DiscardNonMatching; // Improve the ranking to be more inclined towards personal sites that // are popular on hacker news and has regular posts. Like(Site("samaltman.com")); Like(Site("paulgraham.com")); Like(Site("ciechanow.ski")); Like(Site("simonwillison.net")); Like(Site("rachelbythebay.com")); /* Boost(0) is a no-op ranking wise, but since we discard all non-matching this will make sure that our queries only search in the sites we want. If we had specified a boost other than 0 for each site, then our queries would be significantly slower. Likewise the Site("|example.com|") pattern (note the |) allows us to significantly speedup the queries. This way we can specify a lot of sites we only want our searches to match against but still have fast queries. */ Rule { Matches { Site("|blog.samaltman.com|") }, Matches { Site("|paulgraham.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.rust-lang.org|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.ycombinator.com|") }, Matches { Site("|ciechanow.ski|") }, Matches { Site("|danluu.com|") }, Matches { Site("|kalzumeus.com|") }, Matches { Site("|signal.org|") }, Matches { Site("|antirez.com|") }, Matches { Site("|jacquesmattheij.com|") }, Matches { Site("|chris-granger.com|") }, Matches { Site("|letsencrypt.org|") }, Matches { Site("|teslamotors.com|") }, Matches { Site("|lore.kernel.org|") }, Matches { Site("|frame.work|") }, Matches { Site("|righto.com|") }, Matches { Site("|troyhunt.com|") }, Matches { Site("|sec.gov|") }, Matches { Site("|tesla.com|") }, Matches { Site("|keybase.io|") }, Matches { Site("|blender.org|") }, Matches { Site("|spacex.com|") }, Matches { Site("|susanjfowler.com|") }, Matches { Site("|eff.org|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.golang.org|") }, Matches { Site("|matrix.org|") }, Matches { Site("|openai.com|") }, Matches { Site("|sublimetext.com|") }, Matches { Site("|mtlynch.io|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.pinboard.in|") }, Matches { Site("|whispersystems.org|") }, Matches { Site("|fabiensanglard.net|") }, Matches { Site("|drewdevault.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.interviewing.io|") }, Matches { Site("|github.blog|") }, Matches { Site("|calpaterson.com|") }, Matches { Site("|rachelbythebay.com|") }, Matches { Site("|bellard.org|") }, Matches { Site("|training.kalzumeus.com|") }, Matches { Site("|jvns.ca|") }, Matches { Site("|daemonology.net|") }, Matches { Site("|ifixit.org|") }, Matches { Site("|tonsky.me|") }, Matches { Site("|buzzfeednews.com|") }, Matches { Site("|deepmind.com|") }, Matches { Site("|postgresql.org|") }, Matches { Site("|krebsonsecurity.com|") }, Matches { Site("|overreacted.io|") }, Matches { Site("|stratechery.com|") }, Matches { Site("|brave.com|") }, Matches { Site("|lwn.net|") }, Matches { Site("|stephendiehl.com|") }, Matches { Site("|raganwald.posterous.com|") }, Matches { Site("|bugs.chromium.org|") }, Matches { Site("|marco.org|") }, Matches { Site("|words.steveklabnik.com|") }, Matches { Site("|backblaze.com|") }, Matches { Site("|robert.ocallahan.org|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.cryptographyengineering.com|") }, Matches { Site("|citizenlab.ca|") }, Matches { Site("|propublica.org|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.benjojo.co.uk|") }, Matches { Site("|justine.lol|") }, Matches { Site("|lists.zx2c4.com|") }, Matches { Site("|supremecourt.gov|") }, Matches { Site("|idlewords.com|") }, Matches { Site("|jepsen.io|") }, Matches { Site("|zachholman.com|") }, Matches { Site("|githubengineering.com|") }, Matches { Site("|tinyprojects.dev|") }, Matches { Site("|quantamagazine.org|") }, Matches { Site("|tbray.org|") }, Matches { Site("|sqlite.org|") }, Matches { Site("|sivers.org|") }, Matches { Site("|inkscape.org|") }, Matches { Site("|deepsouthventures.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.openai.com|") }, Matches { Site("|dcurt.is|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.atom.io|") }, Matches { Site("|ccc.de|") }, Matches { Site("|jeffhuang.com|") }, Matches { Site("|marc.info|") }, Matches { Site("|anandtech.com|") }, Matches { Site("|setosa.io|") }, Matches { Site("|gogameguru.com|") }, Matches { Site("|patrickcollison.com|") }, Matches { Site("|daringfireball.net|") }, Matches { Site("|codinghorror.