[ { "authors": [ "A. Tulsi Ram" ], "docId": "0141-3910.90.90019-4.1990", "docLabel": "Polymer Degradation and Stability Volume 29, Issue 1, 1990, Pages 3-29", "docTitle": "Archival preservation of photographic films—A perspective", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1016/0141-3910(90)90019-4", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1016/0141-3910(90)90019-4", "publisher": "Polymer Degradation and Stability", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "A J Bull", "H Mills Cartwrigh" ], "docId": "0950-7671.1.3.302.1923", "docLabel": "Journal of Scientific Instruments, Volume 1, Number 3", "docTitle": "The measurement of photographic density", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1088/0950-7671/1/3/302", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1088/0950-7671/1/3/302", "publicationDate": "1923-01-01", "publisher": "Scientific Instruments", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "L. J. Sivian" ], "docId": "1.1915182.1930", "docLabel": "J. Acoust. Soc. of Amer., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 1, Jan. 1930", "docTitle": "Speech Power and Its Measurement", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1121/1.1915182", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1121/1.1915182", "publicationDate": "1930-01-01", "publisher": "Acoustical Society of America", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "J. A. Pierce", "F. V. Hunt" ], "docId": "1.1915951.1938", "docLabel": "Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., vol. 10, pp. 14-28, July 1938.", "docTitle": "On Distortion in Sound Reproduction from Phonograph Records", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1121/1.1915951", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1121/1.1915951", "publicationDate": "1938-01-01", "publisher": "Acoustical Society of America", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "W. D. Lewis", "F. V. Hunt" ], "docId": "1.1916111.1941", "docLabel": "Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., vol. 12, pp. 348-365, January 1941", "docTitle": "A Theory of Tracing Distortion in Sound Reproduction from Phonograph Records", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1121/1.1916111", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1121/1.1916111", "publicationDate": "1941-01-01", "publisher": "Acoustical Society of America", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Ralph M. Evans", "W. T. Hanson Jr", "W. Lyle Brewer" ], "docId": "1.3061757.1954", "docLabel": "Physics Today 7, 9, 18 (1954)", "docTitle": "Principles of Color Photography", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1063/1.3061757", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3061757", "publicationDate": "1954-09-01", "publisher": "Physics Today", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "R.L. Bradshaw", "T.W. Reid" ], "docId": "20.105066.1991", "docLabel": "IEEE Transactions on Magnetics ( Volume: 27, Issue: 5, September 1991)", "docTitle": "Archival stability of IBM 3480/3490 cartridge tapes", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1109/20.105066", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1109/20.105066", "publicationDate": "1991-09-01", "publisher": "IEEE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "M.C.A. Mathur", "G.F. Hudson", "L.D. Hackett" ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "20.179492.1992", "docLabel": "IEEE Transactions on Magnetics ( Volume: 28, Issue: 5, September 1992)", "docTitle": "A detailed study of the environmental stability of metal particle tapes", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1109/20.179492", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1109/20.179492", "publicationDate": "1992-09-01", "publisher": "IEEE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Y. Okazaki", "K. Hara", "T. Kawashima", "A. Sato", "T. Hirano" ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "20.179493.1992", "docLabel": "IEEE Transactions on Magnetics ( Volume: 28, Issue: 5, September 1992)", "docTitle": "Estimating the archival life of metal particulate tape", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1109/20.179493", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1109/20.179493", "publicationDate": "1992-09-01", "publisher": "IEEE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "M.R. Parker", "S. Venkataram", "D. DeSmet" ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "20.179494.1992", "docLabel": "IEEE Transactions on Magnetics ( Volume: 28, Issue: 5, September 1992)", "docTitle": "Magnetic and magneto-photoellipsometric evaluation of corrosion in metal-particle media", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1109/20.179494", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1109/20.179494", "publicationDate": "1992-09-01", "publisher": "IEEE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "D.E. Speliotis", "K.J. Peter" ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "20.278927.1991", "docLabel": "IEEE Transactions on Magnetics ( Volume: 27, Issue: 6, November 1991)", "docTitle": "Corrosion study of metal particle, metal film, and Ba-ferrite tape", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1109/20.278927", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1109/20.278927", "publicationDate": "1991-11-01", "publisher": "IEEE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "M. Vos", "G. Ashton", "J. Van Bogart", "R. Ensminger" ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "20.312264.1994", "docLabel": "IEEE Transactions on Magnetics ( Volume: 30, Issue: 2, March 1994)", "docTitle": "Heat and moisture diffusion in magnetic tape packs", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1109/20.312264", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1109/20.312264", "publicationDate": "1994-03-01", "publisher": "IEEE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "John M. Calhoun" ], "docId": "40290752.1967", "docLabel": "Vol. 30, No. 3 (Jul., 1967), pp. 517-525 (9 pages)", "docTitle": "The Preservation of Motion-Picture Film", "docType": "Journal Article", "href": "https://www.jstor.org/stable/40290752", "publicationDate": "1967-07-01", "publisher": "Society of American Archivists", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "aaf.2005", "docLabel": "Advanced Authoring Format", "docTitle": "Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) Edit Protocol ", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://e6cfd1ba-033d-44fd-8f16-0027ec40a7b2.filesusr.com/ugd/f66d69_ae65f49241334aa2b76af8b56a43ab82.pdf", "publicationDate": "2005-04-08", "publisher": "AMWA", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "aes-r2.2004", "docLabel": "AES-r2.2004 (s2012)", "docTitle": "AES project report for articles on professional audio and for equipment specifications — Notations for expressing levels (Revision of AES-R2-1998)", "docType": "Report", "href": "http://www.aes.org/publications/standards/search.cfm?docID=9", "publicationDate": "2004-02-04", "publisher": "AES", "status": { "active": true, "stabilized": true } }, { "docId": "aes11.2003", "docLabel": "AES11-2003", "docTitle": "AES recommended practice for digital audio engineering - Synchronization of digital audio equipment in studio operations.", "docType": "Standard", "href": "http://www.aes.org/publications/standards/search.cfm?docID=18", "publisher": "AES", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "aes11.2009" ] } }, { "docId": "aes11.2009", "docLabel": "AES11-2009 (r2019)", "docTitle": "AES recommended practice for digital audio engineering - Synchronization of digital audio equipment in studio operations. 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Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 30, No, 9, Sept. 1982, pp 580-595", "docTitle": "On the Audibility of Midrange Phase Distortion in Audio Systems", "docType": "Technical Journal", "publicationDate": "1982-09-01", "publisher": "AES", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "AIM.BC4.1999", "docLabel": "AIM BC4-1999", "docTitle": "INTERNATIONAL SYMBOLOGY SPECIFICATION - CODE 128", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://global.ihs.com/doc_detail.cfm?document_name=AIM%20BC%2D4&item_s_key=00256303", "publicationDate": "1999-12-04", "publisher": "Association for Automatic Identification & Mobility", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.15417.2007" ] } }, { "docId": "ampas-p-2013-001", "docLabel": "AMPAS P-2013-001", "docTitle": "Recommended Procedures for the Creation and Use of Digital Camera System Input Device Transforms (IDTs)", "docType": "Procedure", "group": "ampas-stc-aces", "href": "http://j.mp/P-2013-001", "keywords": [ "ACES" ], "publicationDate": "2020-01-23", "publisher": "AMPAS", "references": { "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST2065-1.2012", "ISO.7589.2002", "ISO.17321-2.2012", "SMPTE.RP177.1993" ] }, "status": { "draft": true } }, { "docId": "ampas-p-2019-001", "docLabel": "AMPAS P-2019-001", "docTitle": "ACES Project Organization and Development Procedure", "docType": "Procedure", "group": "ampas-stc-aces", "href": "https://aces.mp/P_2019-001", "keywords": [ "ACES" ], "publicationDate": "2019-04-08", "publisher": "AMPAS", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ampas-s-2008-001", "docLabel": "AMPAS S-2008-001", "docTitle": "Academy Color Encoding Specification (ACES)", "docType": "Specification", "group": "ampas-stc-aces", "keywords": [ "ACES" ], "publisher": "AMPAS", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "SMPTE.ST2065-1.2012" ] } }, { "docId": "ampas-s-2013-001", "docLabel": "AMPAS S-2013-001", "docTitle": "ACESproxy – An Integer Log Encoding of ACES Image Data", "docType": "Specification", "group": 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"active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.2721.2013" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ANSIUL.900.1995", "docLabel": "ANSI/UL 900-1995", "docTitle": "Test Performance of Air Filter Units", "docType": "Standard", "publisher": "ANSI/UL", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ANSIUL.900.2015" ] } }, { "docId": "ANSIUL.900.2015", "docLabel": "ANSI/UL Standard 900, Edition 8", "docTitle": "Air Filter Units", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.shopulstandards.com/ProductDetail.aspx?UniqueKey=29403", "publicationDate": "2015-04-21", "publisher": "ANSI/UL", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ARIB.STD-B32.v2.1.2001", "docLabel": "ARIB STD-B32 v2.1", "docTitle": "Video Coding, Audio Coding and Multiplexing Specifications for Digital Broadcasting Version 2.1 (2007)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.arib.or.jp/english/std_tr/broadcasting/desc/std-b32.html", "publicationDate": "2007-03-14", "publisher": "ARIB", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "as-11", "docLabel": "AS-11", "docTitle": "Media Contribution File Formats", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://www.amwa.tv/as-11", "publisher": "AMWA", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Joshua Pines", "David Reisner" ], "docId": "asc-cdl-r1-2.2009", "docLabel": "ASC-CDL Release 1.2", "docTitle": "ASC Color Decision List (ASC CDL) Transfer Functions and Interchange Syntax", "docType": "White Paper", "publicationDate": "2009-05-04", "publisher": "ASC", "status": { "unknown": true } }, { "authors": [ "Burton S. 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Brown" ], "docId": "BK.v20p150-162.1952", "docLabel": "British Kinematography, vol. 20, pp. 150-162, May 1952", "docTitle": "Problems of Storing Film for Archival Purposes", "docType": "Journal Article", "publicationDate": "1952-05-01", "publisher": "British Kinematography", "status": { "unknown": true } }, { "docId": "cea608.2008", "docLabel": "CEA 608-E-2008 (ANSI)", "docTitle": "Line 21 Data Services", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://webstore.ansi.org/Standards/CEA/CEA6082008ANSI", "publisher": "CEA", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "cea608.2014" ] } }, { "docId": "cea608.2014", "docLabel": "CEA 608-E-2008 (R2014) (ANSI)", "docTitle": "Line 21 Data Services", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://webstore.ansi.org/Standards/CEA/CEA6082008R2014ANSI", "publisher": "CEA", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "cea708.2008", "docLabel": "CEA 708-D-2008", "docTitle": "Digital Television (DTV) Closed Captioning", "docType": "Standard", 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"ISO.15706-1.LATEST", "ISO.19790.2012", "ISO.10646.2003", "ISO.15948.2004", "ISO.14496-22.2007", "ISO.15444-1.LATEST", "ISO.15444-1.2004amd1.2006", "SMPTE.ST330.LATEST", "SMPTE.ST430-14.LATEST", "SMPTE.RP431-2.LATEST", "SMPTE.ST430-17.LATEST", "SMPTE.ST430-1.LATEST", "SMPTE.ST430-2.LATEST", "SMPTE.ST430-5.LATEST", "SMPTE.RDD20.LATEST", "SMPTE.ST430-6.LATEST", "SMPTE.ST430-4.LATEST", "SMPTE.ST433.LATEST", "SMPTE.ST429-5.LATEST", "SMPTE.ST430-3.LATEST", "NIST.FIPS.140-2.2001", "NIST.FIPS.140-3.2019", "NIST.FIPS.198-1.2008", "NIST.FIPS.186-4.2013", "rfc4122", "rfc8446", "rfc2246", "rfc5246" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "statusNote": "build 0c0cff3" } }, { "docId": "DCI.M-DVD.2018-0627", "docLabel": "Memo On Direct View Displays 20180627", "docTitle": "DCI Memorandum Regarding Direct View Displays", "docType": "Memo", "href": "https://www.dcimovies.com/announcements/DCI-Memo-On-Direct-View-Displays_2108-0627.pdf", "publicationDate": "2018-06-27", "publisher": "DCI", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "DCI.M-HDR.2021-0701", "docLabel": "Memo HDR Double-Blind Testing 20210701", "docTitle": "DCI Memorandum on HDR Double-Blind Image Testing", "docType": "Memo", "href": "https://www.dcimovies.com/announcements/DCI-Memo-on-HDR-Image-Testing_2021-0701.pdf", "publicationDate": "2021-07-01", "publisher": "DCI", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "DCI.M-NIST.2020-0701", "docLabel": "Memo NIST ST 20200701", "docTitle": "DCI Memorandum on NIST Standards Transitions and 'Non-FIPS Mode'", "docType": "Memo", "href": "https://www.dcimovies.com/FIPS/DCI_Memo_on_NIST_Standards_transitions_and_Non-FIPS_mode_2020-07-01.pdf", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Security" ], "publicationDate": "2020-07-01", "publisher": "DCI", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "DCI.M-RNG.2018-0511", "docLabel": "Memo on RNG Revocation 20180511", "docTitle": "DCI Memorandum on RNG Revocation and Related NIST and FIPS Developments", "docType": "Memo", "href": "https://www.dcimovies.com/announcements/DCI-Memo-on-RNG-Revocation_20180511.pdf", "publicationDate": "2018-05-11", "publisher": "DCI", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "DCI.RP-HFR.2012-0928", "docLabel": "HFR RP", "docTitle": "DCI High Frame Rates Digital Cinema Recommended Practice", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "href": "https://www.dcimovies.com/Recommended_Practice/DCI_HFR_RP_2015-0716.pdf", "publicationDate": "2012-09-28", "publisher": "DCI", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "DCI.S-TES.2019-0329", "docLabel": "Technology Evolution Statement 20190329", "docTitle": "DCI STATEMENT ON TECHNOLOGY EVOLUTION IN DIGITAL CINEMA ", "docType": "Statement", "href": "https://www.dcimovies.com/announcements/DCI-Technology-Evolution-Statement_2019-0329.pdf", "publicationDate": "2019-03-29", "publisher": "DCI", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "dma-tr-8350-2-wgs", "docLabel": "DMA TR 8350.2 WGS", "docTitle": "DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE WORLD GEODETIC SYSTEM 1984 - ITS DEFINITION AND RELATIONSHIPS WITH LOCAL GEODETIC SYSTEMS", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://global.ihs.com/doc_detail.cfm?document_name=DMA%20TR%208350.2%20WGS&item_s_key=00135849", "publicationDate": "2004-06-23", "publisher": "US Army", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "dpp003", "docLabel": "DPP003", "docTitle": "Carriage of AMWA AS-11 Metadata in IMF", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.thedpp.com/downloads#dpp003", "keywords": [ "IMF" ], "publisher": "DPP", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "dpp004", "docLabel": "DPP004", "docTitle": "IMF QC Workflows", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.thedpp.com/downloads#dpp004", "keywords": [ "IMF" ], "publisher": "DPP", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "dpp005", "docLabel": "DPP005", "docTitle": "IMF Operational Guidance", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.thedpp.com/downloads#dpp005", "keywords": [ "IMF" ], "publisher": "DPP", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "EBU.r128.2011", "docLabel": "EBU R 128", "docTitle": "Loudness Normalisation and Permitted Maximum Level of Audio Signals", "docType": "Recommendation", "publisher": "EBU", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "EBU.r128.2020" ] } }, { "docId": "EBU.r128.2020", "docLabel": "EBU R 128", "docTitle": "Loudness Normalisation and Permitted Maximum Level of Audio Signals", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/r/r128.pdf", "publicationDate": "2020-08-18", "publisher": "EBU", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "EBU.r128s1.2020", "docLabel": "EBU R 128 S1", "docTitle": "Loudness Parameters For Short-Form Content", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/r/r128s1.pdf", "publicationDate": "2020-08-18", "publisher": "EBU", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "EBU.r68.2000", "docLabel": "EBU R68-2000", "docTitle": "Alignment level in digital audio production equipment and in digital 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"amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "EBU.tech3350.2015" ], "amendedDate": "2004-04-29" } }, { "docId": "EBU.tech3289s.2004", "docLabel": "EBU Tech 3289 S", "docTitle": "PRESERVATION AND REUSE OF FILM MATERIAL FOR TELEVISION - SUPPLEMENT 1", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://tech.ebu.ch/publications/tech3289s", "publicationDate": "2004-04-29", "publisher": "EBU", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "EBU.tech3350.2012", "docLabel": "EBU Tech 3350 v1.0", "docTitle": "EBU-TT Part 1 - Subtitling Format Definition", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3350v1-0.pdf", "publicationDate": "2012-07-30", "publisher": "EBU", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "EBU.tech3350.2015" ] } }, { "docId": "EBU.tech3350.2015", "docLabel": "EBU Tech 3350 v1.1", "docTitle": "EBU-TT Part 1 - Subtitling Format Definition", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3350v1_1.pdf", "publicationDate": "2015-09-30", "publisher": "EBU", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "EBU.tech3350.2017" ] } }, { "docId": "EBU.tech3350.2017", "docLabel": "EBU Tech 3350 v1.2", "docTitle": "EBU-TT Part 1 - Subtitling Format Definition", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3350v1_2.pdf", "publicationDate": "2017-05-24", "publisher": "EBU", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "EBU.tech3360.2017", "docLabel": "EBU Tech 3360 v1.0", "docTitle": "EBU-TT Part 2 - Mapping EBU STL (Tech 3264) To EBU-TT Subtitle Files", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3360.pdf", "publicationDate": "2017-05-24", "publisher": "EBU", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "EBU.tech3370.2017", "docLabel": "EBU Tech 3370 v1.0", "docTitle": "EBU-TT Part 3 - Live Subtitling Applications", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3370.pdf", "publicationDate": "2017-05-24", "publisher": "EBU", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "EBU.tech3380.2015", "docLabel": "EBU Tech 3380 v1.0", "docTitle": "EBU-TT-D Subtitling Distribution Format", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3380v1_0.pdf", "publicationDate": "2015-03-30", "publisher": "EBU", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "EBU.tech3380.2018", "docLabel": "EBU Tech 3380 v1.0.1", "docTitle": "EBU-TT-D Subtitling Distribution Format", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3380v1_0_1.pdf", "publicationDate": "2018-05-22", "publisher": "EBU", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "EBU.tech3390.2017", "docLabel": "EBU Tech 3390 v1.0", "docTitle": "EBU-TT Part M Metadata Definitions", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3390.pdf", "publicationDate": "2017-05-24", "publisher": "EBU", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "EIDR.BP", "docLabel": "EIDR Technology", "docTitle": "EIDR Best Practices, 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1.51", "docType": "Best Practice", "href": "http://eidr.org/documents/EIDR_ID_Format.pdf", "publicationDate": "2017-10-05", "publisher": "EIDR", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "EIDR.SV-DFR.201512", "docLabel": "EIDR SV 2.0.9 DFR", "docTitle": "EIDR SYSTEM VERSION 2.0.9 DATA FIELDS REFERENCE", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://eidr.org/documents/EIDR_2.0_Data_Fields.pdf", "publicationDate": "2015-12-27", "publisher": "EIDR", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ETSI.ETR-154.1997", "docLabel": "ETR 154 Edition 3", "docTitle": "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Implementation guidelines for the use of MPEG-2 Systems, Video and Audio in satellite, cable and terrestrial broadcasting applications", "docType": "Specification", "publicationDate": "1997-09-01", "publisher": "ETSI", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ETSI.ETR-154.2000" ] } }, { "docId": "ETSI.ETR-154.2000", "docLabel": "ETR 154 V1.4.1", "docTitle": "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Implementation guidelines for the use of MPEG-2 Systems, Video and Audio in satellite, cable and terrestrial broadcasting applications", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_tr/101100_101199/101154/01.04.01_60/tr_101154v010401p.pdf", "publicationDate": "2000-07-01", "publisher": "ETSI", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true } }, { "docId": "ETSI.TS-101-154.2009", "docLabel": "ETSI TS 101 154 V1.9.1", "docTitle": "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Specification for the use of Video and Audio Coding in Broadcasting Applications based on the MPEG-2 Transport Stream", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_ts/101100_101199/101154/01.09.01_60/ts_101154v010901p.pdf", "publicationDate": "2009-09-01", "publisher": "EBU/ETSI", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true } }, { "docId": "FIFA.1997", "docLabel": "FIFA 1997", "docTitle": "Technical aspects on the preservation of moving images, 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true, "amendedBy": [ "IEC.60268-17.1990cor1.1991" ] } }, { "docId": "IEC.60268-17.1990cor1.1991", "docLabel": "IEC 60268-17:1990/COR1:1991", "docNumber": "60268", "docPart": "17", "docTitle": "Sound system equipment - Part 17: Standard volume indicators", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/1215", "publicationDate": "1991-09-01", "publisher": "IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "IEC.60268-3.2000", "docLabel": "IEC 60268-3:2000", "docNumber": "60268", "docPart": "3", "docTitle": "Sound system equipment - Part 3: Amplifiers", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/32788", "publicationDate": "2000-08-30", "publisher": "IEC", "status": { "active": true, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "IEC.60268-3.2018" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "IEC.60268-3.2018", "docLabel": "IEC 60268-3:2018", "docNumber": "60268", "docPart": "3", "docTitle": "Sound system equipment - Part 3: Amplifiers", "docType": "Standard", 