AutoDrive = {}; AutoDrive = {}; AutoDrive.Version = "1.1.3"; AutoDrive.config_changed = false; = g_currentModDirectory; function AutoDrive:prerequisitesPresent(specializations) return true; end; function AutoDrive:delete() end; function AutoDrive:MarkChanged() AutoDrive.config_changed = true; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.handledRecalculation = false; end; function AutoDrive:GetChanged() return AutoDrive.config_changed; end; function AutoDrive:loadMap(name) local aNameSearch = {"" .. g_languageShort, "", "", "", "vehicle#type"}; if Steerable.load ~= nil then local orgSteerableLoad = Steerable.load Steerable.load = function(self,xmlFile) orgSteerableLoad(self,xmlFile) for nIndex,sXMLPath in pairs(aNameSearch) do = getXMLString(self.xmlFile, sXMLPath); if ~= nil then break; end; end; if == nil then = g_i18n:getText("UNKNOWN") end; end end; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive_printedDebug ~= true then --DebugUtil.printTableRecursively(g_currentMission, " : ",0,2); print("Map title: " ..; if g_currentMission.missionInfo.savegameDirectory ~= nil then print("Savegame location: " .. g_currentMission.missionInfo.savegameDirectory); else if g_currentMission.missionInfo.savegameIndex ~= nil then print("Savegame location via index: " .. getUserProfileAppPath() .. "savegame" .. g_currentMission.missionInfo.savegameIndex); else print("No savegame located"); end; end; g_currentMission.AutoDrive_printedDebug = true; end; self.loadedMap =; self.loadedMap = string.gsub(self.loadedMap, " ", "_"); self.loadedMap = string.gsub(self.loadedMap, "%.", "_"); g_currentMission.autoLoadedMap = self.loadedMap; print("map " .. self.loadedMap .. " was loaded"); end; function AutoDrive:deleteMap() --print("delete map called"); if AutoDrive:GetChanged() == true and g_server ~= nil then if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.adXml ~= nil then local adXml = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.adXml; setXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive.Version", AutoDrive.Version); if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.handledRecalculation ~= true then setXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive.Recalculation", "true"); print("AD: Set to recalculating routes"); else setXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive.Recalculation", "false"); print("AD: Set to not recalculating routes"); end; local idFullTable = {}; local idString = ""; local xTable = {}; local xString = ""; local yTable = {}; local yString = ""; local zTable = {}; local zString = ""; local outTable = {}; local outString = ""; local incomingTable = {}; local incomingString = ""; local out_costTable = {}; local out_costString = ""; local markerNamesTable = {}; local markerNames = ""; local markerIDsTable = {}; local markerIDs = ""; for i,p in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do --idString = idString .. .. ","; idFullTable[i] =; --xString = xString .. p.x .. ","; xTable[i] = p.x; --yString = yString .. p.y .. ","; yTable[i] = p.y; --zString = zString .. p.z .. ","; zTable[i] = p.z; --outString = outString .. table.concat(p.out, ",") .. ";"; outTable[i] = table.concat(p.out, ","); local innerIncomingTable = {}; local innerIncomingCounter = 1; for i2, p2 in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do for i3, out2 in pairs(p2.out) do if out2 == then innerIncomingTable[innerIncomingCounter] =; innerIncomingCounter = innerIncomingCounter + 1; --incomingString = incomingString .. .. ","; end; end; end; incomingTable[i] = table.concat(innerIncomingTable, ","); --incomingString = incomingString .. ";"; out_costTable[i] = table.concat(p.out_cost, ","); --out_costString = out_costString .. table.concat(p.out_cost, ",") .. ";"; local markerCounter = 1; local innerMarkerNamesTable = {}; local innerMarkerIDsTable = {}; for i2,marker in pairs(p.marker) do innerMarkerIDsTable[markerCounter] = marker; --markerIDs = markerIDs .. marker .. ","; innerMarkerNamesTable[markerCounter] = i2; --markerNames = markerNames .. i2 .. ","; markerCounter = markerCounter + 1; end; markerNamesTable[i] = table.concat(innerMarkerNamesTable, ","); markerIDsTable[i] = table.concat(innerMarkerIDsTable, ","); --markerIDs = markerIDs .. ";"; --markerNames = markerNames .. ";"; end; if idFullTable[1] ~= nil then setXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. "" , table.concat(idFullTable, ",") ); setXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ".waypoints.x" , table.concat(xTable, ",")); setXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ".waypoints.y" , table.concat(yTable, ",")); setXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ".waypoints.z" , table.concat(zTable, ",")); setXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ".waypoints.out" , table.concat(outTable, ";")); setXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ".waypoints.incoming" , table.concat(incomingTable, ";") ); setXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ".waypoints.out_cost" , table.concat(out_costTable, ";")); if markerIDsTable[1] ~= nil then setXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ".waypoints.markerID" , table.concat(markerIDsTable, ";")); setXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ".waypoints.markerNames" , table.concat(markerNamesTable, ";")); end; end; for i in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker) do setXMLFloat(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. "".. i ..".id", g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[i].id); setXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. "".. i ..".name", g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[i].name); end; saveXMLFile(adXml); end; end; end; function AutoDrive:load(xmlFile) if g_currentMission.AutoDrive == nil then --print("not present"); g_currentMission.AutoDrive = {}; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints = {}; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter = 1; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker = {}; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarkerCounter = 0; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse = false; --loading savefile local adXml; local path = g_currentMission.missionInfo.savegameDirectory --getUserProfileAppPath(); local file = ""; if path ~= nil then file = path .."/AutoDrive_config.xml"; else file = getUserProfileAppPath() .. "savegame" .. g_currentMission.missionInfo.savegameIndex .. "/AutoDrive_config.xml"; end; local tempXml = nil; if fileExists(file) then print("AD: Loading xml file from " .. file); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.xmlSaveFile = file; adXml = loadXMLFile("AutoDrive_XML", file);--, "AutoDrive"); local VersionCheck = getXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive.version"); local MapCheck = hasXMLProperty(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. g_currentMission.autoLoadedMap ); if VersionCheck == nil or MapCheck == false then --or VersionCheck ~= AutoDrive.Version print("AD: Version Check or Map check failed - Loading init config"); --[[ print("AD: Saving your config as backup_config"); infile =, "r") instr = infile:read("*a") infile:close() if path ~= nil then file = path .."/AutoDrive_config.xml"; else file = getUserProfileAppPath() .. "savegame" .. g_currentMission.missionInfo.savegameIndex .. "/AutoDrive_backup_config.xml"; end; outfile =, "w") outfile:write(instr) outfile:close() --]] path = getUserProfileAppPath(); file = path .. "/mods/FS17_AutoDrive/AutoDrive_init_config.xml"; tempXml = loadXMLFile("AutoDrive_XML_temp", file);--, "AutoDrive"); local MapCheckInit= hasXMLProperty(tempXml, "AutoDrive." .. g_currentMission.autoLoadedMap ); if MapCheckInit == false then print("AD: Init config does not contain any information for this map. Existing Config will not be overwritten"); tempXml = nil; end; --local tempstring = saveXMLFileToMemory(tempXml); --adXml = loadXMLFileFromMemory("AutoDrive_XML", tempstring); print("AD: Finished loading xml from memory"); --AutoDrive:MarkChanged(); end; --print("Finished loading xml"); else --create std file instead: path = getUserProfileAppPath(); file = path .. "/mods/FS17_AutoDrive/AutoDrive_init_config.xml"; print("AD: Loading xml file from init config"); tempXml = loadXMLFile("AutoDrive_XML_temp", file);--, "AutoDrive"); --local tempstring = saveXMLFileToMemory(tempXml); --adXml = loadXMLFileFromMemory("AutoDrive_XML", tempstring); print("AD: Finished loading xml from memory"); AutoDrive:MarkChanged(); path = g_currentMission.missionInfo.savegameDirectory -- getUserProfileAppPath(); if path ~= nil then file = path .."/AutoDrive_config.xml"; else file = getUserProfileAppPath() .. "savegame" .. g_currentMission.missionInfo.savegameIndex .. "/AutoDrive_config.xml"; end; print("AD: creating xml file at " .. file); adXml = createXMLFile("AutoDrive_XML", file, "AutoDrive"); saveXMLFile(adXml); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.xmlSaveFile = file; end; local backupXml = false; if adXml ~= nil then --print("Loading waypoints"); if tempXml ~= nil then print("Loading from init file"); backupXml = true; path = getUserProfileAppPath(); file = path .. "/mods/FS17_AutoDrive/AutoDrive_init_config.xml"; adXml = loadXMLFile("AutoDrive_XML_temp", file);--, "AutoDrive"); end; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.adXml = adXml; --print("retrieving waypoints"); --print("map " .. g_currentMission.autoLoadedMap .. " waypoints are loaded"); self.loadedMap = g_currentMission.autoLoadedMap; if self.loadedMap ~= nil then local idString = getXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ""); local idTable = Utils.splitString("," , idString); local xString = getXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ".waypoints.x"); local xTable = Utils.splitString("," , xString); local yString = getXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ".waypoints.y"); local yTable = Utils.splitString("," ,yString); local zString = getXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ".waypoints.z"); local zTable = Utils.splitString("," , zString); local outString = getXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ".waypoints.out"); local outTable = Utils.splitString(";" , outString); local outSplitted = {}; for i, outer in pairs(outTable) do local out = Utils.splitString("," , outer); outSplitted[i] = out; end; local incomingString = getXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ".waypoints.incoming"); local incomingTable = Utils.splitString(";" , incomingString); local incomingSplitted = {}; for i, outer in pairs(incomingTable) do local incoming = Utils.splitString("," , outer); incomingSplitted[i] = incoming; end; local out_costString = getXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ".waypoints.out_cost"); local out_costTable = Utils.splitString(";" , out_costString); local out_costSplitted = {}; for i, outer in pairs(out_costTable) do local out_cost = Utils.splitString("," , outer); out_costSplitted[i] = out_cost; end; local markerIDString = getXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ".waypoints.markerID"); local markerIDTable = Utils.splitString(";" , markerIDString); local markerIDSplitted = {}; for i, outer in pairs(markerIDTable) do local markerID = Utils.splitString("," , outer); markerIDSplitted[i] = markerID; end; local markerNamesString = getXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap .. ".waypoints.markerNames"); local markerNamesTable = Utils.splitString(";" , markerNamesString); local markerNamesSplitted = {}; for i, outer in pairs(markerNamesTable) do local markerNames = Utils.splitString("," , outer); markerNamesSplitted[i] = markerNames; end; local wp_counter = 0; for i, id in pairs(idTable) do if id ~= "" then wp_counter = wp_counter +1; local wp = {}; wp["id"] = tonumber(id); wp["out"] = {}; for i2,outString in pairs(outSplitted[i]) do wp["out"][i2] = tonumber(outString); end; wp["incoming"] = {}; local incoming_counter = 1; for i2, incomingID in pairs(incomingSplitted[i]) do if incomingID ~= "" then wp["incoming"][incoming_counter] = tonumber(incomingID); end; incoming_counter = incoming_counter +1; end; wp["out_cost"] = {}; for i2,out_costString in pairs(out_costSplitted[i]) do wp["out_cost"][i2] = tonumber(out_costString); end; wp["marker"] = {}; for i2, markerName in pairs(markerNamesSplitted[i]) do if markerName ~= "" then wp.marker[markerName] = tonumber(markerIDSplitted[i][i2]); end; end; wp.x = tonumber(xTable[i]); wp.y = tonumber(yTable[i]); wp.z = tonumber(zTable[i]); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[wp_counter] = wp; end; end; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[wp_counter] ~= nil then print("AD: Loaded Waypoints: " .. wp_counter); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter = wp_counter; else g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter = 0; end; --[[ for i,p in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do if i == 1 or i == 3 or i == 1516 or i == 5443 then print("Debug printing out point: " .. i); print(" " .. i .. ".id:" ..; print(" " .. i .. ".x:" .. p.x); print(" " .. i .. ".y:" .. p.y); print(" " .. i .. ".z:" .. p.z); print(" " .. i .. ".out:"); for i2,out in pairs(p.out) do print(" " .. out); end; print(" " .. i .. ".incoming:"); for i2,incoming in pairs(p.incoming) do print(" " .. incoming); end; print(" " .. i .. ".out_cost:"); for i2,out_cost in pairs(p.out_cost) do print(" " .. out_cost); end; print(" " .. i .. ".marker:"); for markerName,markerID in pairs(p.marker) do print(" " .. markerName .. " : " .. markerID); end; end; end; --]] local mapMarker = {}; local mapMarkerCounter = 1; = getXMLString(adXml,"AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap ..""..mapMarkerCounter..".name"); while ~= nil do --print("Loading map marker: " ..; = getXMLFloat(adXml,"AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap ..""..mapMarkerCounter..".id"); local node = createTransformGroup(; setTranslation(node, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[].x, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[].y + 4 , g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[].z ); mapMarker.node = node; --TODO: do this on import as well g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[mapMarkerCounter] = mapMarker; mapMarker = nil; mapMarker = {}; mapMarkerCounter = mapMarkerCounter + 1; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarkerCounter = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarkerCounter + 1; = getXMLString(adXml,"AutoDrive." .. self.loadedMap ..""..mapMarkerCounter..".name"); end; --[[ for i in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do print(" " .. g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[i].id); end; --]] end; local recalculate = true; local recalculateString = getXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive.Recalculation"); if recalculateString == "true" then recalculate = true; end; if recalculateString == "false" then recalculate = false; end; if recalculate == true then for i2,point in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do point.marker = {}; end; print("AD: recalculating routes"); for i, marker in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker) do local tempAD = AutoDrive:dijkstra(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints,,"incoming"); for i2,point in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do point.marker[] = tempAD.pre[]; end; end; setXMLString(adXml, "AutoDrive.Recalculation","false"); AutoDrive:MarkChanged(); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.handledRecalculation = true; else print("AD: Routes are already calculated"); end; if backupXml == true then --print("Switching back to correct xml"); path = g_currentMission.missionInfo.savegameDirectory --getUserProfileAppPath(); local file = ""; if path ~= nil then file = path .."/AutoDrive_config.xml"; adXml = loadXMLFile("AutoDrive_XML", file);--, "AutoDrive"); else file = getUserProfileAppPath() .. "savegame" .. g_currentMission.missionInfo.savegameIndex .. "/AutoDrive_config.xml"; print("AD: creating xml file at " .. file); adXml = createXMLFile("AutoDrive_XML", file, "AutoDrive"); saveXMLFile(adXml); end; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.adXml = adXml; end; end; AutoDrive:loadHud(); end; AutoDrive.Triggers = {}; AutoDrive.Triggers.tipTriggers = {}; AutoDrive.Triggers.siloTriggers = {}; for _,trigger in pairs(g_currentMission.tipTriggers) do local triggerLocation = {}; local x,y,z = getWorldTranslation(trigger.rootNode); triggerLocation.x = x; triggerLocation.y = y; triggerLocation.z = z; --print("trigger: " .. trigger.stationName .. " pos: " .. x .. "/" .. y .. "/" .. z); end; end; function AutoDrive:loadHud() if VehicleCamera.AutoDriveInserted == nil then VehicleCamera.mouseEvent = Utils.overwrittenFunction(VehicleCamera.mouseEvent, AutoDrive.newMouseEvent); print("AutoDrive mod inserted into Vehicle Camera") VehicleCamera.AutoDriveInserted = true; end; AutoDrive.Hud = {}; AutoDrive.Hud.Speed = "40"; AutoDrive.Hud.Target = "Not Ready" AutoDrive.Hud.showHud = true; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[1] ~= nil then AutoDrive.Hud.Target = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[1].name; end; AutoDrive.Hud.Background = {}; AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons = {}; AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter = 0; AutoDrive.Hud.rows = 1; AutoDrive.Hud.rowCurrent = 1; AutoDrive.Hud.cols = 9; AutoDrive.Hud.colCurrent = 1; AutoDrive.Hud.posX = 0.80468750145519; AutoDrive.Hud.posY = 0.207; AutoDrive.Hud.width = 0.176; AutoDrive.Hud.height = 0.13 + 0.015; AutoDrive.Hud.borderX = 0.004; AutoDrive.Hud.borderY = AutoDrive.Hud.borderX * (g_screenWidth / g_screenHeight); AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth = 0.015; AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight = AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth * (g_screenWidth / g_screenHeight); local img1 = Utils.getNoNil("img/", "" ) local state, result = pcall( Utils.getFilename, img1, ) if not state then print("ERROR: "..tostring(result).." (img1: "..tostring(img1)..")") return end AutoDrive.Hud.Background.img = result; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.ov = Overlay:new(nil, result, AutoDrive.Hud.posX, AutoDrive.Hud.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.width, AutoDrive.Hud.height); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.posX = AutoDrive.Hud.posX; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.posY = AutoDrive.Hud.posY; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.width = AutoDrive.Hud.width; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.height = AutoDrive.Hud.height; local img_tipper = Utils.getNoNil("img/", "" ) local state_tipper, result_tipper = pcall( Utils.getFilename, img_tipper, ) if not state_tipper then print("ERROR: "..tostring(result_tipper).." (img_tipper: "..tostring(img_tipper)..")") return end AutoDrive.Hud.Background.unloadOverlay = {}; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.unloadOverlay.posX = AutoDrive.Hud.posX + 0.0025; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.unloadOverlay.posY = AutoDrive.Hud.posY + AutoDrive.Hud.height - 0.074; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.unloadOverlay.width = 0.015; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.unloadOverlay.height = AutoDrive.Hud.Background.unloadOverlay.width * (g_screenWidth / g_screenHeight); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.unloadOverlay.img = result_tipper; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.unloadOverlay.ov = Overlay:new(nil , AutoDrive.Hud.Background.unloadOverlay.img, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.unloadOverlay.posX, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.unloadOverlay.