* * @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2012 - Star2billing S.L. * @author Belaid Arezqui * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * @package A2Billing * * Software License Agreement (GNU Affero General Public License) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * **/ include '../lib/admin.defines.php'; include '../lib/admin.module.access.php'; include '../lib/Form/Class.FormHandler.inc.php'; include '../lib/admin.smarty.php'; if (!has_rights(ACX_CALL_REPORT)) { Header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); Header("Location: PP_error.php?c=accessdenied"); die(); } getpost_ifset(array ( 'posted', 'Period', 'frommonth', 'fromstatsmonth', 'tomonth', 'tostatsmonth', 'fromday', 'fromstatsday_sday', 'fromstatsmonth_sday', 'today', 'tostatsday_sday', 'tostatsmonth_sday', 'current_page', 'lst_time', 'group_id', 'report_type')); // Initialization of variables /////////////////////////////// $condition = ""; $QUERY = ''; $from_to = ''; $bool = false; $HD_Form = new FormHandler("pnl_report","PNL Report"); $HD_Form -> setDBHandler (DbConnect()); $HD_Form -> init(); // Generating WHERE CLAUSE /////////////////////////////// normalize_day_of_month($fromstatsday_sday, $fromstatsmonth_sday, 1); normalize_day_of_month($tostatsday_sday, $tostatsmonth_sday, 1); if ($Period == "Time" && $lst_time != "") { if (strlen($condition) > 0) { $condition .= " AND "; } if (DB_TYPE == "postgres") { switch ($lst_time) { case 1 : $condition .= "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '1 hour' <= cdr.starttime"; break; case 2 : $condition .= "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '6 hours' <= cdr.starttime"; break; case 3 : $condition .= "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '1 day' <= cdr.starttime"; break; case 4 : $condition .= "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '7 days' <= cdr.starttime"; break; case 5 : $condition .= "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '1 month' <= cdr.starttime"; break; } } else { switch ($lst_time) { case 1 : $condition .= "DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 HOUR) <= (cdr.starttime)"; break; case 2 : $condition .= "DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 6 HOUR) <= (cdr.starttime)"; break; case 3 : $condition .= "DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 DAY) <= (cdr.starttime)"; break; case 4 : $condition .= "DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= (cdr.starttime)"; break; case 5 : $condition .= "DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 MONTH) <= (cdr.starttime)"; break; } } } elseif ($Period == "Day" && $fromday && $today) { if ($fromday && isset ($fromstatsday_sday) && isset ($fromstatsmonth_sday)) { if (strlen($condition) > 0) $condition .= " AND "; $condition .= " $UNIX_TIMESTAMP(cdr.starttime) >= $UNIX_TIMESTAMP('$fromstatsmonth_sday-$fromstatsday_sday')"; } if ($today && isset ($tostatsday_sday) && isset ($tostatsmonth_sday)) { if (strlen($condition) > 0) $condition .= " AND "; $condition .= " $UNIX_TIMESTAMP(cdr.starttime) <= $UNIX_TIMESTAMP('$tostatsmonth_sday-" . sprintf("%02d", intval($tostatsday_sday) /*+1*/ ) . " 23:59:59')"; } } else { $bool = true; if (DB_TYPE == "postgres") { $condition .= "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '1 day' <= cdr.starttime"; } else { $condition .= "DATE_SUB( NOW( ) , INTERVAL 1 DAY ) <= cdr.starttime"; } } #save conditions for later use if ($posted == "1") { $_SESSION['condition'] = $condition; $_SESSION['group_id'] = ""; $_SESSION['report_type'] = $report_type; } else { if (isset ($_SESSION['condition']) && strlen($_SESSION['condition']) > 5) { $condition = $_SESSION['condition']; } if (isset ($_SESSION['report_type']) && strlen($_SESSION['report_type']) > 0) { $report_type = $_SESSION['report_type']; } } if (isset ($group_id)) { $_SESSION['group_id'] = $group_id; } else { if (isset ($_SESSION['group_id']) && strlen($_SESSION['group_id']) > 1) { $group_id = $_SESSION['group_id']; } } if (!isset ($report_type)) { $report_type = 1; } // #### HEADER SECTION $smarty->display('main.tpl'); ?>
FG_CSRF_STATUS == true) { ?>