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"publicationDate": "2013-09-30", "publisher": "IEC", "status": { "active": true, "stabilized": true } }, { "docId": "IEC.61966-2-1.1999", "docLabel": "IEC 61966-2-1:1999", "docNumber": "61966", "docPart": "2-1", "docTitle": "Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 2-1: Colour management - Default RGB colour space - sRGB", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/6169", "publicationDate": "1999-10-18", "publisher": "IEC", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "IEC.61966-2-1.1999amd1.2003", "IEC.61966-2-1.1999cor1.2014" ] } }, { "docId": "IEC.61966-2-1.1999amd1.2003", "docLabel": "IEC 61966-2-1:1999/Amd1:2003", "docNumber": "61966", "docPart": "2-1", "docTitle": "Amendment 1 - Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 2-1: Colour management - Default RGB colour space - sRGB", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/6168", "publicationDate": "2003-01-23", "publisher": "IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "IEC.61966-2-1.1999cor1.2014", "docLabel": "IEC 61966-2-1:1999/Cor1:2014", "docNumber": "61966", "docPart": "2-1", "docTitle": "Corrigendum 1 - Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 2-1: Colour management - Default RGB colour space - sRGB", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/6170", "publicationDate": "2014-01-24", "publisher": "IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "IEC.61966-2-4.2006", "docLabel": "IEC 61966-2-4:2006", "docNumber": "61966", "docPart": "2-4", "docTitle": "Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 2-4: Colour management - Extended-gamut YCC colour space for video applications - xvYCC", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/6173", "publicationDate": "2006-01-17", "publisher": "IEC", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ 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"docNumber": "802", "docTitle": "Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: IEEE Standard: Overview and Architecture", "docType": "Standard", "doi": "10.1109/IEEESTD.1990.122158", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1109/IEEESTD.1990.122158", "publicationDate": "1990-12-31", "publisher": "IEEE", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "IEEE.STD802.2014" ] } }, { "docId": "IEEE.STD802.2014", "docLabel": "IEEE Std 802:2014", "docNumber": "802", "docTitle": "Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: IEEE Standard: Overview and Architecture", "docType": "Standard", "doi": "10.1109/IEEESTD.2014.6847097", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1109/IEEESTD.2014.6847097", "publicationDate": "2014-06-30", "publisher": "IEEE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "IEEE.STD9945.2009", "docLabel": "IEEE Std 9945:2009", "docNumber": "9945", "docTitle": "Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX(R)) - Base Definitions", "docType": "Standard", "doi": "10.1109/IEEESTD.2009.5393893", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1109/IEEESTD.2009.5393893", "publicationDate": "2009-09-15", "publisher": "IEEE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "IESNA.RP16.1996", "docLabel": "ANSI/IESNA RP-16-1996", "docNumber": "16", "docTitle": "Nomenclature and Definitions for Illuminating Engineering", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "publisher": "IESNA", "status": { "unknown": true } }, { "docId": "IETF.draft-bhutton-json-schema-00", "docLabel": "draft-bhutton-json-schema-00", "docTitle": "JSON Schema: A Media Type for Describing JSON Documents", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-bhutton-json-schema-00", "publicationDate": "2020-12-08", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "IETF.JSON.2022" ] } }, { "docId": "IETF.FLS.2001", "docLabel": "IETF Statement", "docTitle": "Guidelines for the Use of Formal Languages in IETF Specifications", "docType": "Guideline", "href": "https://www.ietf.org/about/groups/iesg/statements/formal-languages-use/", "publicationDate": "2001-10-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "IETF.JSON.2022", "docLabel": "JSON Schema", "docTitle": "A Media Type for Describing JSON Documents", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-core.html", "publicationDate": "2022-06-10", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "IMFUG.BP-DS1.2020", "docLabel": "IMFUG DS", "docTitle": "IMF Delivery Schema 1.0.0", "docType": "Best Practice", "href": "https://imfug.github.io/delivery-schema/documentation/specification", "publicationDate": "2020-02-24", "publisher": "IMFUG", "repo": "https://github.com/imfug/delivery-schema", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "IMFUG.BP001.2020", "docLabel": "IMFUG 001", "docNumber": "001", "docTitle": "Timecode in IMF", "docType": "Best Practice", "href": "https://www.imfug.com/TR/timecode-in-imf/", "publicationDate": "2020-04-22", "publisher": "IMFUG", "repo": "https://github.com/imfug/001-timecode-in-imf", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "IMFUG.BP002.2020", "docLabel": "IMFUG 002", "docNumber": "002", "docTitle": "Packaging and Delivery in IMF", "docType": "Best Practice", "href": "https://www.imfug.com/TR/pkg-and-delivery/", "publicationDate": "2020-11-10", "publisher": "IMFUG", "repo": "https://github.com/imfug/002-pkg-and-delivery", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "IMFUG.BP003.2020", "docLabel": "IMFUG 003", "docNumber": "003", "docTitle": "Authoring of IMSC Documents", "docType": "Best Practice", "href": "https://www.imfug.com/TR/imsc-authoring/", "publicationDate": "2020-10-13", "publisher": "IMFUG", "repo": "https://github.com/imfug/003-imsc-authoring", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "IMFUG.BP004.2020", "docLabel": "IMFUG 004", "docNumber": "004", "docTitle": "Authoring of Audio Track Files", "docType": "Best Practice", "href": "https://www.imfug.com/TR/audio-track-files/", "publicationDate": "2020-11-10", "publisher": "IMFUG", "repo": "https://github.com/imfug/004-audio-track-files", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "isbn-0195392884", "docLabel": "ISBN 0-195-39288-4", "docTitle": "New Oxford American Dictionary, Third Edition", "docType": "Book", "publicationDate": "2010-09-02", "publisher": "Oxford University Press", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Martin Fowler" ], "docId": "isbn-0201325632", "docLabel": "ISBN 0-201-32563-2", "docTitle": "UML Distilled - Applying the standard object modelling language", "docType": "Book", "publicationDate": "1998-01-01", "publisher": "Addison-Wesley", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Grady Booch" ], "docId": "isbn-0201571684", "docLabel": "ISBN 0-201-57168-4", "docTitle": "The Unified Modelling Language User Guide", "docType": "Book", "publicationDate": "1998-01-01", "publisher": "Addison-Wesley", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Eric Rescorla" ], "docId": "isbn-0201615983", "docLabel": "ISBN 0-201-61598-3", "docTitle": "SSL and TLS: Designing and Building Secure Systems", "docType": "Book", "publicationDate": "2000-10-01", "publisher": "Addison-Wesley", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Beranek, Leo L" ], "docId": "isbn-9780070048416", "docLabel": "ISBN 978-0-070-04841-6, p. 565", "docTitle": "Noise and Vibration Control", "docType": "Book", "publisher": "McGraw-Hill Book Company", "status": { "unknown": true } }, { "authors": [ "William Strunk, Jr.", "E. B. White" ], "docId": "isbn-9780205309023", "docLabel": "ISBN 978-0-205-30902-3", "docTitle": "Elements of Style, Fourth Edition", "docType": "Book", "publicationDate": "1999-07-23", "publisher": "Pearson", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "isbn-9780226103891", "docLabel": "ISBN 978-0-226-103891", "docTitle": "CHICAGO DOCUMENTATION STYLE (14th Edition)", "docType": "Book", "publisher": "University of Chicago Press", "status": { "unknown": true } }, { "authors": [ "R.W.G. Hunt" ], "docId": "isbn-9780470024270", "docLabel": "ISBN 978-0-470-02427-0", "docTitle": "The Reproduction of Colour", "docType": "Book", "doi": "10.1002/0470024275", "publisher": "John Wiley & Sons, Ltd", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Edward J Giorgianni", "Thomas E Madden" ], "docId": "isbn-9780470512449", "docLabel": "ISBN 978-0-470-51244-9", "docTitle": "Digital Color Management: Encoding Solutions, 2nd Edition", "docType": "Book", "publicationDate": "2009-01-01", "publisher": "Addison-Wesley", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Niels Ferguson", "Bruce Schneier" ], "docId": "isbn-9780471223573", "docLabel": "ISBN 978-0-471-22357-3", "docTitle": "Practical Cryptography", "docType": "Book", "href": "https://www.wiley.com/en-gb/Practical+Cryptography-p-9780471223573", "publicationDate": "2003-04-01", "publisher": "Wiley", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Günther Wyszecki", "W. S. Stiles" ], "docId": "isbn-9780471399186", "docLabel": "ISBN 978-0-471-39918-6", "docTitle": "Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae, 2nd Edition", "docType": "Book", "publicationDate": "2000-08-01", "publisher": "Addison-Wesley", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "isbn-9780877798071", "docLabel": "ISBN 978-0-877-79807-1", "docTitle": "Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition", "docType": "Book", "href": "https://shop.merriam-webster.com/products/merriam-websters-collegiate-dictionary-eleventh-edition", "publisher": "Merriam-Webster", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "isbn-9780879854799", "docLabel": "ISBN 978-0-879-85479-9", "docTitle": "The Book of Film Care/H 23", "docType": "Book", "publisher": "Eastman Kodak Company", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Bruce Schneier" ], "docId": "isbn-9781119183471", "docLabel": "ISBN 978-1-119-18347-1", "docTitle": "Applied Cryptography, Second Edition: Protocols, Algorthms, and Source Code in C, 20th Anniversary Edition", "docType": "Book", "doi": "10.1002/9781119183471", "href": "https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781119183471", "publicationDate": "2015-10-06", "publisher": "Wiley", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "John William Strutt, R. Ayleigh" ], "docId": "isbn-9781139058087", "docLabel": "ISBN 978-1-139-05808-7", "docTitle": "The Theory of Sound", "docType": "Book", "doi": "10.1017/CBO9781139058087", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139058087", "publicationDate": "1896-01-01", "publisher": "Cambridge University Press", "status": { "active": true } }, { "details": "The Digital Cinema industry is moving from Interop-DCP to SMPTE-DCP, hopefully starting in April 2012. Posted here is the comparison between these two delivery packages.", "docId": "ISDCF.D02.2011", "docLabel": "ISDCF Doc 02", "docNumber": "02", "docTitle": "SMPTE-DCP compared to Interop-DCP Informational only", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-Doc2-DCP-TransitionReview.pdf", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Interop" ], "publicationDate": "2011-11-02", "publisher": "ISDCF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "details": "Distribution Device File System Recommendations", "docId": "ISDCF.D03.2017", "docLabel": "ISDCF Doc 03", "docNumber": "03", "docTitle": "Hard Disc Drive formats", "docType": "Technical Doc", "href": "https://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-Doc3-Delivery-Recs.pdf", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Distribution", "Packaging", "Interop" ], "publicationDate": "2017-06-29", "publisher": "ISDCF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "details": "16‐Channel Audio Packaging Guide for both Interop-DCP and SMPTE-DCP. Interop DCP does not have a standardized way of sending multichannel packages. The attached documents describe a common way of transporting multi-channel and the docLabeling to be consistent with SMPTE-DCP packages. Note: (As of 2020-08-18) The information contained within this document has been incorporated in whole into SMPTE RDD52. This document remains here for historical purposes and as the original base information contained with RDD52. If ISDCF decides that any changes must occur within this document, a new revision will be posted, and said changes will be submitted to SMPTE for an updated revision of RDD52, to keep the documents’ information in sync. If for some reason, there may be future revisions to either SMPTE RDD52 or subsequent documents where this document becomes obsolete, and at that time this document will be marked as “superseded”.", "docId": "ISDCF.D04.2017", "docLabel": "ISDCF Doc 04", "docNumber": "04", "docTitle": "Audio Channel Assignments", "docType": "Technical Doc", "href": "https://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-Doc4-Audio-channel-recommendations.pdf", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Audio", "Distribution", "Packaging", "Interop" ], "publicationDate": "2017-06-29", "publisher": "ISDCF", "relatedDocs": [ "SMPTE.RDD52.2020" ], "status": { "active": true } }, { "details": "Actual DCI-compliant systems are now starting to appear in the field. Some KDM providers have been sending KDMs containing ContentAuthenticator to be used with Interop content. This will not work on a DCI-compliant system. This document describes formulations for successful KDMs.", "docId": "ISDCF.D05.2017", "docLabel": "ISDCF Doc 05", "docNumber": "05", "docTitle": "Guideline formulations for SMPTE-KDMs", "docType": "Technical Doc", "href": "https://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-Doc5-kdm-certs.pdf", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "KDM" ], "publicationDate": "2017-06-29", "publisher": "ISDCF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "details": "This document was pushed over to SMPTE, see SMPTE ST429-16", "docId": "ISDCF.D06.2012", "docLabel": "ISDCF Doc 06", "docNumber": "06", "docTitle": "Composition Metadata Guidelines", "docType": "Informational", "publisher": "ISDCF", "relatedDocs": [ "SMPTE.ST429-16.2014" ], "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "SMPTE.ST429-16.2014" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISDCF.D07.2017", "docLabel": "ISDCF Doc 07", "docNumber": "07", "docTitle": "Language Codes", "docType": "Technical Doc", "href": "https://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-Doc7-DigitalCinemaLanguageCodes.pdf", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "XML" ], "publicationDate": "2017-10-19", "publisher": "ISDCF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "details": "Tired of using Email to send KDMs to theaters? Here is a very rough proposal for a TKR that uses open standards to deliver Keys. This is a WORKING DRAFT.", "docId": "ISDCF.D08.2012", "docLabel": "ISDCF Doc 08", "docNumber": "08", "docTitle": "Theater Key Retrieval", "docType": "Informational", "href": "http://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-Doc8-TheaterKeyRetrieval-TKR-v03.pdf", "publicationDate": "2012-02-27", "publisher": "ISDCF", "status": { "active": false, "withdrawn": true } }, { "details": "Closed caption devices have some strange and unusual behavior – from limited number of display characters to limited number of lines to unique fonts. Captured here are some suggestions to maximize the quality of closed captions.", "docId": "ISDCF.D09.2016", "docLabel": "ISDCF Doc 09", "docNumber": "09", "docTitle": "Closed Caption Authoring Best Practices", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-Doc9-Closed-Caption-Authoring-Best-Practices.pdf", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Captions", "Accessibility" ], "publicationDate": "2016-02-11", "publisher": "ISDCF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "details": "Subtitles and Captions in Digital Cinema. Digital cinema provides for subtitles and captions, both on the main screen and off. This paper provides a brief description of these capabilities.", "docId": "ISDCF.D10.2016", "docLabel": "ISDCF Doc 10", "docNumber": "10", "docTitle": "Subtitles and Captions in Digital Cinema", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-Doc10-Subtitles-and-Captions-in%20Digital-Cinema-20160211.pdf", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Subtitles", "Captions", "Accessibility" ], "publicationDate": "2016-02-11", "publisher": "ISDCF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "details": "Leq(m10)2.0 A procedure is introduced to measure the subjective loudness of an entire movie and to develop a suitable metric. Leq(m) has been used for over 15 years to measure and then control the level of trailers and commercials, both in the US and overseas. The method to be described takes a ten-minute rolling average of Leq(m) throughout an entire movie, and then integrates the values above a given threshold. The procedure is not intended to constrain the levels of movies, simply to come up with a metric to describe the subjective loudness. A suggested descriptive is Leq(m10). Reposted Accepted for publication and copyright SMPTE – reproduced by permission. Ioan Allen Author.", "docId": "ISDCF.D11.2016", "docLabel": "ISDCF Doc 11", "docNumber": "11", "docTitle": "How Loud is a Movie? – a New Measurement Procedure", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-Doc11-MovieLoudnessMeasurement20160315.pdf", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Audio", "Measurement", "Cinema Sound" ], "publicationDate": "2016-03-15", "publisher": "ISDCF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "details": "DRAFT - NOT YET APPROVED", "docId": "ISDCF.D12.2017", "docLabel": "ISDCF Doc 12", "docNumber": "12", "docTitle": "Ingest Behavior (a document under development)", "docType": "Technical Doc", "href": "https://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-Doc12-Recommended-Practice-for-Ingest-Behavior-DRAFT-20170322.pdf", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Operations" ], "publicationDate": "2017-03-22", "publisher": "ISDCF", "status": { "draft": true } }, { "details": "To submit comments and corrections, go to GH. Note: (As of 2020-08-18) The information contained within this document has been incorporated in whole into SMPTE RDD52. This document remains here for historical purposes and as the original base information contained with RDD52. If ISDCF decides that any changes must occur within this document, a new revision will be posted, and said changes will be submitted to SMPTE for an updated revision of RDD52, to keep the documents’ information in sync. If for some reason, there may be future revisions to either SMPTE RDD52 or subsequent documents where this document becomes obsolete, and at that time this document will be marked as “superseded”.", "docId": "ISDCF.D13.2018", "docLabel": "ISDCF Doc 13", "docNumber": "13", "docTitle": "Sign Language Video Encoding for Digital Cinema", "docType": "Technical Doc", "href": "https://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-Doc13-Sign-Language-Video-Encoding-for-Digital-Cinema.pdf", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Sign Language", "Accessibility" ], "publicationDate": "2018-07-18", "publisher": "ISDCF", "relatedDocs": [ "SMPTE.RDD52.2020" ], "repo": "https://github.com/ISDCF/Sign-Language-Video-Encoding", "status": { "active": true } }, { "details": "This is an informational document on the safe transfer and delivery of DCPs between facilities. Due to the security built into the DCP structure the basic transfer can be based on cost and efficiency.", "docId": "ISDCF.D14.2019", "docLabel": "ISDCF Doc 14", "docNumber": "14", "docTitle": "Digital Delivery of DCPs – Informational", "docType": "Technical Doc", "href": "https://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-Doc14-Digital-Delivery-of-DCPs.pdf", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Distribution" ], "publicationDate": "2019-01-03", "publisher": "ISDCF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISDCF.D15.2020", "docLabel": "ISDCF Doc 15", "docNumber": "15", "docTitle": "SMPTE ST 2098-2 Immersive Audio Bitstream Constraints – IAB Application Profile 1", "docType": "Technical Doc", "href": "https://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-Doc15-IAB-Profile-1-202006012.pdf", "keywords": [ "Audio", "DCinema", "DCP Application", "Packaging", "Immersive Audio", "Sound" ], "publicationDate": "2020-06-12", "publisher": "ISDCF", "relatedDocs": [ "SMPTE.RDD57.2021" ], "status": { "active": true } }, { "details": "ISDCF maintains the recommendation for naming DCP files.", "docId": "ISDCF.DCNC", "docLabel": "ISDCF Doc 01", "docNumber": "01", "docTitle": "Digital Cinema Content Naming Convention", "docType": "Registry", "href": "http://isdcf.com/dcnc", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "DCP Core", "Packaging", "Distribution" ], "publisher": "ISDCF", "repo": "https://github.com/ISDCF/registries", "status": { "active": true } }, { "details": "A high frame rate movie was distributed in SMPTE-DCP at the end of 2012. To facilitate the interoperability of the release, here is a very drafty specifications for 48 FPS per eye distribution.", "docId": "ISDCF.P-HFR.2012", "docLabel": "ISDCF HighFrameRate DCP", "docTitle": "P-HFR -- Prototype DCP for High Frame Rate Projection", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-HighFrameRate-DCP.pdf", "publicationDate": "2012-06-20", "publisher": "ISDCF", "status": { "active": false, "withdrawn": true } }, { "details": "Harold Hallikainen created a document for recommended practices for SMPTE ST430-10. For convenience is it provided here. This is not an official ISDCF document, but may help authoring services in understanding how to prepare content.", "docId": "ISDCF.RP-430-10.2018", "docLabel": "ISDCF RP for 430-10", "docTitle": "SMPTE ST 430-10 Implementation Notes", "docType": "Informational", "href": "http://isdcf.com/papers/ISDCF-SMPTE-ST-430-10-Implementation-Notes20180308.pdf", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Captions", "Accessibility" ], "publicationDate": "2018-03-08", "publisher": "ISDCF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.10527.1991", "docLabel": "ISO/CIE 10527:1991", "docNumber": "10527", "docTitle": "CIE standard colorimetric observers", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/18596.html", "publicationDate": "1991-12-01", "publisher": "ISO/CIE", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.10527.2007" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.10527.2007", "docLabel": "ISO 10527:2007", "docNumber": "10527", "docTitle": "CIE standard colorimetric observers", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/37408.html", "publicationDate": "2007-10-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": false, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "ISO.10527.2007cor1.2008" ], "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.11664-1.2007" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.10527.2007cor1.2008", "docLabel": "ISO 10527:2007/COR 1:2008", "docNumber": "10527", "docTitle": "CIE standard colorimetric observers — Technical Corrigendum 1", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/52494.html", "publicationDate": "2011-08-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.11664-1.2007" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.10646-1.2000", "docLabel": "ISO 10646-1:2000", "docNumber": "10646", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) — Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/29819.html", "publicationDate": "2000-09-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.10646.2003" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.10646.2003", "docLabel": "ISO 10646:2003", "docNumber": "10646", "docTitle": "Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/39921.html", "publicationDate": "2003-12-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.10646.2011" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.10646.2011", "docLabel": "ISO 