8 "Increase FOV" 80000008 Auto Assembler Script [ENABLE] //code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat alloc(increaseFOV,2048) label(VALUE_Multiplier) registersymbol(VALUE_Multiplier) label(codeIncreaseX) label(returnhereX) label(originalcodeFOVX) label(codeIncreaseY) label(originalcodeFOVY) label(returnhereY) //allocated memory increaseFOV: VALUE_Multiplier: dd (float)1.3333334 //this is a multiplier which multiplies displayed FOV codeIncreaseX: //injected code so that FOV X is multiplied fld [VALUE_Multiplier] fmulp st(1),st(0) originalcodeFOVX: //original code and return push esi fld dword ptr [eax+00000E14] jmp returnhereX codeIncreaseY: //injected code to multiply FOV Y fld [VALUE_Multiplier] fmulp st(1),st(0) originalcodeFOVY: //original code fld dword ptr [eax+00000E14] jmp returnhereY //replaced code for FOV X "AN2.dat"+58A56: jmp codeIncreaseX nop nop returnhereX: //replace code for FOV Y "AN2.dat"+58A82: jmp codeIncreaseY nop returnhereY: [DISABLE] //code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat dealloc(increaseFOV) "AN2.dat"+58A56: push esi fld dword ptr [eax+00000E14] "AN2.dat"+58A82: fld dword ptr [eax+00000E14] unregistersymbol(VALUE_Multiplier)