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.Background.unloadOverlay.width, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.unloadOverlay.height); local img1 = Utils.getNoNil("img/", "" ) local state, result = pcall( Utils.getFilename, img1, ) if not state then print("ERROR: "..tostring(result).." (img1: "..tostring(img1)..")") return end AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header = {}; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.img = result; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.width = AutoDrive.Hud.width; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.height = 0.016; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.posX = AutoDrive.Hud.posX; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.posY = AutoDrive.Hud.posY + AutoDrive.Hud.height - AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.height; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.ov = Overlay:new(nil, result, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.posX, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.width, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.height); local img1 = Utils.getNoNil("img/", "" ) local state, result = pcall( Utils.getFilename, img1, ) if not state then print("ERROR: "..tostring(result).." (img1: "..tostring(img1)..")") return end AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination = {}; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination.img = result; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination.width = 0.018; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination.height = AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination.width * (g_screenWidth / g_screenHeight); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination.posX = AutoDrive.Hud.posX; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination.posY = AutoDrive.Hud.posY + AutoDrive.Hud.height - AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.height - AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination.height - 0.001; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination.ov = Overlay:new(nil, result, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination.posX, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination.width, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination.height); local img1 = Utils.getNoNil("img/", "" ) local state, result = pcall( Utils.getFilename, img1, ) if not state then print("ERROR: "..tostring(result).." (img1: "..tostring(img1)..")") return end AutoDrive.Hud.Background.speedmeter = {}; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.speedmeter.img = result; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.speedmeter.width = 0.019; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.speedmeter.height = AutoDrive.Hud.Background.speedmeter.width * (g_screenWidth / g_screenHeight); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.speedmeter.posX = AutoDrive.Hud.posX + AutoDrive.Hud.width - 0.04; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.speedmeter.posY = AutoDrive.Hud.posY + AutoDrive.Hud.height - AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.height - AutoDrive.Hud.Background.speedmeter.height + 0.001; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.speedmeter.ov = Overlay:new(nil, result, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.speedmeter.posX, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.speedmeter.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.Background.speedmeter.width, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.speedmeter.height); local img1 = Utils.getNoNil("img/", "" ) local state, result = pcall( Utils.getFilename, img1, ) if not state then print("ERROR: "..tostring(result).." (img1: "..tostring(img1)..")") return end AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small = {}; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.img = result; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.width = 0.01; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.height = AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.width * (g_screenWidth / g_screenHeight); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.posX = AutoDrive.Hud.posX + AutoDrive.Hud.width - 0.0101; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.posY = AutoDrive.Hud.posY + AutoDrive.Hud.height - 0.0101* (g_screenWidth / g_screenHeight); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.ov = Overlay:new(nil, result, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.posX, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.width, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.height); local img1 = Utils.getNoNil("img/", "" ) local state, result = pcall( Utils.getFilename, img1, ) if not state then print("ERROR: "..tostring(result).." (img1: "..tostring(img1)..")") return end AutoDrive.Hud.Background.divider = {}; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.divider.img = result; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.divider.width = AutoDrive.Hud.width; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.divider.height = 0.001 AutoDrive.Hud.Background.divider.posX = AutoDrive.Hud.posX; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.divider.posY = AutoDrive.Hud.posY + AutoDrive.Hud.Background.height - 0.045; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.divider.ov = Overlay:new(nil, result, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.divider.posX, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.divider.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.Background.divider.width, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.divider.height); --[[ = {}; img1 = Utils.getNoNil("img/", "" ) state, result = pcall( Utils.getFilename, img1, ) if not state then print("ERROR: "..tostring(result).." (img1: "..tostring(img1)..")") return end = Overlay:new(nil, result, AutoDrive.Hud.posX, AutoDrive.Hud.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.width, AutoDrive.Hud.height); = AutoDrive.Hud.posX; = AutoDrive.Hud.posY; = AutoDrive.Hud.width; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.height = AutoDrive.Hud.height; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.img = result; --]] AutoDrive:AddButton("input_start_stop", "", "", "input_ADEnDisable", false, true); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_previousTarget", "", "", "input_ADSelectPreviousTarget", true, true); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_nextTarget", "", "","input_ADSelectTarget", true, true); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_record", "", "","input_ADRecord", false, true); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_silomode", "", "","input_ADSilomode", false, true); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_decreaseSpeed", "", "","input_AD_Speed_down", true, true); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_increaseSpeed", "", "","input_AD_Speed_up", true, true); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_continue", "", "","input_AD_continue", true, true); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_debug", "", "","input_ADActivateDebug", false, true); --AutoDrive:AddButton("input_showClosest", "", "", false, false); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_recalculate", "", "","input_ADDebugForceUpdate", true, false); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_previousTarget_Unload", "", "", "input_ADSelectTargetUnload", true, true); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_nextTarget_Unload", "", "","input_ADSelectPreviousTargetUnload", true, true); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_showNeighbor", "", "","input_ADDebugSelectNeighbor", false, false); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_nextNeighbor", "", "","input_ADDebugChangeNeighbor", true, false); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_toggleConnection", "", "","input_ADDebugCreateConnection", true, false); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_createMapMarker", "", "","input_ADDebugCreateMapMarker", true, false); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_removeWaypoint", "", "","input_ADDebugDeleteWayPoint", true, false); AutoDrive:AddButton("input_exportRoutes", "", "","input_AD_export_routes", true, false); --AutoDrive:AddButton("input_toggleHud", "", "", true, true); end; function AutoDrive:AddButton(name, img, img2, toolTip, on, visible) AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter = AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter + 1; AutoDrive.Hud.colCurrent = AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter % AutoDrive.Hud.cols; if AutoDrive.Hud.colCurrent == 0 then AutoDrive.Hud.colCurrent = AutoDrive.Hud.cols; end; AutoDrive.Hud.rowCurrent = math.ceil(AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter / AutoDrive.Hud.cols); AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter] = {}; local buttonImg = Utils.getNoNil("img/" .. img, "" ) local state, result = pcall( Utils.getFilename, buttonImg, ) if not state then print("ERROR: "..tostring(result).." (buttinImg: "..tostring(buttinImg)..")") return end AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].posX = AutoDrive.Hud.posX + AutoDrive.Hud.colCurrent * AutoDrive.Hud.borderX + (AutoDrive.Hud.colCurrent - 1) * AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth; -- + AutoDrive.Hud.borderX ; AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].posY = AutoDrive.Hud.posY + (AutoDrive.Hud.rowCurrent) * AutoDrive.Hud.borderY + (AutoDrive.Hud.rowCurrent-1) * AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight; AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].width = AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth; AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].height = AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight; AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].name = name; AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].img_on = result; AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].isVisible = visible; AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].toolTip = string.sub(g_i18n:getText(toolTip),4,string.len(g_i18n:getText(toolTip))) if img2 ~= nil then buttonImg = Utils.getNoNil("img/" .. img2, "" ) state, result = pcall( Utils.getFilename, buttonImg, ) if not state then print("ERROR: "..tostring(result).." (buttinImg: "..tostring(buttinImg)..")") return end AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].img_off = result; else AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].img_off = nil; end; if name == "input_silomode" then buttonImg = Utils.getNoNil("img/" .. "", "" ) state, result = pcall( Utils.getFilename, buttonImg, ) if not state then print("ERROR: "..tostring(result).." (buttinImg: "..tostring(buttinImg)..")") return end AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].img_3 = result; end; if name == "input_record" then buttonImg = Utils.getNoNil("img/" .. "", "" ) state, result = pcall( Utils.getFilename, buttonImg, ) if not state then print("ERROR: "..tostring(result).." (buttinImg: "..tostring(buttinImg)..")") return end AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].img_dual = result; end; if on then AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].img_active = AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].img_on; else AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].img_active = AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].img_off; end; AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].ov = Overlay:new(nil, AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].img_active,AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].posX ,AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons[AutoDrive.Hud.buttonCounter].posY , AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth, AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight); end; function AutoDrive:InputHandling(vehicle, input) vehicle.currentInput = input; if g_server ~= nil then --print("received event in InputHandling. event: " .. input); else --print("Not the server - sending event to server " .. input); AutoDriveInputEvent:sendEvent(vehicle); end; if vehicle.currentInput ~= nil then --print("Checking if vehicle is currently controlled." .. input); --if vehicle == g_currentMission.controlledVehicle then --print("Executing InputHandling with input: " .. input); --print("correct vehicle"); if input == "input_silomode" then --DebugUtil.printTableRecursively(g_currentMission.tipTriggers, ":",0,2); --DebugUtil.printTableRecursively(g_currentMission.siloTriggers, ":",0,2); if vehicle.bTargetMode == true and vehicle.bUnloadAtTrigger == false then if g_server ~= nil and g_dedicatedServerInfo == nil then vehicle.bReverseTrack = true; vehicle.bDrivingForward = true; vehicle.bTargetMode = false; vehicle.bRoundTrip = false; vehicle.savedSpeed = vehicle.nSpeed; vehicle.nSpeed = 15; vehicle.bUnloadAtTrigger = false; else vehicle.bReverseTrack = false; vehicle.bDrivingForward = true; vehicle.bTargetMode = true; vehicle.bRoundTrip = false; vehicle.bUnloadAtTrigger = true; if vehicle.savedSpeed ~= nil then vehicle.nSpeed = vehicle.savedSpeed; vehicle.savedSpeed = nil; end; end; else if vehicle.bReverseTrack == true then vehicle.bReverseTrack = false; vehicle.bDrivingForward = true; vehicle.bTargetMode = true; vehicle.bRoundTrip = false; vehicle.bUnloadAtTrigger = true; if vehicle.savedSpeed ~= nil then vehicle.nSpeed = vehicle.savedSpeed; vehicle.savedSpeed = nil; end; else if vehicle.bTargetMode == true and vehicle.bUnloadAtTrigger == true then vehicle.bReverseTrack = false; vehicle.bDrivingForward = true; vehicle.bTargetMode = true; vehicle.bRoundTrip = false; vehicle.bUnloadAtTrigger = false; if vehicle.savedSpeed ~= nil then vehicle.nSpeed = vehicle.savedSpeed; vehicle.savedSpeed = nil; end; end; end; end; end; if input == "input_roundtrip" then if vehicle.bRoundTrip == false then vehicle.bRoundTrip = true; vehicle.nSpeed = 40; vehicle.bTargetMode = false; vehicle.bReverseTrack = false; --print("roundTrip = true"); vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Roundtrip_on"); vehicle.nPrintTime = 3000; else vehicle.bRoundTrip = false; --print("roundTrip = false"); vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Roundtrip_off"); vehicle.nPrintTime = 3000; end; end; if input == "input_record" and g_server ~= nil and g_dedicatedServerInfo == nil then if vehicle.bcreateMode == false then vehicle.bcreateMode = true; vehicle.bcreateModeDual = false; vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint = 0; vehicle.bActive = false; = {}; vehicle.bTargetMode = false; --vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Recording_on"); --vehicle.nPrintTime = 3000; else if vehicle.bcreateModeDual == false then vehicle.bcreateModeDual = true; else vehicle.bcreateMode = false; vehicle.bcreateModeDual = false; input = "input_nextTarget"; end; --vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Recording_off"); --vehicle.nPrintTime = 3000; end; for _,button in pairs(AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons) do if == "input_record" then local buttonImg = ""; if vehicle.bcreateMode == true then button.img_active = button.img_on; else button.img_active = button.img_off; end; button.ov = Overlay:new(nil, button.img_active,button.posX ,button.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth, AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight); end; end; end; if input == "input_start_stop" then --print("executing input_start_stop"); if vehicle.bActive == false then vehicle.bActive = true; vehicle.bcreateMode = false; --vehicle.onStartAiVehicle(); --vehicle.isHired = true; vehicle.forceIsActive = true; vehicle.stopMotorOnLeave = false; vehicle.disableCharacterOnLeave = true; --vehicle.isControlled = true; local trailer = nil; if vehicle.attachedImplements ~= nil then for _, implement in pairs(vehicle.attachedImplements) do if implement.object ~= nil then if implement.object.typeDesc == g_i18n:getText("typeDesc_tipper") then -- "tipper" then trailer = implement.object; end; end; end; end; if vehicle.bUnloadAtTrigger == true and trailer ~= nil then local fillTable = trailer:getCurrentFillTypes(); if fillTable[1] ~= nil then vehicle.unloadType = fillTable[1]; end; end; --vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Activated"); vehicle.nPrintTime = 3000; else vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint = 0; vehicle.bDrivingForward = true; vehicle.bActive = false; vehicle.bStopAD = true; vehicle.bUnloading = false; vehicle.bLoading = false; --AutoDrive:deactivate(vehicle,false); end; for _,button in pairs(AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons) do if == "input_start_stop" then local buttonImg = ""; if vehicle.bActive == true then button.img_active = button.img_on; else button.img_active = button.img_off; end; button.ov = Overlay:new(nil, button.img_active,button.posX ,button.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth, AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight); end; end; end; if input == "input_nextTarget" then --print("executing input_nextTarget"); if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[1] ~= nil and g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[1] ~= nil then if vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected == -1 then vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected = 1 vehicle.ntargetSelected = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected].id; if vehicle.nSpeed == 15 then vehicle.nSpeed = 40; end; vehicle.sTargetSelected = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected].name; local translation = AutoDrive:translate(vehicle.sTargetSelected); vehicle.sTargetSelected = translation; --vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Selected_Target") .. g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected].name; --vehicle.nPrintTime = 3000; vehicle.bTargetMode = true; vehicle.bRoundTrip = false; vehicle.bReverseTrack = false; vehicle.bDrivingForward = true; else vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected = vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected + 1; if vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected > g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarkerCounter then vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected = 1; end; vehicle.ntargetSelected = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected].id; vehicle.sTargetSelected = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected].name; local translation = AutoDrive:translate(vehicle.sTargetSelected); vehicle.sTargetSelected = translation; if vehicle.nSpeed == 15 then vehicle.nSpeed = 40; end; --vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Selected_Target") .. g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected].name; --vehicle.nPrintTime = 3000; vehicle.bTargetMode = true; end; end; end; if input == "input_previousTarget" then --print("executing input_previousTarget"); if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[1] ~= nil and g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[1] ~= nil then if vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected == -1 then vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarkerCounter; vehicle.ntargetSelected = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected].id; if vehicle.nSpeed == 15 then vehicle.nSpeed = 40; end; vehicle.sTargetSelected = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected].name; local translation = AutoDrive:translate(vehicle.sTargetSelected); vehicle.sTargetSelected = translation; --vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Selected_Target") .. g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected].name; --vehicle.nPrintTime = 3000; vehicle.bTargetMode = true; else vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected = vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected - 1; if vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected < 1 then vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarkerCounter; end; vehicle.ntargetSelected = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected].id; vehicle.sTargetSelected = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected].name; local translation = AutoDrive:translate(vehicle.sTargetSelected); vehicle.sTargetSelected = translation; if vehicle.nSpeed == 15 then vehicle.nSpeed = 40; end; --vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Selected_Target") .. g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected].name; --vehicle.nPrintTime = 3000; vehicle.bTargetMode = true; end; end; end; if input == "input_debug" then if vehicle.bCreateMapPoints == false then vehicle.bCreateMapPoints = true; --vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Debug_on"); --vehicle.nPrintTime = 10000; else vehicle.bCreateMapPoints = false; --vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Debug_off") --vehicle.nPrintTime = 3000; end; for _,button in pairs(AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons) do if == "input_debug" then local buttonImg = ""; if vehicle.bCreateMapPoints == true then button.img_active = button.img_on; else button.img_active = button.img_off; end; button.ov = Overlay:new(nil, button.img_active,button.posX ,button.