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.chriszacharias.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.priceonomics.com|") }, Matches { Site("|petapixel.com|") }, Matches { Site("|aphyr.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.jupyter.org|") }, Matches { Site("|josephg.com|") }, Matches { Site("|candyjapan.com|") }, Matches { Site("|raspberrypi.org|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.triplebyte.com|") }, Matches { Site("|web.eecs.utk.edu|") }, Matches { Site("|foundationdb.org|") }, Matches { Site("|factorio.com|") }, Matches { Site("|brew.sh|") }, Matches { Site("|jlongster.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.dustinkirkland.com|") }, Matches { Site("|daniel.haxx.se|") }, Matches { Site("|rethinkdb.com|") }, Matches { Site("|andrewkelley.me|") }, Matches { Site("|theintercept.com|") }, Matches { Site("|lkml.org|") }, Matches { Site("|justinobeirne.com|") }, Matches { Site("|pine64.org|") }, Matches { Site("|thirtythreeforty.net|") }, Matches { Site("|aclu.org|") }, Matches { Site("|robertheaton.com|") }, Matches { Site("|justice.gov|") }, Matches { Site("|startupclass.samaltman.com|") }, Matches { Site("|atlasobscura.com|") }, Matches { Site("|wozniak.ca|") }, Matches { Site("|shkspr.mobi|") }, Matches { Site("|wikileaks.org|") }, Matches { Site("|lucumr.pocoo.org|") }, Matches { Site("|defmacro.org|") }, Matches { Site("|cloudplatform.googleblog.com|") }, Matches { Site("|gatesnotes.com|") }, Matches { Site("|lapcatsoftware.com|") }, Matches { Site("|bunniestudios.com|") }, Matches { Site("|puri.sm|") }, Matches { Site("|openculture.com|") }, Matches { Site("|spreadprivacy.com|") }, Matches { Site("|37signals.com|") }, Matches { Site("|thedaywefightback.org|") }, Matches { Site("|asia.nikkei.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.pragmaticengineer.com|") }, Matches { Site("|brandur.org|") }, Matches { Site("|worrydream.com|") }, Matches { Site("|gimp.org|") }, Matches { Site("|gabrielweinberg.com|") }, Matches { Site("|tyler.io|") }, Matches { Site("|deno.land|") }, Matches { Site("|sheddingbikes.com|") }, Matches { Site("|pud.com|") }, Matches { Site("|lavabit.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.bradfieldcs.com|") }, Matches { Site("|smithsonianmag.com|") }, Matches { Site("|elm-lang.org|") }, Matches { Site("|themacro.com|") }, Matches { Site("|security.googleblog.com|") }, Matches { Site("|voxelquest.com|") }, Matches { Site("|jeffgeerling.com|") }, Matches { Site("|stallman.org|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.torproject.org|") }, Matches { Site("|cockroachlabs.com|") }, Matches { Site("|earthly.dev|") }, Matches { Site("|nullprogram.com|") }, Matches { Site("|teachyourselfcs.com|") }, Matches { Site("|immersivemath.com|") }, Matches { Site("|fly.io|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.system76.com|") }, Matches { Site("|torrentfreak.com|") }, Matches { Site("|swift.org|") }, Matches { Site("|plausible.io|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.timescale.com|") }, Matches { Site("|elixir-lang.org|") }, Matches { Site("|einaregilsson.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.servo.org|") }, Matches { Site("|brendangregg.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.jessfraz.com|") }, Matches { Site("|gwern.net|") }, Matches { Site("|videolan.org|") }, Matches { Site("|arp242.net|") }, Matches { Site("|mjg59.dreamwidth.org|") }, Matches { Site("|stavros.io|") }, Matches { Site("|expeditedssl.com|") }, Matches { Site("|matt.might.net|") }, Matches { Site("|flif.info|") }, Matches { Site("|apenwarr.ca|") }, Matches { Site("|priceonomics.com|") }, Matches { Site("|humbledmba.com|") }, Matches { Site("|unrealengine.com|") }, Matches { Site("|people.xiph.org|") }, Matches { Site("|betterexplained.com|") }, Matches { Site("|al3x.net|") }, Matches { Site("|deno.com|") }, Matches { Site("|git.kernel.org|") }, Matches { Site("|djangoproject.com|") }, Matches { Site("|ruby-lang.org|") }, Matches { Site("|catonmat.net|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.plover.com|") }, Matches { Site("|steveblank.