# Status Bar File Size Displays file size in the Sublime Text status bar. Where possible, the size is queried from the file system. If this information is not available -- e.g. for a buffer that was modified and not yet saved -- the file size is estimated from the buffer contents and chosen encoding. Additionally, the file size after DEFLATE compression, as used by gzip, can be enabled in the settings. ## Installation Use [Package Control][pkgctrl]. This package only supports Sublime Text 3 and 4. [pkgctrl]: https://packagecontrol.io ## Configuration The default and user configuration files can be accessed from the Sublime Text menu bar, *Preferences -> Package Settings -> Status Bar File Size*. ## About The source code is available on [GitHub][src] and licensed under a BSD 3-Clause License. [src]: https://github.com/SublimeText/StatusBarFileSize