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth, AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight); end; end; end; if input == "input_showClosest" and g_server ~= nil and g_dedicatedServerInfo == nil then if vehicle.bShowDebugMapMarker == false then vehicle.bShowDebugMapMarker = true; --vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Debug_show_closest") --vehicle.nPrintTime = 10000; else vehicle.bShowDebugMapMarker = false; --vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Debug_show_closest_off") --vehicle.nPrintTime = 3000; end; for _,button in pairs(AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons) do if == "input_showClosest" then local buttonImg = ""; if vehicle.bShowDebugMapMarker == true then button.img_active = button.img_on; else button.img_active = button.img_off; end; button.ov = Overlay:new(nil, button.img_active,button.posX ,button.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth, AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight); end; end; end; if input == "input_showNeighbor" and g_server ~= nil and g_dedicatedServerInfo == nil then if vehicle.bShowSelectedDebugPoint == false then vehicle.bShowSelectedDebugPoint = true; local debugCounter = 1; for i,point in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do local x1,y1,z1 = getWorldTranslation(vehicle.components[1].node); local distance = getDistance(point.x,point.z,x1,z1); if distance < 15 then vehicle.DebugPointsIterated[debugCounter] = point; debugCounter = debugCounter + 1; end; end; vehicle.nSelectedDebugPoint = 1; --vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Debug_show_closest_neighbors") --vehicle.nPrintTime = 10000; else vehicle.bShowSelectedDebugPoint = false; end; for _,button in pairs(AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons) do if == "input_showNeighbor" then local buttonImg = ""; if vehicle.bShowSelectedDebugPoint == true then button.img_active = button.img_on; else button.img_active = button.img_off; end; button.ov = Overlay:new(nil, button.img_active,button.posX ,button.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth, AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight); end; end; end; if input == "input_toggleConnection" and g_server ~= nil and g_dedicatedServerInfo == nil then if vehicle.bChangeSelectedDebugPoint == false then vehicle.bChangeSelectedDebugPoint = true; --vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Debug_change_connection"); --vehicle.nPrintTime = 10000; else vehicle.bChangeSelectedDebugPoint = false; --vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Debug_not_ready"); --vehicle.nPrintTime = 3000; end; end; if input == "input_nextNeighbor" then if vehicle.bChangeSelectedDebugPointSelection == false then vehicle.bChangeSelectedDebugPointSelection = true; --vehicle.printMessage = "Changing entry for highlighted markers"; --vehicle.nPrintTime = 10000; else vehicle.bChangeSelectedDebugPointSelection = false; --vehicle.printMessage = "Not ready"; --vehicle.nPrintTime = 3000; end; end; if input == "input_createMapMarker" and g_server ~= nil and g_dedicatedServerInfo == nil then if vehicle.bShowDebugMapMarker == true then if vehicle.bCreateMapMarker == false then vehicle.bCreateMapMarker = true; vehicle.bEnteringMapMarker = true; vehicle.sEnteredMapMarkerString = ""; g_currentMission.isPlayerFrozen = true; vehicle.isBroken = true; --g_currentMission.player.lockedInput = true; --g_currentMission.player.isEntered = false; --g_currentMission.player.isControlled = false; --g_currentMission.manualPaused = true; --g_currentMission.controlPlayer = false; --vehicle.printMessage = "Changing entry for highlighted markers"; --vehicle.nPrintTime = 10000; --DebugUtil.printTableRecursively(InputBinding, ".",0,5); else vehicle.bCreateMapMarker = false; vehicle.bEnteringMapMarker = false; vehicle.sEnteredMapMarkerString = ""; g_currentMission.isPlayerFrozen = false; vehicle.isBroken = false; vehicle.printMessages = "Not ready"; vehicle.nPrintTime = 3000; end; end; end; if input == "input_increaseSpeed" then if vehicle.nSpeed < 100 then vehicle.nSpeed = vehicle.nSpeed + 1; else --vehicle.nSpeed = 40; end; --vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Speed_set_to") .. " " .. vehicle.nSpeed; --vehicle.nPrintTime = 2000; end; if input == "input_decreaseSpeed" then if vehicle.nSpeed > 2 then vehicle.nSpeed = vehicle.nSpeed - 1; else --vehicle.nSpeed = 5; end; --vehicle.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Speed_set_to") .. " " .. vehicle.nSpeed; --vehicle.nPrintTime = 2000; end; if input == "input_toggleHud" then if AutoDrive.Hud.showHud == false then AutoDrive.Hud.showHud = true; else AutoDrive.Hud.showHud = false; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse == false then = false g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse = true; InputBinding.setShowMouseCursor(true); else = true InputBinding.setShowMouseCursor(false); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse = false; end; end; end; if input == "input_toggleMouse" then if AutoDrive.Hud.showHud == true then if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse == false then = false g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse = true; InputBinding.setShowMouseCursor(true); else = true InputBinding.setShowMouseCursor(false); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse = false; end; end; end; if input == "input_removeWaypoint" and g_server ~= nil and g_dedicatedServerInfo == nil then if vehicle.bShowDebugMapMarker == true and g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[1] ~= nil then local closest = AutoDrive:findClosestWayPoint(vehicle) print("removing waypoint with id: " .. closest); AutoDrive:removeMapWayPoint( g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest] ); end; end; if input == "input_removeDestination" and g_server ~= nil and g_dedicatedServerInfo == nil then if vehicle.bShowDebugMapMarker == true and g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[1] ~= nil then local closest = AutoDrive:findClosestWayPoint(vehicle) print("removing destination with node id: " .. closest); AutoDrive:removeMapMarker( g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest] ); end; end; if input == "input_recalculate" and g_server ~= nil and g_dedicatedServerInfo == nil then print(("%s - Recalculation starting"):format(getDate("%H:%M:%S"))) AutoDrive:ContiniousRecalculation(); end; if input == "input_exportRoutes" then AutoDrive:ExportRoutes(); end; if input == "input_importRoutes" then AutoDrive:ImportRoutes(); end; if input == "input_nextTarget_Unload" then if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[1] ~= nil and g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[1] ~= nil then if vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload == -1 then vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload = 1 vehicle.ntargetSelected_Unload = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload].id; vehicle.sTargetSelected_Unload = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload].name; local translation = AutoDrive:translate(vehicle.sTargetSelected_Unload); vehicle.sTargetSelected_Unload = translation; else vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload = vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload + 1; if vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload > g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarkerCounter then vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload = 1; end; vehicle.ntargetSelected_Unload = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload].id; vehicle.sTargetSelected_Unload = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload].name; local translation = AutoDrive:translate(vehicle.sTargetSelected_Unload); vehicle.sTargetSelected_Unload = translation; end; end; end; if input == "input_previousTarget_Unload" then if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[1] ~= nil and g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[1] ~= nil then if vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload == -1 then vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarkerCounter; vehicle.ntargetSelected_Unload = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload].id; vehicle.sTargetSelected_Unload = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload].name; local translation = AutoDrive:translate(vehicle.sTargetSelected_Unload); vehicle.sTargetSelected_Unload = translation; else vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload = vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload - 1; if vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload < 1 then vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarkerCounter; end; vehicle.ntargetSelected_Unload = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload].id; vehicle.sTargetSelected_Unload = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload].name; local translation = AutoDrive:translate(vehicle.sTargetSelected_Unload); vehicle.sTargetSelected_Unload = translation; end; end; end; if input == "input_continue" then if vehicle.bPaused == true then vehicle.bPaused = false; end; end; if input == "input_frontLoaderCam" then if == false then = true; else = false; end; end; end; vehicle.currentInput = ""; end; function AutoDrive:ContiniousRecalculation() if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.continue == true then if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.initializedWaypoints == false then for i2,point in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do point.marker = {}; end; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.initializedWaypoints = true; return 10; end; local markerFinished = false; for i, marker in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker) do if markerFinished == false then if i == g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.nextMarker then print(("%s - Recalculating: %s"):format(getDate("%H:%M:%S"), local tempAD = AutoDrive:dijkstra(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints,,"incoming"); for i2,point in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do point.marker[] = tempAD.pre[]; end; markerFinished = true; end; else g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.nextMarker = i; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.handledMarkers = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.handledMarkers + 1; return 10 + math.ceil((g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.handledMarkers/g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarkerCounter) * 90) end; end; print(("%s - Recalculation finished"):format(getDate("%H:%M:%S"))) if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.adXml ~= nil then setXMLString(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.adXml, "AutoDrive.Recalculation","false"); AutoDrive:MarkChanged(); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.handledRecalculation = true; end; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.continue = false; return 100; else g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation = {}; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.continue = true; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.initializedWaypoints = false; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.nextMarker = "" for i, marker in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker) do if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.nextMarker == "" then g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.nextMarker = i; end; end; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.handledMarkers = 0; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.nextCalculationSkipFrames = 6; return 5; end; end function AutoDrive:onLeave() if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse then InputBinding.setShowMouseCursor(false); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse = false; end end; function AutoDrive:dijkstra(graph, start, setToUse) -- Init and copy graph. Its elements are not modified, so no need to deep-copy it. local workGraph = {} local newPaths = { distance = {}, pre = {} } for id, wp in pairs(graph) do newPaths.distance[id] = math.huge newPaths.pre[id] = -1 workGraph[id] = wp end newPaths.distance[start] = 0 -- Walk the graph while next(workGraph, nil) ~= nil do local shortest_dist = math.huge local shortest_id = -1 for _, wp in pairs(workGraph) do if shortest_dist > newPaths.distance[] then shortest_dist = newPaths.distance[] shortest_id = end end if shortest_id == -1 then workGraph = {} else local x1,z1 = workGraph[shortest_id].x, workGraph[shortest_id].z for _, id in pairs(workGraph[shortest_id][setToUse]) do local wp = workGraph[id] if nil ~= wp then local alternative = shortest_dist + getDistance(x1,z1, wp.x,wp.z) if alternative < newPaths.distance[id] then newPaths.distance[id] = alternative newPaths.pre[id] = shortest_id end end end workGraph[shortest_id] = nil end end return newPaths end function AutoDrive:graphcopy(Graph) local Q = {}; --print("Graphcopy"); for i in pairs(Graph) do --print ("i = " .. i ); local id = Graph[i]["id"]; --print ("id = " .. id ); local out = {}; local incoming = {}; local out_cost = {}; local marker = {}; --print ("out:"); for i2 in pairs(Graph[i]["out"]) do out[i2] = Graph[i]["out"][i2]; --print(""..i2 .. " : " .. out[i2]); end; --print("incoming"); for i3 in pairs(Graph[i]["incoming"]) do incoming[i3] = Graph[i]["incoming"][i3]; end; for i4 in pairs(Graph[i]["out_cost"]) do out_cost[i4] = Graph[i]["out_cost"][i4]; end; for i5 in pairs(Graph[i]["marker"]) do marker[i5] = Graph[i]["marker"][i5]; end; Q[i] = createNode(id,out,incoming,out_cost, marker); Q[i].x = Graph[i].x; Q[i].y = Graph[i].y; Q[i].z = Graph[i].z; end; return Q; end; function createNode(id,out,incoming,out_cost, marker) local p = {}; p["id"] = id; p["out"] = out; p["incoming"] = incoming; p["out_cost"] = out_cost; p["marker"] = marker; --p["coords"] = coords; return p; end function AutoDrive:FastShortestPath(Graph,start,markerName, markerID) local wp = {}; local count = 1; local id = start; --print("searching path for start id: " .. id .. " and target: " .. markerName .. " id: " .. markerID); while id ~= -1 and id ~= nil do wp[count] = Graph[id]; count = count+1; --print(""..wp[count-1]["id"]); if id == markerID then id = nil; else id = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[id].marker[markerName]; end; end; local wp_copy = AutoDrive:graphcopy(wp); --print("shortest path to " .. markerName); --for i in pairs(wp) do --print(""..wp[i]["id"]); --end; return wp_copy; end; function AutoDrive:shortestPath(Graph,distance,pre,start,endNode) local wp = {}; local count = 1; local id = Graph[endNode]["id"]; while[id] ~= -1 do for i in pairs(Graph) do if Graph[i]["id"] == id then wp[count] = Graph[i]; --todo: maybe create copy end; end; count = count+1; id =[id]; end; local wp_reversed = {}; for i in pairs(wp) do wp_reversed[count-i] = wp[i]; end; local wp_copy = AutoDrive:graphcopy(wp_reversed); --print("shortest path to " .. Graph[endNode]["id"]); for i in pairs(wp) do --print(""..wp[i]["id"]); end; return wp_copy; end; function init(self) local aNameSearch = {"" .. g_languageShort, "", "", "", "vehicle#type"}; self.bDisplay = 1; if == nil then = {}; end; self.bLongFormat = 0; self.nSubStringLength = 40; self.bDarkColor = 0; self.nDebugOutput = 0; self.bActive = false; self.bRoundTrip = false; self.bReverseTrack = false; self.bDrivingForward = true; self.nTargetX = 0; self.nTargetZ = 0; self.bInitialized = false; = {}; self.bcreateMode = false; self.bcreateModeDual = false; self.nCurrentWayPoint = 0; self.nlastLogged = 0; self.nloggingInterval = 500; self.logMessage = ""; self.nPrintTime = 3000; self.ntargetSelected = -1; self.nMapMarkerSelected = -1; self.sTargetSelected = ""; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive ~= nil then if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[1] ~= nil then self.ntargetSelected = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[1].id; self.nMapMarkerSelected = 1; self.sTargetSelected = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[1].name; local translation = AutoDrive:translate(sTargetSelected); sTargetSelected = translation; end; end; self.bTargetMode = true; self.nSpeed = 40; self.bCreateMapPoints = false; self.bShowDebugMapMarker = true; self.nSelectedDebugPoint = -1; self.bShowSelectedDebugPoint = false; self.bChangeSelectedDebugPoint = false; self.DebugPointsIterated = {}; self.bDeadLock = false; self.nTimeToDeadLock = 15000; self.bDeadLockRepairCounter = 4; self.bStopAD = false; self.bCreateMapMarker = false; self.bEnteringMapMarker = false; self.sEnteredMapMarkerString = ""; if Steerable.load ~= nil then local orgSteerableLoad = Steerable.load Steerable.load = function(self,xmlFile) orgSteerableLoad(self,xmlFile) for nIndex,sXMLPath in pairs(aNameSearch) do = getXMLString(self.xmlFile, sXMLPath); if ~= nil then break; end; end; if == nil then = g_i18n:getText("UNKNOWN") end; end end; self.moduleInitialized = true; self.currentInput = ""; self.previousSpeed = self.nSpeed; self.speed_override = nil; self.requestWayPointTimer = 10000; self.bUnloadAtTrigger = false; self.bUnloading = false; self.bPaused = false; self.bUnloadSwitch = false; self.unloadType = -1; self.bLoading = false; self.trailertipping = -1; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation = {}; self.ntargetSelected_Unload = -1; self.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload = -1; self.sTargetSelected_Unload = ""; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive ~= nil then if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[1] ~= nil then self.ntargetSelected_Unload = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[1].id; self.