checked="checked" >
checked> :    checked> :
checked="checked" >  
config["webui"]["report_pnl_pay_phones"]; $tallfree = $A2B->config["webui"]["report_pnl_tall_free"]; $payphones = str_replace(' ','',$payphones); $tallfree = str_replace(' ','',$tallfree); $payphones = str_replace('),(',' ,1 as dnid_type union select ',$payphones); $payphones = str_replace(')',' ,1 ',$payphones); $tallfree = str_replace('),(',' ,2 union select ',$tallfree); $tallfree = str_replace(')',' ,2 ',$tallfree); $tallfree = str_replace('(',' select ',$tallfree); $payphones = str_replace('(',' select ',$payphones); $dnids = "select 'dnid' as dnid, 0.1 as sell_cost,0.1 as cost,0 as dnid_type"; if (strlen($tallfree)>0)$dnids.=" union ".$tallfree; if (strlen($payphones)>0)$dnids.=" union ".$payphones; if (!isset($group_id)) { if ($report_type==1) { $q_id_group="id_group"; $q_cg_name="cg.name"; $q_t1="cc"; } elseif ($report_type==2) { $q_id_group="id_tariffgroup"; $q_cg_name="cg.tariffgroupname as name "; $q_t1="cdr"; } } else { $q_id_group="destination"; $q_cg_name="cg.destination as name"; $q_t1="cdr"; if ($report_type==1) { $q_where=" AND cc.id_group=$group_id"; } elseif ($report_type==2) { $q_where=" AND cc.tariff=$group_id"; } }; $HD_Form -> DBHandle -> Execute("SET autocommit = 0"); $QUERY=" select id,name,call_count,time_minutes,tall_free_buy_cost,pay_phone_buy_cost,orig_only,credits,orig_total, tall_free_sell_cost,pay_phone_sell_cost,term_only,charges,term_total, first_use,discount, net_revenue,(net_revenue-orig_total) as profit, (net_revenue-orig_total)/net_revenue*100 as margin from( select main_id as id, name,call_count,time_minutes,tall_free_buy_cost,pay_phone_buy_cost,orig_only,credits,orig_cost+credits as orig_total, tall_free_sell_cost,pay_phone_sell_cost,term_only,charges,term_cost+charges as term_total, first_use,discount, ((term_cost+charges))*( 1-discount/100) as net_revenue from( select t1.$q_id_group as main_id,$q_cg_name,call_count,time_minutes,tall_free_buy_cost,pay_phone_buy_cost, orig_cost-tall_free_buy_cost-pay_phone_buy_cost as orig_only,orig_cost, case when credits is null then 0 else credits end as credits,0 as total, tall_free_sell_cost,pay_phone_sell_cost,term_cost-tall_free_sell_cost-pay_phone_sell_cost as term_only,term_cost, case when charges is null then 0 else charges end as charges, first_use,discount from ( select $q_id_group,count(*) as call_count ,sum(sessiontime) div 60 as time_minutes, sum( case when tall_free=0 then 0 else real_sessiontime/60*tf_cost end) as tall_free_buy_cost, sum( case when pay_phone=0 then 0 else real_sessiontime/60*tf_cost end) as pay_phone_buy_cost, sum(buycost) as orig_cost, sum( case when tall_free=0 then 0 else real_sessiontime/60*tf_sell_cost end) as tall_free_sell_cost, sum( case when pay_phone=0 then 0 else real_sessiontime/60*tf_sell_cost end) as pay_phone_sell_cost, sum(sessionbill) as term_cost, sum(discount*sessionbill)/sum(sessionbill) as discount from ( select $q_t1.$q_id_group, cdr.sessiontime,cdr.dnid,cdr.real_sessiontime,sessionbill,buycost,cc.discount, case when tf.cost is null then 0 else tf.cost end as tf_cost, case when tf.sell_cost is null then 0 else tf.sell_cost end as tf_sell_cost, case when tf.dnid_type is null then 0 when tf.dnid_type=1 then 1 else 0 end as tall_free, case when tf.dnid_type is null then 0 when tf.dnid_type=2 then 1 else 0 end as pay_phone from cc_call cdr left join cc_card cc on cdr.card_id=cc.id left join ($dnids ) as tf on tf.dnid=substr(cdr.dnid,1,length(tf.dnid)) where sessiontime>0 and $condition $q_where order by cdr.starttime desc ) as a group by $q_id_group ) as t1 "; if (!isset($group_id)) { if ($report_type==1) { $HD_Form -> DBHandle -> Execute("create temporary table pnl_report_sub1 as select cc.id_group,sum(cr.credit) as credits from cc_logrefill cr left join cc_card cc on cc.id=cr.card_id where refill_type=1 and $condition1 group by id_group"); $HD_Form -> DBHandle -> Execute("create index pnl_report_sub1_get on pnl_report_sub1(id_group)"); $HD_Form -> DBHandle -> Execute("create temporary table pnl_report_sub2 as select cc.id_group,-sum(cr.credit) as charges from cc_logrefill cr left join cc_card cc on cc.id=cr.card_id where refill_type=2 and $condition1 group by id_group "); $HD_Form -> DBHandle -> Execute("create index pnl_report_sub2_get on pnl_report_sub2(id_group)"); $HD_Form -> DBHandle -> Execute("create temporary table pnl_report_sub3 as select id_group,count(*) as first_use from cc_card where $condition2 group by id_group"); $HD_Form -> DBHandle -> Execute("create index pnl_report_sub3_get on pnl_report_sub3(id_group)"); $QUERY.