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.haschek.at|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.jgc.org|") }, Matches { Site("|utcc.utoronto.ca|") }, Matches { Site("|protonmail.com|") }, Matches { Site("|stackoverflow.blog|") }, Matches { Site("|feynmanlectures.caltech.edu|") }, Matches { Site("|thume.ca|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.google|") }, Matches { Site("|talks.golang.org|") }, Matches { Site("|antipope.org|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.coinbase.com|") }, Matches { Site("|freedom.press|") }, Matches { Site("|research.googleblog.com|") }, Matches { Site("|sneak.berlin|") }, Matches { Site("|ferd.ca|") }, Matches { Site("|system76.com|") }, Matches { Site("|jsomers.net|") }, Matches { Site("|nautil.us|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.fogus.me|") }, Matches { Site("|probablydance.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.stephenwolfram.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.42floors.com|") }, Matches { Site("|thoughtcrime.org|") }, Matches { Site("|winehq.org|") }, Matches { Site("|benkuhn.net|") }, Matches { Site("|dev.stephendiehl.com|") }, Matches { Site("|thedrive.com|") }, Matches { Site("|explainshell.com|") }, Matches { Site("|krita.org|") }, Matches { Site("|techdirt.com|") }, Matches { Site("|lists.freebsd.org|") }, Matches { Site("|axios.com|") }, Matches { Site("|triplebyte.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.filippo.io|") }, Matches { Site("|weblog.rubyonrails.org|") }, Matches { Site("|viewsourcecode.org|") }, Matches { Site("|tjcx.me|") }, Matches { Site("|scottaaronson.com|") }, Matches { Site("|mattkeeter.com|") }, Matches { Site("|edweissman.com|") }, Matches { Site("|citylab.com|") }, Matches { Site("|ziglang.org|") }, Matches { Site("|ffmpeg.org|") }, Matches { Site("|tablix.org|") }, Matches { Site("|opensource.googleblog.com|") }, Matches { Site("|lettersofnote.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.pushbullet.com|") }, Matches { Site("|zwischenzugs.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blogs.valvesoftware.com|") }, Matches { Site("|markosaric.com|") }, Matches { Site("|os.phil-opp.com|") }, Matches { Site("|juliareda.eu|") }, Matches { Site("|uspirg.org|") }, Matches { Site("|fasterthanli.me|") }, Matches { Site("|ipfs.io|") }, Matches { Site("|queue.acm.org|") }, Matches { Site("|evanmiller.org|") }, Matches { Site("|ejohn.org|") }, Matches { Site("|lcamtuf.coredump.cx|") }, Matches { Site("|mango.pdf.zone|") }, Matches { Site("|godotengine.org|") }, Matches { Site("|justgetflux.com|") }, Matches { Site("|bradfrost.com|") }, Matches { Site("|nim-lang.org|") }, Matches { Site("|simonwillison.net|") }, Matches { Site("|groklaw.net|") }, Matches { Site("|lithub.com|") }, Matches { Site("|dave.cheney.net|") }, Matches { Site("|beepb00p.xyz|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.fastmail.com|") }, Matches { Site("|seclists.org|") }, Matches { Site("|hillelwayne.com|") }, Matches { Site("|filfre.net|") }, Matches { Site("|oculus.com|") }, Matches { Site("|graydon2.dreamwidth.org|") }, Matches { Site("|jonathanturner.org|") }, Matches { Site("|jameshfisher.com|") }, Matches { Site("|julialang.org|") }, Matches { Site("|academictorrents.com|") }, Matches { Site("|staltz.com|") }, Matches { Site("|openbsd.org|") }, Matches { Site("|psyche.co|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.rongarret.info|") }, Matches { Site("|redblobgames.com|") }, Matches { Site("|dtrace.org|") }, Matches { Site("|boingboing.net|") }, Matches { Site("|schneier.com|") }, Matches { Site("|twobithistory.org|") }, Matches { Site("|tttthis.com|") }, Matches { Site("|windows93.net|") }, Matches { Site("|ascii.textfiles.com|") }, Matches { Site("|aaronsw.