SublimeLinter-phpmd ========================= This linter plugin for [SublimeLinter]( provides an interface to [phpmd]( It will be used with files that have the "PHP", "HTML" and "HTML5" syntax. ## Installation ### Install `SublimeLinter` and `SublimeLinter-phpmd` Make sure [Package Control]( is installed. 1. Open the command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) 2. Type **Package Control: Install Package** and select it. 3. Type **SublimeLinter** and select it. 4. Repeat steps 1-3 typing **SublimeLinter-phpmd** in step 3. ### Install `phpmd` Choose one of the installation methods below. A local install allows you to fine-tune `phpmd` on a per-project basis. A global install is available system-wide. #### Local install with [Composer]( On a command line inside your project: ```bash composer require phpmd/phpmd ``` Inside Sublime, go to **Preferences -> Package Settings -> SublimeLinter -> Settings**. Set the `phpmd` executable by adding/editing: ```json "linters": { "phpmd": { "executable": "${folder}/vendor/bin/phpmd" } } ``` #### Global install with [Composer]( ```bash composer global require phpmd/phpmd ``` Make sure the composer global bin directory is available in $PATH: ```bash export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH ``` #### Global install with [PEAR]( ```bash pear channel-discover pear channel-discover pear install --alldeps phpmd/PHP_PMD ``` ## Settings - SublimeLinter settings: - Linter settings: ### Additional settings If you want to use a baseline file, the linter needs to run on the actual files instead of the temporary files we need for real-time "background" linting. Therefore, set the "real_file_mode" setting to true. ```json "linters": { "phpmd": { "real_file_mode": true } } ``` ### Rulesets You can configure rules via the `rulesets` setting. This can be a list of rules, or a path to a custom ruleset file. ```json "linters": { "phpmd": { "rulesets": "codesize,unusedcode,naming" } } ``` ```json "linters": { "phpmd": { "rulesets": "${folder}/phpmd.xml" } } ```