== Changelog == = 8.0.1 = * Added a new filter "cartbounty_cart_cooldown_period" to change the cooldown period preventing the creation of a new abandoned cart during the same session after a user has already placed an order * Fixed minor issue with updating from older CartBounty versions * Fixed PHP warning related with displaying Top abandoned products = 8.0 = * Added a Dashboard including Abandoned cart reports and Top abandoned products * Added duplicate abandoned cart removal after placing an order * Added date time localization * Improved "Remember checkout fields" feature - input field restoration * Minor improvement for abandoned cart data saving on WooCommerce Checkout form * Compatibility improvements with PHP8 * Code refactoring = = * Compatibility improvements with PHP8 = 7.3 = * Added support for saving abandoned carts via custom email fields * Improved system report = 7.2.1 = * Improved checkout form data storage * Reduced the size of the Exit Intent animated image = 7.2 = * Increased maximum abandoned cart sync period from 30 to 100 days * Improved emoji support * Fixed anonymous and recoverable cart count update * Fixed a warning if email input field missing from Checkout page * Fixed WordPress email loop issue when an email could not be delivered = 7.1.6 = * Moving away from WP Cron in favour of Action Scheduler for improved efficiency * Improved product title storage (HTML tag removal) * Improved newly abandoned cart counter next to CartBounty admin menu * Improved domain retrieval function * Code refactoring = = * Improved order handling * Improved automation step creation * Compatibility improvements with PHP8 = 7.1.5 = * Improved abandoned cart table design * Improved performance and efficiency of Exit Intent technology * Minor abandoned cart order handling update = 7.1.4 = * Exit Intent CSS update * Code refactoring = 7.1.3 = * Improved security * Code refactoring = = * Improved abandoned cart list ordering * Code refactoring = = * Added Active Theme data to system report = = * Minor user experience improvements * Improved variable product image function = = * Code refactoring = = * Improved screen options = = * Improvements for RTL languages = = * Minor WordPress recovery steps improvement = = * Compatibility improvements with PHP8 = 7.1.2 = * Added RTL support = 7.1.1 = * Option to upgrade and send abandoned cart SMS text messages using BulkGate * Fixed minor bug related to missing server name * Code refactoring = 7.1 = * Improved data output security * Compatibility improvements with PHP8 * Minor code cleanup = 7.0.8 = * General improvement of plugin actions and filters * Fixed issues caused by admin_body_class filter * Minor fix for admin email notifications = = * Code cleanup = 7.0.7 = * Improved admin email notification design * Template override information included in system status report = 7.0.6 = * Added option to edit the contents of Exit Intent * Improved how prices are displayed - will match the default WooCommerce currency settings * Fixed tax rounding issue = 7.0.5 = * Improved event schedule functions * Minor visual improvements * Fixed abandoned cart table footer Bulk delete feature = 7.0.4 = * Improved Exit Intent template * Improved translations = 7.0.3 = * Improved order handling function * Refactored all update functions = = * Added additional description for status "New" * Added option to dismiss disabled WP Cron notice = 7.0.2 = * Abandoned cart contents will now display prices including taxes. Use "cartbounty_include_tax" filter to disable it * Improved WordPress recovery input field content options = = * Fixed cart removal bug after a new order created = 7.0.1 = * Fixed cart removal bug after a new order created = 7.0 = * Added WordPress recovery option for sending simple abandoned cart recovery emails * Added abandoned cart statuses (Shopping, New, Recovered and WP) * Added option for users with Shop manager role to close bubble window = 6.1.3 = * Improved compatibility with translation plugins * Added filter "cartbounty_waiting_time" to customize default waiting time after which the cart is considered abandoned * Improved Copy system report button UX = 6.1.2 = * Added option to export System status report * Admin notification refactoring * Fixed a minor bug counting recoverable carts = 6.1.1 = * Fixed a minor bug when trying to Bulk delete a row without selecting any row = 6.1 = * Exit Intent template labels replaced with placeholders * Replaced 2 previous hooks responsible for removing abandoned carts after order creation with a single hook * Fixed minor hiccup with saving Grouped products * Slight visual Exit Intent design improvements = 6.0 = * Overall design, UI / UX improvements * Moved CartBounty menu closer to WooCommerce Orders section * Fixed issue with saving abandoned carts without an email field present in the checkout