gmESSI-Tools ========= ### Usage It is an sublime plugin for auto-completion and syntax coloring of ```.gmessi``` file of [gmESSI]( translator which is a finite element translator from [gmsh]( (a three-dimensional finite element mesh generator with built-in pre- and post-procESSIng facilities) to [REAL ESSI]( Davis Earthquake-Soil-Structure-Interaction Simmulator). gmESSI can be downloaded from git hub at []( ### Features 1. gmESSI-Tools provide **auto-completion** and **syntax highlighting** for ```.gmessi``` code. 3. It provides an *easy and quick inter-face* to translate .gmessi directly from sublime by pressing **CTRL+B** 5. The log of translation can in the sublime terminal itself 6. If the translation fails or there is any error, user can track and diagonose the error from ***** file which becomes automatically generated at the place of execution upon failure. ### Installation a) Open Sublime b) Go to Preference/Package Control c) Select Add Repository d) Enter the plugin github repo e) Again, open Preferences/Package Control f) Select Install Package g) Search for gmESSI-Tools and install it. --- [UCD CompGeoMech]( Created by: [Sumeet Kumar Sinha]( Request for adding features at