; | / \ | . ; _ -O- . ) (( )) ( -O- ; (@) | + /|\ ))_(( /|\ | . ; |-| / | \ (/\|/\) / | \ (@) ; | | --------------------------/--|-voV---\`|'/--Vov-|--\---------------------------|-| . ; |-| '^` (o o) '^` | | ; | | `\Y/' |-| ; |-| _______ __ __ __ _______ __ __ | | ; | | | | | | |_|__|.--------.---.-.| _ | |__|.---.-.-----.-----.---.-. |-| . o ; |-| | | | | _| || | _ || | | || _ | |-- __| _ | | | ; | | |_______|__|____|__||__|__|__|___._||___|___|__|__||___._|__|__|_____|___._| |-| ; |_|________________________________________________________________________________| | ; (@) l /\ / ( ( \ /\ l `\|-| . ; o l / V \ \ V \ l + (@) ; l/ _) )_ \I + ; + `\ /' ; ; Script Name: Kill List ; ; ############################################# ; ############__---~~~~~|~~~~~--__############# ; ########.-~~ | ~~-.######## ; #####.-~ .-~~~~-. | ~-.##### ; ####/ { o }| \#### ; ###/ / / | \### ; ##| `--r' { | ,___.-', |## ; ##| / ~-| ', |## ; ##|---------{---------|----------'--------|## ; ##| \ | / |## ; ##| \ | / |## ; ###\ ~ ~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~ ~ /### ; ####\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ /#### ; #####`-_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _-'#### ; ########`-__ ~ ~ ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ __-'####### ; ############~~---_____|_____---~~############ ; ############################################# ; ; Author: iwantmypot [ MOD+ Sthil ] ; Version: 2.4 ; Client Tested with: 2.0.3 ; EUO version tested with: 1.5v69 ; Shard OSI / FS: OSI ; Revision Date: 24/08/2019 ; Public Release: 24/03/2006 ; Global Variables Used: none set %version 2.4 ; Purpose: Crea una lista de todos los players o monstruos cerca tuya, para atacarlos con un botón. ; Thanks to: a_goat for the idea/inspiration to create this script. ;============================================== ;________________________________ ; ; /////////////////////////////// ; ******** CONFIGURACIÓN ******** ; /////////////////////////////// ;________________________________ ; set %radio_de_accion 25 set %guildtag [****] , #spc , $ ; -> Aquí va la etiqueta del clan, para ignorar a sus PJ's. ; Macro del UO "bow" ( Viene incluida de serie ). set %tecla_saludo_1 b set %tecla_saludo_2 ctrl ; Tamaño de los botones set %buttonheight 20 set %buttondistance 2 ;________________________________________________ ; ; ////////////////////////////////////////////// ; ************* FIN CONFIGURACIÓN ************* ; ////////////////////////////////////////////// ;________________________________________________ ; set %uosteam_friends 2 ; #FINDREP -> Friend (Green) set %creatures _ set %ignored _ set #menubutton none set %buttons 0 set #lpc 1000 _restartMacro: set #SYSMSGCOL 88 event sysmessage ============== set #SYSMSGCOL 53 event sysmessage Kill List %version set #SYSMSGCOL 88 event sysmessage ============== wait 20 set %PJ_actual #CHARID gosub selectMode ; Modo PVP / PVM gosub checkSkills ; Modo "Tamer"/"Warrior"/"Mago". gosub menu begin: gosub checkPJ gosub search wait 1 finditem * G_ . %radio_de_accion if #findcnt = 0 && #menubutton = none goto begin if #findcnt = 0 && #menubutton <> none goto thebuttons for #findindex 1 #findcnt { wait 1 if ( #findrep = 3 || #findrep = 0 ) { if #findtype NotIn %creatures { set %creatures %creatures , #findtype , _ continue } } event property #findid if #findrep in %enemies && #findrep Notin %uosteam_friends && %guildtag notin #property && (bonded) notin #property && (tame) notin #property && #findid <> #charid { gosub addbutton #findid #property #findrep #findtype continue } if #findrep notin %enemies && #findrep <> 7 { if #findtype NotIn %creatures { set %creatures %creatures , #findtype , _ } } else { set %ignored %ignored , #findid , _ } wait 1 } wait 1 if #menubutton = none goto begin thebuttons: if target in #menubutton { key %tecla_saludo_1 %tecla_saludo_2 ; Cambiar el foco a la ventana del juego... ^^ str del #menubutton 1 6 gosub target #strres } if friend in #menubutton { key %tecla_saludo_1 %tecla_saludo_2 ; Cambiar el foco a la ventana del juego... ^^ str del #menubutton 1 6 set %ignored %ignored , %tid . #strres , _ } if remove in #menubutton { key %tecla_saludo_1 %tecla_saludo_2 ; Cambiar el foco a la ventana del juego... ^^ str del #menubutton 1 6 set %creatures %creatures , %type . #strres , _ } if #menubutton = reset { set %creatures _ set %ignored _ } if #menubutton = CLOSED halt set #menubutton none goto begin ;------------SUBS-------------------------------- sub checkPJ if ( #CHARID <> %PJ_actual ) ; Hemos cambiado de personaje... { set #SYSMSGCOL 38 event sysmessage REINICIANDO MACRO... goto _restartMacro } return sub selectMode display yesno ******************** ¡MODO PVP! **********************$$ + ¿Quieres activar el modo PVP/PK? (Incluir PJ's azules) $$ + ********************************************************$$ if #dispres = yes ; PVP { set #SYSMSGCOL 43 event sysmessage OK: MODO PK >:-] wait 20 set %enemies 1_4_5_6 ; 1 Innocent (Azules), 4 Criminales (Gris), 5 Enemigos (Naranja), 6 Asesino (Rojo). } else ; -----------> PVM { set #SYSMSGCOL 88 event sysmessage OK: MODO ALIANZA :-) wait 20 set %enemies 4_5_6 ; 4 Criminales (Gris), 5 Enemigos (Naranja), 6 Asesinos (Rojo). } return sub checkSkills chooseskill Anil real ; Animal Lore set %conocimiento_animal #SKILL chooseskill Anim real ; Animal Taming set %domar #SKILL chooseskill Chiv real ; Caballería set %caballeria #SKILL chooseskill Arch real ; Archery set %archery #SKILL chooseskill Fenc real ; Fencing set %fencing #SKILL chooseskill Mace real ; Mace Fighting set %mace #SKILL chooseskill Swor real ; Swordsmanship set %sword #SKILL chooseskill Tact real ; Tactics set %tactics #SKILL chooseskill Eval real ; Evaluating set %eval #SKILL chooseskill Medi real ; Meditation set %medit #SKILL if ( %conocimiento_animal >= 850 ) && ( %domar >= 850 ) ; Mínimo de skill para que te hagan caso las monturas, etc. { set #SYSMSGCOL 73 event sysmessage MODO TAMER ACTIVADO! wait 20 set %modo_tamer #TRUE ; Modo "All Kill" set %modo_warrior #FALSE set %modo_mago #FALSE } else { if ( %caballeria >= 300 || %archery >= 300 || %fencing >= 300 || %mace >= 300 || %sword >= 300 ) && ( %tactics >= 300 ) { set #SYSMSGCOL 73 event sysmessage MODO WARRIOR ACTIVADO! wait 20 set %modo_tamer #FALSE set %modo_mago #FALSE set %modo_warrior #TRUE ; Modo "Attack Last" } else { if ( %eval >= 300 && %medit >= 300 ) { set #SYSMSGCOL 73 event sysmessage MODO MAGO ACTIVADO! wait 20 set %modo_tamer #FALSE set %modo_warrior #FALSE set %modo_mago #TRUE ; In Por Ylem } } } return sub target { menu get melee if ( %modo_tamer ) { set #LTARGETID %tid . %1 ; Establecer el Target al ID asignado event macro 3 0 All Kill target set #LTARGETKIND 1 event macro 22 0 ; Last Target } else ; Modo Warrior / Mago { if ( #menures || %modo_warrior ) ; Auto-Attack = ON ( Con la casilla de Auto-Attack marcada o siendo Warrior ) { set #LTARGETID %tid . %1 ; Establecer el Target al ID asignado event macro 27 0 ; Attack Last } else ; Auto-Atacck = OFF ( Pillamos el target a pelo, ) { if ( %modo_mago ) { event macro 15 4 ; Cast Spell Magic Arrow target set #LTARGETID %tid . %1 ; Establecer el Target al ID asignado set #LTARGETKIND 1 event macro 22 0 ; Last Target } } } return } sub addbutton { set %tid . %buttons %1 str pos %2 $ set %left #strres - 1 str left %2 %left set %name . %buttons #strres set %rep . %buttons %3 set %type . %buttons %4 set %down ( %buttonheight + %buttondistance ) * %buttons if #findrep = 1 menu Font BGColor Aqua if #findrep = 4 menu Font BGColor Gray if #findrep = 5 menu Font BGColor $000080FF if #findrep = 6 menu Font BGColor $003838DE menu Button target , %buttons 0 %down 130 %buttonheight %name . %buttons menu Font BGColor BtnFace menu Button friend , %buttons 135 %down 25 %buttonheight F menu Button remove , %buttons 160 %down 25 %buttonheight X set %buttons %buttons + 1 ignoreitem %1 return } sub remove { set %buttons %buttons - 1 set %2 %buttons - 1 for %mover %1 %2 { if %1 > %2 break set %temp %mover + 1 set %tid . %mover %tid . %temp set %name . %mover %name . %temp set %rep . %mover %rep . %temp set %type . %mover %type . %temp if %rep . %mover = 1 menu Font BGColor Aqua if %rep . %mover = 4 menu Font BGColor Gray if %rep . %mover = 5 menu Font BGColor $000080FF if %rep . %mover = 6 menu Font BGColor $003838DE menu delete target , %mover set %down ( %buttonheight + %buttondistance ) * %mover menu Button target , %mover 0 %down 130 %buttonheight %name . %mover menu Font BGColor BtnFace } menu delete target , %buttons menu delete friend , %buttons menu delete remove , %buttons return } sub search { if %buttons = 0 return ignoreitem reset ignoreitem %ignored , %creatures set %limit %buttons - 1 for %sfm %limit 0 { wait 1 finditem %tid . %sfm G_ . %radio_de_accion if #findcnt = 0 { gosub remove %sfm continue } event property #findid str pos #property $ set %left #strres - 1 str left #property %left if %name . %sfm <> #strres || #findrep <> %rep . %sfm gosub remove %sfm else ignoreitem %tid . %sfm } return } ;------------MENU-------------------------------- Sub Menu { menu Clear menu Window Title Kill List menu Window Color Black menu Window Size 185 #CLIYRES ; <-- TAMAÑO DE LA VENTANA menu Font Transparent #true menu Font Align Right menu Font Name Arial menu Font Size 8 menu Font Style menu Font Color WindowText set %down #cliyres - 25 menu Font Color Silver menu Font Align Left menu Font BGColor Black menu Check melee 5 %down 150 25 #false Auto-Atacck menu Font Color WindowText menu Font BGColor BtnFace menu Button reset 160 %down 25 25 R menu Show #CLIXRES -3 menu Show #CLIXRES -3 menu HideEUO return }