/* ==UserStyle== @name GitHub Dark Custom Blame @namespace StylishThemes @version 2.0.12 @description A style that allows fine grained blame element user customization. @author StylishThemes and contributors @homepageURL https://github.com/StylishThemes/Feature-Override-Styles/ @supportURL https://github.com/StylishThemes/Feature-Override-Styles/issues/new/choose @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StylishThemes/Feature-Override-Styles/master/github-dark-custom-blame.user.css @license MIT @var color base-color-rgb "Base color scheme" rgba(79, 140, 201, 1) @var color commit-date-color "Commit date color" #bebebe @var checkbox use-date-color "Use commit date color" 1 @var text legend-block-size "Legend block size" 10px @var text legend-blk-radius "Legend block radius" 2px @var text blame-border-width "Blame border width" 3px @preprocessor stylus ==/UserStyle== */ @-moz-document domain("github.com") { .line-age-legend .heat { width: legend-block-size height: legend-block-size margin: 2px 0 0 border-radius: legend-blk-radius } .heat { &[data-heat="1"] { background: rgba(base-color-rgb, 1) } &[data-heat="2"] { background: rgba(base-color-rgb, .9) } &[data-heat="3"] { background: rgba(base-color-rgb, .8) } &[data-heat="4"] { background: rgba(base-color-rgb, .7) } &[data-heat="5"] { background: rgba(base-color-rgb, .6) } &[data-heat="6"] { background: rgba(base-color-rgb, .5) } &[data-heat="7"] { background: rgba(base-color-rgb, .4) } &[data-heat="8"] { background: rgba(base-color-rgb, .3) } &[data-heat="9"] { background: rgba(base-color-rgb, .2) } &[data-heat="10"] { background: rgba(base-color-rgb, .1) } } .blame-commit { &[data-heat="1"] { border-right: blame-border-width solid rgba(base-color-rgb, 1) } &[data-heat="2"] { border-right: blame-border-width solid rgba(base-color-rgb, .9) } &[data-heat="3"] { border-right: blame-border-width solid rgba(base-color-rgb, .8) } &[data-heat="4"] { border-right: blame-border-width solid rgba(base-color-rgb, .7) } &[data-heat="5"] { border-right: blame-border-width solid rgba(base-color-rgb, .6) } &[data-heat="6"] { border-right: blame-border-width solid rgba(base-color-rgb, .5) } &[data-heat="7"] { border-right: blame-border-width solid rgba(base-color-rgb, .4) } &[data-heat="8"] { border-right: blame-border-width solid rgba(base-color-rgb, .3) } &[data-heat="9"] { border-right: blame-border-width solid rgba(base-color-rgb, .2) } &[data-heat="10"] { border-right: blame-border-width solid rgba(base-color-rgb, .1) } } if use-date-color { .blame-commit-date[data-heat] { color: commit-date-color !important } } else { .blame-commit-date { &[data-heat="1"] { color: rgba(base-color-rgb, 1) } &[data-heat="2"] { color: rgba(base-color-rgb, .9) } &[data-heat="3"] { color: rgba(base-color-rgb, .8) } &[data-heat="4"] { color: rgba(base-color-rgb, .7) } &[data-heat="5"] { color: rgba(base-color-rgb, .6) } &[data-heat="6"] { color: rgba(base-color-rgb, .5) } &[data-heat="7"] { color: rgba(base-color-rgb, .4) } &[data-heat="8"] { color: rgba(base-color-rgb, .3) } &[data-heat="9"] { color: rgba(base-color-rgb, .2) } &[data-heat="10"] { color: rgba(base-color-rgb, .1) } } } }