# Markdown Code Exporter A Sublime Text plugin that adds useful action buttons for handling code blocks in Markdown files. Currently supported actions: - __copy__: Copies the code block content to your clipboard. - __open in tab__: Opens the code block in a new tab with appropriate syntax highlighting. Screenshot: ![image](screenshots/screenshot-1.png) (Color scheme in the screenshot comes from MarkdownEditing plugin.) ## Installation - __Manual installation (zip):__ Download the [zip](https://github.com/SublimeText-Markdown/MarkdownCodeExporter/archive/refs/heads/main.zip) of the repo and extract into `Packages/MarkdownCodeExporter`. - __Manual installation (git):__ Go to `Packages` folder and `git clone https://github.com/SublimeText-Markdown/MarkdownCodeExporter MarkdownCodeExporter`. - __Package Control:__ Search for `MarkdownCodeExporter`. ## Usage The plugin automatically activates when you open a Markdown file. For each fenced code block, you'll see action buttons. The plugin dynamically reacts to your modifications in the file. ## License [MIT](LICENSE)