========= VintageEx ========= A rendition of Vim's command-line mode for Sublime Text 2. License ======= This whole package is distributed under the MIT license (see LICENSE.txt). Compatibility ============= VintageEx aims at full cross-platform compatibility. Howerver, I cannot test under OS X, so patches and feedback are welcome. Installation ============ Download the `latest version`_, put it under ``Installed Packages`` and restart Sublime Text. .. _latest version: https://bitbucket.org/guillermooo/vintageex/downloads/VintageEx.sublime-package .. TOOD: add link to Vintage's help file **VintageEx doesn't replace Vintage**: To use vi key bindings, you need to enable the `Vintage`_ package (shipped with Sublime Text and *ignored* by default). .. _Vintage: http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/2/vintage.html VintageEx extends the vi-like functionality provided py Vintage by adding a command-line mode that tries to remain close to Vim's. Also, because VintageEx uses commands in the Vintage package, this package must be under your ``Packages`` folder with that name. This is mostly important to keep in mind if you contribute code to Vintage and have deleted the original package. Overview ======== To open the command line, press ``:``. VintageEx offers tab completion of top-level commands, so you can type a letter and press `Tab` to cycle through available commands. To see the implemented commands, you can look through ``ex_commands.py``. Configuration ============= These settings should be stored in your personal preferences (*Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings*). **vintageex_linux_shell** The name of the shell through which commands should be executed (``bash``, ``ksh``, etc.). If empty, the ``$SHELL`` variable will be read when a shell is needed. **vintageex_linux_terminal** The name of the preferred terminal emulator (``gnome-terminal``, ``xterm``, etc.). If empty, the variables ``$COLORTERM`` and ``$TERM`` will be read in turn when a terminal is needed. Donations ========= If you want to show your appreciation, you can tip me through Gittip: guillermooo_. .. _guillermooo: http://www.gittip.com/guillermooo/