--- title: "Be a Maker" author: "StanGeorge" created: "March 24, 2014" edited: "April 4, 2014" layout: "default" isPage: true preview: "Posts on Cloud, Software and Electronics." --- I maintain this site to share some tools and technologies that I play with. This site does not have any ads, popups or affiliate links. Cloud
[Edit Amazon S3 Files on Windows and Mac](edit-amazon-s3-files.html)
[Edit Amazon S3 Files on Linux](edit-amazon-s3-files-linux.html)
[Create a static website using DocPad](static-website-docpad.html)
[Automate tasks using Grunt](grunt-install-and-setup.html)
[Do Continuous Integration using Travis-CI](setup-travis-ci.html)
[BigData processing using Google BigQuery and CMS Medicare Data from 2012](google-bigquery-medicare.html)
[Stats on CMS 2012 Medicare Data using Google BigQuery](medicare-2012-stats.html)

Robot Operating System
[Install Robot Operating System (ROS) on Ubuntu Linux](install-ros-hydro-on-ubuntu-precise.html)
[Install Gazebo Simulator for Robot Operating System (ROS) on Ubuntu Linux](install-gazebo-ros-on-ubuntu-precise.html)

[Programming with AVR (The chip on the Arduino)](programming-with-avr.html)

[Use wget to check for dead links on your website](wget-check-dead-links.html)