// // Name: Sun from different planets // Author: Alexander Wolf // License: Public Domain // Version: 2.1 // Description: Look at the Sun from big planets of Solar System and Pluto. // var planets = new Array("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune", "Pluto"); var atm = new Array(false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false); var landscapes = new Array("moon", "moon", "garching", "mars", "saturn", "saturn", "saturn", "saturn", "moon"); var dates = new Array(2457728.645058,2457463.228403,2457381.978414,2457728.353391,2457728.289502,2453345.164502,2451887.227002,2451887.060336,2457426.060336); var psizes = new Array("1°12′33″","0°44′25″","0°32′00″","0°19′19″","0°6′21″","0°3′18″","0°1′36″","0°1′4″","0°0′59″"); var atmosphere = LandscapeMgr.getFlagAtmosphere(); var fog = LandscapeMgr.getFlagFog(); var location = core.getObserverLocation(); core.clear("natural"); core.wait(1); SolarSystem.setFlagLabels(false); LabelMgr.deleteAllLabels(); core.setGuiVisible(false); core.wait(3); core.setTimeRate(0); for (i=0; i