# Spacegray A set of custom UI themes for Sublime Text. It's all about hype and minimal. Comes in different flavors with accompanying [Base16](https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) color schemes. ### Themes #### Spacegray Default flavor based on Base16 Ocean Dark color scheme. ![image](screenshots/spacegray.png) #### Spacegray Light Light variation based on Base16 Ocean Light color scheme. ![image](screenshots/spacegray-light.png) #### Spacegray Eighties A variation based on Base16 Eighties Dark color scheme. ![image](screenshots/spacegray-eighties.png) #### Spacegray Mocha A variation based on Base16 Mocha Dark color scheme. ![image](screenshots/spacegray-mocha.png) #### Spacegray Oceanic A variation based on Base16 Oceanic Dark color scheme. ![image](screenshots/spacegray-oceanic.png) *The font used in the screenshots is [__Cascadia Code__](https://github.com/microsoft/cascadia-code).* *** ## Installation ### Via Package Control The easiest way to install is using [Sublime Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net), where Spacegray is listed as `Theme - Spacegray`. 1. Open Command Palette using menu item _Tools > Command Palette..._ (P on Mac) 2. Choose _Package Control: Install Package_ 3. Find `Theme - Spacegray` and hit Enter ### Manual You can also install the theme manually: 1. [Download the .zip](https://github.com/kkga/spacegray/archive/master.zip) 2. Unzip and rename the folder to `Theme - Spacegray` 3. Copy the folder into `Packages` directory, which you can find using the menu item `Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Browse Packages...` *** ## Activate Theme To select a theme call _UI: Select Theme_ from Command Palette. To select a color scheme call _UI: Select Color Scheme_ from Command Palette. Alternatively ajdust _Preferences.sublime-settings_ by calling _Preferences: Settings_ from Command Palette to one of the following pairs. #### Settings for Spacegray ```json { "theme": "Spacegray.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Base16 Ocean Dark.sublime-color-scheme" } ``` #### Settings for Spacegray Light ```json { "theme": "Spacegray Light.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Base16 Ocean Light.sublime-color-scheme" } ``` #### Settings for Spacegray Eighties ```json { "theme": "Spacegray Eighties.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Base16 Eighties Dark.sublime-color-scheme" } ``` #### Settings for Spacegray Mocha ```json { "theme": "Spacegray Mocha.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Base16 Mocha Dark.sublime-color-scheme" } ``` #### Settings for Spacegray Oceanic ```json { "theme": "Spacegray Oceanic.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Base16 Oceanic.sublime-color-scheme" } ``` *** ## Theme Customization Themes are customized either by adjusting predefined settings or by modifying global theme variables or rules. Open Command Palette and call one of: 1. _Preferences: Settings_ 2. _UI: Customize Theme_ ### Theme Variables #### Font Face Global font face is set to `"system"`. To customize font face, 1. open Command Palette 2. call _UI: Customize Theme_ 3. modify `"font_face"` variable #### Font Size Global font size is derived from _Preferences.sublime-settings > "font_size"_ by default. To customize font size, 1. open Command Palette 2. call _UI: Customize Theme_ 3. modify `"font_size"` variable ### Global Theme Settings To customize theme settings, 1. open Command Palette 2. call _Preferences: Settings_ #### Themed Title Bar Useful if you're using native OSX tabs since custom title bar breaks the native tabs. ```json "themed_title_bar": false, ``` #### Tabs Navigation Icons ```json "enable_tab_scrolling": false, ``` #### Tabs Close Buttons Hide tab close buttons: ```json "show_tab_close_buttons": false, ``` Display tab close buttons on the left: ```json "show_tab_close_buttons_on_left": true, ``` ### Spacegray Theme Settings To customize theme settings, 1. open Command Palette 2. call _Preferences: Settings_ #### Tabs Size Tabs height: ```json "theme.spacegray.tabs.height": "small" ``` ```json "theme.spacegray.tabs.height": "normal" ``` ```json "theme.spacegray.tabs.height": "large" ``` ```json "theme.spacegray.tabs.height": "xlarge" ``` Tabs width: ```json "theme.spacegray.tabs.auto_width": true ``` #### Sidebar Tree Row Height ```json "theme.spacegray.sidebar.row_height": "xsmall" ``` ```json "theme.spacegray.sidebar.row_height": "small" ``` ```json "theme.spacegray.sidebar.row_height": "normal" ``` ```json "theme.spacegray.sidebar.row_height": "large" ``` ```json "theme.spacegray.sidebar.row_height": "xlarge" ``` #### Sidebar File Icons ```json "theme.spacegray.sidebar.show_icons": true, ``` ![image](screenshots/spacegray-fileicons.png) #### Sidebar Item Label VCS Coloring ```json "theme.spacegray.sidebar.vcs_color_labels": true, ``` To also color expanded folders: ```json "theme.spacegray.sidebar.vcs_color_expanded": true, ``` Originally implemented in [Toxin](https://github.com/p3lim/sublime-toxin) by [@p3lim](https://github.com/p3lim). *** ### Thanks The Spacegray Eighties variation is contributed by [Yoshua Wuyts](https://github.com/yoshuawuyts).