# This file is generated by scripts/create-parent-chart-values.sh. # It just contains the values of the child charts. # You can modify it manually if you want to change the values of the child charts. # The values of the child charts are as follows: operator: # Default values for operator. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. global: rbac: # if set true, the clusterrole, clusterrolebinding, serviceaccount resources will be created for # operator. If changed to false later, these resources will be deleted. # Note: By default the operator will watch all namespaces, so it needs clusterrole, clusterrolebinding to access resources. # If .Values.starrocksOperator.watchNamespace is set, the role and rolebinding will be created for the specified namespace. create: true serviceAccount: name: "starrocks" # Optional annotations to add to serviceaccount manifest annotations: {} # Optional labels to add to serviceaccount manifest labels: {} # TimeZone is used to set the environment variable TZ for pod, with Asia/Shanghai as the default. timeZone: Asia/Shanghai # set the nameOverride values for creating the same resources with parent chart. # In version v1.7.1 or before, there is only one chart called kube-starrocks, and the chart name is the prefix # of some resources created by the chart. # In version v1.8.0, the kube-starrocks chart is split into two charts, and to keep backward compatibility, the # nameOverride is used to set the prefix of the resources created by operator chart. nameOverride: "kube-starrocks" starrocksOperator: # If enabled, the operator releated resources will be created, including the operator deployment, service account, # clusterrole, clusterrolebinding, and service account. enabled: true # annotations for starrocks operator. annotations: {} namespaceOverride: "" image: # image sliced by "repository:tag" repository: starrocks/operator tag: v1.9.8 imagePullPolicy: Always replicaCount: 1 resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 800Mi requests: cpu: 500m memory: 400Mi # By default, the operator will only set runAsNonRoot to true, allowPrivilegeEscalation to false, readOnlyRootFilesystem to true. # You can customize the securityContext for operator pod, e.g. drop capabilities, seccompProfile, etc. securityContext: runAsNonRoot: true allowPrivilegeEscalation: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: true #capabilities: # drop: # - ALL #seccompProfile: # type: "RuntimeDefault" # imagePullSecrets allows you to use secrets to pull images for pods. imagePullSecrets: [] # - name: "image-pull-secret" # If specified, the pod's nodeSelector,displayName="Map of nodeSelectors to match when scheduling pods on nodes" # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector nodeSelector: {} # affinity for operator pod scheduling. affinity: {} # nodeAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # nodeSelectorTerms: # - matchFields: # - key: metadata.name # operator: In # values: # - target-host-name tolerations: [] # - key: "key" # operator: "Equal|Exists" # value: "value" # effect: "NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute(1.6 only)" # If specified, it will restrict operator to watch resources in the specified namespace. And # 1. You must deploy your StarRocks cluster to the specified namespace. # 2. You can not assign multiple namespaces to watchNamespace field. # Note: In most cases, you should not set this value. If your kubernetes cluster manages too many nodes, and # operator watching all namespaces use too many memory resources, you can set this value. # Defaults to all namespaces. watchNamespace: "" # Additional operator container environment variables # You specify this manually like you would a raw deployment manifest. # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/define-environment-variable-container/ # operator supports the following environment variables: # KUBE_STARROCKS_UNSUPPORTED_ENVS: "XXX,YYY" # The environment variables that will not be passed to starrocks container. env: [] # setting log related parameter log: - --zap-time-encoding=iso8601 - --zap-encoder=console # if you want open debug log, open this option # - --zap-log-level 4 starrocks: # set the nameOverride values for creating the same resources with parent chart. # In version v1.7.1 or before, there is only one chart called kube-starrocks, and the chart name is the prefix # of some resources created by the chart. # In version v1.8.0, the kube-starrocks chart is split into two charts, and to keep backward compatibility, the # nameOverride is used to set the prefix of the resources created by starrocks chart. nameOverride: "kube-starrocks" # This configuration is used to modify the root password during initial deployment. # After deployment is completed, it won't take effect to modify the password here and to do a `helm upgrade`. # It also supports providing secret name that contains password, using the password in the secret instead of the plaintext in the values.yaml. # When both password and passwordSecret are set, only passwordSecret takes effect. # Note: If you install StarRocks using helm install without setting the initPassword, then for subsequent upgrade deployments, # you should also not set the initPassword. # If you install StarRocks using helm install and set the initPassword, please always retain the configuration of initPassword. initPassword: enabled: false password: "" # The secret name that contains password, the key of the secret is "password", and you should create it first. passwordSecret: "" # The image of the initPassword job, if it is not set, the FE image will be used. # see https://github.com/StarRocks/starrocks-kubernetes-operator/issues/453 for why we need to set the image. image: "" # The annotations for the Job, not including the annotations for the pod. annotations: {} # TimeZone is used to set the environment variable TZ for pod, with Asia/Shanghai as the default. timeZone: Asia/Shanghai # This configuration is used to integrate with external system DataDog. # You can enable the integration by setting the enabled to true, e.g. datalog.log.enabled=true will enable datadog agent # to collect the log. datadog: log: enabled: false # besides the attributes you added, chart will append "source" and "service" attributes to the log config. # see https://docs.datadoghq.com/containers/kubernetes/log/?tab=operator for more details. logConfig: '{}' # e.g. '{"app": "starrocks", "tags": ["aa", "bb"]}' metrics: enabled: false profiling: fe: false # change to 'true' to enable profiling on FE pods; be: false # change to 'true' to enable profiling on BE pods; cn: false # change to 'true' to enable profiling on CN pods; env: "starrocks-default" # the default value for DD_ENV; configMode: "service" # see https://docs.datadoghq.com/containers/cluster_agent/admission_controller/?tab=operator#configure-apm-and-dogstatsd-communication-mode # This configuration is used to integrate with external system Prometheus. metrics: serviceMonitor: # Whether to expose metrics to Prometheus by ServiceMonitor. # Note: make sure the prometheus operator is installed in your cluster. # If prometheus is not installed by operator, you can add annotations on k8s service to expose metrics. # see https://github.com/StarRocks/starrocks-kubernetes-operator/blob/main/doc/integration/integration-prometheus-grafana.md#51-turn-on-the-prometheus-metrics-scrape-by-adding-annotations for more details. enabled: false # Prometheus ServiceMonitor labels labels: {} # scraper: prometheus-operator # Prometheus ServiceMonitor interval interval: 15s # deploy a starrocks cluster starrocksCluster: # the name of starrockscluster cluster, if not set, the value of nameOverride fields will be used. name: "" # the namespace of starrockscluster cluster, if not set, the release namespace will be used. namespace: "" # annotations for starrocks cluster. annotations: {} # specify the cn deploy or not. enabledBe: true enabledCn: false # componentValues field is used to define values for all starrocks cluster components, including starrocksFESpec, # starrocksBeSpec, starrocksCnSpec, not including starrocksFeProxySpec. So that you do not need to modify them in # their own spec. # Note: # 1. the values in their own spec will take precedence over the values in this field. # 2. the values in their own spec will replace all the values in this field, not merge. componentValues: image: tag: "3.3-latest" # hostAliases allows adding entries to /etc/hosts inside the containers. hostAliases: [] # - ip: "" # hostnames: # - "example.com" # If runAsNonRoot is true, the container is run as non-root user. # The userId will be set to 1000, and the groupID will be set to 1000. runAsNonRoot: false # schedulerName allows you to specify which scheduler will be used for your pods. schedulerName: "" # serviceAccount for access cloud service. serviceAccount: "" # imagePullSecrets allows you to use secrets to pull images for pods. imagePullSecrets: [] # - name: "image-pull-secret" # tolerations for pod scheduling to nodes with taints # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/ tolerations: [] # - key: "key" # operator: "Equal|Exists" # value: "value" # effect: "NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute(1.6 only)" # topologySpreadConstraints for scheduling pods across failure-domains. # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/topology-spread-constraints/ topologySpreadConstraints: [] # - maxSkew: 1 # topologyKey: topology.kubernetes.io/zone # whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule|ScheduleAnyway # labelSelector: # matchLabels: # foo: bar # If specified, the pod's nodeSelector,displayName="Map of nodeSelectors to match when scheduling pods on nodes" # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector nodeSelector: {} # kubernetes.io/arch: amd64 # kubernetes.io/os: linux # affinity for pod scheduling. affinity: {} # nodeAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # nodeSelectorTerms: # - matchFields: # - key: metadata.name # operator: In # values: # - target-host-name # podAntiAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # - labelSelector: # matchExpressions: # - key: app.kubernetes.io/component # operator: In # values: # - fe # - be # - cn # topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname" # the pod labels for user select or classify pods. podLabels: {} # spec to deploy fe. starrocksFESpec: # number of replicas to deploy for a fe statefulset. replicas: 1 image: # image sliced by "repository:tag" repository: starrocks/fe-ubuntu tag: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent # Specify the entrypoint for FE. # By default, operator will use '/opt/starrocks/fe_entrypoint.sh' as command, and use '$(FE_SERVICE_NAME)' as args in container spec. # If entrypoint is set, the command will be ["bash", "-c"], and the args will be filename of the entrypoint script. # A configmap with name $cluster-fe-entrypoint-script will be created, and the script will be mounted to /etc/starrocks/entrypoint.sh # Pod will be restarted if the entrypoint script is updated. entrypoint: {} # script: | # #! /bin/bash # echo "do something before start fe" # exec /opt/starrocks/fe_entrypoint.sh $FE_SERVICE_NAME # add annotations for fe pods. For example, if you want to config monitor for datadog, you can config the annotations. annotations: {} # If runAsNonRoot is true, the container is run as non-root user. # The userId will be set to 1000, and the groupID will be set to 1000. runAsNonRoot: false # specify the service name and port config and serviceType # the service type refer https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services-service-types service: # the fe service type, only supported ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer type: "ClusterIP" # the loadBalancerIP for static ip config when the type=LoadBalancer and loadbalancerIp is not empty. loadbalancerIP: "" # add annotations for fe service. annotations: {} # config the service port for fe service. # To assign a specific port or nodePort to a service, you should specify them by the corresponding name or # containerPort in the service configuration. If both containerPort and name are specified, containerPort takes precedence. # For fe, port name can be http, query, rpc, edit-log, and their default container port is 8030, 9030, 9020, 9010. ports: [] # e.g. specify a dedicated node port for fe service by containerPort. # - nodePort: 30030 # The range of valid ports is 30000-32767 # containerPort: 8030 # The port exported on the container # specify the source IP ranges for the load balancer when the type=LoadBalancer. loadBalancerSourceRanges: [] # - # imagePullSecrets allows you to use secrets to pull images for pods. imagePullSecrets: [] # - name: "image-pull-secret" # serviceAccount for fe access cloud service. serviceAccount: "" # If specified, the pod's nodeSelector,displayName="Map of nodeSelectors to match when scheduling pods on nodes" # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector nodeSelector: {} # kubernetes.io/arch: amd64 # kubernetes.io/os: linux # the pod labels for user select or classify pods. podLabels: {} # hostAliases allows adding entries to /etc/hosts inside the containers hostAliases: [] # - ip: "" # hostnames: # - "example.com" # schedulerName allows you to specify which scheduler will be used for your pods. schedulerName: "" # Additional fe container environment variables. # See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/define-environment-variable-container/ for how to define environment variables. # Note: If you use slice to define environment variables, and if there are multiple values files, the values in the last values file will take effect. # If you use map to define environment variables, the values in the values files will be merged. # You can only use one of slice and map to define environment variables. # In order to avoid different type of feEnvVars, we do not define the default value of feEnvVars, e.g. feEnvVars: [] or feEnvVars: {}. #feEnvVars: # define environment variables by slice. # e.g. static environment variable: # - name: DEMO_GREETING # value: "Hello from the environment" # e.g. secret environment variable: # - name: USERNAME # valueFrom: # secretKeyRef: # name: mysecret # key: username # affinity for fe pod scheduling. # Note: It will affect the scheduling of the init-password job. affinity: {} # nodeAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # nodeSelectorTerms: # - matchFields: # - key: metadata.name # operator: In # values: # - target-host-name # podAntiAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # - labelSelector: # matchExpressions: # - key: app.kubernetes.io/component # operator: In # values: # - fe # topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname" # Node tolerations for fe pod scheduling to nodes with taints # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/ # Note: It will affect the scheduling of the init-password job. tolerations: [] # - key: "key" # operator: "Equal|Exists" # value: "value" # effect: "NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute(1.6 only)" # topologySpreadConstraints for scheduling pods across failure-domains. # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/topology-spread-constraints/ topologySpreadConstraints: [] # - maxSkew: 1 # topologyKey: topology.kubernetes.io/zone # whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule|ScheduleAnyway # labelSelector: # matchLabels: # foo: bar # resources for fe pod. resources: requests: cpu: 4 memory: 4Gi # If you want to remove one resource limit, e.g. cpu, you can it to cpu: "unlimited". limits: cpu: 8 memory: 8Gi # fe storageSpec for persistent metadata. # Note: Once set, the following fields will not be allowed to be modified. storageSpec: # Specifies the name prefix of the volumes to mount. If left unspecified, # `emptyDir` volumes will be used by default, which are ephemeral and data # will be lost on pod restart. # # For persistent storage, specify a volume name prefix. # For example, using `fe` as the name prefix would be appropriate. name: "" # The storageClassName represent the used storageclass name. if not set will use k8s cluster default storageclass. # You must set name when you set storageClassName. # Note: Because hostPath field is not supported here, hostPath is not allowed to be set in storageClassName. storageClassName: "" # the persistent volume size for data. # fe container stop running if the disk free space which the fe meta directory residents, is less than 5Gi. storageSize: 10Gi # If storageMountPath is empty, the storageMountPath will be set to /opt/starrocks/fe/meta. storageMountPath: "" # Setting this parameter can persist log storage, and the mount path is /opt/starrocks/fe/log. # If you set it to 0Gi, the related PVC will not be created, and the log will not be persisted. logStorageSize: 5Gi # mount emptyDir volumes if necessary. # Note: please use storageSpec field for persistent metadata and log. emptyDirs: [] # e.g. mount an emptyDir volume to /tmp # - name: tmp-data # mountPath: /tmp # mount hostPath volumes if necessary. # Note: please use storageSpec field for persistent storage data and log. hostPaths: [] # e.g. mount a hostPath volume to /tmp # - name: tmp-data # hostPath: # path: /tmp # type: Directory # mountPath: /tmp # the config for start fe. the base information as follows. config: | LOG_DIR = ${STARROCKS_HOME}/log DATE = "$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)" JAVA_OPTS="-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true -Xmx8192m -XX:+UseG1GC -Xlog:gc*:${LOG_DIR}/fe.gc.log.$DATE:time" http_port = 8030 rpc_port = 9020 query_port = 9030 edit_log_port = 9010 mysql_service_nio_enabled = true sys_log_level = INFO # A map object for setting the config. When configyaml is set, to non-empty, the configs in configyaml will take # precedence and values in config field will be discarded. configyaml: {} # mount secrets if necessary. # see https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#using-subpath for more details about subPath. secrets: [] # e.g. mount my-secret to /etc/my-secret # - name: my-secret # mountPath: /etc/my-secret # subPath: "" # mount configmaps if necessary. # see https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#using-subpath for more details about subPath. configMaps: [] # e.g. mount my-configmap to /etc/my-configmap # - name: my-configmap # mountPath: /etc/my-configmap # subPath: "" # terminationGracePeriodSeconds defines duration in seconds the FE pod needs to terminate gracefully. # default value is 120 seconds terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 120 # Please upgrade the CRD with v1.8.7 released version, if you want to use the following configuration. # including: startupProbeFailureSeconds, livenessProbeFailureSeconds, readinessProbeFailureSeconds # StartupProbeFailureSeconds defines the total failure seconds of startup Probe. # default value is 300 seconds # You can set it to "0" to disable the probe. startupProbeFailureSeconds: # LivenessProbeFailureSeconds defines the total failure seconds of liveness Probe. # default value is 15 seconds # You can set it to "0" to disable the probe. livenessProbeFailureSeconds: # ReadinessProbeFailureSeconds defines the total failure seconds of readiness Probe. # default value is 15 seconds # You can set it to "0" to disable the probe. readinessProbeFailureSeconds: # Lifecycle describes actions that the management system should take in response to container lifecycle events. # By default, Operator will add corresponding preStop hooks for different components. For example, the preStop # script for the FE Component is /opt/starrocks/fe_prestop.sh, for the BE Component is /opt/starrocks/be_prestop.sh, # and for the CN Component is /opt/starrocks/cn_prestop.sh. # You can just set postStart hook. lifecycle: {} # postStart: # exec: # command: # - /bin/sh # - -c # - echo "Hello, world!" # Sidecars is an optional list of containers that are run in the same pod as the starrocks component. # You can use this field to launch helper containers that provide additional functionality to the main container. # See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/workload-resources/pod-v1/#Container for how to define sidecars. sidecars: [] # - name: sidecar-container # image: busybox # # If starrocksFESpec.storageSpec.name is fe or not set, you can mount the volume of meta like this. # command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "hello from the sidecar container" >/opt/starrocks/fe/meta/sidecar-data.txt && sleep 3600'] # volumeMounts: # - mountPath: /opt/starrocks/fe/meta # name: fe-meta # append -meta to the end of the name of the starrocksFESpec.storageSpec.name # initContainers is an optional list of containers that are run in the same pod as the starrocks component. # You can use this to launch helper containers that run before the main container starts. # See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/workload-resources/pod-v1/#Container for how to configure a container. initContainers: [] # - name: init-container # image: busybox # # If starrocksFESpec.storageSpec.name is fe or not set, you can mount the volume of meta like this. # command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "hello from the init container" >/opt/starrocks/fe/meta/init-data.txt'] # volumeMounts: # - mountPath: /opt/starrocks/fe/meta # name: fe-meta # append -meta to the end of the name of the starrocksFESpec.storageSpec.name # spec for compute node, compute node provide compute function. starrocksCnSpec: # number of replicas to deploy for CN component. # # When autoscaling of the CN statefulset is used the `replicas` field is set to null # by the operator, and autoscaling is controlled by Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA). # You should only uncomment and set the `replicas` field if autoscaling is disabled. # replicas: 1 image: # image sliced by "repository:tag" repository: starrocks/cn-ubuntu tag: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent # Specify the entrypoint for CN. # By default, operator will use '/opt/starrocks/cn_entrypoint.sh' as command, and use '$(FE_SERVICE_NAME)' as args in container spec. # If entrypoint is set, the command will be ["bash", "-c"], and the args will be filename of the entrypoint script. # A configmap with name $cluster-cn-entrypoint-script will be created, and the script will be mounted to /etc/starrocks/entrypoint.sh # Pod will be restarted if the entrypoint script is updated. entrypoint: {} # script: | # #! /bin/bash # echo "do something before start cn" # exec /opt/starrocks/cn_entrypoint.sh $FE_SERVICE_NAME # serviceAccount for cn access cloud service. serviceAccount: "" # add annotations for cn pods. example, if you want to config monitor for datadog, you can config the annotations. annotations: {} # If runAsNonRoot is true, the container is run as non-root user. # The userId will be set to 1000, and the groupID will be set to 1000. runAsNonRoot: false # add/drop capabilities for CN container. capabilities: {} # add: # - PERFMON # - SYS_PTRACE # drop: # - SYS_ADMIN # specify the service name and port config and serviceType # the service type refer https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services-service-types service: # the cn service type, only supported ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer type: "ClusterIP" # the loadBalancerIP for static ip config when the type=LoadBalancer and loadBalancerIp is not empty. loadbalancerIP: "" # add annotations for cn service. annotations: {} # config the service port for cn service. # To assign a specific port or nodePort to a service, you should specify them by the corresponding name or # containerPort in the service configuration. If both containerPort and name are specified, containerPort takes precedence. # For cn, port name can be webserver, heartbeat, brpc, thrift, and their default container port is 8040, 9050, 8060, 9060. ports: [] # e.g. specify a dedicated node port for cn service by containerPort. # - nodePort: 30040 # The range of valid ports is 30000-32767 # containerPort: 8040 # The port on the container to expose # specify the source IP ranges for the load balancer when the type=LoadBalancer. loadBalancerSourceRanges: [] # - # imagePullSecrets allows you to use secrets for pulling images for your pods. imagePullSecrets: [] # - name: "image-pull-secret" # If specified, the pod's nodeSelector,displayName="Map of nodeSelectors to match when scheduling pods on nodes" # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector nodeSelector: {} # kubernetes.io/arch: amd64 # kubernetes.io/os: linux # the pod labels for user select or classify pods. podLabels: {} ## hostAliases allows adding entries to /etc/hosts inside the containers hostAliases: [] # - ip: "" # hostnames: # - "example.com" # schedulerName allows you to specify which scheduler will be used for the pod schedulerName: "" # Additional cn container environment variables. # See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/define-environment-variable-container/ for how to define environment variables. # Note: If you use slice to define environment variables, and if there are multiple values files, the values in the last values file will take effect. # If you use map to define environment variables, the values in the values files will be merged. # You can only use one of slice and map to define environment variables. # In order to avoid different type of cnEnvVars, we do not define the default value of cnEnvVars, e.g. cnEnvVars: [] or cnEnvVars: {}. # cnEnvVars: # define environment variables by slice. # e.g. static