10646:2011", "docNumber": "10646", "docTitle": "Information technology — Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/51273.html", "publicationDate": "2011-03-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.10646.2012" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.10646.2012", "docLabel": "ISO 10646:2012", "docNumber": "10646", "docTitle": "Information technology — Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/56921.html", "publicationDate": "2012-06-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.10646.2014" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.10646.2014", "docLabel": "ISO 10646:2014", "docNumber": "10646", "docTitle": "Information technology — Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/63182.html", "publicationDate": "2014-09-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.10646.2017" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.10646.2017", "docLabel": "ISO 10646:2017", "docNumber": "10646", "docTitle": "Information technology — Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/69119.html", "publicationDate": "2017-12-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "ISO.10646.2017amd1.2019", "ISO.10646.2017amd2.2019" ] } }, { "docId": "ISO.10646.2017amd1.2019", "docLabel": "ISO 10646:2017/AMD 1:2019", "docNumber": "10646", "docTitle": "Information technology — Universal Coded Character Set (UCS) — Amendment 1: Dogra, Gunjala Gondi, Makasar, Medefaidrin, Indic Siyaq Numbers and other characters", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/70766.html", "publicationDate": "2019-01-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.10646.2017amd2.2019", "docLabel": "ISO 10646:2017/AMD 2:2019", "docNumber": "10646", "docTitle": "Information technology — Universal Coded Character Set (UCS) — Amendment 2: Nandinagari, Georgian extension, and other characters", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/73773.html", "publicationDate": "2019-06-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.11179-1.2004", "docLabel": "ISO 11179-1: 2004", "docNumber": "11179", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) — Part 1: Framework", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/35343.html", "publicationDate": "2004-09-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.11179-1.2015" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.11179-1.2015", "docLabel": "ISO 11179-1: 2015", "docNumber": "11179", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) — Part 1: Framework", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/61932.html", "publicationDate": "2015-12-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.11578.1998", "docLabel": "ISO 11578:1998", "docTitle": "Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Remote Procedure Call (RPC)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/2229.html", "publicationDate": "1996-12-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.11664-1.2007", "docLabel": "ISO 11664-1:2007", "docNumber": "11664", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Colorimetry — Part 1: CIE standard colorimetric observers", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/52495.html", "publicationDate": "2010-07-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.11664-1.2019" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.11664-1.2019", "docLabel": "ISO/CIE 11664-1:2019", "docNumber": "11664", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Colorimetry — Part 1: CIE standard colorimetric observers", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/74164.html", "publicationDate": "2019-06-01", "publisher": "ISO/CIE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.11664-3.2012", "docLabel": "ISO 11664-3:2012", "docNumber": "11664", "docPart": "3", "docTitle": "Colorimetry — Part 3: CIE tristimulus values", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/60331.html", "publicationDate": "2012-04-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.11664-3.2019" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.11664-3.2019", "docLabel": "ISO/CIE 11664-3:2019", "docNumber": "11664", "docPart": "3", "docTitle": "Colorimetry — Part 3: CIE tristimulus values", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/74165.html", "publicationDate": "2019-06-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.1188.1984", "docLabel": "ISO 1188:1984", "docNumber": "1188", "docTitle": "Cinematography — Recorded characteristic for magnetic sound on full-coat 16 mm motion-picture film — Specifications", "docType": "Standard", "group": "iso-tc36-tc", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/5780.html", "publicationDate": "1984-11-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.1189.1986", "docLabel": "ISO 1189:1986", "docNumber": "1189", "docTitle": "Cinematography — Recorded characteristic for magnetic sound records on 35 mm motion-picture film excluding striped release prints — Specifications", "docType": "Standard", "group": "iso-tc36-tc", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/5782.html", "publicationDate": "1986-09-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.1223.2003", "docLabel": "ISO 1223:2003", "docNumber": "1223", "docTitle": "Cinematography — Picture areas for motion-picture films for television — Position and dimensions", "docType": "Standard", "group": "iso-tc36-tc", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/31172.html", "publicationDate": "2003-02-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmDate": "2019-10-29", "reaffirmed": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.12639.2004", "docLabel": "ISO 12639:2004(E)", "docNumber": "12639", "docTitle": "Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Tag image file format for image technology (TIFF/IT)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/34342.html", "publicationDate": "2004-05-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "ISO.12639.2004am1.2007" ] } }, { "docId": "ISO.12639.2004am1.2007", "docLabel": "ISO 12639:2004/AMD 1:2007", "docNumber": "12639", "docTitle": "Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Tag image file format for image technology (TIFF/IT) — Amendment 1: Use of JBIG2-Amd2 compression in TIFF/IT", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/43356.html", "publicationDate": "2007-03-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.13818-1.2015", "docLabel": "ISO/IEC 13818-1:2015", "docNumber": "13818", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information — Part 1: Systems", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/67331.html", "publicationDate": "2015-07-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.13818-1.2022" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.13818-1.2019", "docLabel": "ISO/IEC 13818-1:2019", "docNumber": "13818", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information — Part 1: Systems", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/75928.html", "publicationDate": "2016-09-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "ISO.13818-1.2019amd1.2020", "ISO.13818-1.2019cor1.2020" ], "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.13818-1.2022" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.13818-1.2019amd1.2020", "docLabel": "ISO/IEC 13818-1:2019/AMD 1:2020", "docNumber": "13818", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information — Part 1: Systems — Amendment 1: Carriage of JPEG XS in MPEG-2 TS", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/76595.html", "publicationDate": "2020-01-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.13818-1.2022" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.13818-1.2019cor1.2020", "docLabel": "ISO/IEC 13818-1:2019/COR 1:2020", "docNumber": "13818", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information — Part 1: Systems — Technical Corrigendum 1", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/80196.html", "publicationDate": "2020-10-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.13818-1.2022" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.13818-1.2022", "docLabel": "ISO/IEC 13818-1:2022", "docNumber": "13818", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information — Part 1: Systems", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/83239.html", "publicationDate": "2022-09-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.13818-2.2000", "docLabel": "ISO 13818-2:2000", "docNumber": "13818", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Video — Part 2 ", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/31539.html", "publicationDate": "2012-01-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.13818-2.2013" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.13818-2.2013", "docLabel": "ISO 13818-2:2013", "docNumber": "13818", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information — Part 2: Video", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/61152.html", "publicationDate": "2013-10-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.13818-7.2006", "docLabel": "ISO 13818-7:2006", "docNumber": "13818", "docPart": "4", "docTitle": "Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information — Part 7: Advanced Audio Coding (AAC)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/43345.html", "publicationDate": "2006-01-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.14496-10.2005", "docLabel": "ISO 14496-10:2005", "docNumber": "14496", "docPart": "10", "docTitle": "Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 10: Advanced Video Coding", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/43058.html", "publicationDate": "2005-12-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.14496-10.2014" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.14496-10.2014", "docLabel": "ISO 14496-10:2014", "docNumber": "14496", "docPart": "10", "docTitle": "Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 10: Advanced Video Coding", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/66069.html", "publicationDate": "2014-09-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "ISO.14496-10.2014amd1.2015", "ISO.14496-10.2014amd3.2016" ], "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.14496-10.2020" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.14496-10.2014amd1.2015", "docLabel": "ISO 14496-10:2014/AMD 1:2015", "docNumber": "14496", "docPart": "10", "docTitle": "Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 10: Advanced Video Coding — Amendment 1: Multi-Resolution frame compatible stereoscopic video with depth maps, additional supplemental enhancement information and video usability information", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/67318.html", "publicationDate": "2015-11-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.14496-10.2020" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.14496-10.2014amd3.2016", "docLabel": "ISO 14496-10:2014/AMD 3:2016", "docNumber": "14496", "docPart": "10", "docTitle": "Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 10: Advanced Video Coding — Amendment 3: Additional supplemental enhancement information", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/69728.html", "publicationDate": "2016-12-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.14496-10.2020" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.14496-10.2020", "docLabel": "ISO/IEC 14496-10:2020", "docNumber": "14496", "docPart": "10", "docTitle": "Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 10: Advanced Video Coding", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/75400.html", "publicationDate": "2020-12-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.14496-2.2004", "docLabel": "ISO/IEC 14496-2:2004", "docNumber": "14496", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 2: Visual", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/39259.html", "publicationDate": "2004-06-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "ISO.14496-2.2004amd1.2004", "ISO.14496-2.2004cor1.2004", "ISO.14496-2.2004amd2.2005", "ISO.14496-2.2004cor2.2007", "ISO.14496-2.2004amd3.2007", "ISO.14496-2.2004cor3.2008", "ISO.14496-2.2004amd4.2008", "ISO.14496-2.2004cor4.2010", "ISO.14496-2.2004amd5.2009", "ISO.14496-2.2004cor5.2013" ] } }, { "docId": "ISO.14496-2.2004amd1.2004", "docLabel": "ISO/IEC 14496-2:2004/AMD 1:2004", "docNumber": "14496", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 2: Visual — Amendment 1: Error resilient simple scalable profile", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/39365.html", "publicationDate": "2004-06-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.14496-2.2004amd2.2005", "docLabel": "ISO/IEC 14496-2:2004/AMD 2:2005", "docNumber": "14496", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 2: Visual — Amendment 2: New Levels for Simple Profile", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/41483.html", "publicationDate": "2005-10-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.14496-2.2004amd3.2007", "docLabel": "ISO/IEC 14496-2:2004/AMD 3:2007", "docNumber": "14496", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 2: Visual — Amendment 3: Support for colour spaces", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/43658.html", "publicationDate": "2007-07-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.14496-2.2004amd4.2008", "docLabel": "ISO/IEC 14496-2:2004/AMD 4:2008", "docNumber": "14496", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 2: Visual — Amendment 4: Simple profile level 6", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/46285.html", "publicationDate": "2008-05-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.14496-2.2004amd5.2009", "docLabel": "ISO/IEC 14496-2:2004/AMD 5:2009", "docNumber": "14496", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 2: Visual — Amendment 5: Simple studio profile levels 5 and 6", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/51748.html", "publicationDate": "2009-06-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": 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"publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.2240.1994", "docLabel": "ISO 2240:1994", "docNumber": "2240", "docTitle": "Photography — Colour reversal camera films — Determination of ISO speed", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/7050.html", "publicationDate": "1994-08-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.2240.2003" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.2240.2003", "docLabel": "ISO 2240:2003", "docNumber": "2240", "docTitle": "Photography — Colour reversal camera films — Determination of ISO speed", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/34533.html", "publicationDate": "2003-10-02", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.23008-2.2017", "docLabel": "ISO/IEC 23008-2:2017", "docNumber": "23008", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Information technology — High efficiency coding and media delivery in heterogeneous 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"ISO", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.26428-1.2008", "docLabel": "ISO 26428-1:2008", "docNumber": "26428", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Digital cinema (D-cinema) distribution master — Part 1: Image characteristics", "docType": "Standard", "group": "iso-tc36-tc", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/50204.html", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "DCDM", "DCP Core", "Distribution", "Image" ], "publicationDate": "2008-09-01", "publisher": "ISO", "references": { "normative": [ "cie15.2004", "SMPTE.ST431-1.2006" ] }, "relatedDocs": [ "SMPTE.ST428-1.2006" ], "status": { "active": true }, "workInfo": { "review": [ { "assignedGroup": "iso-tc36-wg-wg2", "reviewDate": "2019-10-29", "reviewPeriod": "Systematic", "reviewRec": "Stabilize" } ] } }, { "docId": "ISO.26428-1.20XX", "docLabel": "ISO CD 26428-1", "docNumber": "26428", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Digital cinema (D-cinema) distribution master — Part 1: Image characteristics", "docType": "Standard", "group": "iso-tc36-tc", "href": 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"docTitle": "Digital cinema (D-cinema) distribution master — Part 19: Serial digital interface signal formatting for additional frame rates level AFR2 and level AFR4", "docType": "Standard", "group": "iso-tc36-tc", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/57750.html", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "DCDM", "Distribution", "SDI" ], "publicationDate": "2011-12-01", "publisher": "ISO", "references": { "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST428-1.2006", "SMPTE.ST428-11.2009" ] }, "relatedDocs": [ "SMPTE.ST428-19.2010" ], "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmDate": "2017-01-01", "reaffirmed": true }, "workInfo": { "review": [ { "assignedGroup": "iso-tc36-wg-wg2", "reviewDate": "2019-10-29", "reviewPeriod": "Systematic", "reviewRec": "Stabilize" } ] } }, { "docId": "ISO.26428-2.2008", "docLabel": "ISO 26428-2:2008", "docNumber": "26428", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Digital cinema (D-cinema) distribution master — Part 3: Audio channel mapping and channel docLabeling", "docType": "Standard", "group": "iso-tc36-tc", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/50218.html", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "DCDM", "DCP Core", "Distribution", "Sound" ], "publicationDate": "2008-07-01", "publisher": "ISO", "references": { "normative": [ "aes3.2003" ] }, "relatedDocs": [ "SMPTE.ST428-2.2006" ], "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmDate": "2017-01-01", "reaffirmed": true }, "workInfo": { "review": [ { "assignedGroup": "iso-tc36-wg-wg3", "reviewDate": "2019-10-29", "reviewPeriod": "Systematic", "reviewRec": "Stabilize" } ] } }, { "docId": "ISO.26428-3.2008", "docLabel": "ISO 26428-3:2008", "docNumber": "26428", "docPart": "3", "docTitle": "Digital cinema (D-cinema) distribution master — Part 3: Audio channel mapping and channel docLabeling", "docType": "Standard", "group": "iso-tc36-tc", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/50219.html", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "DCDM", "DCP Core", "Distribution", "Sound" ], "publicationDate": "2008-09-01", "publisher": "ISO", "references": { "normative": [ "aes3.2003" ] }, 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This version doesn't exist - should be '2006'", "docId": "ISO.26429-6.2008", "docLabel": "ISO 26429-6:2008", "docNumber": "26429", "docPart": "6", "docTitle": "Digital cinema (D-cinema) packaging — Part 6: MXF track file essence encryption", "docType": "Standard", "group": "iso-tc36-tc", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/50222.html", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Packaging", "DCP Core", "Security", "MXF Application" ], "publicationDate": "2008-07-01", "publisher": "ISO", "references": { "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST336.2001", "SMPTE.ST377.2004", "SMPTE.ST429-3.2006", "rfc2898", "rfc2104", "NIST.SP.800-38A.2001", "NIST.FIPS.197.2001", "NIST.FIPS.186-2.2001" ] }, "relatedDocs": [ "SMPTE.ST429-6.2006" ], "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmDate": "2017-01-01", "reaffirmed": true }, "workInfo": { "review": [ { "assignedGroup": "iso-tc36-wg-wg2", "reviewDate": "2019-10-29", "reviewNotes": "ISO TC36 - Resolution 8 (Los Angeles, CA): 2019, Request for the Initiation of an Amendment to ISO 26429-6:2008, Digital cinema (D-cinema) operations – Part 6: MXF track file essence encryption", "reviewPeriod": "Systematic", "reviewRec": "Stabilize" } ] } }, { "docId": "ISO.26429-7.2008", "docLabel": "ISO 26429-7:2008", "docNumber": "26429", "docPart": "7", "docTitle": "Digital cinema (D-cinema) packaging — Part 7: Composition playlist", "docType": "Standard", "group": "iso-tc36-tc", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/50223.html", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Packaging", "DCP Core" ], "publicationDate": "2008-09-01", "publisher": "ISO", "references": { "normative": [ "xml.20040204", "xmlschema-1.20041028", "xmlschema-2.20041028", "xmldsig.core.20020212", "rfc2045", "rfc2046", "rfc2396", "rfc3174", "rfc2141", "rfc4051", "rfc4122" ] }, "relatedDocs": [ "SMPTE.ST429-7.2006" ], "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmDate": "2017-01-01", "reaffirmed": true }, "workInfo": { "review": [ { "assignedGroup": "iso-tc36-wg-wg2", "reviewDate": "2019-10-29", "reviewPeriod": "Systematic", 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"DCinema", "Operations", "Security", "KDM" ], "publicationDate": "2008-07-01", "publisher": "ISO", "references": { "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST429-6.2006", "SMPTE.ST430-2.2006", "SMPTE.ST430-3.2006", "rfc2253", "rfc3339", "rfc4122" ] }, "relatedDocs": [ "SMPTE.ST430-1.2006" ], "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmDate": "2017-01-01", "reaffirmed": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.26430-2.2008", "docLabel": "ISO 26430-2:2008", "docNumber": "26430", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Digital cinema (D-cinema) operations — Part 2: Digital certificate", "docType": "Standard", "group": "iso-tc36-tc", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/50224.html", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Operations", "DCP Core", "Security", "KDM" ], "publicationDate": "2008-09-01", "publisher": "ISO", "references": { "normative": [ "ISO.8824-1.2002", "rfc1521", "NIST.FIPS.180-2.2002", "rfc3447", "rfc4055", "rfc3280", "rfc3339", "x509.199706" ] }, "relatedDocs": [ "SMPTE.ST430-2.2006" ], "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmDate": 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"DCinema", "XML" ], "publisher": "ISO", "relatedDocs": [ "SMPTE.ST433.2008Am1.2011" ], "status": { "draft": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.2721.2013", "docLabel": "ISO 2721:2013", "docNumber": "2721", "docTitle": "Photography — Film-based cameras — Automatic controls of exposure", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/62742.html", "publicationDate": "2013-03-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.2906.2002", "docLabel": "ISO 2906:2002", "docNumber": "2906", "docTitle": "Cinematography — Image area produced by camera aperture on 35 mm motion-picture film — Position and dimensions", "docType": "Standard", "group": "iso-tc36-tc", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/30126.html", "publicationDate": "2002-02-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.2907.2002", "docLabel": "ISO 2907:2002", "docNumber": "2907", "docTitle": "Cinematography — Maximum projectable image area on 35 mm motion-picture film — Position and dimensions", "docType": "Standard", "group": "iso-tc36-tc", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/25425.html", "publicationDate": "2002-08-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.3166-1.1997", "docLabel": "ISO 3166-1:1997", "docNumber": "3166", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 1: Country codes", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/24591.html", "publicationDate": "1997-09-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.3166-1.2006" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.3166-1.2006", "docLabel": "ISO 3166-1:2006", "docNumber": "3166", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 1: Country codes", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/39719.html", 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"2010-10-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.3743-1.2010", "docLabel": "ISO 