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'__|___________________ ; | |o`"=._` , "` `; .". , "-._"-._; ; | ; _________|___________| ;`-.o`"=._; ." ` '`."\` . "-._ /_______________|_______ ; | | |o; `"-.o`"=._`` '` " ,__.--o; | ; |___________________|_| ; (#) `-.o `"=.`_.--"_o.-; ;___|___________________ ; ____/______/______/___|o;._ " `".o|o_.--" ;o;____/______/______/____ ; /______/______/______/_"=._o--._ ; | ; ; ;/______/______/______/_ ; ____/______/______/______/__"=._o--._ ;o|o; _._;o;____/______/______/____ ; /______/______/______/______/____"=._o._; | ;_.--"o.--"_/______/______/______/_ ; ____/______/______/______/______/_____"=.o|o_.--""___/______/______/______/____ ; /______/______/______/______/______/______/______/______/______/______/[TomekK] ; ******************************************************************************* ; ; Author: Sthil Lauda ; Version: 3.6 ; Client Tested with: 2.0.3 ; EUO version tested with: EasyUO 1.5 Version 243 ; Shard: Ultima Alianza (¡Hasta la muerte!) ; Public Release: 04/03/18 ; Revised On: 13/04/20 ; Propósito: Procesa cofres del tesoro; Desactiva la trampa, fuerza la cerradura, y lotea el cofre. ; Instrucciones: - Se requieren ganzúas en la mochila, una bolsa para el loot, y opcionalmente pergas de In Vas Mani... ^^ ; - Es posible que tengáis que ir añadiendo ID's de objetos a lotear en %tesoros, %items_cofres, etc. ; ;======================================================== set %version 3.6 ;________________________________ ; ; /////////////////////////////// ; ******** CONFIGURACIÓN ******** ; /////////////////////////////// ;________________________________ ; set %TeclaAuto z ; Tecla "AUTO", para desactivar la trampa, forzar, y lotear el cofre. set %TeclaCerradura x ; Tecla para forzar cofres. set %TeclaAbrir c ; Tecla para lotear cofres. set %min_ganzuas 10 ; Mínimo de ganzúas en la mochila antes de alertar. set %puntos_vida_1 15 ; In Vas Mani set %puntos_vida_2 5 ; In Mani ;________________________________________________ ; ; ////////////////////////////////////////////// ; ************* FIN CONFIGURACIÓN ************* ; ////////////////////////////////////////////// ;________________________________________________ ; set %tesoros AXE_BXE_CXE_DXE_EXE_FXE_GXE_HXE_IXE_ +JXE_KXE_LXE_MXD_NXE_PUI_VWE_MWE_RGH_MPG_BUD_ +HIF_JIF_IIF_KIF_IKF set %oro POF set %gemas BVF_EVF_FVF_GVF_HVF_OVF_RVF_UVF_VUF set %flechas RWF_LNK set %items_cofres TVH_KWI_HWK_MQF_XVH_XNH_FQM ; Escrituras, Sombrero Aventurero, Cabeza Nigromante, Tambor Mágico, Mapa del Cartógrafo, Figuras de colección/raras, etc... set %loot %oro , _ , %gemas , _ , %flechas , _ , %items_cofres ; Lista de todos los Items set %pergas ZTL set %vida_minima_1 #MAXHITS - %puntos_vida_1 ; In Vas Mani set %vida_minima_2 #MAXHITS - %puntos_vida_2 ; In Mani set %num_cofres 0 set %configurado 0 set %bolsa_loot XXXXXX set %desarmado logra_desarmar set %sin_trampa no_tiene_ninguna_trampa set %fallo_desarmando falla_al_desarmar set %trampa_activada Has_accionado_la_trampa set %faltan_regs Necesitas set %cerradura_cede La_cerradura_cede set %sin_cerrar cofre_no_parece_estar_cerrado set %fallo_forzando no_logra_forzar_cofre set %no_se_puede el_cofre_no_puede_ser_forzado set %no_puedes no_puedes_forzar_cofre ; Variables globales set *num_ganzuas 0 set *ID_cofre XXXXX set *cofres_abiertos 0 ; set #SYSMSGCOL 88 event sysmessage =================== set #SYSMSGCOL 53 event sysmessage Abre Cofres %version set #SYSMSGCOL 88 event sysmessage =================== wait 40 ; ============== ; Modo "Oculto" ; ============== chooseskill Hidi real set %skillhiding #SKILL if ( %skillhiding >= 300 ) { gosub setupHid ; Configuración del "Modo Oculto". } else { set %hiding #FALSE } ; ============================ ; Comprobar número de Ganzuas ; ============================ finditem NWH C_ , #BACKPACKID if #FINDCNT > 0 { set *num_ganzuas #FINDSTACK if *num_ganzuas < %min_ganzuas { set #SYSMSGCOL 48 event sysmessage POCAS GANZUAS!! [ *num_ganzuas ] sound wait 40 } else { set #SYSMSGCOL 88 event sysmessage OK GANZUAS: [ *num_ganzuas ] wait 40 } } else { set #SYSMSGCOL 38 event sysmessage NO HAY GANZUAS!! :-( halt } ; Loop de configuración configurar: set #sysmsgcol 53 if %configurado = 0 { event sysmessage ============================== event sysmessage Click en la bolsa del loot. event sysmessage ============================== setuotitle Haz Click en la bolsa en la que quieres guardar el loot. set #TARGCURS 1 target while #TARGCURS = 1 { wait 1 } set %bolsa_loot #LTARGETID set #LOBJECTID %bolsa_loot event macro 17 gosub wait_for GUMP %bolsa_loot 4 ; Esperamos 4 segundos a detectar la bolsa. if ( #RESULT ) ; Detectamos la bolsa abierta... { if ( #CONTID <> #BACKPACKID ) && ( #CONTSIZE = 230_204 || #CONTSIZE = 176_194 ) ; Si no es nuestra propia mochila, y el tamaño es el de una bolsa... { set #SYSMSGCOL 68 set %configurado 1 ; Ok, bolsa encontrada event sysmessage OK! Bolsa: %bolsa_loot wait 20 gosub wait_for GUMP %bolsa_loot CLOSE ; Carramos la bolsa de Loot goto loop ; Pasamos al Loop principal de la macro. } else { set #SYSMSGCOL 38 event sysmessage NO ME GUSTA ESTA BOLSA :-( wait 20 goto error } } else { error: set #SYSMSGCOL 35 event sysmessage ========================== event sysmessage ERROR! REINICIANDO... event sysmessage ========================== wait 40 } goto configurar ;======================================================== ; ; ******************* LOOP PRINCIPAL ******************** ; ;======================================================== loop: OnHotKey %TeclaAuto ; ** Desactivar Trampa + Forzar + Lotear ** { ignoreitem reset Inicio: finditem %tesoros G_1 if #FINDCNT > 0 { set %num_cofres #FINDCNT for %i 1 %num_cofres { finditem %tesoros G_1 set %idcaja #findid set *ID_cofre %idcaja ; Variable global para la macro "Radar Cofres" event macro 13 48 ; Use Skill Remove Trap target 3s set #ltargetid %idcaja set #LtargetKind 1 gosub ResetJournal set %jstart #jindex ; Marcamos el journal event macro 22 gosub wait_for MSG %desarmado %sin_trampa %fallo_desarmando %trampa_activada 15 if #true in #result { if ( %desarmado in #result ) || ( %sin_trampa in #result ) { goto forzar } if ( %fallo_desarmando in #result ) || ( %trampa_activada in #result ) { gosub curarse goto Inicio } } } } else { event exmsg #charid 0 63 COFRES OK! wait 20 goto loop } goto Inicio } OnHotKey %TeclaCerradura ; ** Forzar Cerradura ** { forzar: finditem %tesoros G_1 if #FINDCNT > 0 { gosub ResetJournal finditem NWH c_ , #backpackid set *num_ganzuas #FINDSTACK if *num_ganzuas > 0 { set #LOBJECTID #FINDID event macro 17 0 target 3s set #LtargetKind 1 set #Ltargetid %idcaja set %jstart #jindex ; Marcamos el journal event macro 22 0 } else { event exmsg #charid 0 140 NO HAY GANZUAS! :-( wait 20 goto loop } gosub wait_for MSG %cerradura_cede %sin_cerrar %trampa_activada %fallo_forzando %no_se_puede %no_puedes 15 if #true in #result { if ( %cerradura_cede in #result ) || ( %sin_cerrar in #result ) { gosub hiding goto abrir } if ( %trampa_activada in #result ) { goto Inicio } if ( %fallo_forzando in #result ) { goto forzar } if ( %no_se_puede in #result ) || ( %no_puedes in #result ) { event exmsg #charid 0 140 IMPOSIBLE! :-( ignoreitem %idcaja gosub hiding goto loop } } return } else { event exmsg #charid 0 140 NO HAY COFRES! wait 20 goto loop } } OnHotKey %TeclaAbrir ; ** Abrir cofre del tesoro ** { abrir: finditem %tesoros G_1 if #FINDCNT > 0 { gosub ResetJournal set #lobjectid %idcaja event macro 17 0 gosub wait_for GUMP %idcaja 15 ; Esperamos 15 segundos a detectar una ventana. if ( #RESULT ) { event macro 3 0 .resend ; Libera del bloqueo debido a poner y quitar los pack's de heno. set *cofres_abiertos *cofres_abiertos + 1 set *ID_cofre %idcaja ; Variable global para la macro "Radar Cofres". gosub lotear ignoreitem %idcaja goto Inicio ; Seguimos con el resto de cofres... } else { goto abrir } } else { event exmsg #charid 0 63 COFRES LOTEADOS! :-) wait 20 goto loop } } goto loop ;======================================================== ; ; ***************** FIN LOOP PRINCIPAL ****************** ; ;======================================================== ; ============================================ ; Recuperar vida usando pergas de In Vas Mani ; ============================================ ; _____________ ; / __ /| ; / __/ /_ / / ; / /_ __/ / // ; / /_/ / // ; /_____________/ // ; |______&______|// ; ejm |_____________|/ ; sub curarse greater_heal: if ( #HITS <= %vida_minima_1 ) { finditem %pergas C_ , #backpackid if #FINDCNT > 0 { if ( #MANA >= 5 ) { set %pergas_curacion #FALSE for %p 1 #FINDSTACK { set %perga #FINDID event property %perga ; Leemos el perga set %string #property gosub split %string $ Propiedades ; Partimos las distintas propiedades en un array if Gran , #spc , Curacion in %PROPIEDADES1 ; Si encontramos de "Gran Curación" { set %pergas_curacion #TRUE set #LOBJECTID %perga event macro 17 0 target 3s event macro 23 0 wait 3s goto greater_heal ; Volvemos a comprobar stats } } if ( ! %pergas_curacion ) ; No hay pergas de curación :-( { goto in_vas_mani } } } else ; Si no hay pergas, lo intentamos con regs... { in_vas_mani: if ( #MANA >= 10 ) { event macro 15 28 ; In Vas Mani gosub wait_for MSG %faltan_regs 2 if #true in #result ; Si no hay regs, volvemos al principio { goto Inicio } target 4s event macro 23 0 wait 3s } else ; No hay maná para un In Vas Mani... :-( { goto in_mani } } } else { ; ================================== ; Curar con magia normal ( In Mani ) ; ================================== lesser_heal: if ( #HITS <= %vida_minima_2 ) { in_mani: if ( #MANA >= 4 ) { gosub ResetJournal set %jstart #jindex ; Marcamos el journal event macro 15 3 ; In Mani gosub wait_for MSG %faltan_regs 2 if #true in #result ; Si no hay regs, volvemos al principio { goto Inicio } target 4s event macro 23 0 wait 2s goto lesser_heal ; Volvemos a comprobar stats } } } return sub setupHid ; <==============================> display yesno ********************** [ HIDING ] **********************$$ + ¿Quieres intentar OCULTAR tu PJ mientras macreas? $$ + ******************************************************* $$ if ( #dispres = yes ) { set %hiding #TRUE set #SYSMSGCOL 