environment variable: # - name: DEMO_GREETING # value: "Hello from the environment" # e.g. secret environment variable: # - name: USERNAME # valueFrom: # secretKeyRef: # name: mysecret # key: username # affinity for cn pod scheduling. affinity: {} # nodeAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # nodeSelectorTerms: # - matchFields: # - key: metadata.name # operator: In # values: # - target-host-name # podAntiAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # - labelSelector: # matchExpressions: # - key: app.kubernetes.io/component # operator: In # values: # - cn # topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname" # Node tolerations for cn pod scheduling to nodes with taints # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/ tolerations: [] # - key: "key" # operator: "Equal|Exists" # value: "value" # effect: "NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute(1.6 only)" # topologySpreadConstraints for scheduling pods across failure-domains. # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/topology-spread-constraints/ topologySpreadConstraints: [] # - maxSkew: 1 # topologyKey: topology.kubernetes.io/zone # whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule|ScheduleAnyway # labelSelector: # matchLabels: # foo: bar autoScalingPolicy: {} # you can select different versions of HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler) based on the Kubernetes version you are # using to ensure compatibility and adaptability. the default version is v2beta2. # version: v2beta2 # maxReplicas: 10 # minReplicas: 1 # hpaPolicy: # metrics: # - type: Resource # resource: # name: memory # target: # averageUtilization: 30 # type: Utilization # - type: Resource # resource: # name: cpu # target: # averageUtilization: 30 # type: Utilization # behavior: # scaleUp: # policies: # - type: Pods # value: 1 # periodSeconds: 10 # scaleDown: # selectPolicy: Disabled # define resources requests and limits for cn pods. resources: requests: cpu: 4 memory: 8Gi # If you want to remove one resource limit, e.g. cpu, you can it to cpu: "unlimited". limits: cpu: 8 memory: 8Gi # specify storageclass name and request size. # Note: Once set, the following fields will not be allowed to be modified. storageSpec: # Specifies the name prefix of the volumes to mount. If left unspecified, # `emptyDir` volumes will be used, which are ephemeral, and only for log. # The logs will be lost on pod restart when using emptyDir volumes. # # For persistent storage, specify a volume name prefix. # For example, using `cn` as the name prefix would be appropriate. name: "" # The storageClassName represent the used storageclass name. if not set will use k8s cluster default storageclass. # You must set name when you set storageClassName # Note: Because hostPath field is not supported here, hostPath is not allowed to be set in storageClassName. storageClassName: "" # the storage size of per persistent volume for data. storageSize: 1Ti # the number of persistent volumes for data. # if storageCount == 1 # the storageMountPath field is used to specify the mount path of the persistent volume. If storageMountPath is empty, # the storageMountPath will be set to /opt/starrocks/cn/storage. # If storageMountPath is not /opt/starrocks/cn/storage, you must add in config the following configuration: storage_root_path = xxx. # if storageCount > 1 # the storageMountPath field is used to specify the prefix of mount path of the persistent volume. For example, if the # storageMountPath is /opt/starrocks/cn/storage, the real mount path will be /opt/starrocks/cn/storage0, /opt/starrocks/cn/storage1, ... # You must add in config the following configuration: storage_root_path = /opt/starrocks/cn/storage0;/opt/starrocks/cn/storage1;... storageCount: 1 # see the comment of storageCount for the usage of storageMountPath. storageMountPath: "" # the storage size of persistent volume for log, and the mount path is /opt/starrocks/cn/log. # If you set it to 0Gi, the related PVC will not be created, and the log will not be persisted. logStorageSize: 20Gi # Setting this parameter can persist spill storage, and the mount path is /opt/starrocks/cn/spill. # If you set it to 0Gi, the related PVC will not be created, and the spill will not be persisted. # You need to add in be.conf spill_local_storage_dir=/opt/starrocks/cn/spill. spillStorageSize: 0Gi # mount emptyDir volumes if necessary. # Note: please use storageSpec field for persistent storage data and log. emptyDirs: [] # e.g. mount an emptyDir volume to /tmp # - name: tmp-data # mountPath: /tmp # mount hostPath volumes if necessary. # Note: # 1. please use storageSpec field for persistent storage data and log. # 2. please use podAntiAffinity to avoid the pods are scheduled on the same node. # 3. If you use hostPath to mount the volume of cache data, cache will be lost when the pod is restarted. hostPaths: [] # e.g. mount a hostPath volume to /tmp # - name: tmp-data # hostPath: # path: /tmp # type: Directory # mountPath: /tmp # the config start for cn, the base information as follows. # From StarRocks 3.1, the official documentation use: # 1. be_port instead of thrift_port, but the thrift_port is still supported. # 2. be_http_port instead of webserver_port, but the webserver_port is still supported. # In order to avoid the impact of the change on the user's deployment, we still use the old configuration. config: | sys_log_level = INFO # ports for admin, web, heartbeat service thrift_port = 9060 webserver_port = 8040 heartbeat_service_port = 9050 brpc_port = 8060 # A map object for setting the config. When configyaml is set, to non-empty, the configs in configyaml will take # precedence and values in config field will be discarded. configyaml: {} # mount secrets if necessary. # see https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#using-subpath for more details about subPath. secrets: [] # e.g. mount my-secret to /etc/my-secret # - name: my-secret # mountPath: /etc/my-secret # subPath: "" # mount configmaps if necessary. # see https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#using-subpath for more details about subPath. configMaps: [] # e.g. mount my-configmap to /etc/my-configmap # - name: my-configmap # mountPath: /etc/my-configmap # subPath: "" # terminationGracePeriodSeconds defines duration in seconds the CN pod needs to terminate gracefully. # default value is 120 seconds terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 120 # Please upgrade the CRD with v1.8.7 released version, if you want to use the following configuration. # including: startupProbeFailureSeconds, livenessProbeFailureSeconds, readinessProbeFailureSeconds # StartupProbeFailureSeconds defines the total failure seconds of startup Probe. # default value is 300 seconds # You can set it to "0" to disable the probe. startupProbeFailureSeconds: # LivenessProbeFailureSeconds defines the total failure seconds of liveness Probe. # default value is 15 seconds # You can set it to "0" to disable the probe. livenessProbeFailureSeconds: # ReadinessProbeFailureSeconds defines the total failure seconds of readiness Probe. # default value is 15 seconds # You can set it to "0" to disable the probe. readinessProbeFailureSeconds: # Lifecycle describes actions that the management system should take in response to container lifecycle events. # By default, Operator will add corresponding preStop hooks for different components. For example, the preStop # script for the FE Component is /opt/starrocks/fe_prestop.sh, for the BE Component is /opt/starrocks/be_prestop.sh, # and for the CN Component is /opt/starrocks/cn_prestop.sh. # You can just set postStart hook. lifecycle: {} # postStart: # exec: # command: # - /bin/sh # - -c # - echo "Hello, world!" # Sidecars is an optional list of containers that are run in the same pod as the starrocks component. # You can use this field to launch helper containers that provide additional functionality to the main container. # See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/workload-resources/pod-v1/#Container for how to configure a container. sidecars: [] # - name: sidecar-container # image: busybox # # If starrocksCnSpec.storageSpec.name is cn, you can mount the volume of cache data like this. # # If starrocksCnSpec.storageSpec.name is not set, no default volume will be created, so you can not mount the volume of cache data like this. # command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "hello from the sidecar container" >/opt/starrocks/cn/storage/sidecar-data.txt && sleep 3600'] # volumeMounts: # - mountPath: /opt/starrocks/cn/storage # name: cn-data # append -data to the end of the name of the starrocksCnSpec.storageSpec.name # initContainers is an optional list of containers that are run in the same pod as the starrocks component. # You can use this to launch helper containers that run before the main container starts. # See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/workload-resources/pod-v1/#Container for how to configure a container. initContainers: [] # - name: init-container # image: busybox # # If starrocksCnSpec.storageSpec.name is cn, you can mount the volume of cache data like this. # # If starrocksCnSpec.storageSpec.name is not set, no default volume will be created, so you can not mount the volume of cache data like this. # command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "hello from the init container" >/opt/starrocks/cn/storage/init-data.txt'] # volumeMounts: # - mountPath: /opt/starrocks/cn/storage # name: cn-data # append -data to the end of the name of the starrocksCnSpec.storageSpec.name # spec for component be, provide storage and compute function. starrocksBeSpec: # number of replicas to deploy. replicas: 1 image: # image sliced by "repository:tag" repository: starrocks/be-ubuntu tag: "" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent # Specify the entrypoint for BE. # By default, operator will use '/opt/starrocks/be_entrypoint.sh' as command, and use '$(FE_SERVICE_NAME)' as args in container spec. # If entrypoint is set, the command will be ["bash", "-c"], and the args will be filename of the entrypoint script. # A configmap with name $cluster-be-entrypoint-script will be created, and the script will be mounted to /etc/starrocks/entrypoint.sh # Pod will be restarted if the entrypoint script is updated. entrypoint: {} # script: | # #! /bin/bash # echo "do something before start BE" # exec /opt/starrocks/be_entrypoint.sh $FE_SERVICE_NAME # serviceAccount for be access cloud service. serviceAccount: "" # add annotations for be pods. example, if you want to config monitor for datadog, you can config the annotations. annotations: {} # If runAsNonRoot is true, the container is run as non-root user. # The userId will be set to 1000, and the groupID will be set to 1000. runAsNonRoot: false # add/drop capabilities for BE container. capabilities: {} # add: # - PERFMON # - SYS_PTRACE # drop: # - SYS_ADMIN # specify the service name and port config and serviceType # the service type refer https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services-service-types service: # the be service type, only supported ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer type: "ClusterIP" # the loadBalancerIP for static ip config when the type=LoadBalancer and loadbalancerIp is not empty. loadbalancerIP: "" # add annotations for be service. annotations: {} # config the service port for be service. # To assign a specific port or nodePort to a service, you should specify them by the corresponding name or # containerPort in the service configuration. If both containerPort and name are specified, containerPort takes precedence. # For be, port name can be webserver, heartbeat, brpc, be, and their default container port is 8040, 9050, 8060, 9060. ports: [] # e.g. specify a dedicated node port for be service by containerPort. # - nodePort: 30040 # The range of valid ports is 30000-32767 # containerPort: 8040 # The port on the container to expose # specify the source IP ranges for the load balancer when the type=LoadBalancer. loadBalancerSourceRanges: [] # - # imagePullSecrets allows you to use secrets to pull images for pods. imagePullSecrets: [] # - name: "image-pull-secret" # If specified, the pod's nodeSelector,displayName="Map of nodeSelectors to match when scheduling pods on nodes" # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector nodeSelector: {} # kubernetes.io/arch: amd64 # kubernetes.io/os: linux # the pod labels for user select or classify pods. podLabels: {} ## hostAliases allows adding entries to /etc/hosts inside the containers hostAliases: [] # - ip: "" # hostnames: # - "example.com" # schedulerName allows you to specify which scheduler will be used for the pod schedulerName: "" # Additional be container environment