=" left join cc_card_group as cg on cg.id=id_group left join pnl_report_sub1 as t2 on t1.id_group=t2.id_group left join pnl_report_sub2 as t3 on t1.id_group=t3.id_group left join pnl_report_sub3 as t4 on t1.id_group=t4.id_group ) as result ) as final "; } elseif ($report_type==2) { $HD_Form -> DBHandle -> Execute("create temporary table pnl_report_sub1 as select cc.tariff as id_tariffgroup, sum(case when refill_type=1 then cr.credit else 0 end ) as credits, - sum(case when refill_type=2 then cr.credit else 0 end ) as charges from cc_logrefill cr left join cc_card as cc on cc.id=cr.card_id where $condition1 group by cc.tariff"); $HD_Form -> DBHandle -> Execute("create temporary table pnl_report_sub2 as select tariff as id_tariffgroup,count(*) as first_use from cc_card where $condition2 group by tariff"); $HD_Form -> DBHandle -> Execute("create index pnl_report_sub1_get on pnl_report_sub1(id_tariffgroup)"); $HD_Form -> DBHandle -> Execute("create index pnl_report_sub2_get on pnl_report_sub2(id_tariffgroup)"); $QUERY.=" left join cc_tariffgroup as cg on cg.id=id_tariffgroup left join pnl_report_sub1 as t2 on t1.id_tariffgroup=t2.id_tariffgroup left join pnl_report_sub2 as t4 on t1.id_tariffgroup=t4.id_tariffgroup ) as result )as final "; } } else { $QUERY.= "left join cc_prefix as cg on cg.prefix=t1.destination, " . "(select '-' as credits,'-' as charges,'-' as first_use) as t2 " . ")as result )as final "; } $HD_Form -> DBHandle -> Execute("create temporary table pnl_report as $QUERY "); $FG_DEBUG = 0; // THIS VARIABLE DEFINE THE COLOR OF THE HEAD TABLE $FG_TABLE_HEAD_COLOR = "#D1D9E7"; $FG_TABLE_EXTERN_COLOR = "#7F99CC"; $FG_TABLE_INTERN_COLOR = "#EDF3FF"; // THIS VARIABLE DEFINE THE COLOR OF THE HEAD TABLE $FG_TABLE_ALTERNATE_ROW_COLOR[] = "#FFFFFF"; $FG_TABLE_ALTERNATE_ROW_COLOR[] = "#F2F8FF"; function linktonext_1($value) { $handle = DbConnect(); $inst_table = new Table("cc_card_group", "id"); $FG_TABLE_CLAUSE = "name = '$value'"; $list_group = $inst_table -> Get_list ($handle, $FG_TABLE_CLAUSE, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 10); $id = $list_group[0][0]; if ($id > 0) { echo "$value"; } else { echo $value; } } function linktonext_2($value) { $handle = DbConnect(); $inst_table = new Table("cc_tariffgroup", "id"); $FG_TABLE_CLAUSE = "tariffgroupname = '$value'"; $list_group = $inst_table -> Get_list ($handle, $FG_TABLE_CLAUSE, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 10); $id = $list_group[0][0]; if ($id > 0) { echo "$value"; } else { echo $value; } } if (!isset($group_id)) { if ($report_type==1) { $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Group"), "name", "*", "center", "SORT", "19","", "", "", "", "", "linktonext_1"); } elseif ($report_type==2) { $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Callplan"),"name", "*", "center", "SORT", "19","", "", "", "", "", "linktonext_2"); } } else { $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Country"), "name", "*", "center", "SORT", "19","", "", "", "", "", ""); } $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("CallCount"), "call_count", "*", "center", "SORT", "30"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Minutes"), "time_minutes", "*", "center", "SORT", "30"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Toll Free Cost"), "tall_free_buy_cost", "*", "center", "SORT", "30","", "", "", "", "", "display_2dec"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Pay Phone Cost"), "pay_phone_buy_cost", "*", "center", "SORT",30,"", "", "", "", "", "display_2dec" ); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Origination