SublimeLinter-pylint ========================= [![Build Status](]( This linter plugin for [SublimeLinter]( provides an interface to [pylint]( It will be used with files that have the "python" syntax. ## Installation SublimeLinter must be installed in order to use this plugin. Please use [Package Control]( to install the linter plugin. Before using this plugin, ensure that `pylint` (1.0 or later) is installed on your system. To install `pylint`, do the following: 1. Install [Python]( and [pip]( If you plan to code in Python 3, you will need to install `pip` for Python 3 as well. 1. Install `pylint` by typing the following in a terminal, replacing ‘x’ with the minor version installed on your system: ```bash # For python 2.x [sudo] pip-2.x install pylint # For python 3.x [sudo] pip-3.x install pylint # On Windows, for python 2.x c:\Python2x\Scripts\pip.exe install pylint # On Windows, for python 3.x c:\Python3x\Scripts\pip.exe install pylint ``` Please make sure that the path to `pylint` is available to SublimeLinter. The docs cover [troubleshooting PATH configuration]( ## Settings - SublimeLinter settings: - Linter settings: Pylint can be configured using `.pylintrc` configuration files and inline comments, more information in [the pylint docs](