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload = 1; self.sTargetSelected_Unload = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[1].name; local translation = AutoDrive:translate(sTargetSelected_Unload); sTargetSelected_Unload = translation; end; end; self.nPauseTimer = 5000; = 300; = 6000; = ""; --init traffic detection: --[[ self.coliTrigger = AutoDrive.adOnTrafficCollisionTrigger; = {}; = {}; if self.aiTrafficCollisionTrigger ~= nil then addTrigger(self.aiTrafficCollisionTrigger, 'coliTrigger', self); end; --]] if self.frontloaderAttacher ~= nil or self.typeDesc == "telehandler" then if self.frontLoaderCam == nil then self.frontLoaderCam = createCamera("frontLoaderCam", 60, 0.02, 200); local node = self.components[1].node -- self.frontloaderAttacher.attacherJoint.rootNode; local nodeTool = nil; for _,impl in pairs(self.attachedImplements) do if impl.object ~= nil then if impl.object.typeName == "attachableFrontloader" then --print("Selected frontloader attachment as root node"); nodeTool = impl.object.attacherJoints[1].jointTransform; end; end; end; if self.typeDesc == "telehandler" then nodeTool = self.attacherJoints[1].jointTransform; end; if nodeTool == nil then nodeTool = node; end; link(node, self.frontLoaderCam); rotate(self.frontLoaderCam,0,math.pi*0.84,0); local xW,yW,zW = getWorldTranslation(node); local xTool,yTool,zTool = getWorldTranslation(nodeTool); local xCam,yCam,zCam = getWorldTranslation(self.frontLoaderCam); self.frontLoaderCamOffsetX = self.sizeWidth/2; -- + 0.8; self.frontLoaderCamOffsetZ = self.sizeLength/2 + 1.0; -- -1.0 --DebugUtil.drawDebugNode(node, "node"); local x,y,z = worldToLocal(node,xW+self.frontLoaderCamOffsetX,yTool+0.5,zW+self.frontLoaderCamOffsetZ) setTranslation(self.frontLoaderCam,x,y,z); --rotate(self.frontLoaderCam, ,,0); --setCamera(self.frontLoaderCam); = false; end; end; self.bChoosingDestination = false; self.sChosenDestination = ""; self.sEnteredChosenDestination = ""; self.trafficVehicle = nil; end; function AutoDrive:translate(text) if text == "Hof" then return g_i18n:getText("AD_Hof"); end; if text == "Kuhstall" then return g_i18n:getText("AD_Kuhstall"); end; if text == "Schweinestall" then return g_i18n:getText("AD_Schweinestall"); end; if text == "Schafsweide" then return g_i18n:getText("AD_Schafsweide"); end; if text == "Tankstelle" then return g_i18n:getText("AD_Tankstelle"); end; if text == "Viehhandel" then return g_i18n:getText("AD_Viehhandel"); end; return text; end; function AutoDrive:newMouseEvent(superFunc,posX, posY, isDown, isUp, button) if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse then local x = InputBinding.mouseMovementX; local y = InputBinding.mouseMovementY; InputBinding.mouseMovementX = 0; InputBinding.mouseMovementY = 0; superFunc(self, posX, posY, isDown, isUp, button) InputBinding.mouseMovementX = x; InputBinding.mouseMovementY = y; else superFunc(self, posX, posY, isDown, isUp, button) end; end; function AutoDrive:mouseEvent(posX, posY, isDown, isUp, button) if self == g_currentMission.controlledVehicle and AutoDrive.Hud.showHud == true then if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse then local buttonHovered = false; for _,button in pairs(AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons) do if posX > button.posX and posX < (button.posX + button.width) and posY > button.posY and posY < (button.posY + button.height) and button.isVisible then --print("Clicked button " ..; if ~= button.toolTip then = button.toolTip; = 6000; = 300; end; buttonHovered = true; end; end; if not buttonHovered then = ""; end; end; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse and button == 1 and isDown then for _,button in pairs(AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons) do if posX > button.posX and posX < (button.posX + button.width) and posY > button.posY and posY < (button.posY + button.height) and button.isVisible then --print("Clicked button " ..; AutoDrive:InputHandling(self,; end; end; AutoDrive.Hud.posX = 0.80468750145519; AutoDrive.Hud.posY = 0.207; AutoDrive.Hud.width = 0.176; AutoDrive.Hud.height = 0.13; if posX > (AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.posX) and posX < (AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.posX + AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.width) and posY > (AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.posY) and posY < (AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.posY + AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.height) then if AutoDrive.Hud.showHud == false then AutoDrive.Hud.showHud = true; else AutoDrive.Hud.showHud = false; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse == false then = false g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse = true; InputBinding.setShowMouseCursor(true); else = true InputBinding.setShowMouseCursor(false); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse = false; end; end; end; local adPosX = AutoDrive.Hud.posX + AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination.width; -- + AutoDrive.Hud.borderX; --0.03 + g_currentMission.helpBoxWidth local adPosY = AutoDrive.Hud.posY + 0.04 + (AutoDrive.Hud.borderY + AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight) * AutoDrive.Hud.rowCurrent; --+ 0.003; --0.975; local height = 0.015; local width = 0.05; if posX > (adPosX) and posX < (adPosX + width) and posY > (adPosY) and posY < (adPosY + height) then if self.bChoosingDestination == false then self.bChoosingDestination = true self.isBroken = false; g_currentMission.isPlayerFrozen = true; self.isBroken = true; else self.bChoosingDestination = false; g_currentMission.isPlayerFrozen = false; self.isBroken = false; end; end; end; end; end; function AutoDrive:keyEvent(unicode, sym, modifier, isDown) if self == g_currentMission.controlledVehicle then --print("Unicode: " .. unicode .. " sym: " .. sym); if isDown and self.bEnteringMapMarker then if sym == 13 then self.bEnteringMapMarker = false; self.isBroken = false; else if sym == 8 then self.sEnteredMapMarkerString = string.sub(self.sEnteredMapMarkerString,1,string.len(self.sEnteredMapMarkerString)-1) else if unicode ~= 0 then self.sEnteredMapMarkerString = self.sEnteredMapMarkerString .. string.char(unicode); end; end; end; end; if isDown and self.bChoosingDestination then if sym == 13 then self.bChoosingDestination = false; self.sChosenDestination = ""; self.sEnteredChosenDestination = ""; self.isBroken = false; g_currentMission.isPlayerFrozen = false; else if sym == 8 then self.sEnteredChosenDestination = string.sub(self.sEnteredChosenDestination,1,string.len(self.sEnteredChosenDestination)-1) else if sym == 9 then local foundMatch = false; local behindCurrent = false; local markerID = -1; local markerIndex = -1; if self.sChosenDestination == "" then behindCurrent = true; end; for _,marker in pairs( g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker) do local tempName = self.sChosenDestination; if string.find(, self.sEnteredChosenDestination) == 1 and behindCurrent and not foundMatch then self.sChosenDestination =; markerID =; markerIndex = _; foundMatch = true; end; if tempName == then behindCurrent = true; end; end; if behindCurrent == true and foundMatch == false then foundMatch = false; for _,marker in pairs( g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker) do if string.find(, self.sEnteredChosenDestination) == 1 and not foundMatch then self.sChosenDestination =; markerID =; markerIndex = _; foundMatch = true; end; end; end; if self.sChosenDestination ~= "" then self.nMapMarkerSelected = markerIndex; self.ntargetSelected = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[self.nMapMarkerSelected].id; self.sTargetSelected = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[self.nMapMarkerSelected].name; local translation = AutoDrive:translate(self.sTargetSelected); self.sTargetSelected = translation; end; else if unicode ~= 0 then self.sEnteredChosenDestination = self.sEnteredChosenDestination .. string.char(unicode); end; end; end; end; end; end; end; function AutoDrive:deactivate(self,stopVehicle) --[[ if stopVehicle == true then local x,y,z = getWorldTranslation( self.components[1].node ); local xl,yl,zl = worldToLocal(self.components[1].node, self.nTargetX,y,self.nTargetZ); AIVehicleUtil.driveToPoint(self, dt, 0, true, self.bDrivingForward, xl, zl, 0, false ); self:setCruiseControlState(Drivable.CRUISECONTROL_STATE_OFF); end; --]] self.bActive = false; self.forceIsActive = false; self.stopMotorOnLeave = true; self.disableCharacterOnLeave = true; self.bInitialized = false; self.nCurrentWayPoint = 0; self.bDrivingForward = true; self.previousSpeed = 10; if self.steeringEnabled == false then self.steeringEnabled = true; end self:setCruiseControlState(Drivable.CRUISECONTROL_STATE_OFF); --self.isControlled = false; --self.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Deactivated"); --self.nPrintTime = 3000; end; function AutoDrive:update(dt) if self == g_currentMission.controlledVehicle then --self.printMessage = "Vehicle: " ..; --self.nPrintTime = 3000; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADSilomode) then --print("sending event to InputHandling"); AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_silomode"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADRoundtrip) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_roundtrip"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADRecord) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_record"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADEnDisable) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_start_stop"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADSelectTarget) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_nextTarget"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADSelectPreviousTarget) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_previousTarget"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADSelectTargetMouseWheel) and g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_nextTarget"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADSelectPreviousTargetMouseWheel) and g_currentMission.AutoDrive.showMouse then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_previousTarget"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADActivateDebug) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_debug"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADDebugShowClosest) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_showNeighbor"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADDebugSelectNeighbor) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_showNeighbor"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADDebugCreateConnection) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_toggleConnection"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADDebugChangeNeighbor) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_nextNeighbor"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADDebugCreateMapMarker) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_createMapMarker"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.AD_Speed_up) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_increaseSpeed"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.AD_Speed_down) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_decreaseSpeed"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADToggleHud) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_toggleHud"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADToggleMouse) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_toggleMouse"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADDebugDeleteWayPoint) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_removeWaypoint"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.AD_export_routes) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_exportRoutes"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.AD_import_routes) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_importRoutes"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADFrontLoaderCam) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_frontLoaderCam"); end; if InputBinding.hasEvent(InputBinding.ADDebugDeleteDestination) then AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, "input_removeDestination"); end; end; if self.moduleInitialized == nil then init(self); end; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation ~= nil then if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.continue == true then if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.nextCalculationSkipFrames <= 0 then g_currentMission.AutoDrive.recalculationPercentage = AutoDrive:ContiniousRecalculation(); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.nextCalculationSkipFrames = 6; AutoDrive.nPrintTime = 10000; AutoDrive.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Recalculationg_routes_status") .. " " .. g_currentMission.AutoDrive.recalculationPercentage .. "%"; --print(AutoDrive.printMessage); else g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.nextCalculationSkipFrames = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.nextCalculationSkipFrames - 1; end; end; end; if self.requestWayPointTimer >= 0 then self.requestWayPointTimer = self.requestWayPointTimer - dt; end; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive ~= nil then if g_server == nil and g_currentMission.AutoDrive.requestedWaypoints ~= true and self.requestWayPointTimer < 0 and networkGetObjectId(self) ~= nil then AutoDriveMapEvent:sendEvent(self); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.requestedWaypoints = true; end; end; if self.currentInput ~= "" and self.isServer then --print("I am the server and start input handling. lets see if they think so too"); AutoDrive:InputHandling(self, self.currentInput); end; if self.bActive == true and self.isServer then self.forceIsActive = true; self.stopMotorOnLeave = false; self.disableCharacterOnLeave = true; --self.isControlled = true; if self.isMotorStarted == false then self:startMotor(); end; self.nTimeToDeadLock = self.nTimeToDeadLock - dt; if self.nTimeToDeadLock < 0 and self.nTimeToDeadLock ~= -1 then --print("Deadlock reached due to timer"); self.bDeadLock = true; end; else self.bDeadLock = false; self.nTimeToDeadLock = 15000; self.bDeadLockRepairCounter = 4; --self.forceIsActive = false; --self.stopMotorOnLeave = true; end; if self.printMessage ~= nil then self.nPrintTime = self.nPrintTime - dt; if self.nPrintTime < 0 then self.nPrintTime = 3000; self.printMessage = nil; end; end; if self == g_currentMission.controlledVehicle then if AutoDrive.printMessage ~= nil then AutoDrive.nPrintTime = AutoDrive.nPrintTime - dt; if AutoDrive.nPrintTime < 0 then AutoDrive.nPrintTime = 3000; AutoDrive.printMessage = nil; end; end; if ~= "" then if <= 0 then if > 0 then = - dt; else = ""; end; else = - dt; end; end; if self.frontLoaderCam ~= nil then local inputW = InputBinding.getDigitalInputAxis(InputBinding.AXIS_FRONTLOADER_ARM) + InputBinding.getAnalogInputAxis(InputBinding.AXIS_FRONTLOADER_ARM); --InputBinding.getDigitalInputAxis(InputBinding.AXIS_LOOK_UPDOWN_VEHICLE)+InputBinding.getAnalogInputAxis(InputBinding.AXIS_LOOK_UPDOWN_VEHICLE); = Utils.getNoNil(,0) + inputW*8e-4*dt; = Utils.clamp(,-1,2); if == true then local node = self.components[1].node --self.frontloaderAttacher.attacherJoint.rootNode; local nodeTool = node; for _,impl in pairs(self.attachedImplements) do if impl.object ~= nil then if impl.object.typeName == "attachableFrontloader" then --print("Selected frontloader tool as root node"); nodeTool = impl.object.attacherJoints[1].jointTransform; end; end; end; if self.typeDesc == "telehandler" then nodeTool = self.attacherJoints[1].jointTransform; end; local xW,yW,zW = getWorldTranslation(node); local xTool,yTool,zTool = getWorldTranslation(node); local xCam,yCam,zCam = getWorldTranslation(self.frontLoaderCam); if nodeTool == nil then nodeTool = node; self.frontLoaderCamOffsetX = self.sizeWidth/2; -- + 0.8; self.frontLoaderCamOffsetZ = self.sizeLength/2 + 1.0; -- -1.0 else xTool,yTool,zTool = getWorldTranslation(nodeTool); local tempToolX,tempToolY,tempToolZ = worldToLocal(node,xTool,yTool,zTool); local tempCamX,tempCamY,tempCamZ = worldToLocal(node,xCam,yCam,zCam); self.frontLoaderCamOffsetX = (tempToolX-tempCamX)*0.5; -- + 0.8; self.frontLoaderCamOffsetZ = (tempToolZ-tempCamZ)*0.5; -- -1.0 end; local inputW = InputBinding.getDigitalInputAxis(InputBinding.AXIS_LOOK_UPDOWN_VEHICLE)+InputBinding.getAnalogInputAxis(InputBinding.AXIS_LOOK_UPDOWN_VEHICLE); = Utils.getNoNil(inputW*6e-3*dt,0); = Utils.clamp(,-math.pi,math.pi); local inputW = InputBinding.getDigitalInputAxis(InputBinding.AXIS_LOOK_LEFTRIGHT_VEHICLE)+InputBinding.getAnalogInputAxis(InputBinding.AXIS_LOOK_LEFTRIGHT_VEHICLE); = Utils.getNoNil(,0) + inputW*3.5e-3*dt; = Utils.clamp(,-5,10); local x,y,z = worldToLocal(node,xW,yTool+0,zW) setTranslation(self.frontLoaderCam,x+self.frontLoaderCamOffsetX -,y,z+self.frontLoaderCamOffsetZ); xTool,yTool,zTool = getWorldTranslation(nodeTool); xCam,yCam,zCam = getWorldTranslation(self.frontLoaderCam); local tempToolX,tempToolY,tempToolZ = worldToLocal(node,xTool,yTool,zTool); local tempCamX,tempCamY,tempCamZ = worldToLocal(node,xCam,yCam,zCam); local camToTool = (math.asin( (tempToolX-tempCamX) / math.sqrt( math.pow((tempToolX-tempCamX),2)+ math.pow((tempToolZ-tempCamZ+1.5),2) )) + math.pi); local before = camToTool; if camToTool >= math.pi then camToTool = -2*math.pi+camToTool; end; local rx,ry,rz = getRotation( self.frontLoaderCam); local wrx,wry,wrz = localDirectionToLocal(self.frontLoaderCam,node, rx,ry,rz ) ; = (camToTool-ry)*0.98; rotate(self.frontLoaderCam, ,,0); setCamera(self.frontLoaderCam); end; end; end; --set target waypoint and create route --follow next waypoint until close enough (0.5m?), then select next waypoint --stop vehicle on arrival local veh = self; --follow waypoints on route: if self.bStopAD == true and self.isServer then AutoDrive:deactivate(self,false); self.bStopAD = false; self.bPaused = false; end; if self.components ~= nil and self.isServer then local x,y,z = getWorldTranslation( self.components[1].node ); local xl,yl,zl = worldToLocal(veh.components[1].node, x,y,z); if self.bActive == true and self.bPaused == false then if self.steeringEnabled then self.steeringEnabled = false; end if self.bInitialized == false then self.nTimeToDeadLock = 15000; if self.bTargetMode == true then local closest = AutoDrive:findMatchingWayPoint(veh) --AutoDrive:findClosestWayPoint(veh); = AutoDrive:FastShortestPath(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints, closest, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[self.nMapMarkerSelected].name, self.ntargetSelected); if[2] ~= nil then self.nCurrentWayPoint = 2; else self.nCurrentWayPoint = 1; end; else self.nCurrentWayPoint = 1; end; if[self.nCurrentWayPoint] ~= nil then self.nTargetX =[self.nCurrentWayPoint].x; self.nTargetZ =[self.nCurrentWayPoint].z; self.bInitialized = true; self.bDrivingForward = true; else --print("Autodrive hat ein Problem festgestellt"); print("Autodrive hat ein Problem beim Initialisieren festgestellt"); AutoDrive:deactivate(self,true); end; else local min_distance = 1.8; if self.typeDesc == "combine" or self.typeDesc == "harvester" then min_distance = 6; end; if self.typeDesc == "telehandler" then min_distance = 3; end; if getDistance(x,z, self.nTargetX, self.nTargetZ) < min_distance then self.previousSpeed = self.speed_override; self.nTimeToDeadLock = 15000; if[self.nCurrentWayPoint+1] ~= nil then self.nCurrentWayPoint = self.nCurrentWayPoint + 1; self.nTargetX =[self.nCurrentWayPoint].x; self.nTargetZ =[self.nCurrentWayPoint].z; else --print("Last waypoint reached"); if self.bUnloadAtTrigger == false then if self.bRoundTrip == false then --print("No Roundtrip"); if self.bReverseTrack == true then --print("Starting reverse track"); --reverse driving direction if self.bDrivingForward == true then self.bDrivingForward = false; else self.bDrivingForward = true; end; --reverse waypoints local reverseWaypoints = {}; local _counterWayPoints = 0; for n in pairs( do _counterWayPoints = _counterWayPoints + 1; end; for n in pairs( do reverseWaypoints[_counterWayPoints] =[n]; _counterWayPoints = _counterWayPoints - 1; end; for n in pairs(reverseWaypoints) do[n] = reverseWaypoints[n]; end; --start again: self.nCurrentWayPoint = 1 self.nTargetX =[self.nCurrentWayPoint].x; self.nTargetZ =[self.nCurrentWayPoint].z; else --print("Shutting down"); AutoDrive.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Driver_of") .. " " .. .. " " .. g_i18n:getText("AD_has_reached") .. " " .. self.sTargetSelected; AutoDrive.nPrintTime = 6000; if self.isServer == true then xl,yl,zl = worldToLocal(veh.components[1].node, self.nTargetX,y,self.nTargetZ); AIVehicleUtil.driveToPoint(self, dt, 0, true, self.bDrivingForward, xl, zl, 0, false ); veh:setCruiseControlState(Drivable.CRUISECONTROL_STATE_OFF); end; veh:setCruiseControlState(Drivable.CRUISECONTROL_STATE_OFF); AutoDrive:deactivate(self,true); end; else --print("Going into next round"); self.nCurrentWayPoint = 1 if[self.nCurrentWayPoint] ~= nil then self.nTargetX =[self.nCurrentWayPoint].x; self.nTargetZ =[self.nCurrentWayPoint].z; else print("Autodrive hat ein Problem beim Rundkurs festgestellt"); AutoDrive:deactivate(self,true); end; end; else if self.bUnloadSwitch == true then self.nTimeToDeadLock = 15000; local closest =[self.nCurrentWayPoint].id; = AutoDrive:FastShortestPath(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints, closest, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[self.nMapMarkerSelected].name, self.ntargetSelected); self.nCurrentWayPoint = 1; self.nTargetX =[self.nCurrentWayPoint].x; self.nTargetZ =[self.nCurrentWayPoint].z; self.bUnloadSwitch = false; else self.nTimeToDeadLock = 15000; local closest =[self.nCurrentWayPoint].id; = AutoDrive:FastShortestPath(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints, closest, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[self.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload].name, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[self.