Cost"), "orig_only", "*", "center", "SORT", "30","", "", "", "", "", "display_2dec"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Credits"), "credits", "*", "center", "SORT", "30","", "", "", "", "", "display_2dec"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Total Cost"),"orig_total", "*", "center", "SORT", "30","", "", "", "", "", "display_2dec"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Toll Free Revenu"),"tall_free_sell_cost","*", "center", "SORT", "30","", "", "", "", "", "display_2dec"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Pay Phone Revenu"),"pay_phone_sell_cost","*", "center", "SORT", "30","", "", "", "", "", "display_2dec"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Termination Revenu"),"term_only","*", "center", "SORT", "30","", "", "", "", "", "display_2dec"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Extra Charges"),"charges","*", "center", "SORT", "30","", "", "", "", "", "display_2dec"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Total Revenue"),"term_total","*", "center", "SORT", "30","", "", "", "", "", "display_2dec"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("First Use"),"first_use","*", "center", "SORT", "30"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Avg Discount"),"discount","*", "center", "SORT", "30","", "", "", "", "", "display_2dec_percentage"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Net Revenue"),"net_revenue","*", "center", "SORT", "30","", "", "", "", "", "display_2dec"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Margin"),"margin","*", "center", "SORT", "30","", "", "", "", "", "display_2dec_percentage"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("Total Profit"),"profit","*", "center", "SORT", "30","", "", "", "", "", "display_2dec"); $FG_COL_QUERY="name,call_count,time_minutes,tall_free_buy_cost,pay_phone_buy_cost,orig_only,credits,orig_total, tall_free_sell_cost,pay_phone_sell_cost,term_only,charges,term_total, first_use,discount, net_revenue, margin, profit, id"; $FG_COL_QUERY_SUM=str_replace('name,',"'TOTAL',",$FG_COL_QUERY); $FG_COL_QUERY_SUM=str_replace(',','),sum(',$FG_COL_QUERY.')'); $FG_COL_QUERY_SUM=str_replace(' ','',$FG_COL_QUERY_SUM); $FG_COL_QUERY_SUM=str_replace('sum(discount)','(1-sum(net_revenue)/sum(term_total))*100',$FG_COL_QUERY_SUM); $FG_COL_QUERY_SUM=str_replace('sum(margin)','sum(profit)/sum(net_revenue)*100',$FG_COL_QUERY_SUM); $FG_COL_QUERY_SUM=str_replace('name)',"'TOTAL'",$FG_COL_QUERY_SUM); $HD_Form -> FG_TOTAL_TABLE_COL=19; $HD_Form -> FG_DEBUG = 0; $HD_Form -> FG_HTML_TABLE_WIDTH ="90%"; $HD_Form -> FG_TABLE_DEFAULT_SENS = "ASC"; $HD_Form -> FG_FILTER_SEARCH_SESSION_NAME = 'pnl_selection'; $HD_Form -> FG_FK_DELETE_CONFIRM = true; $HD_Form -> FG_FK_DELETE_ALLOWED = true; $HD_Form -> FieldViewElement($FG_COL_QUERY); $HD_Form -> CV_NO_FIELDS = gettext("NO INFO!"); $HD_Form -> CV_DISPLAY_LINE_TITLE_ABOVE_TABLE = false; $HD_Form -> CV_TEXT_TITLE_ABOVE_TABLE = ''; $HD_Form -> CV_DISPLAY_FILTER_ABOVE_TABLE = false; // Code here for adding the fields in the Export File $HD_Form -> FieldExportElement($FG_COL_QUERY); if (!($popup_select>=1)) $HD_Form -> FG_EXPORT_CSV = true; if (!($popup_select>=1)) $HD_Form -> FG_EXPORT_XML = true; $HD_Form -> FG_EXPORT_SESSION_VAR = "pr_export_pnl_report"; if (!isset($form_action)) $form_action="list"; //ask-add if (!isset($action)) $action = $form_action; $list = $HD_Form -> perform_action($form_action); // #### TOP SECTION PAGE $HD_Form -> create_toppage ($form_action); $HD_Form -> create_form ($form_action, $list, $id=null) ; $res = $HD_Form -> DBHandle -> Execute("select $FG_COL_QUERY_SUM from pnl_report"); if ($res) { ?>

fetchRow(); echo ""; for ($k=0; $k<18; $k++) { echo ""; }?>
"; if ($k<3) { echo $row[$k]; } else { echo number_format($row[$k],2); if (($k==14)||($k==16)) { echo "%"; } } echo "
FG_EXPORT_SESSION_VAR]= $QUERY; if (strlen($HD_Form->FG_TABLE_CLAUSE)>1) $_SESSION[$HD_Form->FG_EXPORT_SESSION_VAR] .= " WHERE $HD_Form->FG_TABLE_CLAUSE "; if (!is_null ($HD_Form->FG_ORDER) && ($HD_Form->FG_ORDER!='') && !is_null ($HD_Form->FG_SENS) && ($HD_Form->FG_SENS!='')) $_SESSION[$HD_Form->FG_EXPORT_SESSION_VAR].= " ORDER BY $HD_Form->FG_ORDER $HD_Form->FG_SENS"; $smarty->display('footer.tpl');