variables. # See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/define-environment-variable-container/ for how to define environment variables. # Note: If you use slice to define environment variables, and if there are multiple values files, the values in the last values file will take effect. # If you use map to define environment variables, the values in the values files will be merged. # You can only use one of slice and map to define environment variables. # In order to avoid different type of beEnvVars, we do not define the default value of beEnvVars, e.g. beEnvVars: [] or beEnvVars: {}. # beEnvVars: # define environment variables by slice. # e.g. static environment variable: # - name: DEMO_GREETING # value: "Hello from the environment" # e.g. secret environment variable: # - name: USERNAME # valueFrom: # secretKeyRef: # name: mysecret # key: username # affinity for fe pod scheduling. affinity: {} # nodeAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # nodeSelectorTerms: # - matchFields: # - key: metadata.name # operator: In # values: # - target-host-name # podAntiAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # - labelSelector: # matchExpressions: # - key: app.kubernetes.io/component # operator: In # values: # - be # topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname" # Node tolerations for be pod scheduling to nodes with taints # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/ tolerations: [] # - key: "key" # operator: "Equal|Exists" # value: "value" # effect: "NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute(1.6 only)" # topologySpreadConstraints for scheduling pods across failure-domains. # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/topology-spread-constraints/ topologySpreadConstraints: [] # - maxSkew: 1 # topologyKey: topology.kubernetes.io/zone # whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule|ScheduleAnyway # labelSelector: # matchLabels: # foo: bar # resources for be pod. resources: requests: cpu: 4 memory: 4Gi # If you want to remove one resource limit, e.g. cpu, you can it to cpu: "unlimited". limits: cpu: 8 memory: 8Gi # be storageSpec for persistent storage. # Note: Once set, the following fields will not be allowed to be modified. storageSpec: # Specifies the name prefix of the volumes to mount. If left unspecified, # `emptyDir` volumes will be used by default, which are ephemeral and data # will be lost on pod restart. # # For persistent storage, specify a volume name prefix. # For example, using `be` as the name prefix would be appropriate. name: "" # The storageClassName represent the used storageclass name. if not set will use k8s cluster default storageclass. # You must set name when you set storageClassName # Note: Because hostPath field is not supported here, hostPath is not allowed to be set in storageClassName. storageClassName: "" # the storage size of per persistent volume for data. storageSize: 1Ti # the number of persistent volumes for data. # if storageCount == 1 # the storageMountPath field is used to specify the mount path of the persistent volume. If storageMountPath is empty, # the storageMountPath will be set to /opt/starrocks/be/storage. # If storageMountPath /opt/starrocks/be/storage, you must add in config the following configuration: storage_root_path = xxx. # if storageCount > 1 # the storageMountPath field is used to specify the prefix of mount path of the persistent volume. For example, if the # storageMountPath is /opt/starrocks/be/storage, the real mount path will be /opt/starrocks/be/storage0, /opt/starrocks/be/storage1, ... # You must add in config the following configuration: storage_root_path = /opt/starrocks/be/storage0;/opt/starrocks/be/storage1;... storageCount: 1 # see the comment of storageCount for the usage of storageMountPath. storageMountPath: "" # Setting this parameter can persist log storage, and the mount path is /opt/starrocks/be/log. # If you set it to 0Gi, the related PVC will not be created, and the log will not be persisted. logStorageSize: 20Gi # Setting this parameter can persist spill storage, and the mount path is /opt/starrocks/be/spill. # If you set it to 0Gi, the related PVC will not be created, and the spill will not be persisted. # You need to add in be.conf spill_local_storage_dir=/opt/starrocks/be/spill. spillStorageSize: 0Gi # mount emptyDir volumes if necessary. # Note: please use storageSpec field for persistent storage data and log. emptyDirs: [] # e.g. mount an emptyDir volume to /tmp # - name: tmp-data # mountPath: /tmp # mount hostPath volumes if necessary. # Note: please use storageSpec field for persistent storage data and log. hostPaths: [] # e.g. mount a hostPath volume to /tmp # - name: tmp-data # hostPath: # path: /tmp # type: Directory # mountPath: /tmp # the config for start be. the base information as follows. # From StarRocks 3.1, the official documentation use: # 1. be_http_port instead of webserver_port, but the webserver_port is still supported. # In order to avoid the impact of the change on the user's deployment, we still use the old configuration. config: | be_port = 9060 webserver_port = 8040 heartbeat_service_port = 9050 brpc_port = 8060 sys_log_level = INFO default_rowset_type = beta # A map object for setting the config. When configyaml is set, to non-empty, the configs in configyaml will take # precedence and values in config field will be discarded. configyaml: {} # mount secrets if necessary. # see https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#using-subpath for more details about subPath. secrets: [] # e.g. mount my-secret to /etc/my-secret # - name: my-secret # mountPath: /etc/my-secret # subPath: "" # mount configmaps if necessary. # see https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#using-subpath for more details about subPath. configMaps: [] # e.g. mount my-configmap to /etc/my-configmap # - name: my-configmap # mountPath: /etc/my-configmap # subPath: "" # terminationGracePeriodSeconds defines duration in seconds the BE pod needs to terminate gracefully. # default value is 120 seconds terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 120 # Please upgrade the CRD with v1.8.7 released version, if you want to use the following configuration. # including: startupProbeFailureSeconds, livenessProbeFailureSeconds, readinessProbeFailureSeconds # StartupProbeFailureSeconds defines the total failure seconds of startup Probe. # default value is 300 seconds # You can set it to "0" to