1.2 ============================= plugin for Sublime Text 2 A plugin using the features of []( * Can insert an image tag with dummy image * Can store images locally to improve development speed and limit requests * Can insert any sized image tag with dummy image * Can browse and insert locally stored images * Text, Colors and Size can all be configured in the settings ## Changelog ### Version 1.2 * Fixed bug where plugin crashed if failed to store image locally. * Plugin will echo informative error messages in console when failing to access or store images locally * When failing to store images locally, plugin will fall back to URL. * New setting `ph_save_local`. 0 = Do not save locally. 1 = Save locally. * The document you're working with must exist. Meaning, it need to have a file name. ### Version 1.1 * Can now store dummy images locally * Can browse locally stored images * Settings for adding a list of different custom sizes * Check the settings file for new settings * Better readme file ### Version 1.0 * Initial release ## Installation ### Package Control If you have [Package Control]( installed * search for " Image Tag Generator" to install it ### Using Git Go to your Sublime Text 2 Packages directory and clone the repository using the command below: git clone ### Download Manually * Download the files using the GitHub .zip download option * Unzip the files and rename the folder to ` Image Tag Generator` * Copy the folder to your Sublime Text 2 `Packages` directory ## How to use * Launch the Command Palette using the menu (Tools->Command Palette...) or short key-command Shift+Cmd+P * Be sure to look through the settings before use * Find Insert default size (for default sized image) * Find Insert custom size (to list your own custom set sizes) * Find Insert cached images (to browse and insert cached images) ## Settings Find the settings file in the menu: Sublime Text2 ~> Preferences ~> Package Settings ~> Snippet Fetcher ~> Settings * `ph_bgcolor` Change this to set your own background color (HEX value) * `ph_textcolor` Change this to set your own text color (HEX value) * `ph_size` The default size of the image, for quick insert * `ph_default_sizes` List of image sizes to insert * `ph_format` File format. You can use .png, .gif or .jpg * `ph_text` The text on the dummy image. Default is the size of the image * `ph_save_local` 1/0 if you want to save the dummy images locally * `ph_imagepath` The path for your image folder in your web project. This is where the dummy images is stored ### Using key-commands * p, h, tab (to insert image)