SublimeLinter-rubocop ========================= [![Build Status](]( This linter plugin for [SublimeLinter]( provides an interface to [rubocop]( It will be used with files that have the `ruby`, `ruby on rails`, `rspec`, `betterruby`, `better rspec`, `ruby experimental` or `cucumber steps` syntaxes. ## Installation SublimeLinter must be installed in order to use this plugin. Please use [Package Control]( to install the linter plugin. Before using this plugin, you must ensure that `rubocop` (0.34.0 or later) is installed on your system. To install `rubocop`, do the following: 1. Install [Ruby]( 1. Install `rubocop` by typing the following in a terminal: ``` [sudo] gem install rubocop ``` 1. If you are using `rvm` or `rbenv`, ensure that they are loaded in your shell’s correct startup file. See [here]( for more information. In order for `rubocop` to be executed by SublimeLinter, you must ensure that its path is available to SublimeLinter. The docs cover [troubleshooting PATH configuration]( ## Settings - SublimeLinter settings: - Linter settings: You can configure rubocop exactly the way you would from the command line, using `.rubocop.yml` configuration files. For more information, see the [rubocop documentation]( To override the config file path, you would add this to the Sublime Linter User Settings: ```json { "linters": { "rubocop": { "args": ["--config", "path/to/config.yml"] } } } ``` ### Bundler If you are using Bundler and would like to use the locked rubocop version (which will also allow you to use `inherit_gem` in `rubocop.yml`, in case you are inheriting from another gem in the project), you must set `use_bundle_exec` to true: ```json { "linters": { "rubocop": { "use_bundle_exec": true } } } ```