#+ # Name: # dimmconfig_bright_extended.lis # Purpose: # A MAKEMAP configuration suitable for bright extended sources. # Description: # This file provides values for parameters used by the SMURF:MAKEMAP # command to control the details of the map-making algorithm. To # use it, assign it to the CONFIG parameter on the command line when # running MAKEMAP. For instance: # # % makemap config=^/star/share/smurf/dimmconfig_bright_compact.lis # # (substitute the path to your Starlink installation in place of # "/star"). # # For bright extended regions we turn on AST zero-masking based on a map # pixel SNR threshold of 5-sigma. This prevents ringing around bright # sources, but will completely flatten the map in low-SNR regions. # Notes: # - Any parameter not set in this configuration defaults to the value # specified in file $STARLINK_DIR/smurf_makemap.def. # - For a full list of all available parameters, and their purposes, # see the file $SMURF_DIR/smurf_makemap.def. All available parameters # are also documented in SUN/258, appendix "Configuration Parameters". # - A single parameter can be given different values to use when # processing 450 or 850 um data. This is done by including the # parameter twice, prefixing the parameter name with "450." and "850." # Authors: # HP: Harriet Parsons (JAC, Hawaii) # DSB: David Berry (JAC, Hawaii) # History: # 12-FEB-2013 (HP): # General tidy. # 14-FEB-2013 (DSB): # Use a standard prologue format. Re-instated comments describing # rationale for each value. # 5-JUN-2014 (DSB): # - Use 5 initial no-AST iteration to determine a reasonable map # that can then be used as the basis for FLT-masking when the AST # model is re-introduced. Should help with convergence, and reduce # bowling. (DSB) # - Define the AST mask at SNR=3 instead of SNR=5 (HP) # - Extend the mask defined at SNR=3 down to SNR=2. This has the # side effect of smoothing the perimeter of the mask and removing # isolated pixels. (DSB) # - Reduce the filter scale from 600 to 480. (HP) # 17-MAR-2015 (DSB): # Remove dependence on dimmconfig.lis. #- numiter=-40 flt.filt_edge_largescale=480 ast.zero_snr = 3 ast.zero_snrlo = 2 ast.skip = 5 flt.zero_snr = 5 flt.zero_snrlo = 3