import json import httplib import base64,zlib import urlparse import boto3 import datetime import logging ################################################################## # Configuration # ################################################################## # Enter Sumo Http source endpoint here. sumoEndpoint = "" # include auxiliary data (e.g for assessment template, run, or target) in the collected event or not contextLookup = True ################################################################## # Main Code # ################################################################## up = urlparse.urlparse(sumoEndpoint) options = { 'hostname': up.hostname, 'path': up.path, 'method': 'POST' }; # Internal variables used for this Lambda function resourceMap = {'finding':{},'target':{},'run':{},'template':{}, 'rulesPackage':{}} # prepare logger logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # main function to send data to a Sumo HTTP source def sendSumo(msg, toCompress = False): conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(options['hostname']) if (toCompress): headers = {"Content-Encoding": "gzip"} finalData = compress(msg) else: headers = {"Content-type": "text/html","Accept": "text/plain"} finalData =msg headers.update({"X-Sumo-Client": "inspector-aws-lambda"}) conn.request(options['method'], options['path'], finalData,headers) response = conn.getresponse() conn.close() return (response.status,response.reason) # Simple function to compress data def compress(data, compresslevel=9): compress = zlib.compressobj(compresslevel, zlib.DEFLATED, 16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS, zlib.DEF_MEM_LEVEL, 0) compressedData = compress.compress(data) compressedData += compress.flush() return compressedData # This function looks up an Inspector object based on its arn and type. Returned object will be used to provide extra context for the final message to Sumo def lookup(objectId,objectType = 'run'): client = boto3.client('inspector') finalObj = None objectMap = resourceMap.get(objectType) if (objectMap is None): resourceMap[objectType]= objectMap = {} try: if (objectType=='run'): run = objectMap.get(objectId) if (run is None): runs = client.describe_assessment_runs(assessmentRunArns=[objectId]) if (runs is not None): run = runs['assessmentRuns'][0] # For run item, we only collect important properties objectMap[objectId] = finalObj = {'name':run['name'],'createdAt':'%s' % run['createdAt'], 'state':run['state'],'durationInSeconds':run['durationInSeconds'],'startedAt':'%s' % run['startedAt'],'assessmentTemplateArn':run['assessmentTemplateArn']} else: finalObj = run elif (objectType=='template'): template = objectMap.get(objectId) if (template is None): templates = client.describe_assessment_templates(assessmentTemplateArns=[objectId]) if (templates is not None): finalObj = objectMap[objectId] = templates['assessmentTemplates'][0] else: finalObj = template elif (objectType=='rulesPackage'): rulesPackage = objectMap.get(objectId) if (rulesPackage is None): rulesPackages = client.describe_rules_packages(rulesPackageArns=[objectId]) if (rulesPackages is not None): finalObj = objectMap[objectId] = rulesPackages['rulesPackages'][0] else: finalObj = rulesPackage elif (objectType=='target'): target = objectMap.get(objectId) if (target is None): targets = client.describe_assessment_targets(assessmentTargetArns=[objectId]) if (targets is not None): finalObj = objectMap[objectId] = targets['assessmentTargets'][0] else: finalObj = target elif (objectType == 'finding'): finding = objectMap.get(objectId) if (finding is None): findings = client.describe_findings(findingArns=[objectId]) if (findings is not None): finalObj = objectMap[objectId] = findings['findings'][0] else: finalObj = finding except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise return finalObj # simple utility function to deserialize datetime objects def json_deserializer(obj): if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): return obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') elif isinstance(obj, date): return obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) def sumo_inspector_handler(event, context): if ('Records' in event): for record in event['Records']: # get actual SNS message snsObj = record['Sns'] dataObj = {'Timestamp':snsObj['Timestamp'],'Message':snsObj['Message'],'MessageId':snsObj['MessageId']} msgObj = json.loads(snsObj['Message']) if (contextLookup): # do reverse lookup of each of the following items in Message: target, run, template. if ('template' in msgObj): lookupItem = lookup(msgObj['template'],'template') if (lookupItem is not None):"Got a template item back") msgObj['templateLookup']= lookupItem else: print("Could not lookup template: %s" % msgObj['template']) if ('run' in msgObj): lookupItem = lookup(msgObj['run'],'run') if (lookupItem is not None): msgObj['runLookup']= lookupItem else:"Could not lookup run: %s" % msgObj['run']) if ('target' in msgObj): lookupItem = lookup(msgObj['target'],'target') if (lookupItem is not None): msgObj['targetLookup']= lookupItem else:"Could not lookup target: %s" % msgObj['target']) if ('finding' in msgObj): # now query findings finding = lookup(msgObj['finding'],'finding') if (finding is not None): # now query rulesPackage inside the finding rulesPackage = lookup(finding['serviceAttributes']['rulesPackageArn'],'rulesPackage') if (rulesPackage is not None): finding['rulesPackageLookup'] = rulesPackage else:"Cannot lookup rulesPackageArn: %s"% finding['serviceAttributes']['rulesPackageArn']) msgObj['findingDetails'] = finding # construct final data object dataObj = {'Timestamp':snsObj['Timestamp'],'Message':msgObj,'MessageId':snsObj['MessageId']} # now send this object to Sumo side rs = sendSumo(json.dumps(dataObj,default=json_deserializer),toCompress=True) if (rs[0]!=200):'Error sending data to sumo with code: %d and message: %s '% (rs[0],rs[1])),default=json_deserializer)) else:"Sent data to Sumo successfully") else:'Unrecoganized data')