16 event sysmessage OK: Modo OCULTO Activado! :-) wait 20 } else { set %hiding #FALSE set #SYSMSGCOL 38 event sysmessage OK: Desactivando Hiding... wait 20 } return ; ============================================ ; Busca items en el cofre de forma secuencial ; ============================================ sub lotear _reLoot: finditem %loot C_ , %idcaja if #FINDCNT > 0 { gosub mover_item goto _reLoot } return ; =========================================== ; Esperar a Ocultarse con la skill de Hiding ; =========================================== sub hiding if ( %hiding ) { ocultarse: set %status_pj H if ( H <> #CHARSTATUS ) { event macro 13 21 ; Use Skill Hiding gosub waitForSysVar CHARSTATUS = %status_pj 55 goto ocultarse } } return ; ============================================ ; Mover items del cofre a la bolsa de looteo. ; ============================================ sub mover_item set %peso #Weight exevent Drag #FINDID #FINDSTACK gosub waitForSysVar Weight <> %peso 20 exevent Dropc %bolsa_loot gosub waitforitem #FINDID %bolsa_loot 20 return ; ============================== ; Elimina el mensaje del diario ; ============================== sub ResetJournal scanjournal 1 deletejournal return ; ========================================= ; Cierra una bolsa abierta en primer plano ; ========================================= sub cerrar_bolsas if ( #CONTID <> #BACKPACKID ) { gosub wait_for GUMP 230_204 CLOSE gosub wait_for GUMP 176_194 CLOSE wait 20 } return ; ============================================= ; Espera a que un objeto caiga en un contenedor ; ============================================= sub waitforitem { namespace push namespace local wfi set %time #SCNT2 + %3 ; Décimas de segundo dropwait: finditem %1 C_ , %2 if ( #FINDKIND = -1 ) ; Not Found { wait 1 if ( #SCNT2 >= %time ) { return #FALSE ; Aquí podemos repetir la última acción; goto blabla, etc. } goto dropwait } namespace clear namespace pop return } ;-@ ============================== @-; ;-@ ############################## @-; ;-@ SUBS públicos del Foro EasyUO @-; ;-@ ############################## @-; ;-@ ============================== @-; sub waitForSysVar if %0 < 4 || %4 = N/A set %4 %_defaultWaitForTimeout if %0 < 5 set %5 return set %4 #sCnt2 + %4 _waitForSysVar: set % . %5 # . %1 %2 %3 if ! % . %5 && #sCnt2 < %4 { Wait 1 goto _waitForSysVar } return ;** ;* Splits a string by a divider into an array and ;* copies the result into the desired namespace ;* @param %1 The string to split ;* @param %2 Divider ;* @param %3 Array name ;* @param %4 {optional} Result namespace. If no ;* namespace is given it will create the ;* array using the %-notation ;* @sideEffects Creates a number of variables ;* with name as given in %3 followed by ;* a digit ;* @returns The length of the array sub split namespace Push namespace Local split , #systime set !lpc #lpc if #lpc < 500 set #lpc 500 set !string %1 set !divider %2 set !arrayName %3 if %0 > 3 set !namespace %4 else set !namespace #false set !length 0 repeat { set !length !length + 1 str Pos !string !divider 1 if #strRes = 0 { set !done #true set ! . !arrayName , !length !string } else { set !pos #strRes set !len !pos - 1 str Left !string !len set ! . !arrayName , !length #strRes str Del !string 1 !pos set !string #strRes } } until ( !done = #true ) set #result !length if !namespace <> #false { namespace Copy !arrayName , * To Local !namespace } else { for !i 1 #result { set !value !arrayName , !i set % . !arrayName , !i ! . !value } } set #lpc !lpc namespace Clear namespace Pop return #result ;================================================================= sub wait_for ;================================================================= ; This "wait_for" sub package was created by Locke. If you use these subs please keep this header intact. ; Documentation: the sub package grew to large with all the comments. To load them call the sub like this: ; gosub wait_for docs | or you can use doc, documention, what, or my personal favorite, kickass. ; "wait_for core dispatcher" version 1.2 by Locke if %1 = doc || if %1 = docs || if %1 = documentation || if %1 = what || if %1 = kickass { Display ok Please click ok and wait for your browser to start. execute http://www.easyuo.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24716 halt } nameSpace Push namespace local LLNS set #result N/A ; if #result isn't set by one of my wait_for subs it'll throw an error. set !LPC #lpc set #lpc 200 for %i 0 %0 set !_A . %i % . %i gosub wait_for_ , !_A1 set #lpc !lpc namespace clear LLNS namespace pop if #result <> N/A return #result else display ok You specified an unknown wait_for command. Script returned #result and is halting. halt ;================================================================= sub wait_for_MSG ; version 1.4 ~Locke ;================================================================= if !_A0 < 3 { display ok You haven't specified enough vars.$ +The basic format is: gosub wait_for MSG %message time_out_in_seconds$ +Script is halting halt } set !_timeout ( #scnt + !_A . !_A0 ) _lets_wait_for_a_message: for %i %jstart #jindex { scanjournal %i for %ii 2 !_A0 { if !_A . %ii in #journal && %jstart <> %i set #result #true , #spc , !_A . %ii } } if #true notin #result { set #result #false if !_timeout =< #scnt return #result wait 1 goto _lets_wait_for_a_message } else return #result wait 1 goto _lets_wait_for_a_message ;====================================================================== sub wait_for_GUMP ; version 1.4 ~Locke ;================================================================= ; Añadido #CONTID para "sub abrir_cofre" if !_A0 < 3 { display ok You haven't specified enough vars.$ +The basic format is: gosub wait_for GUMP XXX_YYY time_out_in_seconds$ +Script is halting halt } if !_A3 <> CLOSE set !_timeout #scnt + !_A3 else set !_timeout 0 ; no gump wait if %3 = CLOSE since we already believe it to be open. _lets_wait_for_a_gump: if #CONTSIZE = !_A2 || #CONTKIND = !_A2 || #CONTNAME = !_A2 || #CONTTYPE = !_A2 || #CONTID = !_A2 { if !_A5 <> N/A && !_A6 <> N/A { set !clickx !_A5 + #contposx set !clicky !_A6 + #contposy click !clickx !clicky } if !_A3 = CLOSE || if !_A4 = CLOSE || !_A5 = CLOSE || !_A6 = CLOSE { set !string #contsize str pos !string _ set !pos #strres str del !string #strres #strres set !clickX #contposx + ( #strres / 2 ) str del !string 1 !pos set !clickY #contposy + ( #strres / 2 ) click !clickx !clicky R } return #true } if ( !_timeout =< #scnt ) && ( !_A4 = N/A ) { return #false } if !_A4 <> N/A && !_timeout =< #scnt { finditem !_A4 if #findkind <> -1 { for #findindex 1 #findcnt { if #finddist > 2 ignoreitem #findid LLWAITFOR else break } set #lobjectid #findid event macro 17 0 set !_timeout #scnt + !_A3 } else return #false } wait 1 goto _lets_wait_for_a_gump