# Info Sublime Text plugin to browse and edit files over sftp/ssh2 - Uses the power of the quick panel completions to browse around files - Automatically hooks into file saves and uploads after saving - Optionally, continues to spider the file tree populating the quick panel list # Installation 1. Download this package and save and extract to your packages folder. 2. Download and install PuTTY, preferably the whole package. - (PuTTYgen is needed to create keys) - (PuTTY is needed to save sessions, (host,username,key information) - (Pageant to manage those sessions) - http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html 3. Make psftp accessible to the plugin - Copy `psftp.exe` to `Mote\` #Usage ## Add Servers edit the `Mote\serves.json` file connection_string connection string that's going to be passed to psftp See http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.61/htmldoc/Chapter6.html#psftp-pubkey idle_recursive whether or not Mote should spider your sftp in the background default_path default path to `cd` into password password for sftp. Use this option if your PuTTY session name or password contains a space private_key path to private key. Remember to escape the `\` into `\\` NOTE: if you wish to place your password here, it cannot contain a '!' Due to limitations of psftp See http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.61/htmldoc/Chapter6.html#psftp-cmd-pling ### servers.json Make sure you have a valid json object here. http://jsonlint.com/ ```json { "SERVER_NICKNAME":{ "connection_string": "saved_putty_session_name", "idle_recursive": true }, "SERVER_NICKNAME2":{ "connection_string": "USERNAME@HOSTNAME_OR_IP", "password":"MYPASSWORD", "idle_recursive": false, "default_path": "iniital/path/to/open/to" }, "SERVER_NICKNAME3":{ "connection_string": "USERNAME@HOSTNAME_OR_IP", "password":"MYPASSWORD", "private_key":"C:\\PATH\\TO\\PRIVATE\\KEY.ppk", "idle_recursive": false, "default_path": "iniital/path/to/open/to" } } ``` ## Then Invoke Mote ### Run through the command palette Ctrl+Shift+P Mote Enter ### Or, Add to your keybinds ```json { "keys": ["ctrl+m"], "command": "mote" } ``` Then `Ctrl+m` ## Then browse around and edit - Browse around. The file list populates as you delve deeper into the file tree. - Click on a file to download to a temp folder and open it - Any saves on that file will automatically upload it.