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.chromium.org|") }, Matches { Site("|daltoncaldwell.com|") }, Matches { Site("|jeffe.cs.illinois.edu|") }, Matches { Site("|hookrace.net|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.garrytan.com|") }, Matches { Site("|leahneukirchen.org|") }, Matches { Site("|journal.stuffwithstuff.com|") }, Matches { Site("|hanselman.com|") }, Matches { Site("|prog21.dadgum.com|") }, Matches { Site("|craigmurray.org.uk|") }, Matches { Site("|acko.net|") }, Matches { Site("|misc-stuff.terraaeon.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.robertelder.org|") }, Matches { Site("|patrick-breyer.de|") }, Matches { Site("|mainichi.jp|") }, Matches { Site("|notepad-plus-plus.org|") }, Matches { Site("|dolphin-emu.org|") }, Matches { Site("|adriancourreges.com|") }, Matches { Site("|anishathalye.com|") }, Matches { Site("|martin.kleppmann.com|") }, Matches { Site("|buy.louisck.net|") }, Matches { Site("|sandstorm.io|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.fogcreek.com|") }, Matches { Site("|panic.com|") }, Matches { Site("|svelte.dev|") }, Matches { Site("|justinkan.com|") }, Matches { Site("|ianbicking.org|") }, Matches { Site("|firstlook.org|") }, Matches { Site("|foundersatwork.posthaven.com|") }, Matches { Site("|acoup.blog|") }, Matches { Site("|jacobian.org|") }, Matches { Site("|hakibenita.com|") }, Matches { Site("|mothership.sg|") }, Matches { Site("|vitavonni.de|") }, Matches { Site("|palant.de|") }, Matches { Site("|benhoyt.com|") }, Matches { Site("|david.li|") }, Matches { Site("|a16z.com|") }, Matches { Site("|battleforthenet.com|") }, Matches { Site("|uncrunched.com|") }, Matches { Site("|nullsweep.com|") }, Matches { Site("|wiki.postgresql.org|") }, Matches { Site("|snellman.net|") }, Matches { Site("|craigkerstiens.com|") }, Matches { Site("|wikimediafoundation.org|") }, Matches { Site("|eater.net|") }, Matches { Site("|redditblog.com|") }, Matches { Site("|aaronkharris.com|") }, Matches { Site("|qz.com|") }, Matches { Site("|tailscale.com|") }, Matches { Site("|codewords.recurse.com|") }, Matches { Site("|bost.ocks.org|") }, Matches { Site("|norvig.com|") }, Matches { Site("|pluralistic.net|") }, Matches { Site("|simplethread.com|") }, Matches { Site("|nltimes.nl|") }, Matches { Site("|jitsi.org|") }, Matches { Site("|article.gmane.org|") }, Matches { Site("|qntm.org|") }, Matches { Site("|iterm2.com|") }, Matches { Site("|geoff.greer.fm|") }, Matches { Site("|reactjs.org|") }, Matches { Site("|citusdata.com|") }, Matches { Site("|pastebin.com|") }, Matches { Site("|fast.ai|") }, Matches { Site("|begriffs.com|") }, Matches { Site("|lkml.iu.edu|") }, Matches { Site("|eclecticlight.co|") }, Matches { Site("|sam.zeloof.xyz|") }, Matches { Site("|cfenollosa.com|") }, Matches { Site("|stevelosh.com|") }, Matches { Site("|marctenbosch.com|") }, Matches { Site("|thehustle.co|") }, Matches { Site("|brendaneich.com|") }, Matches { Site("|42floors.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.alexmaccaw.com|") }, Matches { Site("|martinfowler.com|") }, Matches { Site("|freedom-to-tinker.com|") }, Matches { Site("|iphoneincanada.ca|") }, Matches { Site("|ir.tesla.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.asmartbear.com|") }, Matches { Site("|gameprogrammingpatterns.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blogs.msdn.com|") }, Matches { Site("|meteor.com|") }, Matches { Site("|segment.com|") }, Matches { Site("|goodnewsnetwork.org|") }, Matches { Site("|crypto101.io|") }, Matches { Site("|hintjens.com|") }, Matches { Site("|changelog.complete.org|") }, Matches { Site("|webkit.org|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.emacsen.net|") }, Matches { Site("|boringtechnology.club|") }, Matches { Site("|swombat.com|") }, Matches { Site("|berthub.eu|") }, Matches { Site("|erikbern.com|") }, Matches { Site("|theregister.com|") }, Matches { Site("|learnpythonthehardway.org|") }, Matches { Site("|dynomight.net|") }, Matches { Site("|danshipper.com|") }, Matches { Site("|kennethreitz.org|") }, Matches { Site("|jefftk.com|") }, Matches { Site("|idiallo.