3743-1:2010", "docNumber": "3743", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure — Engineering methods for small movable sources in reverberant fields — Part 1: Comparison method for a hard-walled test room", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/52054.html", "publicationDate": "2010-10-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.3743-2.1994", "docLabel": "ISO 3743-2:1994", "docNumber": "3743", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure — Engineering methods for small, movable sources in reverberant fields — Part 2: Methods for special reverberation test rooms", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/21753.html", "publicationDate": 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"publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.3745.2003", "docLabel": "ISO 3745:2003", "docNumber": "3745", "docTitle": "Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure — Precision methods for anechoic and hemi-anechoic rooms", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/cms/%20render/live/en/sites/isoorg/contents/data/standard/02/17/21750.html?browse=tc", "publicationDate": "2003-12-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.3745.2012" ] } }, { "docId": "ISO.3745.2012", "docLabel": "ISO 3745:2012", "docNumber": "3745", "docTitle": "Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure — Precision methods for anechoic and hemi-anechoic rooms", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/cms/%20render/live/en/sites/isoorg/contents/data/standard/04/53/45362.html", "publicationDate": "2012-03-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.3746.2010", "docLabel": "ISO 3746:2010", "docNumber": "3746", "docTitle": "Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure — Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/52056.html", "publicationDate": "2010-12-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.5-2.1991", "docLabel": "ISO 5-2:1991", "docNumber": "5", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Photography — Density measurements — Part 2: Geometric conditions for transmission density", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/20037.html", "publicationDate": "1991-12-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.5-2.2009" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.5-2.2001", "docLabel": "ISO 5-2:2001", "docNumber": "5", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Photography — Density measurements — Part 2: Geometric conditions for transmission density", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/28004.html", "publicationDate": "2001-06-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.5-2.2009" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.5-2.2009", "docLabel": "ISO 5-2:2009", "docNumber": "5", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Photography and graphic technology — Density measurements — Part 2: Geometric conditions for transmittance density", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/52914.html", "publicationDate": "2009-12-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.5-3.2009", "docLabel": "ISO 5-3:2009", "docNumber": "5", "docPart": "3", "docTitle": "Photography and graphic technology — Density measurements — Part 3: Spectral conditions", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/52915.html", "publicationDate": "2009-12-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.5768.1998", "docLabel": "ISO 5768:1998", "docNumber": "5768", "docTitle": "Cinematography — Image produced by camera aperture Type W on 16 mm motion-picture film — Position and dimensions", "docType": "Standard", "group": "iso-tc36-tc", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/30125.html", "publicationDate": "1998-12-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.5926.2023", "docLabel": "ISO 5926:2023", "docNumber": "5926", "docTitle": "Technical requirements and test methods for digital cinema stereoscopic projection", "docType": "Standard", "group": "iso-tc36-tc", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/81846.html", "publicationDate": "2023-05-01", "publisher": "ISO", "references": { "normative": [ "ISO.11664-1.LATEST", "ISO.26431-1.2008" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.639-1.2002", "docLabel": "ISO 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"ISO.7064.2003", "docLabel": "ISO/IEC 7064:2003", "docNumber": "7064", "docTitle": "Information technology — Security techniques — Check character systems", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/31531.html", "publicationDate": "2003-02-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.7185.1990", "docLabel": "ISO 7185:1990", "docNumber": "7185", "docTitle": "Information technology — Programming languages — Pascal", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/13802.html", "publicationDate": "1990-10-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.7589.2002", "docLabel": "ISO 7589:2002", "docNumber": "7589", "docTitle": "Photography — Illuminants for sensitometry — Specifications for daylight, incandescent tungsten and printer", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/33979.html", "publicationDate": "2002-02-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true } }, { 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Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) — Part 1", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/54011.html", "publicationDate": "2008-12-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.8825-1.2015" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.8825-1.2015", "docLabel": "ISO 8825-1:2015", "docNumber": "8825", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Information technology — ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) — Part 1", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/68345.html", "publicationDate": "2015-11-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.8859-1.1998", "docLabel": "ISO/IEC 8859-1:1998", "docNumber": "8859", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Information technology — 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 1: Latin alphabet No. 1", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/28245.html", "publicationDate": "1998-04-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.8860-1.1987", "docLabel": "ISO 8860-1:1987", "docNumber": "8860", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Information processing — Data interchange on 90 mm (3.5 in) flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency modulation recording at 7 958 ftprad on 80 tracks on each side — Part 1: Dimensional, physical and magnetic characteristics", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/16348.html", "publicationDate": "1987-07-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": false, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "ISO.8860-1.1987cor1.1990" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.8860-1.1987cor1.1990", "docLabel": "ISO 8860-1:1987/Cor 1:1990", "docNumber": "8860", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Information processing — Data interchange on 90 mm (3.5 in) flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency modulation recording at 7 958 ftprad on 80 tracks on each side — Part 1: Dimensional, physical and magnetic characteristics — Technical Corrigendum 1", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/16349.html", "publicationDate": "1990-11-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.8860-2.1987", "docLabel": "ISO 8860-2:1987", "docNumber": "8860", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Information processing — Data interchange on 90 mm (3.5 in) flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency modulation recording at 7 958 ftprad on 80 tracks on each side — Part 2: Track format", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/16350.html", "publicationDate": "1987-07-01", "publisher": "ISO", "status": { "active": false, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "ISO.8860-2.1987cor1.1990" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.8860-2.1987cor1.1990", "docLabel": "ISO 8860-2:1987/Cor 1:1990", "docNumber": "8860", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Information processing — Data interchange on 90 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information interchange", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/21273.html", "publicationDate": "1994-11-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.9899.1999", "docLabel": "ISO 9899: 1999", "docNumber": "9899", "docTitle": "Programming languages — C", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/29237.html", "publicationDate": "1999-12-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.9899.2011" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.9899.2011", "docLabel": "ISO 9899: 2011", "docNumber": "9899", "docTitle": "Information technology — Programming languages — C", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.iso.org/standard/57853.html", "publicationDate": "2011-12-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.9899.2018" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "ISO.9899.2018", "docLabel": "ISO 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"https://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink/fetch/2000/2122/4230450/4230456/4230520/ISO_IEC_Directives%2C_Part_2%2C_Principles_and_rules_for_the_structure_and_drafting_of_ISO_and_IEC_documents_-_2018_%288th_edition%29_-_PDF.pdf?nodeid=19685788&vernum=-2", "publicationDate": "2018-01-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "ISO.Dir-P2.2021" ] } }, { "docId": "ISO.Dir-P2.2021", "docLabel": "ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Principles and rules for the structure and drafting of ISO and IEC documents (Ninth edition, 2021)", "docType": "Directive", "href": "https://www.iso.org/sites/directives/current/part2/index.xhtml", "publicationDate": "2021-01-01", "publisher": "ISO/IEC", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "P. Z. Adelstein", "J. L. McCrea" ], "docId": "issn-0098-7298", "docLabel": "J. of Appl. Photog. Engineering, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 160-167, Dec. 1981.", "docTitle": "Stability of Processed Polyester Base Photographic Films", "docType": "Technical Journal", "publicationDate": "1981-12-01", "publisher": "Journal of Applied Photographic Engineering", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "TULSI RAM, A", "KOPPERL, D. F", "SEHLIN, R. C", "MASSARYK-MORRIS, S", "VINCENT, J. L", "MILLER, P" ], "docId": "issn-1062-3701", "docLabel": "Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, vol. 38, pp. 249-261, May/June 1994.", "docTitle": "The effects and prevention of the Vinegar syndrome", "docType": "Technical Journal", "publicationDate": "1994-05-01", "publisher": "The Journal of imaging science and technology", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Yoshi Ohno" ], "docId": "issn-15502716", "docLabel": "ISSN: 15502716", "docTitle": "Practical use and calculation of cct and duv", "docType": "Technical Journal", "doi": "10.1080/15502724.2014.839020", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1080/15502724.2014.839020", "publicationDate": "2000-08-01", "publisher": "The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Peter Z. Adelstein", "James M. Reilly", "Jean-Louis Bigourdan" ], "docId": "IST.157.1997", "docLabel": "Proceedings of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology; May 1997.", "docTitle": "Use of Micro-Environments for the Preservation of Cellulose Triacetate Photographic Film", "docType": "White Paper", "href": "https://www.imaging.org/site/PDFS/Papers/1997/IST-0-4/157.pdf", "publicationDate": "1997-05-01", "publisher": "Society for Imaging Science and Technology", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "K.A.H. Brems" ], "docId": "IT.v73n3p94-95.1991", "docLabel": "Image Technology, vol. 73, no. 3, pp. 94-95, March 1991", "docTitle": "Vinegar syndrome update", "docType": "White Paper", "publicationDate": "1991-03-01", "publisher": "Image Technology", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "H. E. Ives", "J. W. Horton", "R. D. Parker", "A. B. Clark" ], "docId": "j.1538-7305.1925", "docLabel": "The Bell System Technical Journal ( Volume: 4, Issue: 2, April 1925)", "docTitle": "The transmission of pictures over telephone lines", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1002/j.1538-7305.1925.tb00946.x", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1002/j.1538-7305.1925.tb00946.x", "publicationDate": "1925-04-01", "publisher": "Nokia Bell Labs", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "S. B. Wright", "H. C. Silent" ], "docId": "j.1538-7305.1927", "docLabel": "The Bell System Technical Journal ( Volume: 6, Issue: 4, October 1927)", "docTitle": "The New York-London telephone circuit", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1002/j.1538-7305.1927.tb00216.x", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1002/j.1538-7305.1927.tb00216.x", "publicationDate": "1927-10-01", "publisher": "Nokia Bell Labs", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "J. G. Streiffert" ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "J01217.1951", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 57, Issue: 6, December 1951)", "docTitle": "The Radial-Tooth, Variable-Pitch Sprocket", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J01217", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J01217", "publicationDate": "1951-12-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Burton F. Miller" ], "docId": "J01273.1936", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 27, Issue: 3, September 1936)", "docTitle": "Harmonic Distortion in Variable-Density Records", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J01273", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J01273", "publicationDate": "1936-09-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J05508.1932", "J05389.1935" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Russell P. May" ], "docId": "J01341.1932", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 18, Issue: 4, April 1932)", "docTitle": "16 mm. Sound Film Dimensions", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J01341", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J01341", "publicationDate": "1932-04-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "C. N. Batsel", "J. O. Baker" ], "docId": "J02042.1933", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 21, Issue: 2, August 1933)", "docTitle": "Sound Recording and Reproducing Using 16-mm. Film", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J02042", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J02042", "publicationDate": "1933-08-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "P. Z. Adelstein", "J. M. Reilly", "D. W. Nishimura", "C. J. Erbland" ], "details": "Need to add references", "docId": "J02284.1992", "docLabel": "SMPTE Journal ( Volume: 101, Issue: 5, May 1992)", "docTitle": "Stability of Cellulose Ester Base Photographic Film: Part I — Laboratory Testing Procedures", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J02284", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J02284", "publicationDate": "1992-05-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "P. Z. Adelstein", "J. M. Reilly", "D. W. Nishimura", "C. J. Erbland" ], "details": "Need to add references", "docId": "J02285.1992", "docLabel": "SMPTE Journal ( Volume: 101, Issue: 5, May 1992)", "docTitle": "Stability of Cellulose Ester Base Photographic Film: Part II — Practical Storage Considerations", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J02285", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J02285", "publicationDate": "1992-05-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Karel A. H. Brems" ], "details": "Need to add references", "docId": "J02850.1988", "docLabel": "SMPTE Journal ( Volume: 97, Issue: 12, December 1988)", "docTitle": "The Archival Quality of Film Bases", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J02850", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J02850", "publicationDate": "1988-12-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "A. Tulsi Ram", "James L. McCrea" ], "details": "Need to add references", "docId": "J02945.1988", "docLabel": "SMPTE Journal ( Volume: 97, Issue: 6, June 1988)", "docTitle": "Stability of Processed Cellulose Ester Photographic Films", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J02945", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J02945", "publicationDate": "1988-06-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Edward Mino", "Rodney S. Perry" ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "J04132.1983", "docLabel": "SMPTE Journal ( Volume: 92, Issue: 10, October 1983)", "docTitle": "Lubrication of 35-mm Release Prints for Extended Projection Print Life", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J04132", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J04132", "publicationDate": "1983-10-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Alexander F. Victor" ], "docId": "J04161.1919", "docLabel": "Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 3, Issue: 9, October 1919)", "docTitle": "The Continuous Reduction Printer", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J04161", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J04161", "publicationDate": "1919-10-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "O. Sandvik", "J. G. Streiffert" ], "docId": "J05384.1935", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 25, Issue: 2, August 1935)", "docTitle": "A Continuous Optical Reduction Sound Printer", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J05384", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J05384", "publicationDate": "1935-08-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J07429.1934", "J07431.1934" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "F. G. Albin" ], "docId": "J05389.1935", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 25, Issue: 2, August 1935)", "docTitle": "A Dynamic Check on the Processing of Film for Sound Records", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J05389", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J05389", "publicationDate": "1935-08-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J08011.1931", "JOSA.4.000420.1920" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "L. T. Sachtleben" ], "docId": "J05391.1935", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 25, Issue: 2, August 1935)", "docTitle": "Characteristics of the Photophone Light-Modulating System", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J05391", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J05391", "publicationDate": "1935-08-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J13051.1930", "J07506.1931", "J13134.1928", "J05467.1932", "J10104.1935", "J10133.1933", "J14768.1930", "J07441.1934", "J05521.1932" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "E. W. Kellogg" ], "docId": "J05436.1935", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 24, Issue: 1, January 1935)", "docTitle": "The Development of 16-MM. Sound Motion Pictures", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J05436", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J05436", "publicationDate": "1932-11-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J02042.1933", "J13051.1930", "J05604.1930", "J07507.1931", "J14768.1930", "J07430.1934", "J07431.1934", "J07462.1934", "J01341.1932", "J07428.1934" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "F. C. Barton" ], "docId": "J05459.1934", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 22, Issue: 3, March 1934)", "docTitle": "High-Fidelity Lateral-Cut Disk Records", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J05459", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J05459", "publicationDate": "1934-03-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "G. L. Dimmick", "H. Belar" ], "docId": "J05467.1932", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 19, Issue: 5, November 1932)", "docTitle": "Extension of the Frequency Range of Film Recording and Reproduction", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J05467", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J05467", "publicationDate": "1932-11-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J05608.1930" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "O. Sandvik", "V. C. Hall" ], "docId": "J05482.1932", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 19, Issue: 4, October 1932)", "docTitle": "Wave Form Analysis of Variable Density Sound Recording", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J05482", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J05482", "publicationDate": "1932-10-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J06552.1930", "J14793.1930", "ML3807.M56.1916", "J13132.1928", "J12983.1931" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "T. E. Shea", "W. Herriott", "W. R. Goehner" ], "docId": "J05508.1932", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 18, Issue: 6, June 1932)", "docTitle": "The Principles of the Light Valve", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J05508", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J05508", "publicationDate": "1932-06-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "j.1538-7305.1925", "J13132.1928", "J05521.1932", "isbn-9781139058087", "J05604.1930", "J13034.1930", "1.1915182.1930" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "R. V. Wood" ], "docId": "J05514.1932", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 18, Issue: 6, June 1932)", "docTitle": "A Shrinkage-Compensating Sound Printer", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J05514", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J05514", "publicationDate": "1932-06-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "H. C. Silent", "J. G. Frayne" ], "docId": "J05521.1932", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 18, Issue: 5, May 1932)", "docTitle": "Western Electric Noiseless Recording", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J05521", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J05521", "publicationDate": "1932-05-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "j.1538-7305.1927", "J08011.1931" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Loyd A. Jones" ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "J05569.1931", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 17, Issue: 4, October 1931)", "docTitle": "Photographic Sensitometry, Part I", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J05569", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J05569", "publicationDate": "1931-10-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "N. R. Stryker" ], "docId": "J05604.1930", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 18, Issue: 5, May 1932)", "docTitle": "Scanning Losses in Reproduction", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J05604", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J05604", "publicationDate": "1930-11-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Edward W. Kellogg" ], "docId": "J05608.1930", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 15, Issue: 5, November 1930)", "docTitle": "A New Recorder for Variable Area Recording", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J05608", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J05608", "publicationDate": "1930-11-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Clifton Tuttle", "J. W. McFarlane" ], "docId": "J06549.1930", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 