{ "id": "battlezoo-ancestries-dungeons-dnd5e", "title": "Battlezoo Ancestries: Dungeons for Dungeons and Dragons 5e by Roll for Combat", "description": "Now, you are the dungeon! With Battlezoo Ancestries Dungeons, the power of dungeons is in your hands. With the dungeon race, play as a dungeon who awakened to sentience and then sapience, with a life force, a spirit, and even an avatar that you can use to interact with the world. Never before have you been able to play as the dungeon!", "authors": [ { "name": "Mark Seifter", "flags": {} } ], "url": "http://www.battlezoo.com", "version": "1.1", "url": "https://github.com/Stonesnake/-Battlezoo-Dungeons-5e-v10", "manifest": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Stonesnake/-Battlezoo-Dungeons-5e-v10/main/module.json", "download": "https://github.com/Stonesnake/-Battlezoo-Dungeons-5e-v10/archive/refs/heads/main.zip", "compatibility": { "minimum": "10", "verified": "11" }, "packs": [ { "label": "Battlezoo Ancestries: Dungeons - Feats", "type": "Item", "name": "dnd5e-battlezoo-dungeon-feats", "path": "packs/dnd5e-battlezoo-dungeon-feats.db", "banner": "modules/battlezoo-ancestries-dungeons-dnd5e/banners/banner.webp", "system": "dnd5e", "package": "battlezoo-ancestries-dungeon-dnd5e", "ownership": { "PLAYER": "OBSERVER", "ASSISTANT": "OWNER" } }, { "label": "Battlezoo Ancestries: Dungeons - Racial Features", "type": "Item", "name": "dnd5e-battlezoo-dungeon-ancestry", "path": "packs/dnd5e-battlezoo-dungeon-ancestry.db", "banner": "modules/battlezoo-ancestries-dungeons-dnd5e/banners/banner.webp", "system": "dnd5e", "package": "battlezoo-ancestries-dungeon-dnd5e", "ownership": { "PLAYER": "OBSERVER", "ASSISTANT": "OWNER" } } ], "packFolders": [ { "name": "Battlezoo Ancestries: Dungeons", "sorting": "m", "packs": [ "dnd5e-battlezoo-dungeon-feats", "dnd5e-battlezoo-dungeon-ancestry" ] } ], "media": [ { "type": "setup", "caption": "Battlezoo Ancestries: Dungeons", "thumbnail": "modules/battlezoo-ancestries-dungeons-dnd5e/banners/preview.webp" }], "relationships": { "systems": [ { "id": "dnd5e", "compatibility": { "minimum": "2.0.2" }, "type": "system" } ] } }