Function BitLockerSAK { <# .SYNOPSIS Get and set Bitlocker related information. .DESCRIPTION Based on WMI classes, this function can achiev the following tasks : --TPM operations--- -TPM activation state. -If the TPM is enabled or not. -If a TPM OwnerShip is Allowed. -If the TPM is currently owned. -The possibility to take the ownerShip --Encryption possibilities --- - Retrieves the current encryption method. - Get the current protection status. - The current protection state. - The possibility to encrypt a Drive. - The possibility to Resume an encryption that has been paused. - Possibility to return the current protector ID's. - Possibility to return the current protector type(s). - Retrieves the Volume key protector Passwords .PARAMETER isTPMActivated Returns activation state of the TPM: Returns true if activated and false if not. .PARAMETER isTPMEnabled Returns the enabled state of the TPM: Returns true if activated and false if not. .PARAMETER IsTPMOwnerShipAllowed Returns if the TPM ownership is allowed. Returns true if allowed, false if not. .PARAMETER ResumeEncryption Will resume an paused encryption. .PARAMETER GetEncryptionState Returns the current encurrent state in an object as wolled : .PARAMETER GetProtectionStatus Returns the current protection status. It will return "Protected" if the drive is 100% encrypted, and "Unprotected" if anything else then "100% encrypted". .PARAMETER Encrypt Will encrypt a drive. .PARAMETER TakeTPMOwnerShip Returns true if allowed, false if not .PARAMETER pin Is needed in order to take the ownership and to encrypt the drive. .PARAMETER IsTPMOwned Returns true if owned, false if not .PARAMETER GetKeyProtectorIds Returns all the protector id's available on the machine. .PARAMETER GetKeyProtectorType Returns the type of protector that is currently in use. .PARAMETER GetEncryptionMethod REturns the current encryption method that is in use. .PARAMETER GetKeyProtectorNumericalPassword Returns a given numerical password based on a Protector ID value. The ProtectorID value is mandatory, and must be passed using the parameter VolumeKeyProtectorID. .PARAMETER VolumeKeyProtectorID This parameter will work only in conjunction with GetKeyProtectorNumericalPassword switch. It must contain the ProtectorID from which the desired Numerical Password will be returned. .PARAMETER GetKeyProtectorTypeAndID The GetKeyProtectorTypeAndID switch will return all the existing key protector ID's and their type of the Keys existing on the machine. .PARAMETER Whatif Permits to launch this script in "draft" mode. This means it will only show the results without really making generating the files. .PARAMETER Verbose Allow to run the script in verbose mode for debbuging purposes. .EXAMPLE BitLockerSAK Returns the current status of the drives. IsTPMOwned : True EncryptionMethod : AES_128 IsTPMOwnerShipAllowed : True IsTPMActivated : True IsTPMEnabled : True CurrentEncryptionPercentage : 100 EncryptionState : FullyEncrypted ProtectorIds : {{FFC19381-6E75-4D1E-94E9-D6E0D3E681FA}, {65AF5A93-9846-47AC-B3B1-D8DE6F06B780}} KeyProtectorType : {Numerical password, Trusted Platform Module (TPM)} .EXAMPLE BitLockerSAK -GetProtectionStatus Returns the current protection status : Protected or unprotected .EXAMPLE BitLockerSAK -GetEncryptionState CurrentEncryptionProgress is express in percentage. CurrentEncryptionProgress EncryptionState ------------------------- --------------- 100 FullyEncrypted .EXAMPLE Get all the key protectors and their respective ID's and protector types from the current machine. BitLockerSAK -GetKeyProtectorTypeAndID KeyProtectorID KeyProtectorType -------------- ---------------- {AB1535D4-ECB3-49D6-8AB1-E334A4F60579} Numerical password {B1BDF8CD-55F2-4532-A93F-4B1AF4F22B55} Trusted Platform Module (TPM) .EXAMPLE Get the numerical password from a specefic Key using the ID. BitLockerSAK -GetKeyProtectorNumericalPassword -VolumeKeyProtectorID "{AB1535D4-ECB3-49D6-8AB1-E334A4F60579}" Message KeyProtectorNumericalPassword VolumeKeyProtectorID ------- ----------------------------- -------------------- The method was successful. 