form * Fixed issue with abandoned cart count next to CartBounty menu with disabled anonymous carts = 5.0.4 = * Code cleanup = 5.0.3 = * Added individual product prices in the Cart contents column * Improved "Remember user input" function for authorized users who edit their account details = 5.0.2 = * Added filter "cartbounty_from_email" to change the From email address that sends out notifications about abandoned carts * Added country name to country code in Location column. Hover over country code to view its name * Added link to user's profile page for registered abandoned cart users in the "Name, Surname" column * Fixed issue with adding a manual WooCommerce order * Code cleanup = 5.0.1 = * CartBounty database table name renamed from "captured_wc_fields" to "cartbounty" = 5.0 = * Added option to save and view anonymous carts * Added option to filter between anonymous and recoverable carts * Added screen options tab = 4.7 = * Added option to replace the default Exit Intent image via admin panel * Minor visual design updates * Other minor fixes = 4.6.1 = * Fixed conflict issue with WP Cron schedules = 4.6 = * Introduced Compact abandoned Cart contents with product thumbnails * Added Postcode to location output * Fixed abandoned cart sorting by Name and added sorting by Email and Phone number * Improved Time column output in a more user-friendly way (hover to see get the exact time) = 4.5.1 = * Improved abandoned cart removal after order completion * Abandoned cart time calculations changed to local time * Removed link to product in the Cart contents column in case the product no longer exists = 4.5 = * Added option to move email field higher in the checkout form * Changed the script loading hook from "woocommerce_after_checkout_form" to "woocommerce_before_checkout_form" = 4.4.1 = * Translation files updated = 4.4 = * Fixed issue when an additional abandoned cart was left after a user logged in * Added a function that removes duplicate abandoned carts of registered users = 4.3.1 = * Fixed issue when restoring state field for logged in users = 4.3 = * Added email notifications about newly abandoned carts * Added option to set notification frequency or disable notifications * Added option to set custom email address for notifications = 4.2 = * Improved function that restores checkout fields after user logged in = 4.1 = * Fixed cart content saving if product's title contains HTML tags = 4.0 = * Baby's got a new name - please welcome CartBounty :) (ex. WooCommerce Live Checkout Field Capture) * All class names and hooks changed = 3.3 = * Improved database query security * Optimized plugin load time * Minor content updates = 3.2.1 = * Minor content updates = 3.2 = * Fixed issue when saving City data for logged in users * Fixed PHP notices if checkboxes were not defined = 3.1 = * Added support for Checkout form checkboxes = 3.0 = * Added Exit Intent popup * Added Instant shopping cart capture for logged in users * Fixed total captured abandoned cart counter = 2.1 = * Added language support * Improved review bubble = 2.0.6 = * Improved review bubble = 2.0.5 = * Improved bubble display timing function = 2.0.4 = * Fixed PHP notice and a bug when working with WooCommerce orders within admin panel = 2.0.3 = * Updated Bubble timing function = 2.0.2 = * Fixed bug with Checkout form textarea field = 2.0.1 = * Modified "Remember user input" function. All Checkout form input fields are now triggering save data action = 2.0 = * Added "Remember user input" function that keeps user input in Checkout form until the Session has expired or user completes the Checkout * PHP default sessions functionality replaced by WooCommerce sessions = 1.5.2 = * Added additional hook for removing abandoned cart from the table once a corresponding WooCommerce order is created = 1.5.1 = * Added ability for Shop managers to access Abandoned carts = 1.5 = * Added ability to save abandoned carts via phone number input * Added function that collects and saves input field data if input fields already filled on Checkout page load = 1.4.3 = * Fixed bug when in some cases abandoned carts not being removed from table after reaching WooCommerce "Thank you" page = 1.4.2 = * Fixed bug related to notification output = 1.4.1 = * Fixed database update issue when upgrading to 1.4 = 1.4 = * Added notification near menu about newly abandoned carts (last 2 hours) * Added location registration (Country and City) * Added links on product titles in Cart content column * Added additional output for product variations = 1.3 = * Fixed issue when in some cases single abandoned cart was saved multiple times creating duplicate entries in the table = 1.2 = * Fixed minor database warnings and notices = 1.1 = * Fixed PHP and MySQL warnings and notices * Updated security requirements that were introduced in WooCommerce 3.0 = 1.0 = * Birthday