from phBot import * from threading import Timer from time import sleep import phBotChat import QtBind import struct import random import json import os import time pName = 'sInventoryCounter' pVersion = '1.0' pUrl = "" # ______________________________ Initializing ______________________________ # # Graphic user interface gui = QtBind.init(__name__, pName) tbxLeaders = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui, "", 511, 11, 100, 20) lstLeaders = QtBind.createList(gui, 511, 32, 176, 48) btnAddLeader = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'btnAddLeader_clicked', " Add ", 612, 10) btnRemLeader = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'btnRemLeader_clicked', " Remove ", 560, 79) qm = "'" QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Type commands from the attached leader to check your entire party'+qm+'s inventory',12,12) QtBind.createLabel(gui, 'Command List:\n\ninv :\t Check the empty slots of the entire party'+qm+'s inventory\ngold :\t Check the gold of the whole party\nexp :\t Check the level and exp of the whole party\npouch :\t Check the pouch of the whole party (Specialty)\nlamp :\t Check the lamps in the inventory of the whole party\nsox :\t Check the sox items in your inventory. (except your gear) \n\n(w,a,s,acc) : Use one of the commands to check the elixirs in your inventory.', 15, 45) # ______________________________ Methods ______________________________ # # Return xControl folder path def getPath(): return get_config_dir() + pName + "\\" # Return character configs path (JSON) def getConfig(): return getPath() + inGame['server'] + "_" + inGame['name'] + ".json" # Check if character is ingame def isJoined(): global inGame inGame = get_character_data() if not (inGame and "name" in inGame and inGame["name"]): inGame = None return inGame # Load default configs def loadDefaultConfig(): # Clear data QtBind.clear(gui, lstLeaders) # Loads all config previously saved def loadConfigs(): loadDefaultConfig() if isJoined(): # Check config exists to load if os.path.exists(getConfig()): data = {} with open(getConfig(), "r") as f: data = json.load(f) if "Leaders" in data: for nickname in data["Leaders"]: QtBind.append(gui, lstLeaders, nickname) # Add leader to the list def btnAddLeader_clicked(): if inGame: player = QtBind.text(gui, tbxLeaders) # Player nickname it's not empty if player and not lstLeaders_exist(player): # Init dictionary data = {} # Load config if exist if os.path.exists(getConfig()): with open(getConfig(), 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) # Add new leader if not "Leaders" in data: data['Leaders'] = [] data['Leaders'].append(player) # Replace configs with open(getConfig(), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) QtBind.append(gui, lstLeaders, player) QtBind.setText(gui, tbxLeaders, "") log('Plugin: Leader added [' + player + ']') # Remove leader selected from list def btnRemLeader_clicked(): if inGame: selectedItem = QtBind.text(gui, lstLeaders) if selectedItem: if os.path.exists(getConfig()): data = {"Leaders": []} with open(getConfig(), 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) try: # remove leader nickname from file if exists data["Leaders"].remove(selectedItem) with open(getConfig(), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) except: pass # just ignore file if doesn't exist QtBind.remove(gui, lstLeaders, selectedItem) log('Plugin: Leader removed [' + selectedItem + ']') # Return True if nickname exist at the leader list def lstLeaders_exist(nickname): nickname = nickname.lower() players = QtBind.getItems(gui, lstLeaders) for i in range(len(players)): if players[i].lower() == nickname: return True return False def handleChatCommand(msg): # Try to split message args = msg.split(' ', 1) # Check if the format is correct and is not empty if len(args) != 2 or not args[0] or not args[1]: return # Split correctly the message t = args[0].lower() if t == 'private' or t == 'note': # then check message is not empty argsExtra = args[1].split(' ', 1) if len(argsExtra) != 2 or not argsExtra[0] or not argsExtra[1]: return args.pop(1) args += argsExtra # Check message type sent = False if t == "all": sent = phBotChat.All(args[1]) elif t == "private": sent = phBotChat.Private(args[1], args[2]) elif t == "party": sent = phBotChat.Party(args[1]) elif t == "guild": sent = phBotChat.Guild(args[1]) elif t == "union": sent = phBotChat.Union(args[1]) elif t == "note": sent = phBotChat.Note(args[1], args[2]) elif t == "stall": sent = phBotChat.Stall(args[1]) elif t == "global": sent = phBotChat.Global(args[1]) if sent: log('Plugin: Message "' + t + '" sent successfully!') def checkInv(arg): weapon = 0 protector = 0 accessory = 0 shield = 0 lamp = 0 dLamp = 0 sunItems = 0 items = [] items = get_inventory()['items'][13:] if items: for item in items: if item is not None: # log(item["name"]) if "Lv.11" in