-- by stupidproarsenal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- if you take anything from here credits would be appreciated. local MacLib = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://github.com/biggaboy212/Maclib/releases/latest/download/maclib.txt"))() local Window = MacLib:Window({ Title = "Stats Simulation", Subtitle = "Muscle Legends", Size = UDim2.fromOffset(868, 650), DragStyle = 2, DisabledWindowControls = {}, ShowUserInfo = false, Keybind = Enum.KeyCode.RightControl, AcrylicBlur = true, }) local TabGroup = Window:TabGroup() local Tab = TabGroup:Tab({ Name = "Main", Image = "0" }) local Section = Tab:Section({ Side = "Left" }) local Section2 = Tab:Section({ Side = "Right" }) local pet_state = { Name = "what"; Strength = 0; Durability = 0; Agility = 0; Damage = 0; EXP = 0; }; Section2:Label({ Text = "Made by StupidProArsenal", }, "TargetInput") Section:Label({ Text = "Press ENTER to apply each values. The UI Library probably doesn't have focus lost textbox, i'm not sure.", }, "TargetInput") Section:Input({ Name = "Pet name (required)", Placeholder = "Number", AcceptedCharacters = "All", Callback = function(input) pet_state.Name = input end, }, "TargetInput") Section:Input({ Name = "Strength of the pet", Placeholder = "Number", AcceptedCharacters = "All", Callback = function(input) pet_state.Strength = input end, }, "TargetInput") Section:Input({ Name = "Durability of the pet", Placeholder = "Number", AcceptedCharacters = "All", Callback = function(input) pet_state.Durability = input end, }, "TargetInput") Section:Input({ Name = "Agility of the pet", Placeholder = "Number", AcceptedCharacters = "All", Callback = function(input) pet_state.Agility = input end, }, "TargetInput") Section:Input({ Name = "Damage of the pet", Placeholder = "Number", AcceptedCharacters = "All", Callback = function(input) pet_state.Damage = input end, }, "TargetInput") Section:Input({ Name = "EXP of the pet", Placeholder = "Number", AcceptedCharacters = "All", Callback = function(input) pet_state.EXP = input end, }, "TargetInput") Section:Button({ Name = "Apply", Callback = function() -- check moment, gets all pets btw local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer for i, v in ipairs(player:FindFirstChild("petsFolder"):GetDescendants()) do if v.Name == pet_state.Name then local pet = v local perks_folder = pet.perksFolder local str = perks_folder:FindFirstChild("strength") local dur = perks_folder:FindFirstChild("durability") local agi = perks_folder:FindFirstChild("agility") local dmg = perks_folder:FindFirstChild("damage") local exp = pet:FindFirstChild("exp") if str then str.Value = pet_state.Strength end if dur then dur.Value = pet_state.Durability end if agi then agi.Value = pet_state.Agility end if dmg then dmg.Value = pet_state.Damage end if exp then exp.Value = pet_state.EXP end print("Applied stats to the pet.") end end end, })