direct execution of PHP scripts (for directly manipulating / adding HTML DOMs, javascript scripts, etc) ###2017.01.21 - Add in support for a name variable within scripts ###2017.01.13 - Add help text for where to look for cron syntax ###2017.01.12 - Ability to run scripts on a custom cron schedule ###2016.11.20 - Added in some exceptions for certain commenting styles ###2016.11.19 - Added in variable to script to dictate operation of plugin. See support thread for details ###2016.08.16 - Added name of script ###2016.08.14 - Added Schedule For Start And Stop of Array ###2016.08.01 - Fixed: Scripts using an interpreter other than bash wouldn't run on a schedule ###2016.07.16 - If an interpreter designation line is present in the script, do not add #!/bin/bash ###2016.07.12 - Added ability to remove built-in scripts ###2016.07.02 - Fixed: /tmp/user.scripts folder not being created on cold boot without entering UI page ###2016.07.01 - Add in ability to download the script log files ###2016.06.30 - Add in schedules for background scripts ###2016.06.28 - Add in background logging - Fixed: User scripts with spaces would not execute ###2016.06.26 - Add in ability to start as a background task ###2016.06.25 - Initial Release https://raw.githubusercontent.com/&github;/master/archive/&name;-&version;-x86_64-1.txz &md5; ]]> rm -f $(ls /boot/config/plugins/&name;/&name;*.txz 2>/dev/null | grep -v '&version;') cp /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/user.scripts/cron/user.script.start.daily.sh /etc/cron.daily cp /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/user.scripts/cron/user.script.start.hourly.sh /etc/cron.hourly cp /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/user.scripts/cron/user.script.start.weekly.sh /etc/cron.weekly cp /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/user.scripts/cron/user.script.start.monthly.sh /etc/cron.monthly echo "" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo " &name; has been installed." echo " Copyright 2016-2024, Andrew Zawadzki" echo " Version: &version;" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo "" rm /etc/cron.daily/user.script.start.daily.sh rm /etc/cron.hourly/user.script.start.hourly.sh rm /etc/cron.weekly/user.script.start.weekly.sh rm /etc/cron.monthly/user.script.start.monthly.sh rm -rf /tmp/user.scripts removepkg &name;-&version;-x86_64-1