# sublime-fsl SublimeText highlighter for "Finite State Language" (FSL) 1.0.0 ## Is it thorough? Sublime-FSL covers the complete FSL 1.0.0 language with a well balanced coloring scheme. ![](screenshot.png) ## Plugin installation `Package Control` is the easiest way to install this highlighter, and will manage version changes over time. To install through Package Control: * Bring up the command list (`ctrl-shift-P`) and type install package, which should bring up `Package Control: Install Package`. Package Control will pause briefly to fetch the list of available plugins. * If you don't see `Package Control: Install Package`, you need to install [Package Control](https://github.com/wbond/sublime_package_control) first. * When the plugin list appears, type `fsl`. When you see this package, choose it. ## Current Library Status: *Stable* This library is considered to be ready and usable, and is available in `Package Control`. Improvements will be gladly accepted.