# Business Central Code History Repository This repository holds all versions of the Buisness Central Apps. The purpose is to quickly be able to compare every version to find changes. There is one separate branch per country-major version. Go the one of the `w1` branches to find most of the code: https://github.com/StefanMaron/MSDyn365BC.Code.History/branches/all?query=w1 Check out the country specific branches to view the localized base app. For example `DE`: https://github.com/StefanMaron/MSDyn365BC.Code.History/branches/all?query=de ## Schedule The repository will automatically update itself from the artifacts once a day at midnight UTC ## Differences Main differences between the old version of the repo: - the commits are added by pipelines to reduce runtime - the pipelines will be scheduled to run daily once the initial load is done. - the main branch is just holding the scripts, switch branch to see the BC Code - to keep the size of this repo at least in some boundaries, I decided to not include any translation files. ## Partial Clone (Subset of Branches) To reduce the size of the local clone you can use those commands to clone only the branches you need: First, clone with those parameters and set it to whatever branch you need: ``` git clone -b w1-24 --single-branch https://github.com/StefanMaron/MSDyn365BC.Code.History ``` if you want to add additional branches you can do it like this ``` git remote set-branches --add origin de-24 git remote set-branches --add origin de-23 git fetch ``` You can also use wildcards for [remote-branch], e.g. ``` git remote set-branches --add origin us-* git fetch ``` Removing tracking branches is a little more complicated. First you need to manually edit the `.git/config` file and remove the branches in the `[remote "origin"]` section ``` [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = https://github.com/StefanMaron/MSDyn365BC.Code.History fetch = +refs/heads/w1-23:refs/remotes/origin/w1-23 fetch = +refs/heads/de-24:refs/remotes/origin/de-24 fetch = +refs/heads/us-*:refs/remotes/origin/us-* [branch "w1-23"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/w1-23 ``` once thats done you need to delete the local reference of the remote branches like this ``` git branch -d -r origin/us-23 git branch -d -r origin/us-24 ``` if you had one of those branches checked out locally (a local copy of the branch) you want to delete those as well ``` git branch -D us-23 git branch -D us-24 ``` and thats it, now `git fetch` should not pull the branches anymore ## Partial Clone (Shallow Clone) To further reduce the size of your local repository, you can also utilize the `--depth` parameter with the `git clone` command. This creates a shallow clone, fetching only the most recent commits up to the specified depth, thereby ignoring the entire history that you might not need. For instance, to clone only the latest commit (depth of 1), you would use the following command: ``` git clone -b w1-24 --depth 1 https://github.com/StefanMaron/MSDyn365BC.Code.History ``` > [!TIP] > Using `--depth` implies `--single-branch` unless `--no-single-branch` is given to fetch the histories near the tips of all branches. Later, you can deepen your clone by 3 commits (or any other number of commits) with `git fetch --deepen 3` or convert it to a complete clone using `git fetch --unshallow`. ## Disclaimer All code is owned by Microsoft. You can not do any pull request on this repository.