15, Issue: 3, September 1930)", "docTitle": "The Measurement of Density in Variable Density Sound Film", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J06549", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J06549", "publicationDate": "1930-09-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "PJv49n33p200.1909", "PJv56n40p49.1916", "JOSA.12.000559.1925", "JOSA.14.000365.1927", "J13132.1928", "J14808.1930", "J13062.1930", "0950-7671.1.3.302.1923", "S0016-0032.28.92060-8.1928" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "R. F. Nicholson" ], "docId": "J06552.1930", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 15, Issue: 3, September 1930)", "docTitle": "The Processing of Variable Density Sound Records", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J06552", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J06552", "publicationDate": "1930-09-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Arthur C. Hardy" ], "docId": "J06591.1927", "docLabel": "Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 11, Issue: 31, September 1927)", "docTitle": "The Rendering of Tone Values in the Photographic Recording of Sound", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J06591", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J06591", "publicationDate": "1927-09-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Williams, G.", "Strong, M." ], "docId": "J07182.1964", "docLabel": "Journal of the SMPTE 73(9): 792-796; September 1964", "docTitle": "Quality control of 16-mm variable-area soundtracks for small studios", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J07182", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J07182", "publicationDate": "1964-09-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "C. N. Batsel", "L. T. Sachtleben", "G. L. Dimmick" ], "docId": "J07428.1934", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 23, Issue: 2, August 1934)", "docTitle": "A 16-mm. Sound Recording Camera", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J07428", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J07428", "publicationDate": "1934-08-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J14768.1930" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "A. F. Victor" ], "docId": "J07429.1934", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 23, Issue: 2, August 1934)", "docTitle": "Continuous Optical Reduction Printing", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J07429", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J07429", "publicationDate": "1934-08-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J04161.1919", "J18005.1918" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "C. N. Batsel" ], "docId": "J07430.1934", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 23, Issue: 2, August 1934)", "docTitle": "A Non-Slip Sound Printer", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J07430", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J07430", "publicationDate": "1934-08-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J12978.1933", "J05514.1932" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "C. N. Batsel", "G. L. Dimmick", "L. T. Sachtleben" ], "docId": "J07431.1934", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 23, Issue: 2, August 1934)", "docTitle": "Optical Reduction Sound Printing", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J07431", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J07431", "publicationDate": "1934-08-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J12979.1933", "J05608.1930", "J12978.1933", "J10150.1933", "J10149.1933" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "G. L. Dimmick", "H. Belar" ], "docId": "J07441.1934", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 23, Issue: 1, July 1934)", "docTitle": "An Improved System for Noiseless Recording", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J07441", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J07441", "publicationDate": "1934-07-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "J. Crabtree" ], "docId": "J07459.1934", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 22, Issue: 2, February 1934)", "docTitle": "Sound Film Printing - II", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J07459", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J07459", "publicationDate": "1934-02-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J12978.1933" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "J. O. Baker" ], "docId": "J07462.1934", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 22, Issue: 2, February 1934)", "docTitle": "Sixteen-MM. Sound-on-Film", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J07462", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J07462", "publicationDate": "1934-02-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J02042.1933" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Donald Foster" ], "docId": "J07506.1931", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 17, Issue: 5, November 1931)", "docTitle": "The Effect of Exposure and Development on the Quality of Variable Width Photographic Sound Recording", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J07506", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J07506", "publicationDate": "1931-11-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J06591.1927", "J13051.1930" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "G. L. Dimmick" ], "docId": "J07507.1931", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 17, Issue: 5, November 1931)", "docTitle": "High Frequency Response from Variable Width Records as Affected by Exposure and Development", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J07507", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J07507", "publicationDate": "1931-11-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J13050.1930" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Yoshi Ohno" ], "docId": "J07544.1976", "docLabel": "ISSN: 0036-1682", "docTitle": "A Simplified Motion-Picture Laboratory Control Method for Improved Color Duplication", "docType": "Technical Journal", "doi": "10.5594/J07544", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J07544", "publicationDate": "1976-10-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Uhlig, Ronald E. " ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "J07583.1976", "docLabel": "SMPTE Journal ( Volume: 85, Issue: 8, August 1976)", "docTitle": "The Optimum Carrier Frequency for Cross-Modulation Tests", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J07583", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J07583", "publicationDate": "1976-08-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J14711.1938", "SMPTE.ph22-52.1960", "J12600.1948" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Donald Mackenzie" ], "docId": "J08011.1931", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 17, Issue: 2, August 1931)", "docTitle": "Straight-Line and Toe Records with the Light-Valve", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J08011", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J08011", "publicationDate": "1931-08-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "JOSA.4.000420.1920", "PJv53p127.1913", "S0016-0032.18.90991-9.1918", "J06549.1930" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Miller, A.J", "Robertson, A.C" ], "docId": "J08310.1965", "docLabel": "Journal of the SMPTE ( Volume: 74, Issue: 1, January 1965)", "docTitle": "A Tutorial Paper: Motion-Picture Film — Its Size and Dimensional Characteristics", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J08310", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J08310", "publicationDate": "1965-01-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "M. G. Townsley" ], "details": "Need to add references", "docId": "J08426.1944", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 43, Issue: 1, July 1944)", "docTitle": "A Method for Measuring the Steadiness of Motion Picture Cameras", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J08426", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J08426", "publicationDate": "1944-07-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "G. L. Dimmick" ], "docId": "J08632.1936", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 27, Issue: 2, August 1936)", "docTitle": "Improved Resolution in Sound Recording and Printing by the use of Ultraviolet Light", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J08632", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J08632", "publicationDate": "1936-08-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J05391.1935", "J07430.1934" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "W. K. Grimwood", "F. J. Kolb", "D. L. Carr" ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "J09039.1969", "docLabel": "Journal of the SMPTE ( Volume: 78, Issue: 6, June 1969)", "docTitle": "Standardized Audio Response from Magnetically Striped Motion-Picture Films", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J09039", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J09039", "publicationDate": "1969-06-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "C. E. K. Mees" ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "J10104.1935", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 24, Issue: 4, April 1935)", "docTitle": "Some Photographic Aspects of Sound Recording", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J10104", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J10104", "publicationDate": "1935-04-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "C. N. Batsel", "L. T. Sachtleben" ], "docId": "J10122.1935", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 20, Issue: 3, March 1933)", "docTitle": "Film Recorders", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J10122", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J10122", "publicationDate": "1935-02-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J07431.1934", "J12979.1933" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Sidney Read" ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "J10133.1933", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 20, Issue: 5, May 1933)", "docTitle": "RCA Victor High Fidelity Film Recording Equipment", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J10133", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J10133", "publicationDate": "1933-05-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J05467.1932", "J10122.1935", "J05608.1930" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "A. G. Zimmerman" ], "docId": "J10149.1933", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 20, Issue: 3, March 1933)", "docTitle": "Film Recorders", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J10149", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J10149", "publicationDate": "1933-03-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J05608.1930", "J05467.1932" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Clifton Tuttle" ], "docId": "J10150.1933", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 20, Issue: 3, March 1933)", "docTitle": "The Relation between Diffuse and Specular Density", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J10150", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J10150", "publicationDate": "1933-03-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "J. A. Maurer" ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "J11957.1939", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 33, Issue: 9, September 1939)", "docTitle": "The Present Technical Status of 16-mm. Sound-Film", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J11957", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J11957", "publicationDate": "1939-06-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J07462.1934", "J07431.1934", "J05436.1935", "J10122.1935", "J05384.1935", "J14666.1938", "J08632.1936" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Frayne, J.G.", "Scoville, R.R." ], "docId": "J11990.1939", "docLabel": "Journal of the SMPE 32: 648-673; June 1939", "docTitle": "Analysis and measurement of distortion in variable-density recording", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J11990", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J11990", "publicationDate": "1939-06-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J05508.1932", "J01273.1936", "J05482.1932", "J08011.1931", "J14711.1938", "J05389.1935" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "C. J. Kunz", "C. E. Ives" ], "docId": "J12212.1946", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 46, Issue: 6, June 1946)", "docTitle": "The use of Desiccants with Undeveloped Photographic Film", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J12212", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J12212", "publicationDate": "1946-06-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "John A. Maurer" ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "J12600.1948", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 50, Issue: 5, May 1948)", "docTitle": "Optical Sound-Track Printing", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J12600", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J12600", "publicationDate": "1948-05-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J12978.1933", "J07459.1934", "J07430.1934", "J05514.1932", "J07431.1934" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "G. W. Read", "Scoville, R.R." ], "docId": "J12632.1948", "docLabel": "Journal of the SMPE 50: 162-173; February 1948", "docTitle": "An Improved Intermodulation Measuring System", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J12632", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J12632", "publicationDate": "1948-02-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J11990.1939", "JRPROC.233634.1941", "JRPROC.232603.1947" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "J. S. Chandler" ], "docId": "J12893.1941", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 37, Issue: 8, August 1941)", "docTitle": "Some Theoretical Considerations in the Design of Sprockets for Continuous Film Movement", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J12893", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J12893", "publicationDate": "1941-08-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "J. Crabtree" ], "docId": "J12978.1933", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 21, Issue: 4, October 1933)", "docTitle": "Sound Film Printing", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J12978", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J12978", "publicationDate": "1933-10-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "O. Sandvik", "V. C. Hall", "J. G. Streiffert" ], "docId": "J12979.1933", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 21, Issue: 4, October 1933)", "docTitle": "Wave Form Analysis of Variable Width Sound Records", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J12979", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J12979", "publicationDate": "1933-10-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J06591.1927", "J13051.1930", "J07506.1931", "J13050.1930", "J07507.1931", "J05482.1932" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "O. O. Ceccarini" ], "docId": "J12983.1931", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 17, Issue: 3, September 1931)", "docTitle": "Recent Contributions to Light Valve Technic", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J12983", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J12983", "publicationDate": "1931-09-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J13034.1930" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "O. O. Ceccarini" ], "docId": "J13034.1930", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 15, Issue: 1, July 1930)", "docTitle": "The Measurement of Light Valve Resonance by the Absorption Method", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J13034", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J13034", "publicationDate": "1930-07-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "J. A. Maurer" ], "docId": "J13050.1930", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 14, Issue: 6, June 1930)", "docTitle": "The Photographic Treatment of Variable Area Sound Films", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J13050", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J13050", "publicationDate": "1930-06-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Ellsworth D. Cook" ], "docId": "J13051.1930", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 14, Issue: 6, June 1930)", "docTitle": "The Aperture Effect", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J13051", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J13051", "publicationDate": "1930-06-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "S. S. A. Watkins", "C. H. Fetter" ], "docId": "J13062.1930", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 14, Issue: 5, May 1930)", "docTitle": "Some Aspects of a Western Electric Sound Recording System", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J13062", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J13062", "publicationDate": "1930-05-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Arthur C. Hardy" ], "docId": "J13132.1928", "docLabel": "Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 12, Issue: 35, September 1928)", "docTitle": "Sound Recording with the Light Valve", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J13132", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J13132", "publicationDate": "1928-09-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Donald MacKenzie" ], "docId": "J13134.1928", "docLabel": "Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 12, Issue: 35, September 1928)", "docTitle": "The Optics of Sound Recording Systems", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J13134", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J13134", "publicationDate": "1928-09-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "J13528.1970", "docLabel": "Journal of the SMPTE ( Volume: 80, Issue: 2, February 1971)", "docTitle": "Viewing Conditions for the Appraisal, by Means of Optical Projection, of Colour Films Intended for Television Presentation: Tech 3091-E, First Edition, September 1970", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J13528", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J13528", "publicationDate": "1971-02-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Peter. Z. Adelstein", "C. Loren Graham", "Lloyd E. West" ], "details": "Need to add references", "docId": "J13565.1970", "docLabel": "Journal of the SMPTE ( Volume: 79, Issue: 11, November 1970)", "docTitle": "Preservation of Motion-Picture Color Films Having Permanent Value", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J13565", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J13565", "publicationDate": "1970-11-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "A. C. Robertson" ], "details": "Need to add references", "docId": "J13858.1959", "docLabel": "Journal of the SMPTE ( Volume: 68, Issue: 1, January 1959)", "docTitle": "A Method of Measuring the Steadiness of Motion-Picture Cameras", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J13858", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J13858", "publicationDate": "1959-01-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "J. S. Chandler" ], "docId": "J13970.1956", "docLabel": "Journal of the SMPTE ( Volume: 65, Issue: 6, June 1956)", "docTitle": "Projecting 16mm Film with Large Reels", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J13970", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J13970", "publicationDate": "1956-06-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "J14666.1938", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 30, Issue: 6, June 1938)", "docTitle": "SMPE 16-mm. Test-Films", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J14666", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J14666", "publicationDate": "1938-06-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Baker, J. O.", "Robinson, D. H." ], "docId": "J14711.1938", "docLabel": "Journal of the SMPE 30(1): 3-17; January 1938", "docTitle": "Modulated high-frequency recording as a means of determining conditions for optimal processing", "docType": "Journal Article", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J14711", "publicationDate": "1938-01-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "G. L. Dimmick" ], "docId": "J14768.1930", "docLabel": "ournal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 15, Issue: 4, October 1930)", "docTitle": "Galvanometers for Variable Area Recording", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J14768", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J14768", "publicationDate": "1930-10-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Otto Sandvik" ], "docId": "J14793.1930", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 15, Issue: 2, August 1930)", "docTitle": "Apparatus for the Analysis of Photographic Sound Records", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J14793", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J14793", "publicationDate": "1930-08-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Otto Sandvik", "Loyd A. Jones" ], "docId": "J14808.1930", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 14, Issue: 2, February 1930)", "docTitle": "Photographic Characteristics of Sound Recording Film", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J14808", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J14808", "publicationDate": "1930-02-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "P. Z. Adelstein", "J. M. Reilly", "D. W. Nishimura", "C. J. Erbland" ], "details": "Need to add references", "docId": "J15292.1992", "docLabel": "SMPTE Journal ( Volume: 101, Issue: 5, May 1992)", "docTitle": "Stability of Cellulose Ester Base Photographic Film: Part III — Measurement of Film Degradation", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J15292", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J15292", "publicationDate": "1992-05-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "J. F. Carroll", "John M. Calhoun" ], "details": "Need to add references", "docId": "J15628.1955", "docLabel": "SMPTE Journal 1955 ( Volume: 64, Issue: 9, September 1955)", "docTitle": "Effect of Nitrogen Oxide Gases on Processed Acetate Film", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J15628", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J15628", "publicationDate": "1955-09-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "P. Z. Adelstein", "J. M. Reilly", "D. W. Nishimura", "C. J. Erbland" ], "details": "Need to add references", "docId": "J17253.1992", "docLabel": "SMPTE Journal ( Volume: 101, Issue: 5, May 1992)", "docTitle": "Stability of Cellulose Ester Base Photographic Film: Part IV—Behavior of Nitrate Base Film", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J17253", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J17253", "publicationDate": "1992-05-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Ioan Allen" ], "details": "Need to add references", "docId": "J17622.1998", "docLabel": "SMPTE Journal ( Volume: 107, Issue: 1, January 1998)", "docTitle": "Are Movies Too Loud?", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J17622", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J17622", "publicationDate": "1998-01-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "J. S. Chandler", "D. F. Lyman", "L. R. Martin" ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "J17832.1947", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 48, Issue: 6, June 1947)", "docTitle": "Proposals for 16-mm and 8-mm Sprocket Standards", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J17832", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J17832", "publicationDate": "1947-06-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "C. F. Vilbrandt" ], "details": "Need to add references", "docId": "J17833.1947", "docLabel": "Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 48, Issue: 6, June 1947)", "docTitle": "The Projection Life of 16-mm Film", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J17833", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J17833", "publicationDate": "1947-06-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Alexander F. Victor" ], "docId": "J18005.1918", "docLabel": "Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers ( Volume: 2, Issue: 6, April 1918)", "docTitle": "The Portable Projector; Its Present Status and Needs", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.5594/J18005", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/J18005", "publicationDate": "1930-02-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "LeBel, C. J." ], "docId": "JAES.v2-i4-215-218.1954", "docLabel": "JAES Volume 2 Issue 4 pp. 215-218; October 1954", "docTitle": "An Experimental Study of distortion", "docType": "White Paper", "href": "http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=37", "publicationDate": "1954-10-01", "publisher": "JAES", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Yoshi Ohno" ], "docId": "JAES.v45-i6-456-466.199706", "docLabel": "JAES Volume 45 Issue 6 pp. 456-466; June 1997", "docTitle": "Virtual Sound Source Positioning Using Vector Base Amplitude Panning", "docType": "White Paper", "href": "http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=37", "publicationDate": "1997-06-01", "publisher": "JAES", "status": { "unknown": true } }, { "authors": [ "P. Z. Adelstein", "J. L. Bigourdan", "J. M. Reilly" ], "docId": "JAIC.019713697806124475.1997", "docLabel": "Volume 36, 1997 - Issue 3", "docTitle": "Moisture Relationships of Photographic Film", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1179/019713697806124475", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1179/019713697806124475", "publisher": "Journal of the American Institute for Conservation", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Clifton Tuttle" ], "docId": "JOSA.12.000559.1925", "docLabel": "J. Opt. Soc. Am Vol. 12, Issue 6, pp. 559-565 (1926)", "docTitle": "The Relation Between Diffuse and Specular Density", "docType": "White Paper", "doi": "10.1364/JOSA.12.000559", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1364/JOSA.12.000559", "publicationDate": "1925-10-01", "publisher": "Optical Society of America", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Clifton Tuttle", "Ludwik Silberstein" ], "docId": "JOSA.14.000365.1927", "docLabel": "J. Opt. Soc. Am Vol. 14, Issue 5, pp. 365-373 (1927)", "docTitle": "The Relation between the Specular and the Diffuse Photographic Densities", "docType": "White Paper", "doi": "10.1364/JOSA.14.000365", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1364/JOSA.14.000365", "publicationDate": "1927-03-01", "publisher": "Optical Society of America", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "L. A. Jones" ], "docId": "JOSA.4.000420.1920", "docLabel": "J. Opt. Soc. Am Vol. 4, Issue 6, pp. 420-431 (1920)", "docTitle": "On the Theory of Tone Reproduction with a Graphic Method for the Solution of Problems", "docType": "White Paper", "doi": "10.1364/JOSA.4.000420", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1364/JOSA.4.000420", "publicationDate": "1920-11-01", "publisher": "Optical Society of America", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "G.L. Beers", "C.M. Sinnett" ], "docId": "JRPROC.229731.1943", "docLabel": "Proceedings of the IRE ( Volume: 31, Issue: 4, April 1943)", "docTitle": "Some Recent Developments in Record Reproducing Systems", "docType": "White Paper", "doi": "10.1109/JRPROC.1943.229731", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1109/JRPROC.1943.229731", "publicationDate": "1943-04-01", "publisher": "IEEE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "H.E. Roys" ], "docId": "JRPROC.232603.1947", "docLabel": "Proceedings of the IRE ( Volume: 35, Issue: 10, October 1947)", "docTitle": "Intermodulation Distortion Analysis as Applied to Disk Recording and Reproducing Equipment", "docType": "White Paper", "doi": "10.1109/JRPROC.1947.232603", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1109/JRPROC.1947.232603", "publicationDate": "1947-10-01", "publisher": "IEEE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "JRPROC.233634.1941", "J11990.1939", "1.1916111.1941", "1.1915951.1938", "J05459.1934", "JRPROC.229731.1943" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "J.K. Hilliard" ], "docId": "JRPROC.233634.1941", "docLabel": "Proceedings of the IRE ( Volume: 29, Issue: 12, December 1941)", "docTitle": "Distortion Tests by the Intermodulation Method", "docType": "White Paper", "doi": "10.1109/JRPROC.1941.233634", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1109/JRPROC.1941.233634", "publicationDate": "1941-12-01", "publisher": "IEEE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "J.K. Hilliard" ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "JRPROC.234599.1948", "docLabel": "Proceedings of the IRE ( Volume: 36, Issue: 4, April 1948)", "docTitle": "An Analysis of the Intermodulation Method of Distortion Measurement", "docType": "White Paper", "doi": "10.1109/JRPROC.1948.234599", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1109/JRPROC.1948.234599", "publicationDate": "1954-10-01", "publisher": "IEEE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "J.K. Hilliard" ], "details": "need to add references", "docId": "JRPROC.274731.1954", "docLabel": "Proceedings of the IRE ( Volume: 42, Issue: 10, October 1954)", "docTitle": "The Calibration of Amplitude Modulation Meters with a Heterodyne Signal", "docType": "White Paper", "doi": "10.1109/JRPROC.1954.274731", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1109/JRPROC.1954.274731", "publicationDate": "1954-10-01", "publisher": "IEEE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "JRPROC.233634.1941" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Murray, John" ], "docId": "LSI.WP-PSTA.200307", "docLabel": "Live Sound International, July 2003", "docTitle": "Proper Signal (Time) Alignment: How To Correctly Get Loudspeaker Drivers In Sync", "docType": "White Paper", "href": "http://www.livesoundint.com/archives/2003/july/align/align.php", "publicationDate": "2003-07-01", "publisher": "Live Sound International", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Ioan Allen" ], "docId": "M00395.2015", "docLabel": "M00395:2015", "docTitle": "The X-Curve, its Origins and History, SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, July/August 2006", "docType": "White Paper", "doi": "10.5594/M00395", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/M00395", "publicationDate": "2015-10-19", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "James M. Reilly", "Douglas W. Nishimura", "Kaspars M. Cupriks", "Peter Z. Adelstein" ], "docId": "mfir.", "docLabel": "Proceedings of Conservation in Archives, pp. 117-127, 1988-May", "docTitle": "Stability of Black-and-White Photographic Images, with Special Reference to Microfilm", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1515/mfir.1988.17.5.270", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1515/mfir.1988.17.5.270", "publicationDate": "1988-12-01", "publisher": "Conservation in Archives", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "Miller, Dayton Clarence" ], "docId": "ML3807.M56.1916", "docLabel": "Library of Congress ML3807 .M56", "docTitle": "The Science of Musical Sounds", "docType": "Book", "href": "https://ia800204.us.archive.org/19/items/scienceofmusical00mill/scienceofmusical00mill.pdf", "publicationDate": "1916-03-01", "publisher": "MacMillan Co.", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "NAB.stdE-416.1965", "docLabel": "NAB E-416", "docTitle": "NAB MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING AND REPRODUCING STANDARDS REEL-TO-REEL ", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.richardhess.com/tape/history/NAB/NAB_Reel_Tape_Standard_1965_searchable.pdf", "publisher": "NAB", "status": { "unknown": true } }, { "authors": [ "Adelaide L Emley", "Arthur E Kimberly" ], "docId": "NBS.MP.142.1933", "docLabel": "NBS MP 142", "docTitle": "A study of the removal of sulphur dioxide from library air", "docType": "Report", "doi": "10.6028/NBS.MP.142", "href": "https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/MP/nbsmiscellaneouspub142.pdf", "publicationDate": "1933-10-17", "publisher": "US Dept of Commerce", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "NFPA232.1995", "docLabel": "NFPA 232-1995", "docNumber": "232", "docTitle": "NFPA 232: Standard For The Protection Of Records, 1995 Edition", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://webstore.ansi.org/standards/nfpa/nfpa2321995", "publisher": "NFPA", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "NFPA40.2001" ] } }, { "docId": "NFPA232.2022", "docLabel": "NFPA 232-2022", "docNumber": "232", "docTitle": 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"NIST SP 800-38A", "docNumber": "800-38A", "docTitle": "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods and Techniques", "docType": "Recommendation", "doi": "10.6028/NIST.SP.800-38A", "href": "https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-38A", "publicationDate": "2001-12-01", "publisher": "NIST", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "NIST.SP.800-38A.2001ad1.2010" ] } }, { "docId": "NIST.SP.800-38A.2001ad1.2010", "docLabel": "NIST SP 800-38A Addendum", "docNumber": "800-38A", "docTitle": "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Three Variants of Ciphertext Stealing for CBC Mode", "docType": "Recommendation", "doi": "NIST.SP.800-38A-Add", "href": "https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-38A-Add", "publicationDate": "2010-10-21", "publisher": "NIST", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "NIST.SP.800-57p1.2007", "docLabel": "NIST SP 800-57 Part 1 Revised", "docNumber": "800-57", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Recommendation for Key Management, Part 1: 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"https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-57p2", "publicationDate": "2005-08-01", "publisher": "NIST", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "NIST.SP.800-57p2.2019" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "NIST.SP.800-57p2.2019", "docLabel": "SP 800-57 Part 2 Rev. 1", "docNumber": "800-57", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Recommendation for Key Management: Part 2 – Best Practices for Key Management Organizations", "docType": "Recommendation", "doi": "10.6028/NIST.SP.800-57pt2r1", "href": "https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-57pt2r1", "publicationDate": "2019-05-01", "publisher": "NIST", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "NIST.SP.800-57p3.2000", "docLabel": "SP 800-57 Part 3", "docNumber": "800-57", "docPart": "3", "docTitle": "Recommendation for Key Management, Part 3: Application-Specific Key Management Guidance", "docType": "Recommendation", "doi": "10.6028/NIST.SP.800-57p3", "href": "https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-57p3", "publicationDate": "2000-12-01", "publisher": "NIST", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "NIST.SP.800-57p3.2015" ], "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "NIST.SP.800-57p3.2015", "docLabel": "SP 800-57 Part 3 Rev. 1", "docNumber": "800-57", "docPart": "3", "docTitle": "Recommendation for Key Management, Part 3: Application-Specific Key Management Guidance", "docType": "Recommendation", "doi": "10.6028/NIST.SP.800-57pt3r1", "href": "https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-57pt3r1", "publicationDate": "2015-01-01", "publisher": "NIST", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "OMG.OCL.2-3-1", "docLabel": "OCL v2.3.1", "docTitle": "Object Constraint Language", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://www.omg.org/spec/OCL/2.3.1/PDF", "publicationDate": "2012-01-01", "publisher": "OMG", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "OMG.OCL.2-4" ] } }, { "docId": "OMG.OCL.2-4", "docLabel": "OCL v2.4", "docTitle": "Object Constraint Language", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://www.omg.org/spec/OCL/2.4/PDF", "publicationDate": "2014-02-01", "publisher": "OMG", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "OMG.UML.2-4-1", "docLabel": "UML v2.4.1", "docTitle": "Unified Modeling Language", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://www.omg.org/spec/UML/2.4.1/About-UML", "publicationDate": "2011-07-01", "publisher": "OMG", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "OMG.UML.2-5-1" ] } }, { "docId": "OMG.UML.2-5-1", "docLabel": "UML v2.5.1", "docTitle": "Unified Modeling Language", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://www.omg.org/spec/UML", "publicationDate": "2017-12-01", "publisher": "OMG", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "A. Callier" ], "docId": "PJv49n33p200.1909", "docLabel": "Phot. J., vol. 49, no. 33, pp. 200, 1909", "docTitle": "The Absorption and Scatter of Light by Photographic Negatives Measured by Means of the Martens Polarization Photometer", "docType": "Journal Article", "publicationDate": "1909-01-01", "publisher": "Phot. Journal", "status": { "unknown": true } }, { "authors": [ "F. F. Renwick" ], "docId": "PJv53p127.1913", "docLabel": "Phot. Jour., vol. 53, pp. 127, April 1913", "docTitle": "The Underexposure Period in Theory and Practice", "docType": "Journal Article", "publicationDate": "1913-04-01", "publisher": "Phot. Journal", "status": { "unknown": true } }, { "authors": [ "F. F. Renwick", "O. Bloch" ], "docId": "PJv56n40p49.1916", "docLabel": "Phot. J., vol. 56, no. 40, pp. 49, 1916", "docTitle": "The Opacity of Diffusing Media", "docType": "Journal Article", "publicationDate": "1916-01-01", "publisher": "Phot. Journal", "status": { "unknown": true } }, { "authors": [ "Karl Dubost", "Lynne Rosenthal", "Dominique Hazaël-Massieux", "Lofton Henderson" ], "docId": "qaframe.spec.20041122", "docLabel": "QAFrame", "docTitle": "QA Framework: Specification Guidelines", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-qaframe-spec-20041122/", "publicationDate": "2004-11-22", "publisher": "W3C", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "qaframe.spec.20050817" ] } }, { "authors": [ "Karl Dubost", "Lynne Rosenthal", "Dominique Hazaël-Massieux", "Lofton Henderson" ], "docId": "qaframe.spec.20050817", "docLabel": "QAFrame", "docTitle": "QA Framework: Specification Guidelines", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.w3.org/TR/2005/REC-qaframe-spec-20050817/", "publicationDate": "2005-08-17", "publisher": "W3C", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BR.1352-1.2002", "docLabel": "BR.1352-1: (2002)", "docNumber": "1352", "docTitle": "File format for the exchange of audio programme materials with metadata on information technology media", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/br/R-REC-BR.1352-1-200112-S!!PDF-E.pdf", "publicationDate": "2001-12-01", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BR.1352-2.2002", "docLabel": "BR.1352-2:2002", "docNumber": "1352", "docTitle": "File format for the exchange of audio programme materials with metadata on information technology media", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/br/R-REC-BR.1352-2-200206-S!!PDF-E.pdf", "publicationDate": "2002-06-01", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BR.1384-2.201103", "docLabel": "BR.1384-2 (03/2011)", "docNumber": "1384", "docTitle": "Parameters for international exchange of multi-channel sound recordings with or without accompanying picture", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/br/R-REC-BR.1384-2-201103-W!!PDF-E.pdf", "publicationDate": "2011-03-08", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": false, "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BS.1196-a2.1995", "docLabel": "BS.1196 (1995) Annex 2", "docNumber": "1196", "docTitle": "Audio coding for digital terrestrial television broadcasting", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1196-0-199510-S!!PDF-E.pdf", "publicationDate": "1995-10-01", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BS.1726-0.200504", "docLabel": "BS.1726-0 (04/2005)", "docNumber": "1726", "docTitle": "Signal level of digital audio accompanying television in international programme exchange", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1726-0-200504-I!!MSW-E.doc", "publicationDate": "2005-04-08", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BS.1770-3.201208", "docLabel": "BS.1770-3 (08/2012)", "docNumber": "1770", "docTitle": "Algorithms to measure audio programme loudness and true-peak audio level", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!MSW-E.docx", "publicationDate": "2012-08-01", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "R-REC-BS.1770-4.201510" ] } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BS.1770-4.201510", "docLabel": "BS.1770-4 (10/2015)", "docNumber": "1770", "docTitle": "Algorithms to measure audio programme loudness and true-peak audio level", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-4-201510-I!!MSW-E.docx", "publicationDate": "2015-10-14", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BS.2051-2.201807", "docLabel": "BS.2051-2 (07/2018)", "docNumber": "2051", "docTitle": "Advanced sound system for programme production", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.2051-2-201807-S!!PDF-E.pdf", "publicationDate": "2018-07-09", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "R-REC-BS.2051-3.202205" ] } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BS.2051-3.202205", "docLabel": "BS.2051-3 (05/2022)", "docNumber": "2051", "docTitle": "Advanced sound system for programme production", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.2051-3-202205-I!!PDF-E.pdf", "publicationDate": "2022-05-31", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BT.2020-2.201510", "docLabel": "BT.2020-2 (10/2015)", "docNumber": "2020", "docTitle": "Parameter values for ultra-high definition television systems for production and international programme exchange", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-BT.2020-2-201510-I/en", "publicationDate": "2015-10-14", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BT.2035.201307", "docLabel": "BT.2035 (07/2013)", "docNumber": "2035", "docTitle": "A reference viewing environment for evaluation of HDTV program material or completed programmes", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-BT.2035-0-201307-I", "publicationDate": "2013-07-16", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BT.2100-1.201706", "docLabel": "BT.2100-1 (06/2017)", "docNumber": "2100", "docTitle": "Image parameter values for high dynamic range television for use in production and international programme exchange", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-BT.2100-1-201706-S/en", "publicationDate": "2017-06-20", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "R-REC-BT.2100-2.201807" ] } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BT.2100-2.201807", "docLabel": "BT.2100-2 (07/2018)", "docNumber": "2100", "docTitle": "The use of componentized workflows for the exchange of non-live television programmes", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-BT.2100-2-201807-I/en", "publicationDate": "2018-07-09", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BT.2153-0.202212", "docLabel": "BT.2153-0 (12/2022)", "docNumber": "2153-0", "docTitle": "Image parameter values for high dynamic range television for use in production and international programme exchange", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-BT.2153-0-202212-I/en", "publicationDate": "2022-12-19", "publisher": "ITU-R", "references": { "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST2067.ALLPARTS", "SMPTE.ST377-1.LATEST", "xml.LATEST" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BT.2390-10.202111", "docLabel": "BT.2390-10 (11/2021)", "docNumber": "2390", "docTitle": "High dynamic range television for production and international programme exchange", "docType": "Report", "href": "https://www.itu.int/pub/R-REP-BT.2390-10-2021", "publicationDate": "2021-11-01", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BT.2390-4.201804", "docLabel": "BT.2390-4 (04/2018)", "docNumber": "2390", "docTitle": "High dynamic range television for production and international programme exchange", "docType": "Report", "href": "https://www.itu.int/pub/R-REP-BT.2390-4-2018", "publicationDate": "2018-04-01", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "R-REC-BT.2390-8.202002" ] } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BT.2390-8.202002", "docLabel": "BT.2390-8 (02/2020)", "docNumber": "2390", "docTitle": "High dynamic range television for production and international programme exchange", "docType": "Report", "href": "https://www.itu.int/pub/R-REP-BT.2390-8-2020", "publicationDate": "2020-02-01", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "R-REC-BT.2390-10.202111" ] } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BT.470-6.199811", "docLabel": "BT.470-6 (11/98)", "docNumber": "470", "docTitle": "Conventional television systems", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bt/R-REC-BT.470-6-199811-S!!PDF-E.pdf", "publicationDate": "1998-11-01", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true } }, { "details": "Approved but stayed in pre-publised status before being rolled up into and superseded by BT. 601-7", "docId": "R-REC-BT.6-270.201103", "docLabel": "BT.6/270(Rev1) (03/11)", "docNumber": "601", "docTitle": "Studio encoding parameters of digital television for standard 4:3 and wide screen 16:9 aspect ratios", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-BT.601-7-201103-P/en", "publicationDate": "2011-03-08", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "R-REC-BT.601-7.201103" ] } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BT.601-4.199510", "docLabel": "BT.601.4 (10/95)", "docNumber": "601", "docTitle": "Studio encoding parameters of digital television for standard 4:3 and wide screen 16:9 aspect ratios", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bt/R-REC-BT.601-4-199407-S!!MSW-E.doc", "publicationDate": "1994-07-30", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "R-REC-BT.601-5.199510" ] } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BT.601-5.199510", "docLabel": "BT.601.5 (10/95)", "docNumber": "601", "docTitle": "Studio encoding parameters of digital television for standard 4:3 and wide screen 16:9 aspect ratios", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bt/R-REC-BT.601-5-199510-S!!PDF-E.pdf", "publicationDate": "1995-10-01", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "R-REC-BT.601-6.200701" ] } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BT.601-6.200701", "docLabel": "BT.601.6 (01/07)", "docNumber": "601", "docTitle": "Studio encoding parameters of digital television for standard 4:3 and wide screen 16:9 aspect ratios", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bt/R-REC-BT.601-6-200701-S!!PDF-E.pdf", "publicationDate": "2007-01-26", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "R-REC-BT.6-270.201103" ] } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BT.601-7.201103", "docLabel": "BT.601.7 (03/2011)", "docNumber": "601", "docTitle": "Studio encoding parameters of digital television for standard 4:3 and wide screen 16:9 aspect ratios", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bt/R-REC-BT.601-7-201103-I!!PDF-E.pdf", "publicationDate": "2011-03-08", "publisher": "ITU-R", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "R-REC-BT.656.199802", "docLabel": "BT.656 (02/98)", "docNumber": "656", "docTitle": "Interface for digital component video signals in 525-line and 625-line television systems operating at the 4:2:2 level of 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"rddl.2002", "docLabel": "RDDL", "docTitle": "Resource Directory Description Language (RDDL)", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "http://www.rddl.org/", "publicationDate": "2002-02-08", "publisher": "W3C", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rddl.2010" ] } }, { "authors": [ "Jonathan Borden", "Tim Bray" ], "docId": "rddl.2010", "docLabel": "RDDL 2", "docTitle": "Resource Directory Description Language (RDDL) 2.0", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "http://www.rddl.org/2", "publicationDate": "2010-01-01", "publisher": "W3C", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "REC-html52.20171214", "docLabel": "REC-html52-20171214", "docTitle": "HTML 5.2", "docType": "Recommendation", "href": "https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/REC-html52-20171214/", "publicationDate": "2017-12-14", "publisher": "W3C", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "HTML" ] } }, { "details": "need to add amendedBy docs", "docId": "rfc1035", "docLabel": "RFC 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Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1521", "publicationDate": "1993-09-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "rfc1590" ], "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc2045", "rfc2046" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc1590", "docLabel": "RFC 1590", "docTitle": "Media Type Registration Procedure", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1590", "publicationDate": "1994-03-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc2045", "rfc2046" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc1737", "docLabel": "RFC 1737", "docTitle": "Functional Requirements for Uniform Resource Names", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1737", "publicationDate": "1994-12-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc1738", "docLabel": "RFC 1738", "docTitle": "Uniform Resource Locators (URL)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt", "publicationDate": "1994-12-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc2396" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc2045", "docLabel": "RFC 2045", "docTitle": "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2045", "publicationDate": "1996-11-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc2046", "docLabel": "RFC 2046", "docTitle": "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2046", "publicationDate": "1996-11-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "rfc2646", "rfc3798", "rfc5147", "rfc6657", "rfc8098" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc2077", "docLabel": "RFC 2077", "docTitle": "The Model Primary Content Type for Multipurpose 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"https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2234", "publicationDate": "1997-11-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc4234" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc2246", "docLabel": "RFC 2246", "docTitle": "The TLS Protocol Version 1.0", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2246", "publicationDate": "1999-01-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc4346" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc2253", "docLabel": "RFC 2253", "docTitle": "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): UTF-8 String Representation of Distinguished Names", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2253", "publicationDate": "1997-12-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc4510", "rfc4514" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc2302", "docLabel": "RFC 2302", "docTitle": "Tag Image File Format (TIFF) - image/tiff MIME Sub-type Registration", "docType": "Draft 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"https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2437", "publicationDate": "1998-10-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc3447" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc2459", "docLabel": "RFC 2459", "docTitle": "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and CRL Profile", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2459", "publicationDate": "1999-01-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc3280" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc2518", "docLabel": "RFC 2518", "docTitle": " HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring -- WEBDAV", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2518", "publicationDate": "1999-02-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc4918" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc2616", "docLabel": "RFC 2616", "docTitle": "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616", "publicationDate": "1999-06-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc7230", "rfc7231", "rfc7232", "rfc7233", "rfc7234", "rfc7235" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc2617", "docLabel": "RFC 2617", "docTitle": "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617", "publicationDate": "1999-06-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc7235", "rfc7615", "rfc7616", "rfc7617" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc2646", "docLabel": "RFC 2646", "docTitle": "The Text/Plain Format Parameter", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2646", "publicationDate": "1999-08-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc3676" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc2693", "docLabel": "RFC 2693", "docTitle": "SPKI Certificate Theory", "docType": "Experimental", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2693", "publicationDate": "1999-09-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc2818", "docLabel": "RFC 2818", "docTitle": "HTTP Over TLS", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2818", "publicationDate": "2000-05-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "rfc5785", "rfc7230" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc2898", "docLabel": "RFC 2898", "docTitle": "PKCS #5: Password-Based Cryptography Specification Version 2.0", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2898.txt", "publicationDate": "2000-09-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc3023", "docLabel": "RFC 3023", "docTitle": "XML Media Types", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3023", "publicationDate": "2001-01-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc7303" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc3061", "docLabel": "RFC 3061", "docTitle": "A URN Namespace of Object Identifiers", "docType": "Best Practice", "href": "https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/inline-errata/rfc3061.html", "publicationDate": "2001-02-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc3066", "docLabel": "RFC 3066", "docTitle": "Tags for the Identification of Languages", "docType": "Best Practice", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3066", "publicationDate": "2001-01-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc4646", "rfc4647" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc3174", "docLabel": "RFC 3174", "docTitle": "US Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1)", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3174", "publicationDate": "2001-09-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "rfc4634", "rfc6234" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc3268", "docLabel": "RFC 3268", "docTitle": "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Ciphersuites for Transport Layer Security (TLS)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3268", "publicationDate": "2002-06-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc5246" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc3275", "docLabel": "RFC 3275", "docTitle": "(Extensible Markup Language) XML-Signature Syntax and Processing", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3275", "publicationDate": "2002-03-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc3280", "docLabel": "RFC 3280", "docTitle": "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3280", "publicationDate": "2002-04-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc5280" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc3302", "docLabel": "RFC 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2.1", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447", "publicationDate": "2013-02-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc8017" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc3629", "docLabel": "RFC 3629", "docTitle": "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629", "publicationDate": "2003-11-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc3676", "docLabel": "RFC 3676", "docTitle": "The Text/Plain Format and DelSp Parameters", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3676", "publicationDate": "2004-02-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc3798", "docLabel": "RFC 3798", "docTitle": "Message Disposition Notification", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3798", "publicationDate": "2004-05-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc8098" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc3986", "docLabel": "RFC 3986", "docTitle": "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986", "publicationDate": "2005-01-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "rfc6874", "rfc7320", "rfc8820" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc4051", "docLabel": "RFC 4051", "docTitle": "Additional XML Security Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4051", "publicationDate": "2005-04-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc6931" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc4055", "docLabel": "RFC 4055", "docTitle": "Additional Algorithms and Identifiers for RSA Cryptography for use in the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4055", "publicationDate": "2005-06-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "rfc5756" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc4122", "docLabel": "RFC 4122", "docTitle": "A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122", "publicationDate": "2005-07-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc4234", "docLabel": "RFC 4234", "docTitle": "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4234", "publicationDate": "2005-10-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc5234" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc4246", "docLabel": "RFC 4246", "docTitle": "International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) URN Definition", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4246", "publicationDate": "2006-02-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc4288", "docLabel": "RFC 4288", "docTitle": "Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures", "docType": "Best Practice", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4288", "publicationDate": "2005-12-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc6838" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc4301", "docLabel": "RFC 4301", "docTitle": "Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4301", "publicationDate": "2005-12-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "rfc6040", "rfc7619" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc4346", "docLabel": "RFC 4346", "docTitle": "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.1", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4346", "publicationDate": "2006-04-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc5246" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc4452", "docLabel": "RFC 4452", "docTitle": "The 'info' URI Scheme for Information Assets with Identifiers in Public Namespaces", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4452", "publicationDate": "2006-04-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc4510", "docLabel": "RFC 4510", "docTitle": "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Technical Specification Road Map", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4510", "publicationDate": "2006-06-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc4514", "docLabel": "RFC 4514", "docTitle": "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): String Representation of Distinguished Names", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4514", "publicationDate": "2006-06-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc4539", "docLabel": "RFC 4539", "docTitle": "Media 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"Best Practice", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4647", "publicationDate": "2006-09-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc4918", "docLabel": "RFC 4918", "docTitle": " HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4918", "publicationDate": "2007-06-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc5689" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc5119", "docLabel": "RFC 5119", "docTitle": "A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE}", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5119", "publicationDate": "2008-02-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc5147", "docLabel": "RFC 5147", "docTitle": "URI Fragment Identifiers for the text/plain Media Type", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5147", "publicationDate": "2008-04-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc5234", "docLabel": "RFC 5234 (2008, January)", "docTitle": "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5234", "publicationDate": "2008-01-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "rfc7405" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc5246", "docLabel": "RFC 5246", "docTitle": "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5246", "publicationDate": "2008-08-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc8446" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc5280", "docLabel": "RFC 5280", "docTitle": "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280", "publicationDate": "2008-05-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "rfc6818", "rfc8398", "rfc8399" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc5322", "docLabel": "RFC 5322", "docTitle": "Internet Message Format", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322", "publicationDate": "2008-10-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "rfc6854" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc5646", "docLabel": "RFC 5646", "docTitle": "Tags for Identifying Languages", "docType": "Best Practice", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5646", "publicationDate": "2009-09-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc5689", "docLabel": "RFC 5689", "docTitle": " Extended MKCOL for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5689", "publicationDate": "2009-09-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc5756", "docLabel": "RFC 5756", "docTitle": "Updates for RSAES-OAEP and RSASSA-PSS Algorithm Parameters", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5756", "publicationDate": "2010-01-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc5785", "docLabel": "RFC 5785", "docTitle": "Defining Well-Known Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5785", "publicationDate": "2010-04-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc8615" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc6040", "docLabel": "RFC 6040", "docTitle": "Tunnelling of Explicit Congestion Notification", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6040", "publicationDate": "2010-11-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc6151", "docLabel": "RFC 6151", "docTitle": "Updated Security Considerations for the MD5 Message-Digest and the HMAC-MD5 Algorithms", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6151", "publicationDate": "2011-03-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc6234", "docLabel": "RFC 6234", "docTitle": "US Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA and SHA-based HMAC and HKDF)", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6234", "publicationDate": "2011-05-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc6597", "docLabel": "RFC 6597", "docTitle": "RTP Payload Format for Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) ST 336 Encoded Data", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6597", "publicationDate": "2012-04-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc6657", "docLabel": "RFC 6657", "docTitle": "Update to MIME regarding 'charset' Parameter Handling in Textual Media Types", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6657", "publicationDate": "2012-07-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc6818", "docLabel": "RFC 6818", "docTitle": "Updates to the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6818", "publicationDate": "2013-01-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc6838", "docLabel": "RFC 6838", "docTitle": "Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures", "docType": "Best Practice", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6838", "publicationDate": "2013-01-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc6854", "docLabel": "RFC 6854", "docTitle": "Update to Internet Message Format to Allow Group Syntax in the 'From:' and 'Sender:' Header Fields", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6854", "publicationDate": "2013-03-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc6874", "docLabel": "RFC 6874", "docTitle": "Representing IPv6 Zone Identifiers in Address Literals and Uniform Resource Identifiers", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6874", "publicationDate": "2013-02-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc6931", "docLabel": "RFC 6931", "docTitle": "Additional XML Security Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6931", "publicationDate": "2013-04-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc7230", "docLabel": "RFC 7230", "docTitle": "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230", "publicationDate": "2014-06-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "rfc8615" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc7231", "docLabel": "RFC 7231", "docTitle": "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231", "publicationDate": "2014-06-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc7232", "docLabel": "RFC 7232", "docTitle": "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Conditional Requests", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7232", "publicationDate": "2014-06-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc7233", "docLabel": "RFC 7233", "docTitle": "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Range Requests", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7233", "publicationDate": "2014-06-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc7234", "docLabel": "RFC 7234", "docTitle": "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Caching", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7234", "publicationDate": "2014-06-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc7235", "docLabel": "RFC 7235", "docTitle": "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Authentication", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7235", "publicationDate": "2014-06-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc7302", "docLabel": "RFC 7302", "docTitle": "Entertainment Identifier Registry (EIDR) URN Namespace Definition", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7302", "publicationDate": "2014-07-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "rfc7972" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc7303", "docLabel": "RFC 7303", "docTitle": "XML Media Types", "docType": "Specification", "href": "https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7303", "publicationDate": "2014-07-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc7320", "docLabel": "RFC 7320", "docTitle": "URI Design and 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"status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc7617", "docLabel": "RFC 7617", "docTitle": "The 'Basic' HTTP Authentication Scheme", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7617", "publicationDate": "2015-09-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc7619", "docLabel": "RFC 7619", "docTitle": "The NULL Authentication Method in the Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7619", "publicationDate": "2015-08-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc7950", "docLabel": "RFC 7950", "docTitle": "The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7950", "publicationDate": "2016-08-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true, "amended": true, "amendedBy": [ "rfc8342", "rfc8526" ] } }, { "docId": "rfc7972", "docLabel": "RFC 7972", "docTitle": "Entertainment Identifier Registry (EIDR) URN Namespace Definition", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7972", "publicationDate": "2016-09-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc8017", "docLabel": "RFC 8017", "docTitle": "PKCS #1: RSA Cryptography Specifications Version 2.2", "docType": "Informational", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8017", "publicationDate": "2016-11-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc8098", "docLabel": "RFC 8098", "docTitle": "Message Disposition Notification", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8098", "publicationDate": "2017-02-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc8141", "docLabel": "RFC 8141", "docTitle": "Uniform Resource Names (URNs)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8141", "publicationDate": "2017-04-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc8259", "docLabel": "RFC 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"IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc8446", "docLabel": "RFC 8446", "docTitle": "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8446", "publicationDate": "2018-08-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc8526", "docLabel": "RFC 8526", "docTitle": "NETCONF Extensions to Support the Network Management Datastore Architecture", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8526", "publicationDate": "2019-03-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc8615", "docLabel": "RFC 8615", "docTitle": "Well-Known Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8615", "publicationDate": "2019-05-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc8820", "docLabel": "RFC 8820", "docTitle": "URI Design and Ownership", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8820", "publicationDate": "2022-06-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "rfc9141", "docLabel": "RFC 9141", "docTitle": "Updating References to the IETF FTP Service", "docType": "Standard", "href": "https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9141", "publicationDate": "2021-11-01", "publisher": "IETF", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "2 Blazier, Warren E., Jr" ], "docId": "rnc-nce-v16-n2-1981-p64-73", "docLabel": "Noise Control Engineering vol. 16, no. 2 (March-April 1981), pp 64-73", "docTitle": "Revised noise criteria for application in the acoustical design and rating of HVAC systems", "docType": "White Paper", "publisher": "Noise Control Engineering", "status": { "unknown": true } }, { "authors": [ "Roy Thomas Fielding" ], "docId": "rtf-asd-nbsa-2000", "docLabel": "RTF ASD NBSA 2000", "docTitle": "Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures", "docType": "Dissertation", "href": "https://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/fielding_dissertation.pdf", "publicationDate": "2000-01-18", "publisher": "UCI", "status": { "active": true } }, { "authors": [ "L. 