![Tailwind CSS](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SublimeText/TailwindCSS/master/assets/screen.png) # Tailwind CSS A [Sublime Text](http://www.sublimetext.com) CSS syntax extension with support for [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com) _Requires ST 4092 or higher._ ## Install **Package Control:** 1. Open `Command Palette` using menu item `Tools → Command Palette` or `CMD/CTRL` + `SHIFT` +`P`. 2. Choose `Package Control: Install Package`. 3. Type `Tailwind CSS` and press `ENTER`. **Manually:** 1. Download latest release and unzip. it into your Packages folder. 2. Go to `Sublime Text → Preferences → Browse Packages`. 3. Move folder to inside and rename the folder to `Tailwind CSS`. ## Usage This syntax is assigned to files which end with `tailwind.css` by default. You need to assign it to ordinary `*.css` files manually. 1. Click onto the syntax name in the status bar 2. Navigate to the sub menu `Open all with current extension as...` 3. Click on `Tailwind CSS`. ## Related Extensions - [LSP-tailwindcss](https://github.com/sublimelsp/LSP-tailwindcss) ## Troubleshooting Tailwind CSS extends Sublime Text's CSS syntax definitions. If Tailwind CSS syntax highlighting doesn't work and console displays syntax errors in _Tailwind CSS.sublime-syntax_, please make sure to remove any out-dated syntax override. Steps: 1. call _Menu > Preferences > Browse Packages.._ 2. Look for _CSS_ folders 3. Remove it or at least delete any syntax definition in it.