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.burntsushi.net|") }, Matches { Site("|roguelazer.com|") }, Matches { Site("|beej.us|") }, Matches { Site("|destroyallsoftware.com|") }, Matches { Site("|eev.ee|") }, Matches { Site("|konklone.com|") }, Matches { Site("|twilio.com|") }, Matches { Site("|outsideonline.com|") }, Matches { Site("|chrisstucchio.com|") }, Matches { Site("|themarkup.org|") }, Matches { Site("|nobelprize.org|") }, Matches { Site("|samcurry.net|") }, Matches { Site("|phoboslab.org|") }, Matches { Site("|media.ccc.de|") }, Matches { Site("|tom.preston-werner.com|") }, Matches { Site("|iism.org|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.joinmastodon.org|") }, Matches { Site("|accc.gov.au|") }, Matches { Site("|ianstormtaylor.com|") }, Matches { Site("|imperialviolet.org|") }, Matches { Site("|ridiculousfish.com|") }, Matches { Site("|developers.googleblog.com|") }, Matches { Site("|theparisreview.org|") }, Matches { Site("|michaeleisen.org|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.nuclino.com|") }, Matches { Site("|universityofcalifornia.edu|") }, Matches { Site("|gravitational.com|") }, Matches { Site("|zserge.com|") }, Matches { Site("|observablehq.com|") }, Matches { Site("|mathoverflow.net|") }, Matches { Site("|joyent.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.kevmod.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.heroku.com|") }, Matches { Site("|strongtowns.org|") }, Matches { Site("|nextjs.org|") }, Matches { Site("|icij.org|") }, Matches { Site("|ifixit.com|") }, Matches { Site("|windytan.com|") }, Matches { Site("|servethehome.com|") }, Matches { Site("|grumpy.website|") }, Matches { Site("|bitwarden.com|") }, Matches { Site("|distill.pub|") }, Matches { Site("|craftinginterpreters.com|") }, Matches { Site("|lord.io|") }, Matches { Site("|eso.org|") }, Matches { Site("|codersnotes.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.regehr.org|") }, Matches { Site("|highscalability.com|") }, Matches { Site("|toddwschneider.com|") }, Matches { Site("|slatestarcodex.com|") }, Matches { Site("|cloudflarestatus.com|") }, Matches { Site("|cnx-software.com|") }, Matches { Site("|statnews.com|") }, Matches { Site("|reneweconomy.com.au|") }, Matches { Site("|jwz.org|") }, Matches { Site("|ncase.me|") }, Matches { Site("|metzdowd.com|") }, Matches { Site("|edu.mkrecny.com|") }, Matches { Site("|mastermind.atavist.com|") }, Matches { Site("|laphamsquarterly.org|") }, Matches { Site("|therecord.media|") }, Matches { Site("|salon.com|") }, Matches { Site("|howacarworks.com|") }, Matches { Site("|paulstamatiou.com|") }, Matches { Site("|eloquentjavascript.net|") }, Matches { Site("|nathanmarz.com|") }, Matches { Site("|explained.ai|") }, Matches { Site("|golang.org|") }, Matches { Site("|99percentinvisible.org|") }, Matches { Site("|restoreprivacy.com|") }, Matches { Site("|ycombinator.com|") }, Matches { Site("|joshwcomeau.com|") }, Matches { Site("|easydns.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.racket-lang.org|") }, Matches { Site("|ctrl.blog|") }, Matches { Site("|bjk5.com|") }, Matches { Site("|refactoringui.com|") }, Matches { Site("|reactos.org|") }, Matches { Site("|matthias-endler.de|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.usejournal.com|") }, Matches { Site("|deprocrastination.co|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.llvm.org|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.keras.io|") }, Matches { Site("|markodenic.com|") }, Matches { Site("|tirania.org|") }, Matches { Site("|copetti.org|") }, Matches { Site("|interviewcake.com|") }, Matches { Site("|newatlas.com|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.okcupid.com|") }, Matches { Site("|smallstep.com|") }, Matches { Site("|act.eff.org|") }, Matches { Site("|extremetech.com|") }, Matches { Site("|kottke.org|") }, Matches { Site("|aeon.co|") }, Matches { Site("|blog.printf.net|") }, Matches { Site("|johndcook.com|") }, Matches { Site("|community.letsencrypt.org|") }, Matches { Site("|hashicorp.com|") }, Matches { Site("|thewaltdisneycompany.com|") }, Matches { Site("|haiku-os.org|") }, Matches { Site("|scotthelme.co.uk|") }, Matches { Site("|gamasutra.com|") }, Matches { Site("|cdixon.org|") }, Matches { Site("|azeria-labs.com|") }, Matches { Site("|stevehanov.ca|") }, Matches { Site("|calebporzio.com|") }, Matches { 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