14 "EVERYTHING" 80000008 Auto Assembler Script [ENABLE] //code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat alloc(newmem,4096) label(VALUE_FOV_Multiplier) registersymbol(VALUE_FOV_Multiplier) label(multiplyFOV) label(VALUE_ASPECTRATIO_Multiplier) registersymbol(VALUE_ASPECTRATIO_Multiplier) label(multiplyAspectRatio) label(divideMenuFont) label(divideInGameFont) label(returnFOV) label(returnAspect) label(returnMenuFont) label(returnGameFont) newmem: VALUE_FOV_Multiplier: dd (float)1.33334 //Keep the same as AspectRatio multiplier for Hor+ FOV VALUE_ASPECTRATIO_Multiplier: //To get the value calculate: (width/heigh)/1.33333333334 dd (float)1.33334 multiplyFOV: movd xmm0,eax movd xmm1,[VALUE_FOV_Multiplier] mulss xmm0,xmm1 movd eax,xmm0 mov [ecx+0C],eax mov [ecx+10],edx jmp returnFOV multiplyAspectRatio: repe movsd push edi sub edi,C movd xmm0,[edi] movd xmm1,[VALUE_ASPECTRATIO_Multiplier] mulss xmm0,xmm1 movd [edi],xmm0 pop edi mov ecx,[Aqua.exe+26D100] jmp returnAspect divideMenuFont: fld dword ptr [esi+14] fdiv [VALUE_ASPECTRATIO_Multiplier] fmul dword ptr [eax] jmp returnMenuFont divideInGameFont: fmul dword ptr [esi+14] fdiv [VALUE_ASPECTRATIO_Multiplier] fld dword ptr [esi+18] jmp returnGameFont "Aqua.exe"+149CB1: jmp multiplyFOV nop returnFOV: "Aqua.exe"+44874: jmp multiplyAspectRatio nop nop nop returnAspect: "Aqua.exe"+125950: jmp divideMenuFont returnMenuFont: "Aqua.exe"+1257B4: jmp divideInGameFont nop returnGameFont: [DISABLE] //code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat dealloc(newmem) unregistersymbol(VALUE_FOV_Multiplier) unregistersymbol(VALUE_ASPECTRATIO_Multiplier) "Aqua.exe"+149CB1: mov [ecx+0C],eax mov [ecx+10],edx "Aqua.exe"+44874: repe movsd mov ecx,[Aqua.exe+26D100] "Aqua.exe"+125950: fld dword ptr [esi+14] fmul dword ptr [eax] "Aqua.exe"+1257B4: fmul dword ptr [esi+14] fld dword ptr [esi+18] //Alt: db 89 41 0C 89 51 10 32 "Change FOV" 80000008 Auto Assembler Script [ENABLE] //code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat alloc(newmem,2048) label(VALUE_FOV_Multiplier) registersymbol(VALUE_FOV_Multiplier) label(multiplyFOV) label(returnFOV) newmem: VALUE_FOV_Multiplier: dd (float)1.33334 multiplyFOV: movd xmm0,eax movd xmm1,[VALUE_FOV_Multiplier] mulss xmm0,xmm1 movd eax,xmm0 mov [ecx+0C],eax mov [ecx+10],edx jmp returnFOV "Aqua.exe"+149CB1: jmp multiplyFOV nop returnFOV: [DISABLE] //code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat dealloc(newmem) unregistersymbol(VALUE_FOV_Multiplier) "Aqua.exe"+149CB1: mov [ecx+0C],eax mov [ecx+10],edx 31 "Change Aspect" 80000008 Auto Assembler Script [ENABLE] //code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat label(VALUE_ASPECTRATIO_Multiplier) registersymbol(VALUE_ASPECTRATIO_Multiplier) label(multiplyAspectRatio) alloc(newmem,2048) label(returnhere) newmem: VALUE_ASPECTRATIO_Multiplier: //To get the number do: (width/heigh)/1.33333333334 dd (float)1.33334 multiplyAspectRatio: repe movsd push edi sub edi,C movd xmm0,[edi] movd xmm1,[VALUE_ASPECTRATIO_Multiplier] mulss xmm0,xmm1 movd [edi],xmm0 pop edi mov ecx,[Aqua.exe+26D100] jmp returnhere "Aqua.exe"+44874: jmp multiplyAspectRatio nop nop nop returnhere: [DISABLE] //code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat dealloc(newmem) unregistersymbol(VALUE_ASPECTRATIO_Multiplier) "Aqua.exe"+44874: repe movsd mov ecx,[Aqua.exe+26D100] //Alt: db F3 A5 8B 0D 00 D1 66 00 42 "MenuFix" 80000008 Auto Assembler Script [ENABLE] //code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat alloc(newmem,2048) label(multiplier) registersymbol(multiplier) label(code) label(returnhere) label(exit) newmem: //this is allocated memory, you have read,write,execute access multiplier: dd (float)1.33333 code: fld dword ptr [esi+14] fld [multiplier] fdivp st(1),st(0) fmul dword ptr [eax] exit: jmp returnhere "Aqua.exe"+125950: jmp code returnhere: [DISABLE] //code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat dealloc(newmem) unregistersymbol(multiplier) "Aqua.exe"+125950: fld dword ptr [esi+14] fmul dword ptr [eax] //Alt: db D9 46 14 D8 08 46 "FixInGameFonts" 80000008 Auto Assembler Script [ENABLE] //code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat alloc(newmem,2048) label(multiplier) registersymbol(multiplier) label(code) label(returnhere) label(exit) newmem: multiplier: dd (float)1.333333 code: //this is allocated memory, you have read,write,execute access fmul dword ptr [esi+14] fdiv [multiplier] fld dword ptr [esi+18] exit: jmp returnhere "Aqua.exe"+1257B4: jmp code nop returnhere: [DISABLE] //code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat unregistersymbol(multiplier) dealloc(newmem) "Aqua.exe"+1257B4: fmul dword ptr [esi+14] fld dword ptr [esi+18] //Alt: db D8 4E 14 D9 46 18 VALUE_FOV_Multiplier