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XI, no. 31, pp. 607, 1928.", "docTitle": "A compact motion picture densitometer", "docType": "Journal Article", "doi": "10.1016/S0016-0032(28)92060-8", "href": "https://doi.org/10.1016/S0016-0032(28)92060-8", "publicationDate": "1928-02-01", "publisher": "Franklin Institute", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.AG01.2014", "docLabel": "SMPTE AG 01:2014", "docTitle": "Standards Administrative Guideline - Technology Committees List", "docType": "Administrative Guideline", "group": "smpte-02c-st", "href": "https://www.smpte.org/sites/default/files/AG-01-Technology-Committees-List.pdf", "publicationDate": "2020-07-15", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "SMPTE.AG01.2020" ], "supersededDate": "2020-07-15" } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.AG01.2020", "docLabel": "SMPTE AG 01:2020", "docTitle": "Standards Administrative Guideline - Technology Committees List", "docType": "Administrative Guideline", "group": "smpte-02c-st", "href": 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"https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP17.1964", "keywords": [ "Film", "Camera", "Test & Measurement" ], "publicationDate": "1964-04-12", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J13858.1959", "J08426.1944" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true, "stabilized": true } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP173.2002", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 173:2002", "docNumber": "173", "docTitle": "Loudspeaker Placements for Audio Monitoring in High-Definition Electronic Production", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP173.2002", "group": "smpte-20f-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP173.2002", "publicationDate": "2002-01-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": false, "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP177.1993", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 177.1993", "docNumber": "177", "docTitle": "Derivation of Basic Television Color Equations", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP177.1993", "group": "smpte-10e-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP177.1993", "publicationDate": "1993-11-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP18.1995", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 18:1995", "docNumber": "18", "docTitle": "Specifications for Test Film for Subjective Checking of 16-mm Motion-Picture Audio Projectors", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP18.1995", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP18.1995", "keywords": [ "Film", "Audio", "Test & Measurement", "Sound", "16mm" ], "publicationDate": "1995-08-10", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST41.1994", "SMPTE.ST109.1992", "SMPTE.ST112.1994", "SMPTE.ST233.1992", "SMPTE.RP67.1993" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true, "stabilized": true, "stabilizedDate": "2017-04-01" } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP180.1999", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 180:1999", "docNumber": "180", "docTitle": "Spectral Conditions Defining Printing Density in Motion-Picture Negative 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"active": true, "reaffirmDate": "2016-12-01", "reaffirmed": true, "stabilized": true } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP187.1995", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 187:1995", "docNumber": "187", "docTitle": "Center, Aspect Ratio and Blanking of Video Images", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP187.1995", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP187.1995", "publicationDate": "1995-12-06", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true, "stabilized": true } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP19.2003", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 19:2003", "docNumber": "19", "docTitle": "Specifications for 8-mm Type R Registration Test Film", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP19.2003", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP19.2003", "keywords": [ "Film", "Test & Measurement", "8mm", "Dimension" ], "publicationDate": "2003-10-20", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST234.1998", "SMPTE.ST231.1999", "SMPTE.ST239.1999" ] }, "status": { "active": 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"stabilized": true, "stabilizedDate": "2012-01-01" } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP194.1998", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 194:1998", "docNumber": "194", "docTitle": "Film Negative Cutter's Conform List", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "group": "smpte-20f-tc", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "SMPTE.RP194.2004" ] } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP194.2004", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 194:2004", "docNumber": "194", "docTitle": "Film Negative Cutter's Conform List", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP194.2004", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP194.2004", "keywords": [ "Film", "Edit" ], "publicationDate": "2004-04-06", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST270.1994", "SMPTE.ST12.1999", "SMPTE.ST254.2002", "SMPTE.ST258.2004", "SMPTE.ST271.2002", "SMPTE.RP195.2004", "SMPTE.RP197.2003" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true, "stabilized": true, "stabilizedDate": 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"href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP2052-11.2013", "publicationDate": "2013-06-05", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP2054.2010", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 2054:2010", "docNumber": "2054", "docTitle": "Method of Measurement of Perceived Loudness of Short Duration Motion Picture Audio Material", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP2054.2010", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP2054.2010", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Audio", "Film", "Sound", "Theater", "Acoustics", "Loudness" ], "publicationDate": "2010-04-23", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J17622.1998", "ISO.21727.2004" ], "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST202.1998", "SMPTE.RP200.2002" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true, "stabilized": true, "stabilizedDate": "2023-02-28" } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP2057.2011", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 2057:2011", "docNumber": "2057", "docTitle": "Text-Based Metadata Carriage in MXF", 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"group": "smpte-30mr-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP2079.2013", "publicationDate": "2013-12-13", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "EIDR.ID.201702" ], "normative": [ "ISO.7064.2003", "ISO.26324.2012", "SMPTE.ST335.2012", "SMPTE.ST2003.2012", "rfc4452", "rfc5234" ] }, "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "SMPTE.RP2079.2017" ], "supersededDate": "2017-08-21" } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP2079.2017", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 2079:2017", "docNumber": "2079", "docTitle": "Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Name and Entertainment ID Registry (EIDR) Identifier Representations`", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP2079.2017", "group": "smpte-30mr-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP2079.2017", "publicationDate": "2017-08-21", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "EIDR.ID.201702" ], "normative": [ "ISO.7064.2003", "ISO.26324.2012", "SMPTE.ST335.2012", "SMPTE.ST2003.2012", "rfc5234", 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"href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP2089.2014", "publicationDate": "2014-10-30", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST377-1.2009", "SMPTE.ST377.2004", "SMPTE.RP2079.2013" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmDate": "2016-10-05", "reaffirmed": true } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP2096-1.2017", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 2096-1:2017", "docNumber": "2096", "docPart": "1", "docTitle": "Cinema Sound System Baseline Setup and Calibration", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP2096-1.2017", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP2096-1.2017", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Audio", "Sound", "Test & Measurement" ], "publicationDate": "2017-08-22", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "ISO.3382-1.2009", "ISO.3382-3.2012", "aesj.v30.n9.580-595.198209", "LSI.WP-PSTA.200307", "SMPTE.ER0994.2014" ], "normative": [ "ANSI.S1.11.2004", "ANSI.S1.40.2006", "ANSI.S12.2.2008", "IEC.60942.2003", "IEC.61260-1.2014", "IEC.61672-1.2013", "SMPTE.RP200.2012", "SMPTE.ST202.2010", "SMPTE.ST2095-1.2015" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmDate": "2018-12-04", "reaffirmed": true } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP2096-2.2017", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 2096-2:2017", "docNumber": "2096", "docPart": "2", "docTitle": "Cinema Sound System Maintenance Calibration", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP2096-2.2017", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP2096-2.2017", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "Audio", "Sound", "Test & Measurement" ], "publicationDate": "2017-08-22", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "normative": [ "SMPTE.RP2096-1.2017" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP21.2015", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 21:2015", "docNumber": "21", "docTitle": "Dimensions of 35-mm and 70-mm Motion-Picture Rewind Spindles", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP21.2015", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP21.2015", "keywords": [ "Film", "Dimension" ], "publicationDate": "2015-04-09", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "normative": [ "ANSIAIIM.MS34.1990", "SMPTE.ST235.1998", "SMPTE.ST241.2015", "SMPTE.ST192.1997" ] }, "status": { "active": true } }, { "details": "Registers of all published SMPTE metadata values are now available at http://smpte-ra.org/smpte-metadata-registry", "docElement": "v13", "docId": "SMPTE.RP210.10.2007", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 210(v13):2012", "docNumber": "210", "docTitle": "SMPTE Recommended Practice - Metadata Element Dictionary", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP210.10.2007", "group": "smpte-30mr-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP210.10.2007", "publisher": "SMPTE", "relatedDocs": [ "SMPTE.PubReg.2018" ], "status": { "active": false, "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP216.2002", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 216:2002", "docNumber": "216", "docTitle": "Specifications for 3-Perforation Test 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"relatedDocs": [ "SMPTE.PubReg.2018" ], "status": { "active": false, "withdrawn": true } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP24.1997", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 24:1997", "docNumber": "24", "docTitle": "Dimensions for 16-mm Motion-Picture Camera Spindles", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP24.1997", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP24.1997", "keywords": [ "Film", "16mm", "Dimension" ], "publicationDate": "1997-09-18", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "SMPTE.ST174.1994" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmDate": "2007-09-01", "reaffirmed": true, "stabilized": true } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP25.1995", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 25:1995", "docNumber": "25", "docTitle": "Audio and Picture Synchronization on Motion-Picture Film Relative to the Universal Leader for Magnetic and Photographic Records", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP25.1995", "group": "smpte-20f-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP25.1995", "keywords": [ "Time & Sync", "Film" ], "publicationDate": "1995-01-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST55.1992" ] }, "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "SMPTE.RP25.2011" ] } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP25.2011", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 25:2011", "docNumber": "25", "docTitle": "Audio and Picture Synchronization in Motion-Picture Film Relative to Leaders for Television and Theatrical Presentation for Analog Magnetic and Photographic Records", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP25.2011", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP25.2011", "keywords": [ "Time & Sync", "Film" ], "publicationDate": "2011-12-05", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST55.2011", "SMPTE.ST301.2005" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmDate": "2015-12-01", "reaffirmed": true, "stabilized": true, "stabilizedDate": "2016-12-01" } }, { 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"docId": "SMPTE.RP40.2003", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 40:2003", "docNumber": "40", "docTitle": "Specifications for 35-mm Projector Alignment and Screen Image Quality Test Film", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP40.2003", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP40.2003", "keywords": [ "Test & Measurement", "Film", "Projection", "Projector" ], "publicationDate": "2003-01-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "SMPTE.RP105.2003" ], "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST93.1998", "SMPTE.ST59.1998", "SMPTE.ST195.2000" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmDate": "2016-12-01", "reaffirmed": true, "stabilized": true, "stabilizedDate": "2016-12-01" } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP428-22.20XX", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 428-22:20XX", "docNumber": "428", "docPart": "22", "docTitle": "D-Cinema Distribution Master – Minimal Timed Text XML Requirements", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "DCDM", "Subtitles" ], "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "SMPTE.RDD52.2020" ], "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST429-2.2020", "SMPTE.ST428-7.2014" ] }, "repo": "https://github.com/SMPTE/rp428-22", "status": { "draft": true, "publicCd": true }, "workInfo": { "project": [ { "projectId": "rp428-22-20XX-id" } ] } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP428-4.2010", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 428-4:2010", "docNumber": "428", "docPart": "4", "docTitle": "D-Cinema Distribution Master - Audio File Format and Delivery Constraints", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP428-4.2010", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP428-4.2010", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "DCDM", "Distribution", "Sound" ], "publicationDate": "2010-03-31", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST428-2.2006", "SMPTE.ST428-3.2006", "SMPTE.ST429-2.2009", "SMPTE.ST429-7.2006", "R-REC-BR.1352-1.2002", "ISO.639-2.1998" ] }, "repo": "https://github.com/SMPTE/rp428-4", "status": { "active": true }, "workInfo": { "review": [ { "assignedGroup": "smpte-21dc-tcdg-docmx", "reviewDate": "2019-10-18", "reviewNotes": "Project in OLC, 377-4 removed ref, Brian thinks we still need to revise", "reviewPeriod": "5 Year", "reviewRec": "No Recommendation" } ] } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP428-5.2010", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 428-5:2010", "docNumber": "428", "docPart": "5", "docTitle": "D-Cinema Distribution Master - Mapping of Images into Constrained Tag Image File", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP428-5.2010", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP428-5.2010", "keywords": [ "DCinema", "DCDM", "Distribution", "Image" ], "publicationDate": "2010-06-24", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "SMPTE.ST429-7.2006", "TIFF.r6.19920603", "ICC.1.2004", "ISO.15076-1.2005" ], "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST428-1.2006", "SMPTE.RP428-6.2009", "ISO.12639.2004", "ISO.646.1991" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmDate": 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"stabilized": true, "stabilizedDate": "2004-10-08" } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP48.1995", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 48:1995", "docNumber": "48", "docTitle": "Lubrication of 16- and 8-mm Motion-Picture Prints", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "group": "smpte-20f-tc", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "SMPTE.RP48.1999" ] } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP48.1999", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 48:1999", "docNumber": "48", "docTitle": "Lubrication of 16- and 8-mm Motion-Picture Prints", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP48.1999", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP48.1999", "keywords": [ "Film", "Projection", "8mm", "16mm", "Projector" ], "publicationDate": "1999-11-05", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "ANSI.IT9.4.1994" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true, "stabilized": true, "stabilizedDate": "2009-07-01" } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP49.1995", "docLabel": "SMPTE 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"href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP53.1993", "keywords": [ "Film", "Identification", "Projection", "16mm", "Projector" ], "publicationDate": "1993-01-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST83.1996" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true, "stabilized": true } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP54.1999", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 54:1999", "docNumber": "54", "docTitle": "Edge Numbering on 16-mm Release Prints", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP54.1999", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP54.1999", "keywords": [ "Film", "Printer", "8mm", "16mm", "35mm", "Light" ], "publicationDate": "1999-01-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true, "stabilized": true, "stabilizedDate": "2004-11-08" } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP55.1997", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 55:1997", "docNumber": "55", "docTitle": "8-mm Type S Sprocket Design", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP55.1997", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP55.1997", "keywords": [ "Film", "Dimension", "8mm" ], "publicationDate": "1997-09-18", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "J01217.1951", "J12893.1941", "J17832.1947" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmDate": "2003-09-01", "reaffirmed": true, "stabilized": true, "stabilizedDate": "2015-07-01" } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP56.2002", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 56:2002", "docNumber": "56", "docTitle": "Safe Action and Safe Title Areas for 8-mm Release Prints", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP56.2002", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP56.2002", "keywords": [ "Film", "Dimension", "8mm" ], "publicationDate": "2002-01-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "SMPTE.ST154.1998", "SMPTE.ST234.1998", "SMPTE.ST157.1999", "SMPTE.ST231.1999" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmDate": "2012-11-03", "reaffirmed": true, "stabilized": true } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP58.1995", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 58:1995", "docNumber": "58", "docTitle": "Nomenclature for Devices Enclosing 8-mm Motion-Picture Film for Projection", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP58.1995", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP58.1995", "keywords": [ "Film", "Projector", "8mm", "Cartridge", "Cassette" ], "publicationDate": "1995-01-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true, "stabilized": true, "stabilizedDate": "2004-11-01" } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP59.1986", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 59:1986", "docNumber": "59", "docTitle": "Color and Luminance of Review Room Screens for Viewing Motion-Picture Materials Intended for Slides or Film Strips", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "group": "smpte-20f-tc", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "SMPTE.RP59.1995" ] } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP59.1995", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 59:1995", "docNumber": "59", "docTitle": "Color and Luminance of Review Room Screens for Viewing Motion-Picture Materials Intended for Slides or Film Strips", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "group": "smpte-20f-tc", "publisher": "SMPTE", "status": { "active": false, "superseded": true, "supersededBy": [ "SMPTE.RP59.1999" ] } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP59.1999", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 59:1999", "docNumber": "59", "docTitle": "Color and Luminance of Review Room Screens for Viewing Motion-Picture Materials Intended for Slides or Film Strips", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP59.1999", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP59.1999", "keywords": [ "Film", "Projection", "Screen", "Projector" ], "publicationDate": "1999-01-01", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "bibliographic": [ "SMPTE.ST196.1995", "J13528.1970" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmed": true, "stabilized": true } }, { 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"SMPTE.RP67.2002", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 67:2002", "docNumber": "67", "docTitle": "Specifications for Buzz-Track Test Film for 16-mm Motion-Picture Audio Reproducers, Photographic Type", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP67.2002", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": "https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.RP67.2002", "keywords": [ "Film", "Audio", "16mm", "Sound", "Test & Measurement" ], "publicationDate": "2002-07-26", "publisher": "SMPTE", "references": { "normative": [ "SMPTE.ST109.1998", "SMPTE.ST223.2001" ] }, "status": { "active": true, "reaffirmDate": "2009-07-08", "reaffirmed": true, "stabilized": true, "stabilizedDate": "2015-07-01" } }, { "docId": "SMPTE.RP68.2002", "docLabel": "SMPTE RP 68:2002", "docNumber": "68", "docTitle": "Specifications for Buzz-Track Test Film for 35-mm Motion-Picture Photographic Audio Reproducers", "docType": "Recommended Practice", "doi": "10.5594/SMPTE.RP68.2002", "group": "smpte-27c-tc", "href": 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