# Revert Font Size package for Sublime Text [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/SublimeText/RevertFontSize.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/SublimeText/RevertFontSize) Helper plugin to quickly revert user's font size value. Can be executed via keyboard shortcut `Ctrl+0` (or `Super+0` for OS X). **Notes:** - Sublime Text 2 - To start using this package, configure it by adding the `revert_font_size` key to your user preferences (`Preferences >> Settings - User`) or by invoking the `Set the Value for Revert Font Size` command. - Sublime Text 3 - No additional work needed, the `revert_font_size` setting will be created automatically on initial load. ## Settings - `"revert_font_size": {font size}` Example `../User/Preferences.sublime-settings` file: ```json { "font_face": "Source Code Pro", "font_size": 14.0, "revert_font_size": 12.0 } ``` ## Keyboard Shortcuts
Command Windows OS X Linux
Revert Font Size Ctrl+0 Super+0 Ctrl+0
Set the Value for Revert Font Size Ctrl+Shift+0 Super+Shift+0 Ctrl+Shift+0