package; import openfl.Lib; import openfl.display.Sprite; import openfl.display.StageAlign; import openfl.display.StageScaleMode; import openfl.display.StageDisplayState; import openfl.display.Shape; import; import; import openfl.system.Capabilities; import openfl.ui.Keyboard; #if flash import; import; import flash.errors.Error; #end import com.stencyl.Engine; import haxe.xml.Fast; import scripts.MyAssets; class Universal extends Sprite { public function new() { super(); #if flash if(!MyAssets.releaseMode) { #if (flash9 || flash10) haxe.Log.trace = function(v,?pos) { untyped __global__["trace"]("Stencyl:" + pos.className+"#"+pos.methodName+"("+pos.lineNumber+"):",v); } #else haxe.Log.trace = function(v,?pos) { flash.Lib.trace("Stencyl:" + pos.className+"#"+pos.methodName+"("+pos.lineNumber+"): "+v); } #end Lib.current.loaderInfo.uncaughtErrorEvents.addEventListener(UncaughtErrorEvent.UNCAUGHT_ERROR, uncaughtErrorHandler); } #end addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAdded); } #if flash function uncaughtErrorHandler(event:UncaughtErrorEvent):Void { if (, Error)) { trace(cast(event.error, Error).message); } else if (,ErrorEvent)) { trace(cast(event.error, ErrorEvent).text); } else { trace(event.error.toString()); } } #end private function onAdded(event:Event):Void { init(); } public function init() { initServices(); removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAdded); if(MyAssets.startInFullScreen) { stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE; initScreen(true); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown, false, 2); } else { initScreen(); } new Engine(this); } private function onKeyDown(e:KeyboardEvent = null) { /*if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.ESCAPE) { Lib.current.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown); openfl.system.System.exit(0); }*/ } public function initServices() { //Newgrounds and other APIs #if(flash) var newgroundsID = MyAssets.newgroundsID; var newgroundsKey = MyAssets.newgroundsKey; if(newgroundsID != "") { com.newgrounds.API.API.connect(root, newgroundsID, newgroundsKey); } #end } //isFullScreen is used on Web/Desktop for full screen mode public function initScreen(isFullScreen:Bool = false) { Lib.current.x = 0; Lib.current.y = 0; Lib.current.scaleX = 1; Lib.current.scaleY = 1; Engine.stage = stage; var scales:Array = new Array(); var xml = Xml.parse(openfl.Assets.getText("assets/data/game.xml")); var fast = new haxe.xml.Fast(xml.firstElement()); var scalesEnabled = fast.node.projectScales; #if web var scalesEnabled = fast.node.webScales; #end #if desktop var scalesEnabled = fast.node.desktopScales; #end #if iOS var scalesEnabled = fast.node.iOSScales; #end #if android var scalesEnabled = fast.node.androidScales; #end for (scale in scalesEnabled.nodes.scale) { scales.push(scale.att.enabled == "true"); } var skipScaling = false; var stageWidth = stage.stageWidth; var stageHeight = stage.stageHeight; #if desktop if(isFullScreen) { stageWidth =; stageHeight =; } else if(MyAssets.stageWidth != stage.stageWidth) { stageWidth = stage.stageWidth; stageHeight = stage.stageHeight; isFullScreen = true; } else { skipScaling = true; } #end #if flash if(isFullScreen || MyAssets.gameScale > MyAssets.maxScale) { stageWidth = stage.stageWidth; stageHeight = stage.stageHeight; isFullScreen = true; } else { skipScaling = true; } #end //NME Bug: If waking from sleep, the dimensions can be flipped on Android. #if android stageWidth =; stageHeight =; if(stageWidth < stageHeight && MyAssets.landscape) { stageHeight = stage.stageWidth; stageWidth = stage.stageHeight; } #end //NME Bug: If waking from sleep, the dimensions can be flipped on iOS. #if (mobile && !android) stageWidth =; stageHeight =; if(stageWidth < stageHeight && MyAssets.landscape) { var temp = stageHeight; stageHeight = stageWidth; stageWidth = temp; } #end trace("Stage Width: " + MyAssets.stageWidth); trace("Stage Height: " + MyAssets.stageHeight); trace("Screen Width: " + stageWidth); trace("Screen Height: " + stageHeight); trace("Screen DPI: " + Capabilities.screenDPI); //Tablets and other high-res devices get to use 2x mode, (TODO: if it's not a tablet-only game.) #if(flash || desktop || mobile) //Calculate the theoretical scale if no max scale were imposed var theoreticalScale:Float = 0; var widescreen:Bool = false; if(!skipScaling) { var larger = Math.max(stageWidth, stageHeight); var smaller = Math.min(stageWidth, stageHeight); var aspectRatio:Float = larger / smaller; if(smaller == 320 && larger == 480) { Engine.isStandardIOS = true; } else if(smaller == 640 && larger == 960) { Engine.isStandardIOS = true; } //iPhone 5, 5s, or iPhone 6 with Display Zoom else if(smaller == 640 && larger == 1136) { Engine.isExtendedIOS = true; } else if(smaller == 750 && larger == 1334) { Engine.isIPhone6 = true; } else if(smaller == 1242 && larger == 2208) { Engine.isIPhone6Plus = true; } //iPhone 6+ with Display Zoom else if(smaller == 1125 && larger == 2001) { Engine.isIPhone6Plus = true; } else if(smaller == 768 && larger == 1024) { Engine.isTabletIOS = true; } else if(smaller == 1536 && larger == 2048) { Engine.isTabletIOS = true; } //Generalized this from 320 x 480 to work with any resolution var x1 = MyAssets.stageWidth; var y1 = MyAssets.stageHeight; //TODO: Draw from the game's width/height instead. Games not close to 480x320 may act differently than expected. //Can't do today because editor doesn't pass this info in full screen mode. if(x1 == -1 || y1 == -1) { x1 = 480; y1 = 320; } else if(!MyAssets.landscape) { var temp = x1; x1 = y1; y1 = temp; } var x3 = x1 * 3; var y3 = y1 * 3; var x15 = x3 / 2; var y15 = y3 / 2; var x2 = x1 * 2; var y2 = y1 * 2; var x4 = x2 * 2; var y4 = y2 * 2; if(larger >= x4 && smaller >= y4) { theoreticalScale = 4; } else if(larger >= x3 && smaller >= y3) { theoreticalScale = 3; } else if(larger >= x2 && smaller >= y2) { theoreticalScale = 2; } #if(android || flash || desktop) else if(larger >= x15 && smaller >= y15) { theoreticalScale = 1.5; } #end else { theoreticalScale = 1; } //4 scale scheme if(larger >= x4 && smaller >= y4 && scales[4]) { Engine.SCALE = 4; Engine.IMG_BASE = "4x"; } else if(larger >= x3 && smaller >= y3 && scales[3]) { Engine.SCALE = 3; Engine.IMG_BASE = "3x"; } else if(larger >= x2 && smaller >= y2 && scales[2]) { Engine.SCALE = 2; Engine.IMG_BASE = "2x"; } #if(android || flash || desktop) else if(larger >= x15 && smaller >= y15 && scales[1]) { Engine.SCALE = 1.5; Engine.IMG_BASE = "1.5x"; } #end else { Engine.SCALE = 1; Engine.IMG_BASE = "1x"; } trace("Theoretical Scale: " + theoreticalScale); } #end #if(!mobile) if(!isFullScreen) { Engine.SCALE = MyAssets.gameScale; Engine.IMG_BASE = MyAssets.gameImageBase; } #end trace("Max Scale: " + MyAssets.maxScale); trace("Engine Scale: " + Engine.IMG_BASE); var originalWidth = MyAssets.stageWidth; var originalHeight = MyAssets.stageHeight; MyAssets.stageWidth = * Engine.SCALE); MyAssets.stageHeight = * Engine.SCALE); var usingFullScreen = false; var stretchToFit = false; //Stretch To Fit #if(flash || mobile || desktop) if(!skipScaling) { if(MyAssets.stretchToFit) { stretchToFit = true; scaleX *= stageWidth / MyAssets.stageWidth; scaleY *= stageHeight / MyAssets.stageHeight; trace("Algorithm: Stretch to Fit"); } } #end //Full Screen Mode #if(flash || mobile || desktop) if(!skipScaling) { if(originalWidth == -1 || originalHeight == -1) { //Max Scale: set the scale to what it would have been if(MyAssets.maxScale < theoreticalScale) { scaleX = theoreticalScale; scaleY = theoreticalScale; stageWidth = / theoreticalScale); stageHeight = / theoreticalScale); } MyAssets.stageWidth = stageWidth; MyAssets.stageHeight = stageHeight; originalWidth = / Engine.SCALE); originalHeight = / Engine.SCALE); usingFullScreen = true; trace("Algorithm: Full Screen"); stageWidth = / theoreticalScale); stageHeight = / theoreticalScale); } } #end #if(flash || mobile || desktop) if(!skipScaling) { if(!usingFullScreen && !stretchToFit) { var screenW =; var screenH =; if(screenW < screenH && MyAssets.landscape) { screenH =; screenW =; } var screenLandscape = Capabilities.screenResolutionX > Capabilities.screenResolutionY; trace(screenW); trace(screenH); trace(screenLandscape); //Scale to Fit: Letterboxed if(MyAssets.scaleToFit1) { scaleX *= Math.min(stageWidth / MyAssets.stageWidth, stageHeight / MyAssets.stageHeight); scaleY = scaleX; trace("Algorithm: Scale to Fit (Letterbox)"); } //Scale to Fit: Fill/Cropped else if(MyAssets.scaleToFit2) { scaleX *= Math.max(stageWidth / MyAssets.stageWidth, stageHeight / MyAssets.stageHeight); scaleY = scaleX; trace("Algorithm: Scale to Fit (Fill)"); } //Scale to Fit: Full Screen else if(MyAssets.scaleToFit3) { scaleX *= Math.min(stageWidth / MyAssets.stageWidth, stageHeight / MyAssets.stageHeight); scaleY = scaleX; trace("Algorithm: Scale to Fit (Full Screen)"); originalWidth = / (Engine.SCALE * scaleY)); originalHeight = / (Engine.SCALE * scaleX)); MyAssets.stageWidth =; MyAssets.stageHeight =; stageWidth = / theoreticalScale); stageHeight = / theoreticalScale); } //"No Scaling" (Only integer scales) else { //Is the game width > device width? Adjust scaleX, then scaleY. if(MyAssets.stageWidth > stageWidth) { scaleX *= stageWidth / MyAssets.stageWidth; scaleY = scaleX; } //If the game height * scaleY > device height? Adjust scaleY, then scaleX. if(MyAssets.stageHeight * scaleY > stageHeight) { scaleY = stageHeight / MyAssets.stageHeight; scaleX = scaleY; } trace("Algorithm: No Scaling (Integer Scaling)"); } if(MyAssets.scaleToFit3) { //Disabled - this defeats the purpose of full screen? //If the scaled game is less than the screen's size, we need to apply an offset to it. //For example, native res of (544 x 320) on an iPad (1024 x 768) will be (1088 x 640) at a 2x scale. It will sit high and have black space below. /*var realX = Lib.current.stage.width * (Engine.SCALE * scaleX); var realY = Lib.current.stage.height * (Engine.SCALE * scaleY); if(screenW > realX) { x += (screenW - realX) / 2; trace("Offset X by: " + ((screenW - realX) / 2)); } if(screenH > realY) { y += (screenH - realY) / 2; trace("Offset Y by: " + ((screenH - realY) / 2)); }*/ } else { x += (stageWidth - MyAssets.stageWidth * scaleX)/2; y += (stageHeight - MyAssets.stageHeight * scaleY)/2; } } } #end //Clip the view #if(mobile) if(!usingFullScreen && !stretchToFit) { scrollRect = new openfl.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, MyAssets.stageWidth, MyAssets.stageHeight); } #end #if(flash || js || (cpp && !mobile)) scrollRect = new openfl.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, MyAssets.stageWidth, MyAssets.stageHeight); #end MyAssets.stageWidth = originalWidth; MyAssets.stageHeight = originalHeight; trace("Scale X: " + scaleX); trace("Scale Y: " + scaleY); } #if (scriptable && openfl_legacy) @:access(openfl._legacy.Assets.initialized) #end public static function main() { #if scriptable var cppia = Type.resolveClass("scripts.CppiaAssets"); Reflect.callMethod(cppia, Reflect.field(cppia, "setAssets"), []); if(StencylCppia.gamePath != null) Sys.setCwd(StencylCppia.gamePath); openfl.Assets.registerLibrary("default", Type.createInstance(Type.resolveClass("CppiaAssetLibrary"), [])); openfl.Assets.initialized = true; #end var stage = Lib.current.stage; stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; #if(mobile && !air) stage.opaqueBackground = 0x000000; #end Lib.current.addChild(new Universal()); } }