242968-693319-295251-477840-704451-214225-550055-383229 {AB1535D4-ECB3-49D6-8AB1-E334A4F60579} .NOTES -Author: Stephane van Gulick -Email : -CreationDate: 13-01-2014 -LastModifiedDate: 11.06.2015 -Version: 1.5 -History: #0.1 : Created function #1.1 : 20140901 Added GetProtectorIds #1.2 : 20140909 Rewrote function Added GetKeyprotectorType Added EncryptionMethod #1.3 : 20141003 Added TPM conditions. #1.4 : Possiblity to select drive letter, added RemoveKeyProtectors. --> GetKeyProtectorTypeAndID, --> DeleteKeyProtectors, --> ProtectorIDs, --> DeleteKeyProtector, --> PauseEncryption, --> PauseDecryption, --> Decrytp #1.4.1 --> updated help with GetKeyPRotectedID instead of KeyProtectedID parameter #1.5 Added GetKeyProtectorNumericalPassword and VolumeKeyProtectorID parameters. .LINK #> [cmdletBinding()] Param( [Switch]$IsTPMActivated, [Switch]$IsTPMEnabled, [Switch]$IsTPMOwnerShipAllowed, [Switch]$ResumeEncryption, [Switch]$GetEncryptionState, [Switch]$GetProtectionStatus, [switch]$Encrypt, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='OwnerShip')][switch]$TakeTPMOwnerShip, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='OwnerShip')][int]$pin, [switch]$IsTPMOwned, [Switch]$GetKeyProtectorIds, [switch]$GetEncryptionMethod, [ValidateScript({ if ($_ -match '^[A-Z]{1}[:]'){ return $true }else{ Write-Warning 'The drive letter parameter has to respect the following case: DriverLetter+Colomn EG: --> C: --> D: --> E: ' return $false } })][string]$DriveLetter='C:', [switch]$GetKeyProtectorTypeAndID, [switch]$DeleteKeyProtectors, #Acceptvaluefrompipelinebyname [String[]]$ProtectorIDs, [switch]$DeleteKeyProtector, [switch]$PauseEncryption, [switch]$PauseDecryption, [switch]$Decrytp, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='NumericalPassword')] [Switch]$GetKeyProtectorNumericalPassword, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='NumericalPassword',Mandatory=$true)] [String]$VolumeKeyProtectorID ) Begin { try{ $Tpm = Get-WmiObject -Namespace ROOT\CIMV2\Security\MicrosoftTpm -Class Win32_Tpm -ErrorAction Stop } catch [System.Management.ManagementException]{ write-warning 'Could not access the WMI methods. Verify that you run the script with elevated rights and try again.' continue } } Process{ ##Add switch to verify if enough place is present on HD (6gig are need, 10 recommended). switch ($PSBoundParameters.keys){ 'IsTPMActivated'{$return = if ($Tpm) { $tpm.IsActivated().isactivated };break} 'IsTPMEnabled'{$return = if ($Tpm) { $tpm.IsEnabled().isenabled };break} 'IsTPMOwnerShipAllowed'{$return = if ($Tpm) { $tpm.IsOwnerShipAllowed().IsOwnerShipAllowed };break} 'IsTPMOwned'{$return = if ($Tpm) { $Tpm.isowned().isowned };break} 'GetEncryptionState'{ write-verbose "Getting the encryptionstate of drive $($driveletter)" # #We only want to work on the C: drive. $EncryptionData= Get-WmiObject -Namespace ROOT\CIMV2\Security\Microsoftvolumeencryption -Class Win32_encryptablevolume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$DriveLetter'" $protectionState = $EncryptionData.GetConversionStatus() $CurrentEncryptionProgress = $protectionState.EncryptionPercentage switch ($ProtectionState.Conversionstatus){ '0' { $Properties = @{'EncryptionState'='FullyDecrypted';'CurrentEncryptionProgress'=$CurrentEncryptionProgress} $Return = New-Object psobject -Property $Properties } '1' { $Properties = @{'EncryptionState'='FullyEncrypted';'CurrentEncryptionProgress'=$CurrentEncryptionProgress} $Return = New-Object psobject -Property $Properties } '2' { $Properties = @{'EncryptionState'='EncryptionInProgress';'CurrentEncryptionProgress'=$CurrentEncryptionProgress} $Return = New-Object psobject -Property $Properties } '3' { $Properties = @{'EncryptionState'='DecryptionInProgress';'CurrentEncryptionProgress'=$CurrentEncryptionProgress} $Return = New-Object psobject -Property $Properties } '4' { $Properties = @{'EncryptionState'='EncryptionPaused';'CurrentEncryptionProgress'=$CurrentEncryptionProgress} $Return = New-Object psobject -Property $Properties } '5' { $Properties = @{'EncryptionState'='DecryptionPaused';'CurrentEncryptionProgress'=$CurrentEncryptionProgress} $Return = New-Object psobject -Property $Properties } default { write-verbose "Couldn't retrieve an encryption state." $Properties = @{'EncryptionState'=$false;'CurrentEncryptionProgress'=$false} $Return = New-Object psobject -Property $Properties } } } 'ResumeEncryption'{ write-verbose 'Resuming encryption' $ProtectionState = Get-WmiObject -Namespace ROOT\CIMV2\Security\Microsoftvolumeencryption -Class Win32_encryptablevolume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$DriveLetter'" $Ret = $protectionState.ResumeConversion() $ReturnCode = $ret.ReturnValue switch ($ReturnCode){ ('0'){$Message = 'The Method Resume Conversion was called succesfully.'} ('2150694912'){$message = 'The volume is locked'} default {$message = 'The resume operation failed with an uknowned return code.'} } $Properties = @{'ReturnCode'=$ReturnCode;'ErrorMessage'=$message} $Return = New-Object psobject -Property $Properties }#EndResumeEncryption 'GetProtectionStatus'{ # $ProtectionState = Get-WmiObject -Namespace ROOT\CIMV2\Security\Microsoftvolumeencryption -Class Win32_encryptablevolume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$DriveLetter'" write-verbose 'Gathering BitLocker protection status infos.' switch ($ProtectionState.GetProtectionStatus().protectionStatus){ ('0'){$return = 'Unprotected'} ('1'){$return = 'Protected'} ('2'){$return = 'Uknowned'} default {$return = 'NoReturn'} }#EndSwitch }#EndGetProtection 'Encrypt'{ # $ProtectionState = Get-WmiObject -Namespace ROOT\CIMV2\Security\Microsoftvolumeencryption -Class Win32_encryptablevolume -Filter "DriveLetter = '$DriveLetter'" write-verbose 'Launching drive encryption.' $ProtectorKey = $protectionState.ProtectKeyWithTPMAndPIN('ProtectKeyWithTPMAndPin','',$pin) Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 $NumericalPasswordReturn = $protectionState.ProtectKeyWithNumericalPassword() $Return = $protectionState.Encrypt() $returnCode = $return.returnvalue switch ($ReturnCode) { ('0'){$message = 'Operation successfully started.'} ('2147942487') {$message = 'The EncryptionMethod parameter is provided but is not within the known range or does not match the current Group Policy setting.'} ('2150694958') {$message = 'No encryption key exists for the volume'} ('2150694957') {$message = 'The provided encryption method does not match that of the partially or fully encrypted volume.'} ('2150694942') {$message = 'The volume cannot be encrypted because this computer is configured to be part of a server cluster.'