// Updated 2019/03/18 by Eridan/HSJasperism // Tested with OPM 2.2.2 & CA 1.6 // OPM older than 2.2.2 will include dated configs for CA or Kopernicus Asteroids // CA older than 1.3 will fail to recognize spawn conditions; older than 1.6 may have issues will localization strings // Removes the Asteroid configs for Kopernicus // Kopernicus will still load its ScenarioModule named DiscoverableObjects after killing stock ScenarioDiscoverableObjects // but Start()'s foreach loop will not go though anything because no Asteroid configs will exist. // CA has defaults for Dres & Kerbin in PopulationLoader.cs but it is recommended to use the stockalike CA configs @Kopernicus:AFTER[OPM]:NEEDS[CustomAsteroids] { !Asteroid[Stock] {} !Asteroid[OPMSarnus] {} !Asteroid[OPMUrlum] {} !Asteroid[OPMNeidon] {} } // Custom Asteroid Configs // Jool, Sarnus, Urlum, & Neidon configs based on Artifexian's tutorials on Gas Giant systems // Sarnus, Urlum, & Neidon attempt to mimic JadOfMaar's Kopernicus configs AsteroidSets:NEEDS[OPM] { name = OPM_GasGiantObjects ASTEROIDGROUP { name = joolInner title = #autoLOC_CustomAsteroids_OPM_GroupInnerObj centralBody = Jool spawnRate = 0.15 orbitSize { dist = Uniform min = Ratio(Jool.rad, 1.89) max = Ratio(Jool.rad, 2.44) } eccentricity { dist = Rayleigh avg = 0 stddev = 0.05 } inclination { dist = Rayleigh avg = 0 stddev = 0.05 } asteroidTypes { key = 0.75 PotatoRoid key = 0.20 CaAsteroidCarbon key = 0.05 CaAsteroidMetal } } ASTEROIDGROUP { name = sarnusInner title = #autoLOC_CustomAsteroids_OPM_GroupInnerObj centralBody = Sarnus spawnRate = 0.15 orbitSize { dist = Uniform min = Ratio(Sarnus.rad, 1.89) max = Ratio(Ovok.sma, 1) } eccentricity { dist = Rayleigh avg = 0 stddev = 0.05 } inclination { dist = Rayleigh avg = 0 stddev = 0.05 } asteroidTypes { key = 0.75 PotatoRoid key = 0.20 CaAsteroidCarbon key = 0.05 CaAsteroidMetal } } ASTEROIDGROUP { name = urlumInner title = #autoLOC_CustomAsteroids_OPM_GroupInnerObj centralBody = Urlum spawnRate = 0.15 orbitSize { dist = Uniform min = Ratio(Urlum.rad, 1.89) max = Ratio(Priax.sma, 1) } eccentricity { dist = Rayleigh avg = 0 stddev = 0.05 } inclination { dist = Rayleigh avg = 0 stddev = 0.05 } asteroidTypes { key = 0.10 CaAsteroidCarbon key = 0.90 CaAsteroidIcy } } ASTEROIDGROUP { name = neidonInner title = #autoLOC_CustomAsteroids_OPM_GroupInnerObj centralBody = Neidon spawnRate = 0.15 orbitSize { dist = Uniform min = Ratio(Neidon.rad, 1.89) max = Ratio(Thatmo.sma, 1) } eccentricity { dist = Uniform min = 0.1 max = 0.4 } inclination { dist = Gaussian avg = Ratio(Thatmo.inc, 1) stddev = 0.5 } ascNode { dist = Gaussian avg = Ratio(Thatmo.lan, 1) stddev = 0.5 } asteroidTypes { key = 0.10 CaAsteroidCarbon key = 0.90 CaAsteroidIcy } } ASTEROIDGROUP { name = joolOuter title = #autoLOC_CustomAsteroids_OPM_GroupOuterObj centralBody = Jool spawnRate = 0.10 orbitSize { dist = Uniform min = Ratio(Tylo.sma, 2) max = Ratio(Pol.sma, 1) } eccentricity { dist = Uniform avg = 0.2 stddev = 0.5 } inclination { dist = Isotropic } asteroidTypes { key = 0.75 PotatoRoid key = 0.20 CaAsteroidCarbon key = 0.05 CaAsteroidMetal } } ASTEROIDGROUP { name = sarnusOuter title = #autoLOC_CustomAsteroids_OPM_GroupOuterObj centralBody = Sarnus spawnRate = 0.10 orbitSize { dist = Uniform min = Ratio(Slate.sma, 2) max = Ratio(Tekto.sma, 2) } eccentricity { dist = Uniform avg = 0.2 stddev = 0.5 } inclination { dist = Isotropic } asteroidTypes { key = 0.75 PotatoRoid key = 0.20 CaAsteroidCarbon key = 0.05 CaAsteroidMetal } } ASTEROIDGROUP { name = urlumOuter title = #autoLOC_CustomAsteroids_OPM_GroupOuterObj centralBody = Urlum spawnRate = 0.10 orbitSize { dist = Uniform min = Ratio(Priax.sma, 2) max = Ratio(Wal.sma, 2) } eccentricity { dist = Uniform avg = 0.2 stddev = 0.5 } inclination { dist = Isotropic } asteroidTypes { key = 0.10 CaAsteroidCarbon key = 0.90 CaAsteroidIcy } } ASTEROIDGROUP { name = neidonOuter title = #autoLOC_CustomAsteroids_OPM_GroupOuterObj centralBody = Neidon spawnRate = 0.15 orbitSize { dist = Uniform min = Ratio(Thatmo.sma, 2) max = Ratio(Nissee.sma, 1) } eccentricity { dist = Uniform avg = 0.2 stddev = 0.5 } inclination { dist = Isotropic } asteroidTypes { key = 0.10 CaAsteroidCarbon key = 0.90 CaAsteroidIcy } } } @AsteroidSets[OPM_GasGiantObjects]:NEEDS[!UnhideAsteroids] { @ASTEROIDGROUP:HAS[#centralBody[Jool]] { detectable { conditions { condition = Jool.reached } } } @ASTEROIDGROUP:HAS[#centralBody[Sarnus]] { detectable { conditions { condition = Sarnus.reached } } } @ASTEROIDGROUP:HAS[#centralBody[Urlum]] { detectable { conditions { condition = Urlum.reached } } } @ASTEROIDGROUP:HAS[#centralBody[Neidon]] { detectable { conditions { condition = Neidon.reached } } } } Localization { en-us { // Minor satellites #autoLOC_CustomAsteroids_OPM_GroupInnerObj = Minor Sat. // Captured Objects #autoLOC_CustomAsteroids_OPM_GroupOuterObj = Captured Ast. } }