# RSpec Package for Sublime Text 2/3 ## No longer actively maintained If anyone is willing to keep improving this package, please file an issue ## Description [RSpec][rspec] is a BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) testing framework for Ruby. This package adds support to Sublime Text 2 and 3 for specifying and testing Ruby applications with RSpec. It contains extra syntax highlighting and many snippets. [rspec]: http://rspec.info/ ## Installation Recommended: install via [Package Control][package-control]. Alternative (especially if you want to develop the package further): Clone (your fork of) the repository into your Sublime Text Packages directory. [package-control]: https://sublime.wbond.net/ ## Features * RSpec.tmLanguage: syntax rules made specially for RSpec * RSpec plugin automatically uses *RSpec language syntax* when you are in a RSpec file * RSpec.sublime-build: executing unit tests for the active module via the Sublime Text *Build* command * it chooses *RSpec* as the build command automatically when *RSpec* syntax is applied to the file * Command to create a new module and the spec for the module at the same time * Command to go to the corresponding spec / source file (shortcut: ctrl/command + .) * Large amount of *RSpec* snippets