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload].id); self.nCurrentWayPoint = 1; self.nTargetX =[self.nCurrentWayPoint].x; self.nTargetZ =[self.nCurrentWayPoint].z; self.bPaused = true; self.bUnloadSwitch = true; end; end; end; end; end; if self.bActive == true then if self.isServer == true then local traffic = AutoDrive:detectTraffic(self,[self.nCurrentWayPoint]); local oneWayTraffic = false; if self.bReverseTrack == false then oneWayTraffic = AutoDrive:detectAdTrafficOnRoute(self); end; if[self.nCurrentWayPoint+1] ~= nil then --AutoDrive:addlog("Issuing Drive Request"); xl,yl,zl = worldToLocal(veh.components[1].node, self.nTargetX,y,self.nTargetZ); self.speed_override = -1; if[self.nCurrentWayPoint-1] ~= nil and[self.nCurrentWayPoint+1] ~= nil then local wp_ahead =[self.nCurrentWayPoint+1]; local wp_current =[self.nCurrentWayPoint]; local wp_ref =[self.nCurrentWayPoint-1]; local angle = AutoDrive:angleBetween( {x= wp_ahead.x - wp_ref.x, z = wp_ahead.z - wp_ref.z }, {x= wp_current.x- wp_ref.x, z = wp_current.z - wp_ref.z } ) if angle < 3 then self.speed_override = self.nSpeed; end; if angle >= 3 and angle < 5 then self.speed_override = 38; end; if angle >= 5 and angle < 8 then self.speed_override = 32; end; if angle >= 8 and angle < 12 then self.speed_override = 25; end; if angle >= 12 and angle < 15 then self.speed_override = 15; end; if angle >= 15 and angle < 20 then self.speed_override = 14; end; if angle >= 20 and angle < 30 then self.speed_override = 9; end; if angle >= 30 and angle < 90 then self.speed_override = 4; end; --print("Angle: " .. angle .. " speed: " .. speed_override); local distance_wps = getDistance(wp_ref.x,wp_ref.z,wp_current.x,wp_current.z); local distance_vehicle = getDistance(wp_current.x,wp_current.z,x,z ); if self.previousSpeed > self.speed_override then self.speed_override = self.speed_override + math.min(1,distance_vehicle/distance_wps) * (self.previousSpeed - self.speed_override); else self.speed_override = self.speed_override - math.min(1,distance_vehicle/distance_wps) * (self.speed_override - self.previousSpeed); end; --print("Speed override: " .. self.speed_override); end; if self.speed_override == -1 then self.speed_override = self.nSpeed; end; if self.speed_override > self.nSpeed then self.speed_override = self.nSpeed; end; local wp_new = nil; if wp_new ~= nil then xl,yl,zl = worldToLocal(veh.components[1].node, wp_new.x,y,wp_new.z); end; if self.bUnloadAtTrigger == true then local destination = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[self.ntargetSelected_Unload]; local start = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[self.ntargetSelected]; local distance1 = getDistance(x,z, destination.x, destination.z); local distance2 = getDistance(x,z, start.x, start.z); if distance1 < 20 or distance2 < 20 then if self.speed_override > 12 then self.speed_override = 12; end; end; end; local finalSpeed = self.speed_override; local finalAcceleration = true; if traffic or oneWayTraffic then finalSpeed = 0; veh:setCruiseControlState(Drivable.CRUISECONTROL_STATE_OFF); finalAcceleration = false; self.nTimeToDeadLock = 15000; else veh:setCruiseControlState(Drivable.CRUISECONTROL_STATE_ACTIVE); end; AIVehicleUtil.driveToPoint(self, dt, 1, finalAcceleration, self.bDrivingForward, xl, zl, finalSpeed, false ); else --print("Reaching last waypoint - slowing down"); local finalSpeed = 8; local finalAcceleration = true; if traffic then finalSpeed = 0; veh:setCruiseControlState(Drivable.CRUISECONTROL_STATE_OFF); finalAcceleration = false; self.nTimeToDeadLock = 15000; else veh:setCruiseControlState(Drivable.CRUISECONTROL_STATE_ACTIVE); end; xl,yl,zl = worldToLocal(veh.components[1].node, self.nTargetX,y,self.nTargetZ); AIVehicleUtil.driveToPoint(self, dt, 1, finalAcceleration, self.bDrivingForward, xl, zl, finalSpeed, false ); end; end; end; end; if self.bPaused == true then self.nTimeToDeadLock = 15000; if self.nPauseTimer > 0 then if self.isServer == true then xl,yl,zl = worldToLocal(veh.components[1].node, self.nTargetX,y,self.nTargetZ); AIVehicleUtil.driveToPoint(self, dt, 0, false, self.bDrivingForward, xl, zl, 0, false ); veh:setCruiseControlState(Drivable.CRUISECONTROL_STATE_OFF); end; self.nPauseTimer = self.nPauseTimer - dt; end; else if self.nPauseTimer < 5000 then self.nPauseTimer = 5000; end; end; if self.typeDesc == "combine" or self.typeDesc == "harvester" then veh.aiSteeringSpeed = 1; else veh.aiSteeringSpeed = 0.4; end; --print(" target: " .. self.nTargetX .. "/" .. self.nTargetZ .. " steeringSpeed: " .. veh.aiSteeringSpeed); end; if self.bDeadLock == true and self.bActive == true and self.isServer then AutoDrive.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Driver_of") .. " " .. .. " " .. g_i18n:getText("AD_got_stuck"); AutoDrive.nPrintTime = 10000; --deadlock handling if self.bDeadLockRepairCounter < 1 then AutoDrive.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Driver_of") .. " " .. .. " " .. g_i18n:getText("AD_got_stuck"); AutoDrive.nPrintTime = 10000; self.bStopAD = true; self.bActive = false; else --print("AD: Trying to recover from deadlock") if[self.nCurrentWayPoint+2] ~= nil then self.nCurrentWayPoint = self.nCurrentWayPoint + 1; self.nTargetX =[self.nCurrentWayPoint].x; self.nTargetZ =[self.nCurrentWayPoint].z; self.bDeadLock = false; self.nTimeToDeadLock = 15000; self.bDeadLockRepairCounter = self.bDeadLockRepairCounter - 1; end; end; end; if veh == g_currentMission.controlledVehicle then if veh ~= nil then --manually create waypoints in create-mode: if self.bcreateMode == true then --record waypoints every 6m local i = 0; for n in pairs( do i = i+1; end; i = i+1; --first entry if i == 1 then local x1,y1,z1 = getWorldTranslation(veh.components[1].node);[i] = createVector(x1,y1,z1); if self.bCreateMapPoints == true then AutoDrive:MarkChanged(); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter + 1; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter] = createNode(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter,{},{},{},{}); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter].x = x1; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter].y = y1; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter].z = z1; --print("Creating Waypoint #" .. g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter); end; i = i+1; else if i == 2 then local x,y,z = getWorldTranslation(veh.components[1].node); local wp =[i-1]; if getDistance(x,z,wp.x,wp.z) > 3 then[i] = createVector(x,y,z); if self.bCreateMapPoints == true then g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter + 1; --edit previous point g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter-1].out[1] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter-1].out_cost[1] = 1; --edit current point --print("Creating Waypoint #" .. g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter] = createNode(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter,{},{},{},{}); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter].incoming[1] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter-1; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter].x = x; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter].y = y; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter].z = z; end; if self.bcreateModeDual == true then g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter-1].incoming[1] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter; --edit current point g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter].out[1] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter-1; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter].out_cost[1] = 1; end; i = i+1; end; else local x,y,z = getWorldTranslation(veh.components[1].node); local wp =[i-1]; local wp_ref =[i-2] local angle = AutoDrive:angleBetween( {x=x-wp_ref.x,z=z-wp_ref.z},{x=wp.x-wp_ref.x, z = wp.z - wp_ref.z } ) --print("Angle between: " .. angle ); local max_distance = 6; if angle < 1 then max_distance = 20; end; if angle >= 1 and angle < 2 then max_distance = 12; end; if angle >= 2 and angle < 3 then max_distance = 9; end; if angle >= 3 and angle < 5 then max_distance = 6; end; if angle >= 5 and angle < 8 then max_distance = 4; end; if angle >= 8 and angle < 12 then max_distance = 2; end; if angle >= 12 and angle < 15 then max_distance = 1; end; if angle >= 15 and angle < 50 then max_distance = 0.5; end; if getDistance(x,z,wp.x,wp.z) > max_distance then[i] = createVector(x,y,z); if self.bCreateMapPoints == true then g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter + 1; --edit previous point local out_index = 1; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter-1].out[out_index] ~= nil then out_index = out_index+1; end; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter-1].out[out_index] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter-1].out_cost[out_index] = 1; --edit current point --print("Creating Waypoint #" .. g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter] = createNode(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter,{},{},{},{}); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter].incoming[1] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter-1; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter].x = x; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter].y = y; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter].z = z; end; if self.bcreateModeDual == true then g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter-1].incoming[2] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter; --edit current point g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter].out[1] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter-1; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter].out_cost[1] = 1; end; i = i+1; end; end; end; end; end; end; if self.bActive == true and self.bUnloadAtTrigger == true and self.isServer == true then local trailers = {}; local trailerCount = 0; local trailer = nil; if self.attachedImplements ~= nil then for _, implement in pairs(self.attachedImplements) do if implement.object ~= nil then if implement.object.typeDesc == g_i18n:getText("typeDesc_tipper") then trailer = implement.object; trailers[1] = trailer; trailerCount = 1; for __,impl in pairs(trailer.attachedImplements) do if impl.object ~= nil then if impl.object.typeDesc == g_i18n:getText("typeDesc_tipper") then trailers[2] = impl.object; trailerCount = 2; for ___,implement3 in pairs(trailers[2].attachedImplements) do if implement3.object ~= nil then if implement3.object.typeDesc == g_i18n:getText("typeDesc_tipper") then trailers[3] = implement3.object; trailerCount = 3; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; --check distance to unloading destination, do not unload too far from it. You never know where the tractor might already drive over an unloading trigger before that local x,y,z = getWorldTranslation(veh.components[1].node); local destination = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[self.ntargetSelected_Unload]; local distance = getDistance(x,z, destination.x, destination.z); if distance < 40 then --check trailer trigger: trailerTipTriggers local globalUnload = false; for _,trailer in pairs(trailers) do if trailer ~= nil then for _,trigger in pairs(g_currentMission.tipTriggers) do local allowed,minDistance,bestPoint = trigger:getTipInfoForTrailer(trailer, trailer.preferedTipReferencePointIndex); --print("Min distance: " .. minDistance); if allowed and minDistance == 0 then if trailer.tipping ~= true then --print("toggling tip state for " .. trigger.stationName .. " distance: " .. minDistance ); trailer:toggleTipState(trigger, bestPoint); self.bPaused = true; self.bUnloading = true; trailer.tipping = true; end; end; if trailer.tipState == Trailer.TIPSTATE_CLOSED and self.bUnloading == true and trailer.tipping == true then --print("trailer is unloaded. continue"); trailer.tipping = false; end; if trailer.tipping == true or self.bPaused == false then globalUnload = true; end; end; end; end; if (globalUnload == false and self.bUnloading == true) or self.bPaused == false then self.bPaused = false; self.bUnloading = false; end; end; --check distance to unloading destination, do not unload too far from it. You never know where the tractor might already drive over an unloading trigger before that local x,y,z = getWorldTranslation(veh.components[1].node); local destination = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[self.ntargetSelected]; local distance = getDistance(x,z, destination.x, destination.z); if distance < 40 then --print("distance < 40"); local globalLoading = false; for _,trailer in pairs(trailers) do if trailer ~= nil and self.unloadType ~= -1 then --print("Trailer detected. unloadType = " .. self.unloadType .. " level: " .. trailer:getFillLevel(self.unloadType)); for _,trigger in pairs(g_currentMission.siloTriggers) do local valid = trigger:getIsValidTrailer(trailer); local level = trigger:getFillLevel(self.unloadType); local activatable = trigger.activeTriggers >=4 --trigger:getIsActivatable() local correctTrailer = false; if trigger.siloTrailer == trailer then correctTrailer = true; end; --print("valid: " .. tostring(valid) .. " level: " .. tostring(level) .. " activatable: " .. tostring(activatable) .. " correctTrailer: " .. tostring(correctTrailer) ); if valid and level > 0 and activatable and correctTrailer and trailer.bLoading ~= true then -- if trailer:getFreeCapacity() > 1 then --print("Starting to unload into trailer" ); trigger:startFill(self.unloadType); self.bPaused = true; self.bLoading = true; trailer.bLoading = true; end; end; if (trailer:getFreeCapacity(self.unloadType) <= 0 or self.bPaused == false) and trailer.bLoading == true and correctTrailer == true then --print("trailer is full. continue"); trigger:stopFill(); trailer.bLoading = false; end; if trailer.bLoading == true then globalLoading = true; end; end; end; end; if (globalLoading == false and self.bLoading == true) or self.bPaused == false then self.bPaused = false; self.bLoading = false; end; end; end; if self.bPaused == true and not self.bUnloading and not self.bLoading then if trailer == nil or trailer:getFreeCapacity() <= 0 then self.bPaused = false; end; end; end; --triger test end if self.isServer == true then AutoDriveInputEvent:sendEvent(self); --print("Sending Event as server"); end; --AutoDrive:log(dt); end; function AutoDrive:updateButtons(vehicle) for _,button in pairs(AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons) do if == "input_silomode" then local buttonImg = ""; if vehicle.bReverseTrack == true then button.img_active = button.img_on; else if vehicle.bUnloadAtTrigger == true then button.img_active = button.img_3; else button.img_active = button.img_off; end; end; button.ov = Overlay:new(nil, button.img_active,button.posX ,button.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth, AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight); end; if == "input_record" then local buttonImg = ""; if vehicle.bcreateMode == true then button.img_active = button.img_on; if vehicle.bcreateModeDual == true then button.img_active = button.img_dual; end; else button.img_active = button.img_off; end; button.ov = Overlay:new(nil, button.img_active,button.posX ,button.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth, AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight); end; if == "input_start_stop" then local buttonImg = ""; if vehicle.bActive == true then button.img_active = button.img_on; else button.img_active = button.img_off; end; button.ov = Overlay:new(nil, button.img_active,button.posX ,button.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth, AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight); end; if == "input_debug" then local buttonImg = ""; if vehicle.bCreateMapPoints == true then button.img_active = button.img_on; else button.img_active = button.img_off; end; button.ov = Overlay:new(nil, button.img_active,button.posX ,button.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth, AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight); end; --[[ if == "input_showClosest" then local buttonImg = ""; if vehicle.bShowDebugMapMarker == true then button.img_active = button.img_on; else button.img_active = button.img_off; end; button.ov = Overlay:new(nil, button.img_active,button.posX ,button.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth, AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight); end; --]] if == "input_showNeighbor" then if vehicle.bCreateMapPoints == true then button.isVisible = true else button.isVisible = false; end; local buttonImg = ""; if vehicle.bShowSelectedDebugPoint == true then button.img_active = button.img_on; else button.img_active = button.img_off; end; button.ov = Overlay:new(nil, button.img_active,button.posX ,button.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth, AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight); end; if == "input_toggleConnection" then if vehicle.bCreateMapPoints == true then button.isVisible = true else button.isVisible = false; end; end; if == "input_nextNeighbor" then if vehicle.bCreateMapPoints == true then button.isVisible = true else button.isVisible = false; end; end; if == "input_createMapMarker" then if vehicle.bCreateMapPoints == true then button.isVisible = true else button.isVisible = false; end; end; if == "input_exportRoutes" then if vehicle.bCreateMapPoints == true then button.isVisible = true else button.isVisible = false; end; end; if == "input_recalculate" then local buttonImg = ""; if AutoDrive:GetChanged() == true then button.isVisible = true; else button.isVisible = false; end; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation ~= nil then if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.Recalculation.continue == true then button.img_active = button.img_off; else button.img_active = button.img_on; end; else button.img_active = button.img_on; end; button.ov = Overlay:new(nil, button.img_active,button.posX ,button.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth, AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight); end; if == "input_removeWaypoint" then local buttonImg = ""; if vehicle.bCreateMapPoints == true then button.isVisible = true button.img_active = button.img_on; else button.isVisible = false; button.img_active = button.img_off; end; button.ov = Overlay:new(nil, button.img_active,button.posX ,button.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.buttonWidth, AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight); end; --[[ if == "input_nextTarget_Unload" then if vehicle.bUnloadAtTrigger == true then button.isVisible = true; else button.isVisible = false; end; end; if == "input_previousTarget_Unload" then if vehicle.bUnloadAtTrigger == true then button.isVisible = true; else button.isVisible = false; end; end; if == "input_continue" then if vehicle.bUnloadAtTrigger == true then button.isVisible = true; else button.isVisible = false; end; end; --]] end; end; function AutoDrive:log(dt) self.nlastLogged = self.nlastLogged + dt; if self.nlastLogged >= self.nloggingInterval then self.nlastLogged = self.nlastLogged - self.nloggingInterval; if self.logMessage ~= "" then print(self.logMessage); self.logMessage = ""; end; end; end; function AutoDrive:addlog(text) --[[ if string.find(self.logMessage, text) == nil then self.logMessage = self.logMessage .. text .. "\n"; end; --]] self.logMessage = text; end; function createVector(x,y,z) local table t = {}; t["x"] = x; t["y"] = y; t["z"] = z; return t; end; function getDistance(x1,z1,x2,z2) return math.sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (z1-z2)*(z1-z2) ); end; function readWayPoints() --read xmlFile --unique for each map --waypoints are ordered in a bidirectional graph end; function findWay(startWayPointID, targetWayPointID) --graph algorithm to find shortest path towards target --return list of waypoints end; function AutoDrive:findClosestWayPoint(veh) --returns waypoint closest to vehicle position local x1,y1,z1 = getWorldTranslation(veh.components[1].node); local closest = 1; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[1] ~= nil then local distance = getDistance(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[1].x,g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[1].z,x1,z1); for i in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do local dis = getDistance(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[i].x,g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[i].z,x1,z1); if dis < distance then closest = i; distance = dis; end; end; end; return closest; end; function AutoDrive:findMatchingWayPoint(veh) --returns waypoint closest to vehicle position and with the most suited heading local x1,y1,z1 = getWorldTranslation(veh.components[1].node); local rx,ry,rz = localDirectionToWorld(veh.components[1].node, 0,0,1); local vehicleVector = {x= math.sin(rx) ,z= math.sin(rz) }; --drawDebugLine(x1, y1+4, z1, 1,0,0, x1 + math.sin(rx)*2 , y1+4, z1 + math.sin(rz), 1,0,0); local candidates = {}; local candidatesCounter = 0; for i in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do local dis = getDistance(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[i].x,g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[i].z,x1,z1); if dis < 20 and dis > 1 then candidatesCounter = candidatesCounter + 1; candidates[candidatesCounter] = i; end; end; if candidatesCounter == 0 then return AutoDrive:findClosestWayPoint(veh); end; local closest = -1; local distance = -1; local angle = -1; for i,id in pairs(candidates) do local point = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[id]; local nextP = -1; if point.out ~= nil then if point.out[1] ~= nil then nextP = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[point.out[1]]; end; end; if nextP ~= -1 then local tempVec = {x= nextP.x - point.x, z= nextP.z - point.z}; local tempVecToVehicle = { x = point.x - x1, z = point.z - z1 }; local tempAngle = AutoDrive:angleBetween(vehicleVector, tempVec); local