SublimeLinter-cppcheck ========================= [![Build Status](]( This linter plugin for [SublimeLinter]( provides an interface to [cppcheck]( It will be used with files that have the "C++" or "C" syntax. ## Installation SublimeLinter must be installed in order to use this plugin. Please use [Package Control]( to install the linter plugin. Before using this plugin, ensure that `cppcheck` is installed on your system. To install `cppcheck`, do one of the following: * Install `cppcheck` from your favorite package manager: ``` install cppcheck ``` * For Windows, you can download a copy from the [official site of cppcheck]( Once `cppcheck` is installed, ensure it is in your system PATH so that SublimeLinter can find it. The docs cover [troubleshooting PATH configuration]( ## Settings We have two settings sections. 'cppcheck' for c files, and 'cppcheck++' to configure the linter for c++ files. E.g. ``` { "linters": { "cppcheck": { ... }, "cppcheck++": { ... } } }, ``` `--language=` is set automatically to `c` or `c++`. - SublimeLinter settings: - Linter settings: Additional SublimeLinter-cppcheck settings: |Setting|Description| |:------|:----------| |std|Set the language standard used.| |enable|A comma-delimited list of checks to enable. Defaults to `style`.| ### Examples For ``enable``, you can use a single string (ex: ``"style,unusedFunction"``), or an array of strings if not inline (ex: ``["style", "unusedFunction"]``). For ``std``, you can use a single string for a single value, but you have to use an array of strings for multiple values (ex. ``["c89", "c99"]``), which means you can't use multiple values in inline settings.