} ('2150694956') {$message = 'No key protectors of the type Numerical Password are specified. The Group Policy requires a backup of recovery information to Active Directory Domain Services'} default{ $message = 'An unknown status was returned by the Encryption action.' } } $Properties = @{'ReturnCode'=$ReturnCode;'ErrorMessage'=$message} $Return = New-Object psobject -Property $Properties } 'GetKeyProtectorIds'{ $BitLocker = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'Root\cimv2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption' -Class 'Win32_EncryptableVolume' -Filter "DriveLetter = '$DriveLetter'" $return =$BitLocker.GetKeyProtectors('0').VolumeKeyProtectorID } 'GetEncryptionMethod'{ $BitLocker = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'Root\cimv2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption' -Class 'Win32_EncryptableVolume' -Filter "DriveLetter = '$DriveLetter'" $EncryptMethod=$BitLocker.GetEncryptionMethod().encryptionmethod switch ($EncryptMethod){ '0'{$Return = 'None';break} '1'{$Return = 'AES_128_WITH_DIFFUSER';break} '2'{$Return = 'AES_256_WITH_DIFFUSER';break} '3'{$Return = 'AES_128';break} '4'{$Return = 'AES_256';break} '5'{$Return = 'HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION';break} default{$Return = 'UNKNOWN';break} } } 'GetKeyProtectorTypeAndID'{ $BitLocker = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'Root\cimv2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption' -Class 'Win32_EncryptableVolume' -Filter "DriveLetter = '$DriveLetter'" $ProtectorIds = $BitLocker.GetKeyProtectors('0').volumekeyprotectorID $return = @() foreach ($ProtectorID in $ProtectorIds){ $KeyProtectorType = $BitLocker.GetKeyProtectorType($ProtectorID).KeyProtectorType $keyType = '' switch($KeyProtectorType){ '0'{$Keytype = 'Unknown or other protector type';break} '1'{$Keytype = 'Trusted Platform Module (TPM)';break} '2'{$Keytype = 'External key';break} '3'{$Keytype = 'Numerical password';break} '4'{$Keytype = 'TPM And PIN';break} '5'{$Keytype = 'TPM And Startup Key';break} '6'{$Keytype = 'TPM And PIN And Startup Key';break} '7'{$Keytype = 'Public Key';break} '8'{$Keytype = 'Passphrase';break} '9'{$Keytype = 'TPM Certificate';break} '10'{$Keytype = 'CryptoAPI Next Generation (CNG) Protector';break} }#endSwitch $Properties = @{'KeyProtectorID'=$ProtectorID;'KeyProtectorType'=$Keytype} $Return += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $Properties }#EndForeach }#EndGetKeyProtectorType 'DeleteKeyProtectors'{ $BitLocker = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'Root\cimv2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption' -Class 'Win32_EncryptableVolume' -Filter "DriveLetter = '$DriveLetter'" $Return = $BitLocker.DeleteKeyProtectors() } 'TakeTPMOwnerShip'{ $Tpm.takeOwnership() } 'DeleteKeyProtector'{ if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProtectorIDs')){ $Return = @() $BitLocker = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'Root\cimv2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption' -Class 'Win32_EncryptableVolume' -Filter "DriveLetter = '$DriveLetter'" foreach ($ProtID in $ProtectorIDs){ $Return += $BitLocker.DeleteKeyProtector($ProtID) } }else{ write-warning 'Could not delete the key protector. Missing ProtectorID parameter.' $Return = 'Could not delete the key protector. Missing ProtectorID parameter.' } } 'PauseEncryption'{ $BitLocker = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'Root\cimv2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption' -Class 'Win32_EncryptableVolume' -Filter "DriveLetter = '$DriveLetter'" $ReturnCode = $BitLocker.PauseConversion() switch ($ReturnCode.ReturnValue){ '0'{$Return = 'Paused sucessfully.';break} '2150694912'{$Return = 'The volume is locked.';Break} default {$Return = 'Uknown return code.';break} } } 'PauseDecryption'{ $BitLocker = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'Root\cimv2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption' -Class 'Win32_EncryptableVolume' -Filter "DriveLetter = '$DriveLetter'" $ReturnCode = $BitLocker.PauseConversion() switch ($ReturnCode.ReturnValue){ '0'{$Return = 'Paused sucessfully.';break} '2150694912'{$Return = 'The volume is locked.';Break} default {$Return = 'Uknown return code.';break} } } 'Decrytp'{ $BitLocker = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'Root\cimv2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption' -Class 'Win32_EncryptableVolume' -Filter "DriveLetter = '$DriveLetter'" $ReturnCode = $BitLocker.Decrypt() switch ($ReturnCode.ReturnValue){ '0'{$Return = 'Uncryption started successfully.';break} '2150694912'{$Return = 'The volume is locked.';Break} '2150694953' {$Return = 'This volume cannot be decrypted because keys used to automatically unlock data volumes are available.';Break} default {$Return = 'Uknown return code.';break} } } 'GetKeyProtectorNumericalPassword'{ $BitLocker = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'Root\cimv2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption' -Class 'Win32_EncryptableVolume' -Filter "DriveLetter = '$DriveLetter'" $Return = @() $KeyProtectorReturn = $BitLocker.GetKeyProtectorNumericalPassword($VolumeKeyProtectorID) switch ($KeyProtectorReturn.ReturnValue){ '0' {$msg = 'The method was successful.'} '2150694912' { $msg= 'The volume is locked.';Break} '2147942487' { $msg= "The VolumeKeyProtectorID parameter does not refer to a key protector of the type 'Numerical Password'.";Break} '2150694920' { $msg= 'BitLocker is not enabled on the volume. Add a key protector to enable BitLocker.';Break} default {$msg= "Unknown return value: $($KeyProtectorReturn.ReturnValue)"} } #EndSwitch $Properties = @{'KeyProtectorNumericalPassword'=$KeyProtectorReturn.NumericalPassword;'VolumeKeyProtectorID'=$VolumeKeyProtectorID;'Message'=$msg} $Return += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $Properties } }#endSwitch if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys.Count -eq 0){ #Returning info on all drives. write-verbose 'Returning bitlocker main status' $Tpm = Get-WmiObject -Namespace ROOT\CIMV2\Security\MicrosoftTpm -Class Win32_Tpm $BitLocker = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'Root\cimv2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption' -Class 'Win32_EncryptableVolume' -Filter "DriveLetter = '$DriveLetter'" #If no TPM module is present if ($tpm){ $TpmActivated = $tpm.IsActivated().isactivated $TPMEnabled=$tpm.IsEnabled().isenabled $TPMOwnerShipAllowed=$Tpm.IsOwnershipAllowed().IsOwnerShipAllowed $TPMOwned=$Tpm.isowned().isowned } $ProtectorIds = $BitLocker.GetKeyProtectors('0').volumekeyprotectorID $CurrentEncryptionState = BitLockerSAK -GetEncryptionState $EncryptionMethod= BitLockerSAK -GetEncryptionMethod $KeyProtectorTypeAndID = BitLockerSAK -GetKeyProtectorTypeAndID $properties= @{ 'IsTPMActivated'= $TpmActivated;` 'IsTPMEnabled' = $TPMEnabled;` 'IsTPMOwnerShipAllowed'=$TPMOwnerShipAllowed;` 'IsTPMOwned'= $TPMOwned;` 'CurrentEncryptionPercentage'=$CurrentEncryptionState.CurrentEncryptionProgress;` 'EncryptionState'=$CurrentEncryptionState.encryptionState; ` 'EncryptionMethod'=$EncryptionMethod;` 'KeyProtectorTypesAndIDs'=$KeyProtectorTypeAndID } $Return = New-Object psobject -Property $Properties } } End{ return $return } }