tempAngleToVehicle = AutoDrive:angleBetween(vehicleVector, tempVecToVehicle); local dis = getDistance(point.x,point.z,x1,z1); if closest == -1 and math.abs(tempAngle) < 60 and math.abs(tempAngleToVehicle) < 30 then closest =; distance = dis; angle = tempAngle; --print("TempAngle to vehicle: " .. tempAngleToVehicle); else if math.abs(tempAngle) < math.abs(angle) then if math.abs(tempAngleToVehicle) < 30 then if math.abs(angle) < 20 then if dis < distance then closest =; distance = dis; angle = tempAngle; --print("TempAngle to vehicle: " .. tempAngleToVehicle); end; else closest =; distance = dis; angle = tempAngle; end; end; end; end; end; end; if closest == -1 then return AutoDrive:findClosestWayPoint(veh); end; --local tempVecToVehicle = { x = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].x - x1, z = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].z - z1 }; --drawDebugLine(x1, y1+4, z1, 0,0,1, x1 + tempVecToVehicle.x , y1+4, z1 + tempVecToVehicle.z, 0,0,1); return closest; end; function AutoDrive:draw() if self.moduleInitialized == true then if self.nCurrentWayPoint > 0 then if[self.nCurrentWayPoint+1] ~= nil then --print("drawing debug line"); drawDebugLine([self.nCurrentWayPoint].x,[self.nCurrentWayPoint].y+4,[self.nCurrentWayPoint].z, 0,1,1,[self.nCurrentWayPoint+1].x,[self.nCurrentWayPoint+1].y+4,[self.nCurrentWayPoint+1].z, 1,1,1); end; if[self.nCurrentWayPoint-1] ~= nil then drawDebugLine([self.nCurrentWayPoint-1].x,[self.nCurrentWayPoint-1].y+4,[self.nCurrentWayPoint-1].z, 0,1,1,[self.nCurrentWayPoint].x,[self.nCurrentWayPoint].y+4,[self.nCurrentWayPoint].z, 1,1,1); end; end; if self.bcreateMode == true then local _drawCounter = 1; for n in pairs( do if[n+1] ~= nil then drawDebugLine([n].x,[n].y+4,[n].z, 0,1,1,[n+1].x,[n+1].y+4,[n+1].z, 1,1,1); else drawDebugLine([n].x,[n].y+4,[n].z, 0,1,1,[n].x,[n].y+5,[n].z, 1,1,1); end; end; end; if self.bCreateMapPoints == true then if self == g_currentMission.controlledVehicle then for i,point in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do local x1,y1,z1 = getWorldTranslation(self.components[1].node); local distance = getDistance(point.x,point.z,x1,z1); if distance < 50 then if point.out ~= nil then for i2,neighbor in pairs(point.out) do local testDual = false; for _,incoming in pairs(point.incoming) do if incoming == neighbor then testDual = true; end; end; if testDual == true then drawDebugLine(point.x, point.y+4, point.z, 1,0,0, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[neighbor].x, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[neighbor].y+4, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[neighbor].z, 1,0,0); else drawDebugLine(point.x, point.y+4, point.z, 0,1,0, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[neighbor].x, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[neighbor].y+4, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[neighbor].z, 1,1,1); end; end; end; end; end; for markerID,marker in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker) do local x1,y1,z1 = getWorldTranslation(self.components[1].node); local x2,y2,z2 = getWorldTranslation(marker.node); local distance = getDistance(x2,z2,x1,z1); if distance < 50 then DebugUtil.drawDebugNode(marker.node,; end; end; if self.bShowDebugMapMarker == true and g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[1] ~= nil then local closest = AutoDrive:findClosestWayPoint(self); local x1,y1,z1 = getWorldTranslation(self.components[1].node); drawDebugLine(x1, y1, z1, 0,0,1, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].x, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].y+4, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].z, 0,0,1); if self.printMessage == nil or string.find(self.printMessage, g_i18n:getText("AD_Debug_closest")) ~= nil then --self.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Debug_closest") .. closest; --self.nPrintTime = 6000; end; if self.bCreateMapMarker == true and self.bEnteringMapMarker == false then g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarkerCounter = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarkerCounter + 1; local node = createTransformGroup(self.sEnteredMapMarkerString); setTranslation(node, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].x, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].y + 4 , g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].z ); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarkerCounter] = {id=closest, name= self.sEnteredMapMarkerString, node=node}; self.bCreateMapMarker = false; --self.printMessage = g_i18n:getText("AD_Debug_waypoint_created_1") .. closest .. g_i18n:getText("AD_Debug_waypoint_created_2"); --self.nPrintTime = 30000; AutoDrive:MarkChanged(); g_currentMission.isPlayerFrozen = false; self.isBroken = false; --g_currentMission.controlPlayer = true; end; if self.bShowSelectedDebugPoint == true then if self.DebugPointsIterated[self.nSelectedDebugPoint] ~= nil then drawDebugLine(x1, y1, z1, 1,1,1, self.DebugPointsIterated[self.nSelectedDebugPoint].x, self.DebugPointsIterated[self.nSelectedDebugPoint].y+4, self.DebugPointsIterated[self.nSelectedDebugPoint].z, 1,1,1); else self.nSelectedDebugPoint = 1; end; if self.bChangeSelectedDebugPoint == true then local out_counter = 1; local exists = false; for i in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].out) do if exists == true then --print ("Entry exists "..i.. " out_counter: "..out_counter); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].out[out_counter] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].out[i]; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].out_cost[out_counter] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].out_cost[i]; out_counter = out_counter +1; else if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].out[i] == self.DebugPointsIterated[self.nSelectedDebugPoint].id then AutoDrive:MarkChanged() g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].out[i] = nil; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].out_cost[i] = nil; if g_currentMission.autoLoadedMap ~= nil and g_currentMission.AutoDrive.adXml ~= nil then removeXMLProperty(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.adXml, "AutoDrive." .. g_currentMission.autoLoadedMap .. ".waypoints.wp".. closest ..".out" .. i) ; removeXMLProperty(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.adXml, "AutoDrive." .. g_currentMission.autoLoadedMap .. ".waypoints.wp".. closest ..".out_cost" .. i) ; end; local incomingExists = false; for _,i2 in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[self.nSelectedDebugPoint].incoming) do if i2 == closest or incomingExists then incomingExists = true; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[self.nSelectedDebugPoint].incoming[_ + 1] ~= nil then g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[self.nSelectedDebugPoint].incoming[_] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[self.nSelectedDebugPoint].incoming[_ + 1]; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[self.nSelectedDebugPoint].incoming[_ + 1] = nil; else g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[self.nSelectedDebugPoint].incoming[_] = nil; end; end; end; exists = true; else out_counter = out_counter +1; end; end; end; if exists == false then g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].out[out_counter] = self.DebugPointsIterated[self.nSelectedDebugPoint].id; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].out_cost[out_counter] = 1; local incomingCounter = 1; for _,id in pairs(self.DebugPointsIterated[self.nSelectedDebugPoint].incoming) do incomingCounter = incomingCounter + 1; end; self.DebugPointsIterated[self.nSelectedDebugPoint].incoming[incomingCounter] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[closest].id; AutoDrive:MarkChanged() end; self.bChangeSelectedDebugPoint = false; end; if self.bChangeSelectedDebugPointSelection == true then self.nSelectedDebugPoint = self.nSelectedDebugPoint + 1; self.bChangeSelectedDebugPointSelection = false; end; end; end; end; --Traffic collision debug drawing --[[ if self.aiTrafficCollisionTrigger ~= nil then local number = getNumOfChildren(self.aiTrafficCollisionTrigger); if number > 3 then --print("Number of childrens larger three " .. number); local x1,y1,z1 = getWorldTranslation(getChildAt(self.aiTrafficCollisionTrigger, 1)); local x2,y2,z2 = getWorldTranslation(getChildAt(self.aiTrafficCollisionTrigger, 2)); local x3,y3,z3 = getWorldTranslation(getChildAt(self.aiTrafficCollisionTrigger, 3)); local x4,y4,z4 = getWorldTranslation(getChildAt(self.aiTrafficCollisionTrigger, 4)); drawDebugLine(x1, y1+4, z1, 1,0,0, x2, y2+4, z2, 1,0,0); drawDebugLine(x2, y2+4, z2, 1,0,0, x3, y3+4, z3, 1,0,0); drawDebugLine(x3, y3+4, z3, 1,0,0, x4, y4+4, z4, 1,0,0); drawDebugLine(x4, y4+4, z4, 1,0,0, x1, y1+4, z1, 1,0,0); else --print("Number of childrens: " .. number); local x1,y1,z1 = getWorldTranslation(self.components[1].node); local x2,y2,z2 = getWorldTranslation(self.aiTrafficCollisionTrigger); drawDebugLine(x1, y1+4, z1, 1,0,0, x2, y2+4, z2, 1,0,0); local parent = getParent(self.aiTrafficCollisionTrigger) if parent ~= nil then local x3,y3,z3 = getWorldTranslation(parent); --drawDebugLine(x2, y2+4, z2, 0,0,1, x3, y3+4, z3, 0,0,1); end; end; for _,coli in pairs( do local x1,y1,z1 = getWorldTranslation(self.aiTrafficCollisionTrigger); local x2,y2,z2 = getWorldTranslation(coli); drawDebugLine(x1, y1+4, z1, 0,1,1, x2, y2+4, z2, 0,1,1); end; end; --]] end; if self == g_currentMission.controlledVehicle then if AutoDrive.printMessage ~= nil then local adFontSize = 0.014; local adPosX = 0.03 + g_currentMission.helpBoxWidth local adPosY = 0.975; setTextColor(1,1,1,1); renderText(adPosX, adPosY, adFontSize, AutoDrive.printMessage); --self.printMessage = nil; end; if self.printMessage ~= nil and AutoDrive.printMessage == nil then local adFontSize = 0.014; local adPosX = 0.03 + g_currentMission.helpBoxWidth local adPosY = 0.975; setTextColor(1,1,1,1); renderText(adPosX, adPosY, adFontSize, self.printMessage); --self.printMessage = nil; end; end; if AutoDrive.Hud ~= nil then if AutoDrive.Hud.showHud == true then AutoDrive:drawHud(self); end; end; end; end; function AutoDrive:drawHud(vehicle) if vehicle == g_currentMission.controlledVehicle then AutoDrive:updateButtons(vehicle); --[[ local posX = 0.82; local posY = 0.15; local width = 0.16; local height = 0.10; local borderX = 0.008; local borderY = 0.005; local buttonWidth = 0.015; local buttonHeight = 0.02; --]] local ovWidth = AutoDrive.Hud.Background.width; local ovHeight = AutoDrive.Hud.Background.height; if vehicle.bEnteringMapMarker == true then ovHeight = ovHeight + 0.07; end; if vehicle.bUnloadAtTrigger == true then --ovHeight = ovHeight + 0.015; end; local buttonCounter = 0; for _,button in pairs(AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons) do buttonCounter = buttonCounter + 1; if button.isVisible then AutoDrive.Hud.rowCurrent = math.ceil(buttonCounter / AutoDrive.Hud.cols); end; end; ovHeight = ovHeight + (AutoDrive.Hud.rowCurrent-2) * 0.05; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.ov = Overlay:new(nil, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.img, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.posX, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.posY , ovWidth, ovHeight); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.posY = AutoDrive.Hud.posY + ovHeight - AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.height; AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.ov = Overlay:new(nil, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.img, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.posX, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.width, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.height); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.posY = AutoDrive.Hud.posY + ovHeight - 0.0101* (g_screenWidth / g_screenHeight); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.ov = Overlay:new(nil, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.img, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.posX, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.posY , AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.width, AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.height); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.ov:render(); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination.ov:render(); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.Header.ov:render(); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.speedmeter.ov:render(); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.divider.ov:render(); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.close_small.ov:render(); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.unloadOverlay.ov:render(); for _,button in pairs(AutoDrive.Hud.Buttons) do if button.isVisible then button.ov:render(); end; end; if true then local adFontSize = 0.009; local adPosX = AutoDrive.Hud.posX + AutoDrive.Hud.borderX; --0.03 + g_currentMission.helpBoxWidth local adPosY = AutoDrive.Hud.posY + ovHeight - adFontSize - 0.002; --+ 0.003; --0.975; setTextColor(1,1,1,1); renderText(adPosX, adPosY, adFontSize,"AutoDrive"); if ~= "" and <= 0 then renderText(adPosX + 0.03, adPosY, adFontSize," - " ..; end; end; if vehicle.sTargetSelected ~= nil then local adFontSize = 0.013; local adPosX = AutoDrive.Hud.posX + AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination.width; -- + AutoDrive.Hud.borderX; --0.03 + g_currentMission.helpBoxWidth local adPosY = AutoDrive.Hud.posY + 0.04 + (AutoDrive.Hud.borderY + AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight) * AutoDrive.Hud.rowCurrent; --+ 0.003; --0.975; if vehicle.bChoosingDestination == true then if vehicle.sChosenDestination ~= "" then setTextColor(1,1,1,1); renderText(adPosX, adPosY, adFontSize, vehicle.sTargetSelected); end; if vehicle.sEnteredChosenDestination ~= "" then setTextColor(1,0,0,1); renderText(adPosX, adPosY, adFontSize, vehicle.sEnteredChosenDestination); end; else setTextColor(1,1,1,1); renderText(adPosX, adPosY, adFontSize, vehicle.sTargetSelected); end; setTextColor(1,1,1,1); renderText(AutoDrive.Hud.posX - 0.012 + AutoDrive.Hud.width, adPosY, adFontSize, "" .. vehicle.nSpeed); --[[ local img1 = Utils.getNoNil("img/", "" ) local state, result = pcall( Utils.getFilename, img1, ) if not state then print("ERROR: "..tostring(result).." (img1: "..tostring(img1)..")") return end local target_ov = Overlay:new(nil, result, adPosX, adPosY , 0.01, 0.01* (g_screenWidth / g_screenHeight)); target_ov:render(); --]] end; if vehicle.bEnteringMapMarker == true then local adFontSize = 0.012; local adPosX = AutoDrive.Hud.posX + AutoDrive.Hud.borderX; --0.03 + g_currentMission.helpBoxWidth local adPosY = AutoDrive.Hud.posY + 0.085 + (AutoDrive.Hud.borderY + AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight) * AutoDrive.Hud.rowCurrent; --+ 0.003; --0.975; setTextColor(1,1,1,1); renderText(adPosX, adPosY + 0.02, adFontSize, g_i18n:getText("AD_new_marker_helptext")); renderText(adPosX, adPosY, adFontSize, g_i18n:getText("AD_new_marker") .. " " .. vehicle.sEnteredMapMarkerString); end; if vehicle.bUnloadAtTrigger == true then local adFontSize = 0.013; local adPosX = AutoDrive.Hud.posX + AutoDrive.Hud.Background.destination.width; --0.03 + g_currentMission.helpBoxWidth local adPosY = AutoDrive.Hud.posY + 0.008 + (AutoDrive.Hud.borderY + AutoDrive.Hud.buttonHeight) * AutoDrive.Hud.rowCurrent; --+ 0.003; --0.975; setTextColor(1,1,1,1); AutoDrive.Hud.Background.unloadOverlay.ov:render(); renderText(adPosX, adPosY, adFontSize, vehicle.sTargetSelected_Unload); --g_i18n:getText("AD_intermediate") .. end; end; end; function AutoDrive:removeMapWayPoint(del) AutoDrive:MarkChanged(); --remove node on all out going nodes for _,node in pairs(del.out) do local IncomingCounter = 1; local deleted = false; for __,incoming in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[node].incoming) do if incoming == then deleted = true end if deleted then if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[node].incoming[__ + 1] ~= nil then g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[node].incoming[__] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[node].incoming[__ + 1]; --g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[node].incoming[__ + 1] = nil; else g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[node].incoming[__] = nil; end; end; end; end; --remove node on all incoming nodes for _,node in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do local deleted = false; for __,out_id in pairs(node.out) do if out_id == then deleted = true; end; if deleted then if node.out[__ + 1 ] ~= nil then node.out[__] = node.out[__+1]; node.out_cost[__] = node.out_cost[__+1]; else node.out[__] = nil; node.out_cost[__] = nil; end; end; end; end; --adjust ids for all succesive nodes :( local deleted = false; for _,node in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do if _ > then local oldID =; --adjust all possible references in nodes that have a connection with this node for __,innerNode in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do for ___,innerNodeOutID in pairs(innerNode.out) do if innerNodeOutID == oldID then innerNode.out[___] = oldID - 1; end; end; end; for __,outGoingID in pairs(node.out) do for ___,innerNodeIncoming in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[outGoingID].incoming) do if innerNodeIncoming == oldID then g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[outGoingID].incoming[___] = oldID - 1; end; end; end; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[_ - 1] = node; = - 1; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[_ + 1] == nil then deleted = true; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[_] = nil; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter - 1; end; end; end; --must have been last added waypoint that got deleted. handle this here: if deleted == false then g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter] = nil; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter - 1; end; --adjust all mapmarkers local deletedMarker = false; for _,marker in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker) do if == then deletedMarker = true; end; if deletedMarker then if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[_+1] ~= nil then g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[_] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[_+1]; else g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[_] = nil; end; end; if > then = -1; end; end; end; function AutoDrive:removeMapMarker(del) --adjust all mapmarkers local deletedMarker = false; for _,marker in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker) do if == then deletedMarker = true; end; if deletedMarker then if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[_+1] ~= nil then g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[_] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[_+1]; else g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[_] = nil; end; end; end; AutoDrive:MarkChanged() end function getFillType_new(fillType, implementTypeName) local sFillType = g_i18n:getText("UNKNOWN"); if FillUtil.fillTypeIndexToDesc[fillType] ~= nil then output1 = FillUtil.fillTypeIndexToDesc[fillType].nameI18N if string.find(output1, "Missing") then sFillType = g_i18n:getText("UNKNOWN"); else sFillType = output1; end; end; return sFillType; end; function round(num, idp) if Utils.getNoNil(num, 0) > 0 then local mult = 10^(idp or 0); return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult; else return 0; end; end; function getPercentage(capacity, level) return level / capacity * 100; end; function AutoDrive:angleBetween(vec1, vec2) local scalarproduct_top = vec1.x * vec2.x + vec1.z * vec2.z; local scalarproduct_down = math.sqrt(vec1.x * vec1.x + vec1.z*vec1.z) * math.sqrt(vec2.x * vec2.x + vec2.z*vec2.z) local scalarproduct = scalarproduct_top / scalarproduct_down; return math.deg(math.acos(scalarproduct)); end function AutoDrive:detectTraffic(vehicle, wp_next) local x,y,z = getWorldTranslation( vehicle.components[1].node ); --create bounding box to check for vehicle local width = vehicle.sizeWidth; local length = vehicle.sizeLength; local vectorToWp = { x = wp_next.x - x, z = wp_next.z - z }; local ortho = { x=-vectorToWp.z, z=vectorToWp.x }; local boundingBox = {}; boundingBox[1] ={ x = x + (width/2) * ( ortho.x / (math.abs(ortho.x)+math.abs(ortho.z)) ), z = z + (width/2) * ( ortho.z / (math.abs(ortho.x)+math.abs(ortho.z)) ) }; boundingBox[2] ={ x = x - (width/2) * ( ortho.x / (math.abs(ortho.x)+math.abs(ortho.z)) ), z = z - (width/2) * ( ortho.z / (math.abs(ortho.x)+math.abs(ortho.z)) ) }; boundingBox[3] ={ x = x - (width/2) * ( ortho.x / (math.abs(ortho.x)+math.abs(ortho.z)) ) + (length/2 + 6) * (vectorToWp.x/(math.abs(vectorToWp.x) + math.abs(vectorToWp.z) )), z = z - (width/2) * ( ortho.z / (math.abs(ortho.x)+math.abs(ortho.z)) ) + (length/2 + 6) * (vectorToWp.z/(math.abs(vectorToWp.x) + math.abs(vectorToWp.z) )) }; boundingBox[4] ={ x = x + (width/2) * ( ortho.x / (math.abs(ortho.x)+math.abs(ortho.z)) ) + (length/2 + 6) * (vectorToWp.x/(math.abs(vectorToWp.x) + math.abs(vectorToWp.z) )), z = z + (width/2) * ( ortho.z / (math.abs(ortho.x)+math.abs(ortho.z)) ) + (length/2 + 6) * (vectorToWp.z/(math.abs(vectorToWp.x) + math.abs(vectorToWp.z) )) }; --[[ drawDebugLine(boundingBox[1].x, y+4, boundingBox[1].z, 1,0,0, boundingBox[2].x, y+4, boundingBox[2].z, 1,0,0); drawDebugLine(boundingBox[2].x, y+4, boundingBox[2].z, 1,0,0, boundingBox[3].x, y+4, boundingBox[3].z, 1,0,0); drawDebugLine(boundingBox[3].x, y+4, boundingBox[3].z, 1,0,0, boundingBox[4].x, y+4, boundingBox[4].z, 1,0,0); drawDebugLine(boundingBox[4].x, y+4, boundingBox[4].z, 1,0,0, boundingBox[1].x, y+4, boundingBox[1].z, 1,0,0); --]] for _,other in pairs(g_currentMission.nodeToVehicle) do --pairs(g_currentMission.vehicles) do if other ~= vehicle then local isAttachedToMe = false; for _i,impl in pairs(vehicle.attachedImplements) do if impl.object ~= nil then if impl.object == other then isAttachedToMe = true; end; if impl.object.attachedImplements ~= nil then for _, implement in pairs(impl.object.attachedImplements) do if implement.object == other then isAttachedToMe = true; end; end; end; end; end; if isAttachedToMe == false and other.components ~= nil then if other.sizeWidth == nil then --print("vehicle " .. other.configFileName .. " has no width"); else if other.sizeLength == nil then print("vehicle " .. other.configFileName .. " has no length"); else if other.rootNode == nil then print("vehicle " .. other.configFileName .. " has no root node"); else local otherWidth = other.sizeWidth; local otherLength = other.sizeLength; local otherPos = {}; otherPos.x,otherPos.y,otherPos.z = getWorldTranslation( other.components[1].node ); --getWorldTranslation(_); -- local rx,ry,rz = localDirectionToWorld(other.components[1].node, 0, 0, 1); --localDirectionToWorld(_,0,0,1); local otherVectorToWp = {}; otherVectorToWp.x = rx --math.sin(rx); otherVectorToWp.z = rz --math.cos(rx); local otherPos2 = {}; otherPos2.x = otherPos.x + (otherLength/2) * (otherVectorToWp.x/(math.abs(otherVectorToWp.x)+math.abs(otherVectorToWp.z))); otherPos2.y = y; otherPos2.z = otherPos.z + (otherLength/2) * (otherVectorToWp.z/(math.abs(otherVectorToWp.x)+math.abs(otherVectorToWp.z))); --otherPos2.x,otherPos2.y,otherPos2.z = getWorldTranslation( other.components[2].node ); --local otherVectorToWp = { x = otherPos2.x - otherPos.x, z = otherPos2.z - otherPos.z}; local otherOrtho = { x=-otherVectorToWp.z, z=otherVectorToWp.x }; local otherBoundingBox = {}; otherBoundingBox[1] ={ x = otherPos.x + (otherWidth/2) * ( otherOrtho.x / (math.abs(otherOrtho.x)+math.abs(otherOrtho.z))) + (otherLength/2) * (otherVectorToWp.x/(math.abs(otherVectorToWp.x)+math.abs(otherVectorToWp.z))), z = otherPos.z + (otherWidth/2) * ( otherOrtho.z / (math.abs(otherOrtho.x)+math.abs(otherOrtho.z))) + (otherLength/2) * (otherVectorToWp.z/(math.abs(otherVectorToWp.x)+math.abs(otherVectorToWp.z)))}; otherBoundingBox[2] ={ x = otherPos.x - (otherWidth/2) * ( otherOrtho.x / (math.abs(otherOrtho.x)+math.abs(otherOrtho.z))) + (otherLength/2) * (otherVectorToWp.x/(math.abs(otherVectorToWp.x)+math.abs(otherVectorToWp.z))), z = otherPos.z - (otherWidth/2) * ( otherOrtho.z / (math.abs(otherOrtho.x)+math.abs(otherOrtho.z))) + (otherLength/2) * (otherVectorToWp.z/(math.abs(otherVectorToWp.x)+math.abs(otherVectorToWp.z)))}; otherBoundingBox[3] ={ x = otherPos.x - (otherWidth/2) * ( otherOrtho.x / (math.abs(otherOrtho.x)+math.abs(otherOrtho.z))) - (otherLength/2) * (otherVectorToWp.x/(math.abs(otherVectorToWp.x)+math.abs(otherVectorToWp.z))), z = otherPos.z - (otherWidth/2) * ( otherOrtho.z / (math.abs(otherOrtho.x)+math.abs(otherOrtho.z))) - (otherLength/2) * (otherVectorToWp.z/(math.abs(otherVectorToWp.x)+math.abs(otherVectorToWp.z)))}; otherBoundingBox[4] ={ x = otherPos.x + (otherWidth/2) * ( otherOrtho.x / (math.abs(otherOrtho.x)+math.abs(otherOrtho.z))) - (otherLength/2) * (otherVectorToWp.x/(math.abs(otherVectorToWp.x)+math.abs(otherVectorToWp.z))), z = otherPos.z + (otherWidth/2) * ( otherOrtho.z / (math.abs(otherOrtho.x)+math.abs(otherOrtho.z))) - (otherLength/2) * (otherVectorToWp.z/(math.abs(otherVectorToWp.x)+math.abs(otherVectorToWp.z)))}; --[[ drawDebugLine(otherPos.x,y+4,otherPos.z, 1,0,0, otherPos2.x,y+4,otherPos2.z, 1,0,0); drawDebugLine(otherBoundingBox[1].x, y+4, otherBoundingBox[1].z, 0,0,1, otherBoundingBox[2].x, y+4, otherBoundingBox[2].z, 0,0,1); drawDebugLine(otherBoundingBox[2].x, y+4, otherBoundingBox[2].z, 0,0,1, otherBoundingBox[3].x, y+4, otherBoundingBox[3].z, 0,0,1); drawDebugLine(otherBoundingBox[3].x, y+4, otherBoundingBox[3].z, 0,0,1, otherBoundingBox[4].x, y+4, otherBoundingBox[4].z, 0,0,1); drawDebugLine(otherBoundingBox[4].x, y+4, otherBoundingBox[4].z, 0,0,1, otherBoundingBox[1].x, y+4, otherBoundingBox[1].z, 0,0,1); --]] if AutoDrive:BoxesIntersect(boundingBox, otherBoundingBox) == true then if other.configFileName ~= nil then --print("vehicle " .. vehicle.configFileName .. " has collided with " .. other.configFileName); else if ~= nil then --print("vehicle " .. vehicle.configFileName .. " has collided with " ..; else --print("vehicle " .. vehicle.configFileName .. " has collided with " .. "unknown"); end; end; return true; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; return false; end function AutoDrive:BoxesIntersect(a,b) local polygons = {a, b}; local minA, maxA,minB,maxB; for i,polygon in pairs(polygons) do -- for each polygon, look at each edge of the polygon, and determine if it separates -- the two shapes for i1, corners in pairs(polygon) do --grab 2 vertices to create an edge local i2 = (i1%4 + 1) ; local p1 = polygon[i1]; local p2 = polygon[i2]; -- find the line perpendicular to this edge local normal = { x = p2.z - p1.z, z = p1.x - p2.x }; minA = nil; maxA = nil; -- for each vertex in the first shape, project it onto the line perpendicular to the edge -- and keep track of the min and max of these values for j,corner in pairs(polygons[1]) do local projected = normal.x * corner.x + normal.z * corner.z; if minA == nil or projected < minA then minA = projected; end; if maxA == nil or projected > maxA then maxA = projected; end; end; --for each vertex in the second shape, project it onto the line perpendicular to the edge --and keep track of the min and max of these values minB = nil; maxB = nil; for j, corner in pairs(polygons[2]) do projected = normal.x * corner.x + normal.z * corner.z; if minB == nil or projected < minB then minB = projected; end; if maxB == nil or projected > maxB then maxB = projected; end; end; -- if there is no overlap between the projects, the edge we are looking at separates the two -- polygons, and we know there is no overlap if maxA < minB or maxB < minA then --print("polygons don't intersect!"); return false; end; end; end; --print("polygons intersect!"); return true; end function AutoDrive:adOnTrafficCollisionTrigger(triggerId, otherId, onEnter, onLeave, onStay, otherShapeId) if otherId == self.rootNode then return end; if not self.isMotorStarted then return; end; if self.aiTrafficCollisionTrigger ~= nil then if self.aiTrafficCollisionTrigger == otherId then return; end; end; if otherId == Player.rootNode then return; end; if onEnter then local alreadyExists = false; local counter = 0; for _,coli in pairs( do if coli == otherId then alreadyExists = true; end; counter = counter + 1; end; if not alreadyExists then[counter+1] = otherId; end; end; if onLeave then local alreadyExists = false; for _,coli in pairs( do if coli == otherId then alreadyExists = true; end; if alreadyExists then if[_+1] ~= nil then[_] =[_+1]; else[_] = nil; end; end; end; end; --adding traffic vehicle to nodeToVehicle List - code from courseplays traffic detection -- is this a traffic vehicle? local vehicle = g_currentMission.nodeToVehicle[otherId]; local cm = getCollisionMask(otherId); if vehicle == nil then print("Vehicle unknown. cm: " .. cm); else --if vehicle.debuggedmessage ~= true then print("vehicle already in list. cm: " .. cm); --vehicle.debuggedmessage = true; --end; end; local x,y,z = getWorldTranslation( self.components[1].node ); local rx,ry,rz = localDirectionToWorld(self.components[1].node, 0, 0, 1); local x1,y1,z1 = getWorldTranslation( otherId ); local rx2,ry2,rz2 = localDirectionToWorld(otherId, 0, 0, 1); if getDistance(x,z,x1,z1) < 3 then --print("vehicle too close. cm: " .. cm); return; end; if vehicle == nil and (cm == 1056768 or cm == 2105410) then --bitAND(cm, 2097152) ~= 0 then -- if bit21 is part of the collisionMask then set new vehicle in GCM.NTV print("Adding path vehicle"); local pathVehicle = {} pathVehicle.rootNode = otherId pathVehicle.components = {}; pathVehicle.components[1] = {}; pathVehicle.components[1].node = otherId; pathVehicle.isCpPathvehicle = true = "PathVehicle" pathVehicle.sizeLength = 7 pathVehicle.sizeWidth = 3 g_currentMission.nodeToVehicle[otherId] = pathVehicle end; end; function AutoDrive:detectAdTrafficOnRoute(vehicle) --self.nCurrentWayPoint if vehicle.bActive == true then local idToCheck = 3; local alreadyOnDualRoute = false; if[vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint-2] ~= nil and[vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint-1] ~= nil then if[vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint-2].incoming ~= nil then for _,incoming in pairs([vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint-2].incoming) do if incoming ==[vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint-1].id then alreadyOnDualRoute = true; end; end; end; end; if[vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint+idToCheck] ~= nil and[vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint+idToCheck+1] ~= nil and not alreadyOnDualRoute then local dualRoute = false; for _,incoming in pairs([vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint+idToCheck].incoming) do if incoming ==[vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint+idToCheck+1].id then dualRoute = true; end; end; local dualRoutePoints = {}; local counter = 0; idToCheck = -3; while dualRoute == true or idToCheck < 3 do if[vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint+idToCheck] ~= nil and[vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint+idToCheck+1] ~= nil then local testDual = false; for _,incoming in pairs([vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint+idToCheck].incoming) do if incoming ==[vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint+idToCheck+1].id then testDual = true; end; end; if testDual == true then counter = counter + 1; dualRoutePoints[counter] =[vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint+idToCheck].id; else dualRoute = false; end; end; idToCheck = idToCheck + 1; end; local trafficDetected = false; vehicle.trafficVehicle = nil; if counter > 0 then for _,other in pairs(g_currentMission.nodeToVehicle) do if other ~= vehicle and other.bActive == true then local onSameRoute = false; local window = 2; local i = -window; while i <= window do if[other.nCurrentWayPoint+i] ~= nil then for _,point in pairs(dualRoutePoints) do if point ==[other.nCurrentWayPoint+i].id then onSameRoute = true; end; end; end; i = i + 1; end; if onSameRoute == true and other.trafficVehicle == nil then trafficDetected = true; vehicle.trafficVehicle = other; end; end; end; end; if trafficDetected == true then --print("Traffic deteced"); return true; end; end; end; return false; end function AutoDrive:ExportRoutes() AutoDrive.adExportSaveFolderPath = getUserProfileAppPath() .. 'autoDriveExport'; createFolder(AutoDrive.adExportSaveFolderPath); AutoDrive.adImportSaveFolderPath = getUserProfileAppPath() .. 'autoDriveImport'; createFolder(AutoDrive.adImportSaveFolderPath); local exportFile = AutoDrive.adExportSaveFolderPath .. "/AutoDrive_export.xml"; print("AD: creating xml file at " .. exportFile); local exportXml = createXMLFile("AutoDrive_XML", exportFile, "AutoDrive"); saveXMLFile(exportXml); setXMLString(exportXml, "AutoDrive.Version", AutoDrive.Version); if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.handledRecalculation ~= true then setXMLString(exportXml, "AutoDrive.Recalculation", "true"); print("AD: Set to recalculating routes"); else setXMLString(exportXml, "AutoDrive.Recalculation", "false"); print("AD: Set to not recalculating routes"); end; local idFullTable = {}; local idString = ""; local xTable = {}; local xString = ""; local yTable = {}; local yString = ""; local zTable = {}; local zString = ""; local outTable = {}; local outString = ""; local incomingTable = {}; local incomingString = ""; local out_costTable = {}; local out_costString = ""; local markerNamesTable = {}; local markerNames = ""; local markerIDsTable = {}; local markerIDs = ""; for i,p in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do --idString = idString .. .. ","; idFullTable[i] =; --xString = xString .. p.x .. ","; xTable[i] = p.x; --yString = yString .. p.y .. ","; yTable[i] = p.y; --zString = zString .. p.z .. ","; zTable[i] = p.z; --outString = outString .. table.concat(p.out, ",") .. ";"; outTable[i] = table.concat(p.out, ","); local innerIncomingTable = {}; local innerIncomingCounter = 1; for i2, p2 in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do for i3, out2 in pairs(p2.out) do if out2 == then innerIncomingTable[innerIncomingCounter] =; innerIncomingCounter = innerIncomingCounter + 1; --incomingString = incomingString .. .. ","; end; end; end; incomingTable[i] = table.concat(innerIncomingTable, ","); --incomingString = incomingString .. ";"; out_costTable[i] = table.concat(p.out_cost, ","); --out_costString = out_costString .. table.concat(p.out_cost, ",") .. ";"; local markerCounter = 1; local innerMarkerNamesTable = {}; local innerMarkerIDsTable = {}; for i2,marker in pairs(p.marker) do innerMarkerIDsTable[markerCounter] = marker; --markerIDs = markerIDs .. marker .. ","; innerMarkerNamesTable[markerCounter] = i2; --markerNames = markerNames .. i2 .. ","; markerCounter = markerCounter + 1; end; markerNamesTable[i] = table.concat(innerMarkerNamesTable, ","); markerIDsTable[i] = table.concat(innerMarkerIDsTable, ","); --markerIDs = markerIDs .. ";"; --markerNames = markerNames .. ";"; end; if idFullTable[1] ~= nil then setXMLString(exportXml, "" , table.concat(idFullTable, ",") ); setXMLString(exportXml, "AutoDrive.waypoints.x" , table.concat(xTable, ",")); setXMLString(exportXml, "AutoDrive.waypoints.y" , table.concat(yTable, ",")); setXMLString(exportXml, "AutoDrive.waypoints.z" , table.concat(zTable, ",")); setXMLString(exportXml, "AutoDrive.waypoints.out" , table.concat(outTable, ";")); setXMLString(exportXml, "AutoDrive.waypoints.incoming" , table.concat(incomingTable, ";") ); setXMLString(exportXml, "AutoDrive.waypoints.out_cost" , table.concat(out_costTable, ";")); if markerIDsTable[1] ~= nil then setXMLString(exportXml, "AutoDrive.waypoints.markerID" , table.concat(markerIDsTable, ";")); setXMLString(exportXml, "AutoDrive.waypoints.markerNames" , table.concat(markerNamesTable, ";")); end; end; for i in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker) do setXMLFloat(exportXml, "".. i ..".id", g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[i].id); setXMLString(exportXml, "".. i ..".name", g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[i].name); end; saveXMLFile(exportXml); end; function AutoDrive:ImportRoutes() AutoDrive.adImportSaveFolderPath = getUserProfileAppPath() .. 'autoDriveImport'; local importFile = AutoDrive.adImportSaveFolderPath .. "/AutoDrive_export.xml"; local importXml = nil; if fileExists(importFile) then print("AD: Importing xml file from " .. importFile); importXml = loadXMLFile("AutoDrive_XML", importFile); local idString = getXMLString(importXml, ""); local idTable = Utils.splitString("," , idString); local xString = getXMLString(importXml, "AutoDrive.waypoints.x"); local xTable = Utils.splitString("," , xString); local yString = getXMLString(importXml, "AutoDrive.waypoints.y"); local yTable = Utils.splitString("," ,yString); local zString = getXMLString(importXml, "AutoDrive.waypoints.z"); local zTable = Utils.splitString("," , zString); local outString = getXMLString(importXml, "AutoDrive.waypoints.out"); local outTable = Utils.splitString(";" , outString); local outSplitted = {}; for i, outer in pairs(outTable) do local out = Utils.splitString("," , outer); outSplitted[i] = out; end; local incomingString = getXMLString(importXml, "AutoDrive.waypoints.incoming"); local incomingTable = Utils.splitString(";" , incomingString); local incomingSplitted = {}; for i, outer in pairs(incomingTable) do local incoming = Utils.splitString("," , outer); incomingSplitted[i] = incoming; end; local out_costString = getXMLString(importXml, "AutoDrive.waypoints.out_cost"); local out_costTable = Utils.splitString(";" , out_costString); local out_costSplitted = {}; for i, outer in pairs(out_costTable) do local out_cost = Utils.splitString("," , outer); out_costSplitted[i] = out_cost; end; local markerIDString = getXMLString(importXml, "AutoDrive.waypoints.markerID"); local markerIDTable = Utils.splitString(";" , markerIDString); local markerIDSplitted = {}; for i, outer in pairs(markerIDTable) do local markerID = Utils.splitString("," , outer); markerIDSplitted[i] = markerID; end; local markerNamesString = getXMLString(importXml, "AutoDrive.waypoints.markerNames"); local markerNamesTable = Utils.splitString(";" , markerNamesString); local markerNamesSplitted = {}; for i, outer in pairs(markerNamesTable) do local markerNames = Utils.splitString("," , outer); markerNamesSplitted[i] = markerNames; end; local wp_counter = 0; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints = {}; for i, id in pairs(idTable) do if id ~= "" then wp_counter = wp_counter +1; local wp = {}; wp["id"] = tonumber(id); wp["out"] = {}; for i2,outString in pairs(outSplitted[i]) do wp["out"][i2] = tonumber(outString); end; wp["incoming"] = {}; local incoming_counter = 1; for i2, incomingID in pairs(incomingSplitted[i]) do if incomingID ~= "" then wp["incoming"][incoming_counter] = tonumber(incomingID); end; incoming_counter = incoming_counter +1; end; wp["out_cost"] = {}; for i2,out_costString in pairs(out_costSplitted[i]) do wp["out_cost"][i2] = tonumber(out_costString); end; wp["marker"] = {}; for i2, markerName in pairs(markerNamesSplitted[i]) do if markerName ~= "" then wp.marker[markerName] = tonumber(markerIDSplitted[i][i2]); end; end; wp.x = tonumber(xTable[i]); wp.y = tonumber(yTable[i]); wp.z = tonumber(zTable[i]); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[wp_counter] = wp; end; end; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[wp_counter] ~= nil then print("AD: Loaded Waypoints: " .. wp_counter); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter = wp_counter; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker = {}; else g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter = 0; end; local mapMarker = {}; local mapMarkerCounter = 1; = getXMLString(importXml,""..mapMarkerCounter..".name"); while ~= nil do --print("Loading map marker: " ..; = getXMLFloat(importXml,""..mapMarkerCounter..".id"); local node = createTransformGroup(; setTranslation(node, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[].x, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[].y + 4 , g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[].z ); mapMarker.node = node; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[mapMarkerCounter] = mapMarker; mapMarker = nil; mapMarker = {}; mapMarkerCounter = mapMarkerCounter + 1; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarkerCounter = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarkerCounter + 1; = getXMLString(importXml,""..mapMarkerCounter..".name"); end; AutoDrive.config_changed = true; else print("AD: Import File does not exist: " .. importFile); end; end addModEventListener(AutoDrive); --InputEvent%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --InputEvent%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --InputEvent%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% AutoDriveInputEvent = {}; AutoDriveInputEvent_mt = Class(AutoDriveInputEvent, Event); InitEventClass(AutoDriveInputEvent, "AutoDriveInputEvent"); function AutoDriveInputEvent:emptyNew() local self = Event:new(AutoDriveInputEvent_mt); self.className="AutoDriveInputEvent"; return self; end; function AutoDriveInputEvent:new(vehicle) local self = AutoDriveInputEvent:emptyNew() self.vehicle = vehicle; self.bActive = vehicle.bActive; self.bRoundTrip = vehicle.bRoundTrip; self.bReverseTrack = vehicle.bReverseTrack; self.bDrivingForward = vehicle.bDrivingForward; self.nTargetX = vehicle.nTargetX; self.nTargetZ = vehicle.nTargetZ; self.bInitialized = vehicle.bInitialized; self.wayPoints =; self.bcreateMode = vehicle.bcreateMode; self.nCurrentWayPoint = vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint; self.nlastLogged = vehicle.nlastLogged; self.nloggingInterval = vehicle.nloggingInterval; self.logMessage = vehicle.logMessage; self.nPrintTime = vehicle.nPrintTime; self.ntargetSelected = vehicle.ntargetSelected; self.bTargetMode = vehicle.bTargetMode; self.nMapMarkerSelected = vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected; self.nSpeed = vehicle.nSpeed; self.bCreateMapPoints = vehicle.bCreateMapPoints; self.bShowDebugMapMarker = vehicle.bShowDebugMapMarker; self.nSelectedDebugPoint = vehicle.nSelectedDebugPoint; self.bShowSelectedDebugPoint = vehicle.bShowSelectedDebugPoint; self.bChangeSelectedDebugPoint = vehicle.bChangeSelectedDebugPoint; self.DebugPointsIterated = vehicle.DebugPointsIterated; self.sTargetSelected = vehicle.sTargetSelected; self.bStopAD = vehicle.bStopAD; self.bforceIsActive = vehicle.forceIsActive; self.bStopMotorOnLeave = vehicle.stopMotorOnLeave; self.bDeadLock = vehicle.bDeadLock; --new self.nTimeToDeadLock = vehicle.nTimeToDeadLock; self.bDeadLockRepairCounter = vehicle.bDeadLockRepairCounter; self.bCreateMapMarker = vehicle.bCreateMapMarker; self.bEnteringMapMarker = vehicle.bEnteringMapMarker; self.sEnteredMapMarkerString = vehicle.sEnteredMapMarkerString; self.currentInput = vehicle.currentInput; self.bUnloadAtTrigger = vehicle.bUnloadAtTrigger; self.bUnloading = vehicle.bUnloading; self.bPaused = vehicle.bPaused; self.bUnloadSwitch = vehicle.bUnloadSwitch; self.unloadType = vehicle.unloadType; self.bLoading = vehicle.bLoading; self.trailertipping = vehicle.trailertipping; self.ntargetSelected_Unload = vehicle.ntargetSelected_Unload; self.