item['name'] and "(Weapon)" in item['name']: weapon += item['quantity'] if "Lv.11" in item['name'] and "(Armor)" in item['name']: protector += item['quantity'] if "Lv.11" in item['name'] and "(Accessory)" in item['name']: accessory += item['quantity'] if "Lv.11" in item['name'] and "(Shield)" in item['name']: shield += item['quantity'] if "Genie’s Lamp" in item['name']: lamp += item['quantity'] if "Dirty Lamp" in item['name']: dLamp += item['quantity'] if 'RARE' in item['servername'] and 'EVENT' not in item['servername'] and 'ARCHEMY' not in item[ 'servername']: sunItems += 1 pets = get_pets() if pets != []: for p in pets.keys(): pet = pets[p] if pet['type'] in 'pick': for petItems in pet['items']: if petItems != None: if "Lv.11" in petItems['name'] and "(Weapon)" in petItems['name']: weapon += petItems['quantity'] if "Lv.11" in petItems['name'] and "(Armor)" in petItems['name']: protector += petItems['quantity'] if "Lv.11" in petItems['name'] and "(Accessory)" in petItems['name']: accessory += petItems['quantity'] if "Lv.11" in petItems['name'] and "(Shield)" in petItems['name']: shield += petItems['quantity'] if "Genie’s Lamp" in petItems['name']: lamp += petItems['quantity'] if "Dirty Lamp" in petItems['name']: dLamp += petItems['quantity'] if 'RARE' in petItems['servername'] and 'EVENT' not in petItems[ 'servername'] and 'ARCHEMY' not in petItems['servername']: sunItems += 1 if arg == "Weapon": handleChatCommand("party Weapon " + str(weapon)) if arg == "Armor": handleChatCommand("party Armor " + str(protector)) if arg == "Accessory": handleChatCommand("party Accessory " + str(accessory)) if arg == "Shield": handleChatCommand("party Shield " + str(shield)) if arg == "Lamp": handleChatCommand("party Genie’s Lamp " + str(lamp) + " -- Dirty Lamp " + str(dLamp)) if arg == "Sox": handleChatCommand("party " + str(sunItems) + " parts Sox item") def checkGold(): gold = 0; chars = [] chars = get_character_data() if chars != []: gold += chars['gold'] goldS = format(gold, ",") handleChatCommand("party Gold " + str(goldS)) def checkExp(): data = get_character_data() currentExp = data['current_exp'] level = data['level'] maxExp = data['max_exp'] exp = float((100 * currentExp) / maxExp) handleChatCommand("party Level: " + str(level) + " - Exp: %" + str("{:.2f}".format(exp))) def ınventorySpace(): size = 0 usingSpace = 0 items = [] items = get_inventory()['items'][12:] size = get_inventory()['size'] - 12 if items != []: for item in items: if item != None: usingSpace += 1 size -= 1 usingSpace -= 1 handleChatCommand("party Empty Space " + str(size - usingSpace) + " ----> " + str(usingSpace) + "/" + str(size)) def specialtyGoodsBox(): i = 0 j = 0 pouch = get_job_pouch() items = [] items = get_job_pouch()["items"] if items != []: for item in items: j = j + 1 if item is not None: i = i + item["quantity"] handleChatCommand("party Specialty -> " + str(i) + " / " + str(j * 5)) def checkGuild(): items = [] items = get_guild_storage()['items'] sunItems = [0 for i in range(11)] moonItems = [0 for i in range(10)] sosItems = [0 for i in range(10)] if items != []: for item in items: if item != None: if 'RARE' in item['servername'] and 'EVENT' not in item['servername'] and 'ARCHEMY' not in item[ 'servername']: # split = item['servername'].split('_') log(item['servername']) # dg = int(str(split[4])) dg = [int(s) for s in item['servername'].split('_') if s.isdigit()][0] if dg < 11: if '_C_' in item['servername']: sunItems[dg - 1] += 1 elif '_B_' in item['servername']: moonItems[dg - 1] += 1 elif '_A_' in item['servername']: sosItems[dg - 1] += 1 else: if '_A_' in item['servername']: sunItems[10] += 1 i = 1 for x in sunItems: log(str(i) + " " + str(x) + "\t") i = i + 1 # ______________________________ Events ______________________________ # # Called when the bot successfully connects to the game server def connected(): global inGame inGame = None # Called when the character enters the game world def joined_game(): loadConfigs() # All chat messages received are sent to this function def handle_chat(t, player, msg): i = 0; j = 0; k = 0; l = 0; # Check player at leader list or a Discord message if player and lstLeaders_exist(player) or t == 100: if msg == "w": checkInv("Weapon") elif msg == "a": checkInv("Armor") elif msg == "s": checkInv("Shield") elif msg == "acc": checkInv("Accessory") elif msg == "lamp": checkInv("Lamp") elif msg == "gold": checkGold() elif msg == "inv": ınventorySpace() elif msg == "pouch": specialtyGoodsBox() elif msg == "G": checkGuild() elif msg == "sox": checkInv("Sox") elif msg == "exp": checkExp() # Called every 500ms # def event_loop(): # Plugin loaded log("Plugin: " + pName + " v" + pVersion + " successfully loaded") if os.path.exists(getPath()): # Adding RELOAD plugin support loadConfigs() else: # Creating configs folder os.makedirs(getPath()) log('Plugin: ' + pName + ' folder has been created')