disable the probe. startupProbeFailureSeconds: # LivenessProbeFailureSeconds defines the total failure seconds of liveness Probe. # default value is 15 seconds # You can set it to "0" to disable the probe. livenessProbeFailureSeconds: # ReadinessProbeFailureSeconds defines the total failure seconds of readiness Probe. # default value is 15 seconds # You can set it to "0" to disable the probe. readinessProbeFailureSeconds: # Lifecycle describes actions that the management system should take in response to container lifecycle events. # By default, Operator will add corresponding preStop hooks for different components. For example, the preStop # script for the FE Component is /opt/starrocks/fe_prestop.sh, for the BE Component is /opt/starrocks/be_prestop.sh, # and for the CN Component is /opt/starrocks/cn_prestop.sh. # You can just set postStart hook. lifecycle: {} # postStart: # exec: # command: # - /bin/sh # - -c # - echo "Hello, world!" # Sidecars is an optional list of containers that are run in the same pod as the starrocks component. # You can use this field to launch helper containers that provide additional functionality to the main container. # See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/workload-resources/pod-v1/#Container for how to define sidecars. sidecars: [] # - name: sidecar-container # image: busybox # # If your starrocksBeSpec.storageSpec.name is be or not set, you can mount the volume of data like this. # command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "hello from the sidecar container" >/opt/starrocks/be/storage/sidecar-data.txt && sleep 3600'] # volumeMounts: # - mountPath: /opt/starrocks/be/storage # name: be-data # append -data to the end of the name of the starrocksBeSpec.storageSpec.name # initContainers is an optional list of containers that are run in the same pod as the starrocks component. # You can use this to launch helper containers that run before the main container starts. # See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/workload-resources/pod-v1/#Container for how to configure a container. initContainers: [] # - name: init-container # image: busybox # # If your starrocksBeSpec.storageSpec.name is be or not set, you can mount the volume of data like this. # command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "hello from the init container" >/opt/starrocks/be/storage/init-data.txt'] # volumeMounts: # - mountPath: /opt/starrocks/be/storage # name: be-data # append -data to the end of the name of the starrocksBeSpec.storageSpec.name # create secrets if necessary. secrets: [] # e.g. create my-secret # - name: my-secret # data: # key: | # this is the content of the secret # when mounted, key will be the name of the file # create configmaps if necessary. configMaps: [] # e.g. create my-configmap # - name: my-configmap # data: # key: | # this is the content of the configmap # when mounted, key will be the name of the file # If you needs to deploy other resources, e.g. serviceAccount, you can add them here. # You can even deploy resources to different namespaces resources: [] # - apiVersion: v1 # kind: ServiceAccount # metadata: # name: sa-for-starrocks # namespace: starrocks # specify the fe proxy deploy or not. starrocksFeProxySpec: # specify the fe proxy deploy or not. enabled: false replicas: 1 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent # default nginx:1.24.0 image: repository: "" tag: "" resources: requests: cpu: 1 memory: 2Gi limits: cpu: 1 memory: 2Gi # set the resolver for nginx server, default kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local resolver: "" service: # the fe proxy service type, only supported ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer # default ClusterIP type: ClusterIP # the loadBalancerIP for static ip config when the type=LoadBalancer and loadbalancerIp is not empty. loadbalancerIP: "" # add annotations for fe service. annotations: {} # config the service port for fe proxy service. # To assign a specific port or nodePort to a service, you should specify them by the corresponding name or # containerPort in the service configuration. If both containerPort and name are specified, containerPort takes precedence. # For fe proxy, port name can be http-port, and its default container port is 8080. ports: [] # e.g. specify a dedicated node port for fe proxy service by containerPort. # - nodePort: 30080 # The range of valid ports is 30000-32767 # containerPort: 8080 # The port on the container to expose # specify the source IP ranges for the load balancer when the type=LoadBalancer. loadBalancerSourceRanges: [] # - # imagePullSecrets allows you to use secrets for pulling images for your pods. imagePullSecrets: [] # - name: "image-pull-secret" # If specified, the pod's nodeSelector,displayName="Map of nodeSelectors to match when scheduling pods on nodes" # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector nodeSelector: {} # kubernetes.io/arch: amd64 # kubernetes.io/os: linux # affinity for fe proxy pod scheduling. affinity: {} # nodeAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # nodeSelectorTerms: # - matchFields: # - key: metadata.name # operator: In # values: # - target-host-name # podAntiAffinity: # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: # - labelSelector: # matchExpressions: # - key: app.kubernetes.io/component # operator: In # values: # - fe-proxy # topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname" # Node tolerations for fe proxy pod scheduling to nodes with taints # Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/ tolerations: [] # - key: "key" # operator: "Equal|Exists" # value: "value" # effect: "NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute(1.6 only)" # Please upgrade the CRD with v1.8.7 released version, if you want to use the following configuration. # including: livenessProbeFailureSeconds, readinessProbeFailureSeconds # LivenessProbeFailureSeconds defines the total failure seconds of liveness Probe. # default value is 15 seconds # You can set it to "0" to disable the probe. livenessProbeFailureSeconds: # ReadinessProbeFailureSeconds defines the total failure seconds of readiness Probe. # default value is 15 seconds # You can set it to "0" to disable the probe. readinessProbeFailureSeconds: # Note: will create emptyDir volume for fe proxy, PVC is not supported. emptyDirs: [] # e.g. mount an emptyDir volume to /tmp # - name: tmp-data # mountPath: /tmp