//customization //#base "../custom/scripts/hudlayout_cast.res" //#base "../custom/scripts/hudlayout_minmode_ammo.res" //#base "../custom/scripts/hudlayout_minmode_stickycharge.res" //Do not touch below #base "../custom/scripts/hudlayout_minmode_noammo.res" #base "../custom/scripts/hudlayout_minmode_nostickycharge.res" #base "../default_hudfiles/hudlayout.res" "Resource/HudLayout.res" { //////////////////// CROSSHAIRS /////////////////////////// "Crosshair1" { "controlName" "CExLabel" "fieldName" "Crosshair1" "font" "kcross20" "fgcolor" "yellow" "labelText" "l" "xpos" "c-25" "ypos" "c-25" "wide" "50" "tall" "50" "visible" "0" "enabled" "0" "textAlignment" "center" } "Crosshair2" { "controlName" "CExLabel" "fieldName" "Crosshair2" "font" "kcross20" "fgcolor" "yellow" "labelText" "d" "xpos" "c-25" "ypos" "c-25" "wide" "50" "tall" "50" "visible" "0" "enabled" "0" "textAlignment" "center" } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HudPlayerStatus { "visible_minmode" "0" "enabled_minmode" "0" "tall_minmode" "0" } HudWeaponAmmo { "xpos" "c-11" //to align clips "ypos" "330" "xpos_minmode" "c-96" //to align clips "ypos_minmode" "r80" "wide" "192" "tall" "60" } "HudObjectiveStatus" { "tall_minmode" "0" "visible_minmode" "0" "enabled_minmode" "0" } HudKothTimeStatus { "xpos" "c-80" "ypos" "r24" "wide" "160" "tall" "24" //can't use c position //4unit border "blue_active_xpos" "17" //not sure why but this is +1 "red_active_xpos" "96" "visible_minmode" "0" "enabled_minmode" "0" "tall_minmode" "0" } // all mediguns HudMedicCharge { "xpos" "0" "ypos" "0" "wide" "f0" "tall" "f0" } // stickybomb launcher, scottish resistance, sticky jumper, chargin' targe, splendid screen, tide turner, AND Bow HudDemomanCharge { "xpos" "c-60" "xpos_minmode" "c-60" "ypos" "370" "ypos_minmode" "r20" "zpos" "2" "wide" "120" "wide_minmode" "120" "tall" "50" "MeterFG" "base00" "MeterBG" "base3" } // huntsman, disabled since demo charge covers it HudBowCharge { "visible" "0" "enabled" "0" "tall" "0" "MeterFG" "base0forced" "MeterBG" "base03forced" } CHudAccountPanel //metal { "xpos" "c63" "ypos" "c30" "visible_minmode" "0" "enabled_minmode" "0" "tall_minmode" "0" } CHealthAccountPanel { "xpos" "c-104" "ypos" "327" "visible_minmode" "0" "enabled_minmode" "0" "tall_minmode" "0" } CDamageAccountPanel { "zpos" "5" "visible_minmode" "0" "enabled_minmode" "0" "tall_minmode" "0" } CSpectatorTargetID { } CSecondaryTargetID { "ypos" "305" } BuildingStatus_Engineer { "xpos" "-11" "ypos" "-8" //318 buttons at bottom "visible_minmode" "0" "enabled_minmode" "0" "tall_minmode" "0" } HudDeathNotice //killfeed { "MaxDeathNotices" "6" "ypos" "20" //below the match hud, can't use if_match here "visible_minmode" "0" "enabled_minmode" "0" "tall_minmode" "0" "LineSpacing" "0" "CornerRadius" "0" "TextFont" "Incon12" "TeamBlue" "blue" "TeamRed" "red" "IconColor" "base00" "LocalPlayerColor" "base00" "BaseBackgroundColor" "base3" "LocalBackgroundColor" "base1" } HudMenu //sourcemod panels { "TextFont" "incon12" "ItemFont" "incon12" "ItemFontPulsing" "incon12" } WinPanel { "xpos" "0" "ypos" "0" "wide" "f0" "tall" "480" "visible_minmode" "0" "enabled_minmode" "0" "tall_minmode" "0" } ArenaWinPanel { "xpos" "0" "ypos" "0" "wide" "f0" "tall" "480" } "HudMenuEngyBuild" { "xpos" "c40" "ypos" "c-35" "zpos" "-1" "wide" "100" "tall" "202" } "HudMenuEngyDestroy" { "xpos" "c40" "ypos" "c-35" "zpos" "-1" "wide" "100" "tall" "202" } "HudMenuSpyDisguise" { "xpos" "c62" "ypos" "c-42" "wide" "100" "tall" "185" } HudDemomanPipes { "xpos" "0" "ypos" "0" "wide" "f0" "tall" "480" "MeterFG" "base00" "MeterBG" "base3" "visible_minmode" "0" "enabled_minmode" "0" "tall_minmode" "0" } HudStopWatch //placing where server time would be { "xpos" "c-100" "ypos" "0" "wide" "200" "tall" "100" } "HudAchievementTracker" { "xpos" "-5" "NormalY" "0" "EngineerY" "175" "wide" "200" "visible_minmode" "0" "enabled_minmode" "0" "tall_minmode" "0" } }