Excel Exec ========== Plugin for Sublime Text 2 to execute a command and redirect its output into a view. Usage ----- The following commands are accessible via the command palette: - Excel Exec: Execute in this window - Excel Exec: Execute in a new window ### Window commands #### excel_exec Executes a command according to the arguments passed. sublime.active_window().run_command('excel_exec', { 'cmd': 'ls' }) #### excel_exec_what Prompts the user for the command to launch. sublime.active_window().run_command('excel_exec_what', { 'inline': False }) Parameters ---------- - `cmd (string|list)`: the command to execute - `inline (bool)`: if false the command output will be displayed in a new window - `path (string)`: the environment variable $PATH to use - `shell (bool)`: if true executes the command through a shell - `working_dir (string)`: the directory the command has to be executed in - `encoding (string)`: the encoding of the command output - `env (dict)`: environment variables to set before the command runs - `quiet (bool)`: enable display of extra information Installation ------------ Clone this repository into the Packages directory. If you don't know where it is, enter the following command in the console: print sublime.packages_path() _To access the console press CTRL + `_ Note ---- This plugin is based on the Exec command shipped with Sublime Text. License ------- Licensed under the [MIT License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)