This project is no longer maintained. The original author has abandoned it and replaced the repository with their theme for VS Code. This repository is a mirror of the last publicly known state.

![Material Theme]( [![GitHub tag](]( [![Downloads](]( [![Package Quality](]( [![Join the chat at](]( This theme brings the [Material Design]( visual language to your Sublime Text 3. If you have problems, first search for a similar issue and then report a [new one]( Please read the [Known Issues]( section before reporting a new one. Any issue that does not use the issue template and any issue related to the [known issues section]( will be automatically closed. # Easy installation You can install this awesome theme through the [Package Control]( 1. Press ⌘/Ctrl + ⇧ + P to open the command palette. 2. Type `Package Control: Install Package` and press enter. Then search for `Material Theme`. # Manual installation 1. Download the [latest release](, extract and rename the directory to **"Material Theme"**. 2. Move the directory inside your sublime `Packages` directory. **(Preferences > Browse packages...)** # Activate the theme You can active this theme from: - Command palette `Tools > Command Palette` (⌘/Ctrl + ⇧ + P) by typing `Material Theme: Activate theme`. - Context menu (Right click on the editor) and choose `Material Theme > Activate` - `Preferences > Packages Settings` and choose `Material Theme > Activate` You can also manually activate this theme by adding these lines to your user settings (**Preferences > Settings - User**): ```json "color_scheme": "Packages/Material Theme/schemes/Material-Theme.tmTheme", "theme": "Material-Theme.sublime-theme", ``` **NOTE:** Restart Sublime Text after activating the theme. # Configuration This theme provide a visual configuration tool that allow you to configure the theme by activating the available options from an inline popup. Just right click in your editor and choose `Material Theme > Configuration`. You can also open the configurator from the command palette by searching `Material Theme > Configuration`. #### Advanced configuration If you like the advanced text text-configuration you can use it by the `Material Theme > Advanced configuration` command both from context menu and command palette. # Known issues Please see the issue [#67]( if you can't see the bottom panel (find/replace, rename, move, can't see the box inputs in SidebarEnhancement, etc..). here the quick fix: ![Drag the top edge]( # Addons #### File icons From release 4.0.0 this theme use [A File Icon]( package to display file icons. Please install the package and restart Sublime Text. # Theme options ```json // Accent "material_theme_accent_acid-lime" : true, // Set acid-lime accent color "material_theme_accent_blue" : true, // Set blue accent color "material_theme_accent_brba" : true, // Set Breaking Bad green accent color "material_theme_accent_bright-teal" : true, // Set bright-teal accent color "material_theme_accent_cyan" : true, // Set cyan accent color "material_theme_accent_graphite" : true, // Set graphite accent color "material_theme_accent_indigo" : true, // Set indigo accent color "material_theme_accent_lime" : true, // Set lime green accent color "material_theme_accent_orange" : true, // Set orange accent color "material_theme_accent_pink" : true, // Set pink accent color "material_theme_accent_purple" : true, // Set purple accent color "material_theme_accent_red" : true, // Set pale red accent color "material_theme_accent_sky" : true, // Set bright-cyan accent color "material_theme_accent_tomato" : true, // Set tomato red accent color "material_theme_accent_yellow" : true, // Set yellow accent color // Panels "material_theme_accent_scrollbars" : true, // Enable accent color for scrollbars "material_theme_accent_titlebar" : true, // Enable accent color for titlebar "material_theme_bright_scrollbars" : true, // Bright scrollbars puck color "material_theme_compact_panel" : true, // Set minimal padding for the search panel "material_theme_contrast_mode" : true, // Enable sidebar and panels contrast mode "material_theme_panel_separator" : true, // Show bottom panel separator "material_theme_small_statusbar" : true, // Set small status bar "material_theme_titlebar" : true, // Enable title bar (OS X 10.10+) // Sidebar "material_theme_arrow_folders" : true, // Replace folder icons with arrows "material_theme_big_fileicons" : true, // Show bigger file type icons "material_theme_bullet_tree_indicator" : true, // Set a bullet as active tree indicator "material_theme_compact_sidebar" : true, // Set compact sidebar "material_theme_disable_fileicons" : true, // Hide sidebar file type icons "material_theme_disable_folder_animation" : true, // Disable folder animation "material_theme_disable_tree_indicator" : true, // Disable sidebar file indicator // Tabs "material_theme_bold_tab" : true, // Make the tab labels bolder "material_theme_small_tab" : true, // Set small tabs "material_theme_tabs_autowidth" : true, // Enable autowidth for tabs "material_theme_tabs_separator" : true, // Show tabs separator, this disables tab hover animation // If you use Material Theme - Appbar addon, you can use this setting: "material_theme_tree_headings" : true, // Show sidebar headings ``` # Recommended settings for a better experience: ```json "always_show_minimap_viewport" : true, "bold_folder_labels" : true, "font_options" : ["gray_antialias", "subpixel_antialias"], // On retina Mac & Windows "indent_guide_options" : ["draw_normal", "draw_active"], // Highlight active indent "line_padding_bottom" : 3, "line_padding_top" : 3, "overlay_scroll_bars" : "enabled", ``` The font used for the code is "[Operator Mono](" You can also use the official Material Design monospace font "[Roboto Mono](" or "[Fira Code](". # Contributing > **Warning** > > Some dependencies of the build pipeline > potentially contain [dangerous code][] (read: security vulnerabilities) > because they have not been updated in a long time. > It is unknown how relevant this is for this repository in particular. > > *Proceed at your own discretion!* [dangerous code]: This UI theme uses a custom compiler build on Gulp and JS. If you want to edit the UI you must first install the compiler: 1. Install the `PackageDev` package to Sublime Text. 2. Then create a new symlink for the `subl` command following [this guide]( 3. Install all the required packages: ``` $ npm install ``` 4. then run compiler and watcher by run: ``` $ gulp ``` You can now edit the source files under `./sources` folder that will be compiled inside the root folder (don't edit compiled files). # Other Resources **App icon**: [Download]( the official Material Theme icon. **Sublime Material Icon Pack**: A set of Sublime Text icons heavily inspired by this theme and designed by @halacoglu [Download ]( it and enjoy a full Material Theme experience. # Official Portings Material Theme was also ported to: - Atom Editor: [atom-material-ui]( (by [@silvestreh]( and [material-ui]( (by [@leo]( - [IntelliJ IDEA]( (thanks to [@ChrisRM]( and [@mallowigi]( - [Vim]( (thanks to [@kristijanhusak]( - [Terminal OSX]( (thanks to [@mvaneijgen]( - [iTerm2]( (by [@Revod]( and [iTerm2 Palenight]( (by [@jonathanspeek]( - [ConEmu]( (thanks to [@rajadain]( - [Slack App]( ( #263238,#2e3a40,#80CBC4,#FFFFFF,#13191C,#ffffff,#50fa7b,#FF5555 ) - [Nylas N1]( (thanks to [@jackiehluo]( - [Base16]( (by [@ntpeters]( # Color Schemes palettes Color | Default / Lighter | Darker | --- | --- | --- | Red | `#FF5370` | `#E53935` | Pink | `#F07178` | `#FF5370` | Orange | `#F78C6C` | `#F76D47` | Yellow | `#FFCB6B` | `#FFB62C` | Green | `#C3E88D` | `#91B859` | Pale Blue | `#B2CCD6` | `#8796B0` | Cyan | `#89DDFF` | `#39ADB5` | Blue | `#82AAFF` | `#6182B8` | Purple | `#C792EA` | `#7C4DFF` | Violet | `#BB80B3` | `#945EB8` | Brown | `#AB7967` | `#AB7967` | ## Thanks Thanks for all the [contributors]( Check the video review by **LevelUpTuts** # Video review [![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](](