/* * en (British English) * This is the default localization for LockGlyphX. * If a translation is missing, the value from here will be used. */ /* Main Page */ "FIRST_BEHAVIOUR_LABEL" = "Behaviour"; "FIRST_APPEARANCE_LABEL" = "Appearance"; "FIRST_ANIMATIONS_LABEL" = "Animations"; "FIRST_CREDITS_LABEL" = "Credits"; "REPORT_ISSUE_BUTTON" = "Report an issue"; /* Behaviour Page */ "BEHAVIOUR_TITLE" = "Behaviour"; "GENERAL_LOCKGLYPHTOGL_LABEL" = "Enabled"; "GENERAL_UNLOCKSNDSELECTION_LABEL" = "Unlock sound"; "SOUND_NONE" = "None"; "SOUND_DEFAULT" = "Theme (default)"; "SOUND_APPLE_PAY" = "Apple Pay"; "SOUND_FOOTER" = "If the current theme doesn't include sound the default sound will be played."; "GENERAL_UNLOCKIMEDTOGL_LABEL" = "Unlock immediately"; "GENERAL_FOOTER_TEXT" = "Enabling Unlock immediately will unlock the device as soon as a fingerprint is recognised or the fingerprint is tapped. Enable this if you would like to unlock as fast as possible."; "FAILUNLOCK_HEADER_TEXT" = "Failed unlock action"; "FAILUNLOCK_VIBRATETOGL_LABEL" = "Vibrate"; "FAILUNLOCK_SHAKETOGL_LABEL" = "Shake fingerprint"; "FAILUNLOCK_FOOTER_TEXT" = "These actions will be performed whenever an incorrect finger is used to unlock the device."; "MUSICCONTROLS_HEADER_TEXT" = "When music controls are visible"; "MUSICCONTROLS_HIDE_LABEL" = "Hide glyph"; "MUSICCONTROLS_MOVEBACK_LABEL" = "Move glyph to back"; /* Appearance Page */ "APPEARANCE_TITLE" = "Appearance"; "THEMES_THEMESELECT_LABEL" = "Theme"; "APPEARANCE_HIDE_RING_LABEL" = "Hide ring"; "COLOURS_HEADER_TEXT" = "Colours"; "COLOURS_IDLECOLOUR_LABEL" = "Glyph colour"; "COLOURS_IDLECOLOUR_OVERRIDE_LABEL" = "Apply to custom glyphs"; "COLOURS_SCANCOLOUR_LABEL" = "Scanning colour"; "COLOURS_USE_CUSTOM_FAILCOLOUR" = "Use custom fail colour"; "COLOURS_FAILCOLOUR_LABEL" = "Scan fail colour"; "COLOURS_RESET_LABEL" = "Reset colours to default"; "LOCKLABEL_HEADER_TEXT" = "Press Home To Unlock"; "LOCKLABEL_DISABLED_LABEL" = "Hide text"; "LOCKLABEL_CUSTOM_TEXT_ENABLED_LABEL" = "Use custom text"; "LOCKLABEL_CUSTOM_TEXT_LABEL" = "Custom text"; "POSITION_LABEL" = "Position"; "FINGERSIZE_TOGL_LABEL" = "Use Custom Size"; "FINGERSIZE_VALUE_LABEL" = "Custom Size"; /* Appearance > Position Page */ "POSITION_TITLE" = "Position"; "FINGERPOS_PORTRAIT_HEADER_TEXT" = "Position (Portrait)"; "FINGERPOS_PORTRAITXTOGL_LABEL" = "Use custom X"; "FINGERPOS_PORTRAITX_LABEL" = "X offset"; "FINGERPOS_PORTRAITYTOGL_LABEL" = "Use custom Y"; "FINGERPOS_PORTRAITY_LABEL" = "Y offset"; "FINGERPOS_LANDSCAPE_HEADER_TEXT" = "Position (Landscape)"; "FINGERPOS_LANDSCAPEXTOGL_LABEL" = "Use custom X"; "FINGERPOS_LANDSCAPEX_LABEL" = "X offset"; "FINGERPOS_LANDSCAPEYTOGL_LABEL" = "Use custom Y"; "FINGERPOS_LANDSCAPEY_LABEL" = "Y offset"; /* Animations Page */ "ANIMATIONS_TITLE" = "Animations"; "ANIM_TICKTOGL_LABEL" = "Use tick animation"; "ANIM_SHINETOGL_LABEL" = "Use shine animation"; "ANIM_FASTTOGL_LABEL" = "Use faster animations"; "ANIM_LOADINGTOGL_LABEL" = "Use alternate scanning animation"; "ANIM_LOADINGTOGL_FOOTER_TEXT" = "Shows an animated ring while scanning. Requires 'Hide ring' setting to be off."; "ANIM_HOLDTOREADERTOGL_LABEL" = "Use alternate idle animation"; "ANIM_ONLYDEFAULT_LABEL" = "Shows the Apple Pay hold-phone-to-reader animation while idle. Requires the default theme be selected."; "ANIM_FADEONRECOGNIZED_LABEL" = "Fade when recognized"; /* Credits Page */ "CREDITS_TITLE" = "Credits"; "CREDITS_BY" = "Created By"; "CREDITS_ALSO_BY" = "iOS 10 Port By";