# Comments Aware Enter and Join Lines for Sublime Text 2/3 Hitting `Enter` in line comments will insert a proper indented comment marker for you. In its turn `Ctrl+J` (`Cmd+J` on OS X) joins comment lines removing comment markers and extraneous whitespace. This plugin is for **line comments only**, so it doesn't work with block ones. ## Thats cool, but can I use `smth + Enter` instead? Sure, just add one of the following lines to your User Preferences: ```js { ... "linecomments_ctrl_enter": true, "linecomments_alt_enter": true, "linecomments_shift_enter": true, "linecomments_super_enter": true, // Stands for Cmd on Mac OS X ... } ``` If any one of this options is used then plain `Enter` won't be captured, modified shortcut will be. ## Labels and bullets CommentAwareEnter will automatically create "-" bullet for you and autoindent after labels: ```python # TODO: Some thing, # other thing indented. # - nicely # - formatted list ``` To switch off label indent say this in your settings: ```js { ... "linecomments_label_indent": false, ... } ```