{ "homepage": "https://github.com/Stormwind99/WumpleUtil", "promos": { "1.12.2-latest": "2.12.8", "1.12.2-recommended": "2.12.8" }, "1.12.2": { "2.12.9": "Another attempted workarond for FoodFunk #56 null NBT crash from odd mods", "2.12.8": "Attempted workarond for FoodFunk #56 null NBT crash from odd mods", "2.12.7": "Update Forge version, etc", "2.12.6": "Split some map functions for use by MegaMap and Pantography integration", "2.12.5": "Added TargetCrafting package and more Map package", "2.11.22": "Made Rect public, more useful Rect methods", "2.11.20": "Support for blockproperties and crop age in NameKeys. Rare insta-expire fix, other fixes. Time init fix. CraftingUtil findPlayer and findWorld", "2.11.13": "Improved early server life timer functioning", "2.11.12": "Fix for ConcurrentModificationException due to ICopyableCap.copyTo()", "2.11.11": "Basic Tooltip utils", "2.11.9": "BlockRepair fixes", "2.11.8": "Fix jar signing", "2.11.7": "Rebuild to fix crash", "2.11.6": "BlockRepair classes derived from CoroUtil", "2.10.7": "Map functions and base mod class moved from Pantography. More ICopyableCap functionality. Reusable CapMergeRecipe from FoodFunk. Moved various classes.", "2.9.2": "ItemStack forceUpdate hack optional. BaseChest rendering rotatable.", "2.8.32": "regHelpers without translation key automation", "2.8.28": "EventTimedThingCap - timer on a thing that uses events rather than tick for checks", "2.7.0": "NameableTileEntity and related classes", "2.6.11": "Bug fixes and additions to base capabilities and adapters.", "2.6.0": "nameKey OreDict (defauts true) and class names (defaults false) optional. Added base capabilities.", "2.5.0": "Added SUtil.canAddOrGrowCount", "2.4.0": "Easy to use doesIt for MatchingConfig FALSE_VALUE", "2.3.1": "Easy to use doesIt for MatchingConfig FALSE_VALUE", "2.3.0": "MatchingConfig NameKey support for class names of ItemStacks and TileEntities, debug/test info for them", "2.2.2": "Signing jar", "2.2.1": "Server fix for TimeUtil", "2.2.0": "Added IThing.fetchCapability", "2.1.0": "Added TimeUtil, container Walkers, TriConsumer, TriFunction.", "2.0.0": "Separated library for reuse", "1.0.0": "Initial version" } }