# Description This plugin has a syntax, completions, and snippets for working with Mojolicious (http://mojolicious.org) Embedded Perl templates. # Completions Inside a Embedded Perl block the following completions are available: `<%` `<%=` `<%==` `app` `content` `content_for` `dumper` `extends` `include` `flash` `layout` `layout` `memorize` `param` `session` `stash` `url_for` `title` `base_tag` `check_box` `file_field` `form_for` `hidden_field` `input_tag` `javascript` `link_to` `password_field` `radio_button` `select_field` `stylesheet` `submit_button` `tag` `text_area` `text_field` # Perl Snippets From a Mojolicious controller you can use these snippets: `debug` -> `$self->app->log->debug(${1:'debug message'});` `error` -> `$self->app->log->error(${1:'error message'});` `mdump` -> `$self->app->log->debug($self->dumper(${1:object}));` # Todo * Default everything not in a Mojolicious block to HTML * Add (more) stuff for Mojo::Lite * Add Mojolicious helpers for inside Perl source * Make awesomer # Changelog ## June 28, 2012 * Resolved Issue #3 (and Issue #2). Adjusting syntax to use `source.js` and `source.css` syntax inside javascript/stylesheet blocks. * Set a scope name (*entity.name.function.mojo*) on `begin` and `end` within EP tags ## June 25, 2012 * Resolved Issue #1. Added `JSON-tmLanguage` and `tmLanguage` syntaxes for Mojolicious' Embedded Perl in Perl `__DATA__` sections.