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload = vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload; self.sTargetSelected_Unload = vehicle.sTargetSelected_Unload; --print("event new") return self; end; function AutoDriveInputEvent:writeStream(streamId, connection) streamWriteInt32(streamId, networkGetObjectId(self.vehicle)); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bActive); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bRoundTrip); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bReverseTrack); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bDrivingForward); streamWriteFloat32(streamId, self.nTargetX); streamWriteFloat32(streamId, self.nTargetZ); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bInitialized); self.wayPointsString = ""; for i, point in pairs(self.wayPoints) do if self.wayPointsString == "" then self.wayPointsString = self.wayPointsString ..; else self.wayPointsString = self.wayPointsString .. "," ..; end; end; streamWriteString(streamId, self.wayPointsString); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bcreateMode); streamWriteFloat32(streamId, self.nCurrentWayPoint); streamWriteFloat32(streamId, self.nlastLogged); streamWriteFloat32(streamId, self.nloggingInterval); streamWriteString(streamId, self.logMessage); streamWriteFloat32(streamId, self.nPrintTime); streamWriteFloat32(streamId, self.ntargetSelected); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bTargetMode); streamWriteFloat32(streamId, self.nMapMarkerSelected); streamWriteFloat32(streamId, self.nSpeed); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bCreateMapPoints); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bShowDebugMapMarker); streamWriteFloat32(streamId, self.nSelectedDebugPoint); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bShowSelectedDebugPoint); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bChangeSelectedDebugPoint); self.debugPointsIteratedString = ""; for i, point in pairs(self.DebugPointsIterated) do if self.debugPointsIteratedString == "" then self.debugPointsIteratedString = debugPointsIteratedString ..; else self.debugPointsIteratedString = debugPointsIteratedString .. "," ..; end; end; streamWriteString(streamId, self.debugPointsIteratedString); streamWriteString(streamId, self.sTargetSelected); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bStopAD); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bforceIsActive); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bStopMotorOnLeave); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bDeadLock); streamWriteFloat32(streamId, self.nTimeToDeadLock); streamWriteFloat32(streamId, self.bDeadLockRepairCounter); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bCreateMapMarker); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bEnteringMapMarker); streamWriteString(streamId, self.sEnteredMapMarkerString); streamWriteString(streamId, self.currentInput); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bUnloadAtTrigger); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bUnloading); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bPaused); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bUnloadSwitch); streamWriteFloat32(streamId, self.unloadType); streamWriteBool(streamId, self.bLoading); streamWriteFloat32(streamId, self.trailertipping); streamWriteFloat32(streamId, self.ntargetSelected_Unload); streamWriteFloat32(streamId, self.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload); streamWriteString(streamId, self.sTargetSelected_Unload); -- print("event writeStream") end; function AutoDriveInputEvent:readStream(streamId, connection) --print("Received Event"); local id = streamReadInt32(streamId); local vehicle = networkGetObject(id); local bActive = streamReadBool(streamId); local bRoundTrip = streamReadBool(streamId); local bReverseTrack = streamReadBool(streamId); local bDrivingForward = streamReadBool(streamId); local nTargetX = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local nTargetZ = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local bInitialized = streamReadBool(streamId); local wayPointsString = streamReadString(streamId); local wayPointID = Utils.splitString(",", wayPointsString); local wayPoints = {}; for i,id in pairs(wayPointID) do wayPoints[i] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[id]; end; local bcreateMode = streamReadBool(streamId); local nCurrentWayPoint = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local nlastLogged = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local nloggingInterval = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local logMessage = streamReadString(streamId); local nPrintTime = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local ntargetSelected = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local bTargetMode = streamReadBool(streamId); local nMapMarkerSelected = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local nSpeed = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local bCreateMapPoints = streamReadBool(streamId); local bShowDebugMapMarker = streamReadBool(streamId); local nSelectedDebugPoint = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local bShowSelectedDebugPoint = streamReadBool(streamId); local bChangeSelectedDebugPoint = streamReadBool(streamId); local DebugPointsIteratedString = streamReadString(streamId); local DebugPointsID = Utils.splitString(",", DebugPointsIteratedString); local DebugPointsIterated = {}; for i,id in pairs(DebugPointsID) do DebugPointsID[i] = g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[id]; end; local sTargetSelected = streamReadString(streamId); local bStopAD = streamReadBool(streamId); local bforceIsActive = streamReadBool(streamId); local bStopMotorOnLeave = streamReadBool(streamId); local bDeadLock = streamReadBool(streamId); local nTimeToDeadLock = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local bDeadLockRepairCounter = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local bCreateMapMarker = streamReadBool(streamId); local bEnteringMapMarker = streamReadBool(streamId); local sEnteredMapMarkerString = streamReadString(streamId); local currentInput = streamReadString(streamId); local bUnloadAtTrigger = streamReadBool(streamId); local bUnloading = streamReadBool(streamId); local bPaused = streamReadBool(streamId); local bUnload = streamReadBool(streamId); local unloadType = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local bLoading = streamReadBool(streamId); local trailertipping = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local ntargetSelected_Unload = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local nMapMarkerSelected_Unload = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local sTargetSelected_Unload = streamReadString(streamId); if g_server ~= nil then vehicle.currentInput = currentInput; else vehicle.bActive = bActive; vehicle.bRoundTrip = bRoundTrip; vehicle.bReverseTrack = bReverseTrack ; vehicle.bDrivingForward = bDrivingForward; vehicle.nTargetX = nTargetX ; vehicle.nTargetZ = nTargetZ; vehicle.bInitialized = bInitialized; if ~= nil then = wayPoints ; end; vehicle.bcreateMode = bcreateMode; vehicle.nCurrentWayPoint = nCurrentWayPoint ; vehicle.nlastLogged = nlastLogged; vehicle.nloggingInterval = nloggingInterval; vehicle.logMessage = logMessage; vehicle.nPrintTime = nPrintTime; vehicle.ntargetSelected = ntargetSelected; vehicle.bTargetMode = bTargetMode; vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected = nMapMarkerSelected ; vehicle.nSpeed = nSpeed; vehicle.bCreateMapPoints = bCreateMapPoints; vehicle.bShowDebugMapMarker = bShowDebugMapMarker; vehicle.nSelectedDebugPoint = nSelectedDebugPoint; vehicle.bShowSelectedDebugPoint = bShowSelectedDebugPoint; vehicle.bChangeSelectedDebugPoint = bChangeSelectedDebugPoint; vehicle.DebugPointsIterated = DebugPointsIterated ; vehicle.sTargetSelected = sTargetSelected; vehicle.bStopAD = bStopAD; vehicle.forceIsActive = bforceIsActive; vehicle.stopMotorOnLeave = bStopMotorOnLeave; vehicle.bDeadLock = bDeadLock; vehicle.nTimeToDeadLock = nTimeToDeadLock; vehicle.bDeadLockRepairCounter = bDeadLockRepairCounter; vehicle.bCreateMapMarker = bCreateMapMarker; vehicle.bEnteringMapMarker = bEnteringMapMarker; vehicle.sEnteredMapMarkerString = sEnteredMapMarkerString; vehicle.bUnloadAtTrigger = bUnloadAtTrigger; vehicle.bUnloading = bUnloading; vehicle.bPaused = bPaused; vehicle.bUnload = bUnload; vehicle.unloadType = unloadType; vehicle.bLoading = bLoading; vehicle.trailertipping = trailertipping; vehicle.ntargetSelected_Unload = ntargetSelected_Unload; vehicle.nMapMarkerSelected_Unload = nMapMarkerSelected_Unload; vehicle.sTargetSelected_Unload = sTargetSelected_Unload; end; if g_server ~= nil then g_server:broadcastEvent(AutoDriveInputEvent:new(vehicle), nil, nil, vehicle); -- print("broadcasting") end; end; function AutoDriveInputEvent:sendEvent(vehicle) if g_server ~= nil then g_server:broadcastEvent(AutoDriveInputEvent:new(vehicle), nil, nil, vehicle); -- print("broadcasting") else g_client:getServerConnection():sendEvent(AutoDriveInputEvent:new(vehicle)); -- print("sending event to server...") end; end; --MapEvent%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --MapEvent%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --MapEvent%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% AutoDriveMapEvent = {}; AutoDriveMapEvent_mt = Class(AutoDriveMapEvent, Event); InitEventClass(AutoDriveMapEvent, "AutoDriveMapEvent"); function AutoDriveMapEvent:emptyNew() local self = Event:new(AutoDriveMapEvent_mt); self.className="AutoDriveMapEvent"; return self; end; function AutoDriveMapEvent:new(vehicle) local self = AutoDriveMapEvent:emptyNew() self.vehicle = vehicle; --print("event new") return self; end; function AutoDriveMapEvent:writeStream(streamId, connection) if g_server ~= nil then print("Broadcasting waypoints"); local idFullTable = {}; local idString = ""; local idCounter = 0; local xTable = {}; local xString = ""; local yTable = {}; local yString = ""; local zTable = {}; local zString = ""; local outTable = {}; local outString = ""; local incomingTable = {}; local incomingString = ""; local out_costTable = {}; local out_costString = ""; local markerNamesTable = {}; local markerNames = ""; local markerIDsTable = {}; local markerIDs = ""; for i,p in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do --idString = idString .. .. ","; idFullTable[i] =; idCounter = idCounter + 1; --xString = xString .. p.x .. ","; xTable[i] = p.x; --yString = yString .. p.y .. ","; yTable[i] = p.y; --zString = zString .. p.z .. ","; zTable[i] = p.z; --outString = outString .. table.concat(p.out, ",") .. ";"; outTable[i] = table.concat(p.out, ","); local innerIncomingTable = {}; local innerIncomingCounter = 1; for i2, p2 in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints) do for i3, out2 in pairs(p2.out) do if out2 == then innerIncomingTable[innerIncomingCounter] =; innerIncomingCounter = innerIncomingCounter + 1; --incomingString = incomingString .. .. ","; end; end; end; incomingTable[i] = table.concat(innerIncomingTable, ","); --incomingString = incomingString .. ";"; out_costTable[i] = table.concat(p.out_cost, ","); --out_costString = out_costString .. table.concat(p.out_cost, ",") .. ";"; local markerCounter = 1; local innerMarkerNamesTable = {}; local innerMarkerIDsTable = {}; for i2,marker in pairs(p.marker) do innerMarkerIDsTable[markerCounter] = marker; --markerIDs = markerIDs .. marker .. ","; innerMarkerNamesTable[markerCounter] = i2; --markerNames = markerNames .. i2 .. ","; markerCounter = markerCounter + 1; end; markerNamesTable[i] = table.concat(innerMarkerNamesTable, ","); markerIDsTable[i] = table.concat(innerMarkerIDsTable, ","); --markerIDs = markerIDs .. ";"; --markerNames = markerNames .. ";"; end; if idFullTable[1] ~= nil then streamWriteFloat32(streamId, idCounter); local i = 1; while i <= idCounter do streamWriteFloat32(streamId,idFullTable[i]); streamWriteFloat32(streamId,xTable[i]); streamWriteFloat32(streamId,yTable[i]); streamWriteFloat32(streamId,zTable[i]); streamWriteString(streamId,outTable[i]); streamWriteString(streamId,incomingTable[i]); streamWriteString(streamId,out_costTable[i]); if markerIDsTable[1] ~= nil then streamWriteString(streamId, markerIDsTable[i]); streamWriteString(streamId, markerNamesTable[i]); else streamWriteString(streamId, ""); streamWriteString(streamId, ""); end; i = i + 1; end; end; local markerIDs = ""; local markerNames = ""; local markerCounter = 0; for i in pairs(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker) do markerCounter = markerCounter + 1; end; streamWriteFloat32(streamId, markerCounter); local i = 1; while i <= markerCounter do streamWriteFloat32(streamId, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[i].id); streamWriteString(streamId, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[i].name); i = i + 1; end; else print("Requesting waypoints"); streamWriteInt32(streamId, networkGetObjectId(self.vehicle)); end; --print("event writeStream") end; function AutoDriveMapEvent:readStream(streamId, connection) print("Received Event"); if g_server ~= nil then print("Receiving request for broadcasting waypoints"); local id = streamReadInt32(streamId); local vehicle = networkGetObject(id); AutoDriveMapEvent:sendEvent(vehicle) else print("Receiving waypoints"); if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.receivedWaypoints ~= true then local pointCounter = streamReadFloat32(streamId); if pointCounter > 0 then g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints = {}; end; local wp_counter = 0; while wp_counter < pointCounter do wp_counter = wp_counter +1; local wp = {}; wp["id"] = streamReadFloat32(streamId); wp.x = streamReadFloat32(streamId); wp.y = streamReadFloat32(streamId); wp.z = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local outString = streamReadString(streamId); local outTable = Utils.splitString("," , outString); wp["out"] = {}; for i2,outString in pairs(outTable) do wp["out"][i2] = tonumber(outString); end; local incomingString = streamReadString(streamId); local incomingTable = Utils.splitString("," , incomingString); wp["incoming"] = {}; local incoming_counter = 1; for i2, incomingID in pairs(incomingTable) do if incomingID ~= "" then wp["incoming"][incoming_counter] = tonumber(incomingID); end; incoming_counter = incoming_counter +1; end; local out_costString = streamReadString(streamId); local out_costTable = Utils.splitString("," , out_costString); wp["out_cost"] = {}; for i2,out_costString in pairs(out_costTable) do wp["out_cost"][i2] = tonumber(out_costString); end; local markerIDsString = streamReadString(streamId); local markerIDsTable = Utils.splitString("," , markerIDsString); local markerNamesString = streamReadString(streamId); local markerNamesTable = Utils.splitString("," , markerNamesString); wp["marker"] = {}; for i2, markerName in pairs(markerNamesTable) do if markerName ~= "" then wp.marker[markerName] = tonumber(markerIDsTable[i2]); end; end; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[wp_counter] = wp; end; if g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[wp_counter] ~= nil then print("AD: Loaded Waypoints: " .. wp_counter); g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter = wp_counter; else g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPointsCounter = 0; end; local mapMarkerCounter = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local mapMarkerCount = 1; if mapMarkerCounter ~= 0 then g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker = {} print("AD: Loaded Destinations: " .. mapMarkerCounter); end; while mapMarkerCount <= mapMarkerCounter do local markerId = streamReadFloat32(streamId); local markerName = streamReadString(streamId); local marker = {}; local node = createTransformGroup(markerName); setTranslation(node, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[markerId].x, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[markerId].y + 4 , g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapWayPoints[markerId].z ); marker.node=node; = markerId; = markerName; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarker[mapMarkerCount] = marker; mapMarkerCount = mapMarkerCount + 1; end; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.mapMarkerCounter = mapMarkerCounter; g_currentMission.AutoDrive.receivedWaypoints = true; end; end; end; function AutoDriveMapEvent:sendEvent(vehicle) if g_server ~= nil then g_server:broadcastEvent(AutoDriveMapEvent:new(vehicle), nil, nil, nil); --print("broadcasting") else g_client:getServerConnection():sendEvent(AutoDriveMapEvent:new(vehicle)); --print("sending event to server...") end; end; --StoreBackup%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --StoreBackup%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --StoreBackup%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function AutoDrive.backupADFiles(self) if g_server == nil and g_dedicatedServerInfo == nil then return end; if not fileExists(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.xmlSaveFile) then -- ERROR: CP FILE DOESN'T EXIST return; end; local savegameIndex = g_currentMission.missionInfo.savegameIndex; AutoDrive.adTempSaveFolderPath = getUserProfileAppPath() .. 'autoDriveBackupSavegame' .. savegameIndex; createFolder(AutoDrive.adTempSaveFolderPath); AutoDrive.adFileBackupPath = AutoDrive.adTempSaveFolderPath .. '/AutoDrive_config.xml'; copyFile(g_currentMission.AutoDrive.xmlSaveFile, AutoDrive.adFileBackupPath, true); end; g_careerScreen.saveSavegame = Utils.prependedFunction(g_careerScreen.saveSavegame, AutoDrive.backupADFiles); function AutoDrive.restoreBackup(self) if g_server == nil and g_dedicatedServerInfo == nil then return end; if not AutoDrive.adFileBackupPath then return end; local savegameIndex = g_currentMission.missionInfo.savegameIndex; local savegameFolderPath = getUserProfileAppPath() .. "savegame" .. g_currentMission.missionInfo.savegameIndex; if fileExists(savegameFolderPath .. '/careerSavegame.xml') then -- savegame isn't corrupted and has been saved correctly -- copy backed up files back to our savegame directory copyFile(AutoDrive.adFileBackupPath, g_currentMission.AutoDrive.xmlSaveFile, true); AutoDrive.adFileBackupPath = nil; end; end; g_careerScreen.saveSavegame = Utils.appendedFunction(g_careerScreen.saveSavegame, AutoDrive.restoreBackup);